Favourite Christmas present! (Spolier Alert)


David French changed my life
Well its that time of year again when its time for the giving and receiving of presents under the pretence of celebrating the birth of "da baby Jesus". At the grand old age of 28, i'll be the first to admit that that once I found out the truth about Santa, (that he was a jolly fat man with a beard, but he lived in the same house as me and not the North Pole), Christmas lost its magic. So Christmas in my house revolves around the kids because they still believe (lucky gits).

However that got me to thinking, what was my favourite Xmas present of all time? For me, it was between two, firstly the WWF wrestling ring with the turnbuckle that bent back so you could fire the figures out of the corner, I have particular fondness for this because my sister sat on, and broke it the day after Xmas, and I still haven't forgiven her, and that was about 16 years ago so it might be time to let that one go!

Second would be the green and white scooter I got from Santa obviously, when i was about 7 or 8. Not the stupid slim line scooters you get nowadays, a proper scooter, which was great because we had a huge hill outside the house, where I was able to reach speeds of at least 100mph, or something like that, well that was my claim then and I’m sticking too it now.

So does anyone else have a favourite present memory they would like to share?
Mine will be coming in about a week...my first nephew. Okay, that's not really a memory, it's an anticipation of something that is about to happen. Close enough. If I waited to answer this for another 7 days, it would be a memory, lol
My favorite gift was technically one that I got for myself. First some background info, before I go into more detail on what it was. When I got older all I started asking for was either money or gift certificates, and from 2002 onward the day after Christmas became what the holiday was centered on for me rather than the day itself because I'd get to go to various stores to spend my money and gift cards.

My parents were confused as to why all I asked for was cash on my 16th Christmas, but I got a good amount. I ended up going up to the mall to a video game store to buy Super Mario Sunshine, Luigi's Mansion, Metroid Prime, Kingdom Hearts, and a 5th game that I cannot remember at the moment. It felt awesome and suddenly an annual tradition was born.

That wasn't THE best gift though. The very best of all was Christmas of 2006. I asked for money from my parents again. I also asked for nothing but money from my grandparents as well as from my sister and my brother-in-law. I ended up with $400 that year. I took that money to a music store and spent the entire $400 on cd's. I got around 30 cd's out of it. I told the clerk "I apologize ahead of time, this might take forever to ring up" and they said they were actually jealous of me rather than stressed or mad, since I had an awesome collection I was about to buy. A good portion of my current music collection comes from that purchase.

Unless I happen to get front row Wrestlemania tickets from the wifey this year (doubtful) then I don't see anything ever topping that $400 cd purchase. I got it for myself, but it was using my actual Christmas gift from every family member which was nothing but money. I still only ask family members on my side of the family for cash for Christmas, a little extra money never hurt. They are more traditional on my wife's side so I don't ask them for money or gift cards.

If it can't be money or gift card related.... Then it's probably Christmas of 1998. I had asked for Ocarina of Time and to my disappointment it was not in any of the gifts from under the tree. My parents purposefully saved it for last by hiding it in their room so that I would open everything else first. Needless to say, their little trick hyped me up even more and I marked out.
I'm with Davi here, in a way. My wife is due with our first child in early January, but she looks ready to burst at any second. Her doctor doesn't believe that she'll make it to January either, so I'm crossing my fingers and saying my prayers that she goes into labor before Christmas. There's nothing I'd love more for Christmas then to welcome my first child into the world.

As for past Christmas gifts, both of my sisters have children, with my twin sister having two. One was born on Christmas Eve 2007, easily the best Christmas gift Ive gotten to date. So how could I possibly do better then that? By having my own child by then, of course! :)
My mom came back for Christmas when I was still in elementary school after spending over a year working in New York. Since I was still young, being away from my mom for so long upset me so I was really happy when she came back. In terms of material presents however...


This was pretty much my reaction when I first unwrapped my Nintendo 64 so many years ago. All the cool kids owned one and I rarely ever played video games during my childhood until I got this. After that Christmas, I became a huge video gamer and still am to this day.
Mine would have to be the X-Box 360 I got in 2006. I never in a million years would have expected for my folks to ever buy me an X-Box bringing in our plethora of game systems that we already had into the equation. It never took off last year where we got hooked on the thing again playing FIFA so it was useless at first. We opened it on Christmas eve in 2006 (it had been deemed "Baby's first Christmas gift since my little brother had been born 5 months prior.) I love the thing, not as much as my PS3 but I still enjoy playing it.

I also want to share my most disappointing Xmas gift. Last year I asked for a 50 collection movie disk set, that "featured classics from the silent era of film up until the 1970s of FUN! 97% of those films sucked ass, there was Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde that was good but other than that I was underwhelmed to say the least. I learned from a James Rolfe video that those things are cheap and persuade you with their "abundance of classic films" yet none of those interested me. Next time I will stick with the Universal Monster disk sets.
I guess everyone who got an N64 had that reaction because I reacted the same way when I got mine for christmas, woke up that morning and it was the first present I opened, holy santa claus shit I lost it. But my favorite christmas present of all time that just barely beats out the N64 was when my dad got me a Beretta Single Action Stampede in 45 Long Colt. On top of that I got a rig(ammo belt and holster) that was a copy of John Wayne's in Rio Bravo, I don't think I've ever been more excited/surprised than when I opened that because I knew that they were aware I had my eye on it for a long time but never asked for it because I thought it was too expensive, thank you dad!

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