Favorite Nude Scenes in film?


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Well, the porn threads in the Bar Room has been popular as of late. But to be honest, I’m not a fan of porn, so I can't add anything to the discussion.

However, nudity in film, especially in the female form, doesn't disgust me at all like porn does. And there's nothing better then seeing an actress (and I'm sure actor, for the ladies and/or homosexuals on the forum) you've followed for a long while bare it all in film for the first time.

So, with that said, what's your favorite nude scene in the history of cinema?

#1 for me, undoubtedly, is Kelly Preston (John Travolta's wife, for those who don't know) in the 1980's teen comedy, Mischeif. Since I was a kid I've found Kelly Preston to be drop dead gorgeous (grew up with a lot of Arnold Schwarzenegger movies, and she always stuck out in Twins), so when I saw this, which wasn't too long ago, I was very pleased to say the least, lol. The woman honestly has a perfect set of breast. I mean PERFECT. Plus, you got a nice ass shot and some bush. And then to top it off, the sex that came from the scene was hilarious.

So that tops them all for me. Jennifer Connelly in The Hot Spot would have to be #2, and it varies from there. But I'll say something about Halle Berry real quick. Of course everyone knows and loves the Monster's Ball sex scene with her and Billy Bob Thornton, but I remember seeing Swordfish at the movie theatre and being in shock when she put the book down and exposed her boobs. My jaw hit the floor because I just wasn't expecting that. So that moment has always stuck out in my head as well.
Call me cheesy, but I think the best nude scene is Kate Winslet in Titanic. I'm a huge movie fan, so gratuitous nudity bothers me, but it worked for this scene. It showed the growing relationship between Jack and Rose, and was fairly classy, instead of her being spread out and dirty.

Another scene that I liked, was Mena Suvari in American Beauty. It was another scene that really helped to tell the story of the movie, and was a crucial part of the climax.

Most of the time, nudity by a high level actress is the spotlight of the movie (i.e. Halle Berry in Swordfish), but with these scenes, it helped move the story along, and helped the characters. Could they have happened clothed? Yes. But, it's just the same as using foul language. It's immediately impactful, and makes a difference.
I don't have one. In my opinion there is nothing worse that ruins a movie then having a nude scene. Now days there is nudity in alot of the movies, and over half of them have no reason to be there. why have it there? They only do it to get more viewers but if the movie was good then they wouldnt need one.
One of the most recent, gripping, nude scenes in a movie for me, would have to be Anne Hathaway in Havoc.

You have two elements here, that are truly telling. First, Anne Hathaway is the Disney Princess, in Princess Diaries. So to see any amount of skin from her, much less full on breast, not to mention the overall character she played, was mind-blowing.

Second, the main scene I'm refering to, isn't actually the first at the opening of the movie, so much as the last, at the end. It's basically a rape scene, regarding her friend. Any time a rape scene is involved in a movie.. it's so "attention grabbing" that you almost can't look away.. yet at the same time, you practically feel dirty and scumbag-like for just watching it.
I'm with NSL on this one. Titanic with Kate Winslet.
She's so classically beautiful, and her nude scene was a welcome change from the standard tanned blonde with a boob job.
Nudity in most movies is just in there to appeal to the male audience (American Pie, most teen/young adult comedy movies) and serves no actual function.
In this case, the nudity served a purpose: to demonstrate the intimacy between Rose and Jack. It was very tasteful.
I don't have one. Because I really find nude scenes in movies to be distasteful. Not to the point where I won't watch the film, but I just don't think a person should have to subject themselves to stripping for the benefit of a scene. Most good movies don't have nude scenes and yet they get along fine. I don't see why other movies can't find a different way of going about it.
In all honesty, I don't even have a favorite nude scene, since watching porn pretty much makes any nude scene in a mainstream film forgettable (save for Chloe Sevigny performing ******io on Vincent Gallo in The Brown Bunny, but that wasn't really a nude scene). The only nude scene I can even remember is Halle Berry showing her breasts in Swordfish. However, I think the only reason I remember this scene is because of all the hype surrounding it and because of the fact that she got a bonus for doing it.
I think most nude scenes are overrated. Most of them takes away from the quality of the movie unless it's a porno. Tthe person that is nude in that paticular scene shouldn't have to go nude to benefit the scene. Don't get me wrong I would still watch that movie if it was good but most great movies don't need a nude scene to be a great movie so I think that movies should find another way to make it better.
One of my favourite nude scenes is the lesbian scene with Naomi Watts in Mulholland Drive. I forget who the other actress was but she was a dark brunette in the femme fetale mode. On top of it being extremely sensual and just a splendor to enjoy, it's actually a key point in character development as it gives the viewers a look at the femme fetale's personality at the beginning of the relationship in the unique form of fantasized illumination of their burgeoning relationship in the mind of Naomi Watts' character.
Although it isn't a nude scene, I would have to pick the movie "Cruel Intentions" for its incredibly hot Lesbian Kiss scene staring the woman who would be my dream girl (sorry Robyn, you just don't add up...oh man I am kidding, don't break up with me please:() in Sarah Michelle Geller. Really, the movie wasn't that great, but the scene got people interested.
The new Friday the 13th movie. we get to see Willa Ford naked for quite some time to be honest and the whole package is worth the view. Also, we get to see Julianna Guill in a sex scene and it is pretty nice. Seeing both naked is worth your time to say the least.

