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Favorite wrestling moments BEFORE "You found out"


Getting Noticed By Management
Ahh yes, there was that time when we were little (at least a great deal of us I'm sure) that what we saw before our very eyes was actually real, unscripted, etc. What are some of your favorite wrestling moments or moments that stick out to you when you thought it was all real?


-Goldberg's undefeated streak. I seriously thought the man was invincible and could not be touched. Seeing as how he squashed all those jobbers in seconds I thought he was going to kill Nash just like that. Goldberg was to me what Cena is to many kids now. Definitely a childhood hero and I cried when he lost thanks to Scott Hall's tazer. Ugh.

-NWO bidding war for Sting.

-Fingerpoke of Doom- At first I thought Hogan PUNCHED Nash and then I thought "How could he pin him with just one punch?" Then it was a set up. I had no idea why they would do that, at the time.


-Any of the old hardcore title fights between the likes of Bossman, Snow and Holly. I remember this one time where Big Show pinned Essa Rios against a wall to retain the belt. I also recall JR in his infinite wisdom saying, "That is amazing. THAT IS AMAZING!!!"

-Before Over the Edge 1999 when HHH smashed Rock in a casket with a sledgehammer.

-Mick Foley losing the Pink Slip on a Pole match. I thought he was actually gone.

-The Ministry Storyline.

-Al Wilson (Torrie's Dad) passing away.

-Invasion Storyline.

-Any time the WWF/E title changed on a non-PPV because even though I thought it was real I still caught on that it usually doesn't happen.

So what moments stick out to you "before you found out?"

ALSO- as far as people saying that WCW had the same old guys as did the Attitude Era sometimes, keep in mind I thought this was real so I didn't have much of a problem with it. Now that I look back on it I wish I had gotten to see Raven with the WCW title and Shamrock as WWF champ.
Definitely during the Attitude Era when Stone Cold was feuding with Vince. I especially remember Stone Cold throwing the IC title off a bridge. I never knew they had more than one title made for each championship. Also, who could forget the good ole hardcore matches? You never knew when they were going to happen. They were great time fillers in my opinion because you could see the weakest of people win a belt. Thirdly, HHH drugging Stephanie and forcing her to marry him. I always wondered why the place would actually let that happen. Lastly, I was always freaked out by Kane and Undertaker. I seriously thought they had supernatural abilities and would haunt me in my dreams! If it weren't for RVD, I would've thought Kane was faceless
I always thought Earthquake really squashed Jake Robert's snake Damien

When the Hart Foundation held up Savage and Honky Tonk smashed his guitar over Savage's head... I thought they were trying to kill him. That kind of stuff wasn't nearly as common back then.
Before I found out. Geez, my parents from the start told me it wasn't real. Was about a month before I believed them. My favorite moment... I have two and it's for the same reason on both. Let me do a play-by-play type thing.

June 21st, 2010- Raw:

- Natalya vs Tamina. Nexus storms the ring. Usos high tail it with Tamina. Wade Barrett tries to talk his way out of an ass kicking. Tyson Kidd from the top rope, Mini brawl. Nexus in the ring. Each has a mic. One after the other they explain their actions. FAV MOMENT 1: Justin Gabriel gets on and apologizes.

Sadly, I was "madly" in love with him at the time( still in love, not mad about it tho) and I believed him.

Main event:

-Cena vs Sheamus. Vince guest ref. Nexus storms the ring. Destroy Cena. Sheamus high tails it. Skip Sheffield topples the announce table on Cena. Nexus and Vince in the ring. Vince has a mic. Vince jokes around as if he's untouchable. Nexus glares. Vince pissses his pants. Nexus laughs. Vince laughs along. Nexus glares. Vince stops laughing. Otunga with the first blow. Nexus attacks. FAV MOMENT 2: Justin hits the 450 Splash on the ever-hated chairman.

