Favorite Referees


It's goin' down forreal!
Well, the title says it all. And yes, I'm pretty sure we all have our favorite referees whether we like it or not. Some are just funny (i.e Charles Robinson's facial reactions). Well anyway, here are the lists of referees today:

Chad Patton
Charles Robinson
Jack Doan
John Cone
Justin King
Mike Chioda
Rod Zapata

Well my favorite of the current referees is Mike Chioda. This guy has been around the longest and well, when he's the referee of the match, I just feel that it'll be under control.

Second favorite would have to be Charles Robinson. His expressions are truely priceless. Especially when an AA or GTS is delivered, it's like he's the one who gets hit, lol. Nunzio is getting there as well, not a bad ref won't you say so?

P.S. all-time favorite, EARL HEBNER. The "Montreal Screwjob" referee, yeah, that was him. Sign him back WWE! :worship: Earl Hebner

So yeah, favorite ref, who?
See for me it's all about the Slick Johnson, although Bumpin' Brian Hebner's coming along nicely, it's just a shame with him that you know full well there's going to be a ref bump if you see him reffing a big match.

Charles Robinson's just a legend to me, the way he sold a Jacknife Powerbomb back in the day was awesome.
Mike Chioda, your right, there's something safe about him. I love that guy, almost all of the matches he does are smooth. Longest serving ref of the current roster (i think?)

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