Also the movie is pretty bad ass. Not a bad combo.
That's a hard one man. One of my all time favorites is in Jim Jarmusch's Broken Flowers (have you seen it JMT? Oh of course you have) with this chick Alexis Dziena. She walks out while Bill Murray is just sitting there in the living room completely nude, grabs her cell phone, and returns to her room like nothing happened. Body is out of this world and she's fucking gorgeous.

Than of course you have Phoebe Cates in Fast Times at Ridgmont High. What really makes the scene is of course the use of The Cars "Moving in Stereo" and the slow motion. Phoebe Cates inserted herself into millions of teenage boys wet dreams after that film. Jesus how has this scene not been mentioned yet?!

Those are two off the top of my head, perhaps I'll come back and edit this post to include a few more if I can think of them.

EDIT: Ohhh and NSL brought up a good one, the lesbian/threesome scene with Neve Campbell and Denise Richards in Wild Things. Oh and also Heather Graham in Boogie Nights is good.
That's a hard one man. One of my all time favorites is in Jim Jarmusch's Broken Flowers (have you seen it JMT? Oh of course you have) with this chick Alexis Dziena. She walks out while Bill Murray is just sitting there in the living room completely nude, grabs her cell phone, and returns to her room like nothing happened. Body is out of this world and she's fucking gorgeous.

I haven't seen this...But, I want to. Badly. Bill Murray is one of my favorite actors ever, and it's rare that I don't like a movie he's in.

Than of course you have Phoebe Cates in Fast Times at Ridgmont High. What really makes the scene is of course the use of The Cars "Moving in Stereo" and the slow motion. Phoebe Cates inserted herself into millions of teenage boys wet dreams after that film. Jesus how has this scene not been mentioned yet?!

Those are two off the top of my head, perhaps I'll come back and edit this post to include a few more if I can think of them.

I'm pretty sure she wasn;t mentioned, because everyone looked up the scene, spanked it, and forgot what they were doing. She was gorgeous, and that scene probably defined her career. For most actresses, that's bad, but no one would complain about this. It's been mocked and re-done ever since, and it'll never live up to the original. The closest, would be Denise Richards in Wild Things.
Kate Winslet and Titanic is by far the winner for me here. Granted, I haven't seen a lot of films with nude scenes, because they have to be done right to make a film look good, and tasteless nudity really can ruin a film. But, not only is Winslet beautiful, this was done tastefully and worked for the film.
Kate Winslet and Titanic is by far the winner for me here. Granted, I haven't seen a lot of films with nude scenes, because they have to be done right to make a film look good, and tasteless nudity really can ruin a film. But, not only is Winslet beautiful, this was done tastefully and worked for the film.

See, I don't really understand this attitude. What could be tasteless about the human body? It's the most beautiful work of art there is. I mean, they're just body parts.

I will never understand why parents and people are so opposed to "tasteless" nudity. Why? Shouldn't we be more concerned with exposing our children to hateful ideas and attitudes than breasts?

That said, the Winslet scene is of course a great one. Winslet is gorgeous.
I have to say that as far as Favorites go Mine would have to be from Risky Business!
But also you have some movies that take it too far, and some that dont go far enough!!!
I loved Porky's, talk about a hilarious movie all about sex!!!!
You also have some serious movies about sex that were ok, like the hand that rocks the cradle, the last american virgin, Basic instinct, ect, ect!!
Id have to say Jamie Lee Curtis stripped down in Trading Places and got into bed with Dan Ackroyd, she had a damn fine body and perfect breasts.

Also when Demi Moore got them out in Striptease, and Erika Eleniak also got them out in Under Siege.
See, I don't really understand this attitude. What could be tasteless about the human body? It's the most beautiful work of art there is. I mean, they're just body parts.

I will never understand why parents and people are so opposed to "tasteless" nudity. Why? Shouldn't we be more concerned with exposing our children to hateful ideas and attitudes than breasts?

That said, the Winslet scene is of course a great one. Winslet is gorgeous.

Oh, I'm not saying the human body is tasteless at all, but it can be portrayed in a tasteless manner, as anything can. And if their was just random nudity done badly it'd become a talking point of the film, as opposed to what actually happened. Which is what I meant by ruining a film.
Oh, I'm not saying the human body is tasteless at all, but it can be portrayed in a tasteless manner, as anything can. And if their was just random nudity done badly it'd become a talking point of the film, as opposed to what actually happened. Which is what I meant by ruining a film.

Very true, especially when its someone that comes out saying "i'll never do a nude scene" but then a few years laters the money's right for them and they end up doing one.

Remember all the hype when Halle Berry did Swordfish & Monsters Ball, the media were all over it.
EDIT: Ohhh and NSL brought up a good one, the lesbian/threesome scene with Neve Campbell and Denise Richards in Wild Things. Oh and also Heather Graham in Boogie Nights is good.

The scene in Wild Things was definitely good to watch, but I don't think I'd ever consider it a good scene.

Heather Graham in Boogie Nights is a good scene, depending on when it is you're talking about. The scene where she strips and dives on top of Dirk is pretty good. It doesn't really add to either character though, and doesn't progress the movie. The scenes where she's about to blow him, and the scene where she's essentially getting raped in the back of the limo are both OK, as far as quality, but they are probably better in the realm of the movie.

I think the best nude scene in that movie, would be Julianne Moore with Wahlberg in his first scene. It showed a lot of both of their characters, and also added to every other character in the scene.

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