Favourite Co Op Games.

Having downloaded a few Xbox arcade games such as Perfect Dark and Castle Crashers, I have been reminded of just how ridiculously fun Co Operative mode can be. What are your favourites?

New Super Mario Bros Wii: If you have played this game, you understand why it is so fun, having a few drinks with some mates while playing 4 player can prove to become one of the most hilarious nights you have ever had with a game. In this one the team will only be as strong as the weakest player, and you can bet that your going to have one person who absolutely sucks at Mario, there are also players who steal powerups when they dont need them, and players who purposefully try to kill you. While a bit short, this is multiplayer at its best.

Rainbow Six - Vegas 2: Terrorist Hunt, its as simple as that. A more realistic shooter then the COD series (though not as realistic as Operation Flashpoint), Vegas 2 is one of those games where a single well placed bullet will kill you, cover is hugely emphasised in this series. Terrorist Hunt is for up to 4 players, in which choosing from a variety of maps such as a Villa or a Casino or a Theatre etc. choosing a difficulty (if you do anything less then realistic though, you should just turn the game off), and finally choosing from 15 to 30 terrorists to take out. Its simple, but playing it over and over, working together and creating strategies on the fly never gets old.

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