This was my 14th birthday.
Easily the top moment that sticks out in my mind is Jake Roberts getting the cobra out of the bag and it biting Macho Man on the arm while he was tied up in the ropes.
When Bret Hart started being Anti-America towards the fans... and the hart family and all the rest joined him.

Understand, I was the biggest Bret Hart fan at the time, who lived in America. I even was given sunglasses by him before (and Owen, ironically, and I still have both pairs signed)... so for him to turn his back, I was devastated.

Then, there was this one moment that always sticks out in my head, but I don't remember who it was exactly. I was about five or six and my mom had taken me to a local NWA show... you know, the remaining NWA territories that didn't merge into WCW, and as I was watching the match with the Nasty Boys, out came these masked guys and they started jumping the Nasty Boys. And I mean really giving the guy a beating, well as much as a pre-determined beating can be... here I was shaking as a five year old, and for literally a year straight I had nightmares about that day.

Oh, and as a child, The Undertaker scared me up close and on TV... it was just really creepy that this dude from the dead was walking very slowly to the ring to hurt people and then put them in body bags. Ironically, however, I cheered the hell out of him when he put Yokozuna and King Mable into caskets... weird.
The Undertaker burying The Ultimate Warrior in a casket was the first wrestling angle I ever saw. I was a little kid and naturally horrified. I thought I was witnessing a murder (lol) and didn't watch wrestling again until someone "smartened me up." :)

Honorable mention: This happened after I "found out" but I still had doubts from time to time. Remember that bizarre angle with Jake The Snake leading Warrior through a series of trials? I thought I was witnessing a Satanic ritual of some sort, and it left me feeling very uneasy. :) Of course, Warrior got himself fired and that was the end of the angle.
Haha, good ones!

I also believed that Earthquake had squashed Damien... I was very sad.

Pretty sure that I also believed Rick Martel had legitimately blinded Jake Roberts, and that Andre the Giant ended his friendship with Hulk Hogan on Piper's Pit when he tore Hulks shirt off.

Oh and I didn't fear the worst but I was shocked and worried for Marty Jannety when HBK put him through a window on the Barbershop. Classic stuff!
I always thought Earthquake really squashed Jake Robert's snake Damien.

I remember that, I thought the same thing.

For me, it's have to be:

Rick Flair vs Vader: I really thought that was it for Flair if he didn't win, 17 years later...

NWO Genesis: I really though the WWE was invading and Hogan's turn left me stunned. I wasn't able to see it and didn't believe it when people told me the next day.

Lex Luger using the steel plate as The Narcissist: He got a lot of heat from me using that.

Brian Pillman's Loose Cannon Gimmick: I really thought he was crazy and I loved seeing the Horsemen's leadership try to keep him under control. I would've loved to see him after the NWO came to power.

White Castle of Fear and Beach Blast movie shorts: How did Col. Parker know what was happening with Sting and Davey Boy while they were at the rally? I don't know but Sting and Davey Boy signed their own death warrants.
The Eugene angle involving evolution in 2004. Whenever they were mean to him or used him, I always got sad. When HHH turned on him and bloodied him up, Triple H instantly became my most hated wrestler.
There's two instances I remember being scared to death from watching wrestling as a kid.

The first is when the Undertaker locked Ultimate Warrior in the "air tight" coffin on the Brother Love show. I remember him cranking it and I was worried that he would suffocate, LOL.

The other one also involves the Warrior. This particular one I don't want to explain...I want you to watch. Make sure and sit down when you watch this because I don't want you falling to the floor and dieing from laughter.

ric flair vs steamboat really stuck in my mind. where flair rubbed steamboats face into the mat "giving him third degree burns" i really thought that was real and my sister cried.they did have some pretty convincing photos later of his face i have to add.
Andre wrestling three guys at once. During the match one of the guys was laying on his back and Andre stood on top of him for around five seconds. I remember my friend saying, "now that's not fake".
for me it was anything DX did i loved every minute of it because i thought they were really doing a bunch of stuff the boss didnt approve of and they were just doing whatever the hell they wanted i loved every minute of it!

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