Favourite And Least Favourite Catchphrases


Former WZCW Tag Team Champion
Now I am sure that this has probably been done before, but I haven't been on the forums in a while and I figured I would give this one a whirl.

Throughout time, the pro wrestling industry has made some truly great performers, and with that, comes their catchphrases.

My question is simple. What is your favourite, and least favourite catchphrases from the world of pro wrestling. They can be from any company, past or present.

My personal favourite will always be 'you talk about John 3:16, Austin 3:16 says I just whipped your ass'.

Still to me, this is the one sentance that systimatically changed professional wrestling for the better. A star the like's of which we hadn't seen up to that point, was made. Truly great moment.

My least favourite would have to be Zack Ryder's WWWYKI. It annoyed me when it started, and to be honest its played out now. I just can't deal with it anymore. Partially why I am glad he is no longer on the two main shows.

What are yours? Comments?
Favorite catchphrase of all time is Rick Rude's ring intro - "What I'd like to have right now, is for all you fat, out of shape, (insert city) sweathogs (variable), keep the noise down while I take my robe off and show all the ladies what a real man looks like. Hit the music!"

Just so fucking awesome.

The worst of all time had to be a tie between Eric Bischoff and Rick Steiner:

Steiner: "If you want some, come get some. If you don't like me, bite me."

Bischoff: "Bite me."

Both came about as pure ripoffs of DX's "Suck it". It was a transparent attempt to be "edgy", and in Steiner's case, just sounded incredibly stupid.
I think that Freddie Blassie had some of the best one liners, his catchphrase "Listen, you pencil neck geeks!" was absolutely classic. It even spawned a song that I've loved since the day I heard it:


It became an endearing means of interacting with the fans and Freddie was all class when he performed. Definitely my absolute favorite catch phrase.


You can't see me.

I just imagine a scene from Anchorman where John is confronted by the Channel 4 news team.

John Cena: You can't see me!

*John covers his eyes*

Ron Burgundy: John, we can in fact see you.

John Cena: You can't see me!

Ron Burgundy: John, you're standing directly in front of us.

Champ Kind: John, we're not covering our eyes. We can clearly see you.

John Cena: How about now?

*John waves his hand in front of his face*

Brian Fantana: That doesn't make any sense John, now you can see us seeing you.

Brick Tamland: John, I think you might have mental problems.

and *scene*

It never worked for me. Not as a rap lyric, not as a metaphor for the idea that while people couldn't touch MC Hammer they can't see John Cena, not as a plug for how good one thinks they look in camouflage, not as a silly gesture and most certainly not as a pro-wrestling catch phrase.
Best: "Hey Yo"

"Survey says one more for the good guys. 2 sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeet"


"You can't see me" or any other PG crap today.
"You can't see me" is an all time classic. If NFL players do it after a touchdown, I don't give a shit how "PG" you think it is (BTW, if a catchphrase sucks because it's PG, you're not as mature as you think you are), it's good. Then again, I try to remain objective.

I hate catchphrases that guys try to force that aren't getting over. Like most of the Rock's since he came back from hollywood. It's not organic. WWE writes a catchphrase for him, creates a shirt, he tweets it 400 times, says it in every promo, might even say "*insert city* say it with me 'boots to asses'" to get it over. Just really phony. No one gives a shit and if Rock weren't doing it, it wouldn't get over. But people are excited to see Rock, so they play along.

I'm sure there are other ones guys have tried to make work that haven't. Boots to asses just really stands out the most.

In a nutshell, I like the more organic ones that the crowd picks up up. "It wasn't my fault" is another favorite.

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