Favorite movie starring...Tom Hanks


Sit Upon The Frozen Heavens

It was between this and The DaVinci Code/Angels & Demons and after some thought I went with this one due to the fact that no other movie I can think if has made me both laugh and cry while I was watching it.

Tom Hanks is A+ gold in this movie and is perfect with everyone he interacts with. This movie has also has given us many memorable quotes that I hear people use 14 years later. This movie also introduced me to Gary Sinise who (since I first saw this movie) has jumped high on my list of favorite actors.

This movie more then deserved the 6 Academy Awards it got in '94 with Hanks taking the Gold (so to speak) in the form of the Best Actor in a Lead Role and the movie getting Best Picture.

Great movie that everyone needs to see.
I agree, Tom Hanks has always been one of those actors that you know, if the movie fails Tom Hanks sure as hell wont. I loved Saving Private Ryan, Castaway, Gump,Toy Story(I counted it), Big. I have to see all of his movies. Hes that damn good.

Im not sure what this was about but my favorite TH film is definetly Forrest Gump.

Damn, Hanks has great acting ability. While he may not be one of my favorites, his movies are hard to pass up. I actually had four different movies I was going to go with. Forrest Gump, Castaway, Saving Private Ryan and my final choice The Green Mile. Green Mile was probably one of the first Tom Hanks films I saw when I was younger (besides BIG) and as a young boy I never really understood how great the movie was. The Green Mile actually goes by super fast as it is three fucking hours long. When I watch this movie, I just know I’m watching a pure classic. The acting is phenomenal and the message it sends about humanity is thought-provoking. The executions are very disturbing but at the same time something you won’t want to turn you head to avoid.

Not so much for Hanks, but for the movie, it's a laugh riot from the start to the finish. Hanks does a good job in it, comedic most way through, scenes like when they steal his fiances ex's car, pay the strippers to go to the bridal shower, end up having a party in the hotel room, somehow get a donkey up there.

One of Hanks lesser known movies in this day and age. Still, very funny movie. The Hangover of the '80's.
Castaway for me........
Hanks is one of those actors that no matter what movie coming out that he is in you have to go watch because he instantly gives it credibility

but my favorite, not the best maybe but my favorite, will always be cast away

the emotion.....WILSOOOOOOOn...........and the anguish when trying to escape that island and go back to his love is unparalleled!
Angels And Demons

Absolutely love this movie, I saw it before I saw "The Da Vinci Code" and I think it absolutely blows the 1st movie away. Hanks is brilliant as Dr Robert Langdon, as he rushes across Rome and Vatican City to save the Cardinals before they are all murdered, using his knowledge of symbolism and religion to crack the codes in time.

The film makes you think, there are enough surprises, twists and turns to keep you on the edge of your seat, and the final shocking end was something I did not see coming.

I watched it at the cinema with my Mum and my Girlfriend and we both loved it, but my Mum said it did not represent the book at all. She was a big fan of the original book, and said that prevented her from enjoying it as much as she thought she would, but as we hadnt read it, my gf and I just loved it.

I have seen it about 5x now and still enjoy it just as much.
It's very close between Forrest Gump and Saving Private Ryan for me.

Saving Private Ryan is a better film but I suppose Hanks put in a better individual performance in Forrest Gump. So I'll pick Forrest Gump.
*hands over his man-card*


As others have mentioned Saving Private Ryan and The Green Mile, I'm going with Sleepless in Seattle.

Saw this for the first time last year on a rainy evening alone in a caravan, and it was perfect. The characters in the film are all so warm and funny, from the leads of Ryan and Hanks to the supporting cast of Hanks' son and Rosie O'Donnel as Meg Ryan's best friend and confidante.

Hanks' character is recently widowed and his son phones up a radio show to try and set-up his dad with a new partner. Hanks' interview is broadcast live on air all over the country and is heard by Meg Ryan who despite being engaged to marry someone she is fond of and cares about, can't stop thinking about this guy who is Sleepless in Seattle. There are a couple of moments where they either do see each other, or one sees the other but not vice-versa that amp up the tension as we as the audience are privvy in knowing who the characters are, but the characters dont.

It's one of the best feel-good films I've seen and speaks volumes of Hanks' range that he can deliver in that kind of role as well as the more demanding roles such as SPR and The Green Mile.

Notable mentions: Toy Story trilogy and Big
Difficult choice as the range of his work is truly staggering. He drifts between straight comedy like Splash and Money Pit (an underrated film), serious dramas such as The Green Mile, and is believable in them all.

I am torn between two films, Joe vs The Volcano and Philadelphia. Whilst Joe isn't among his best film by a long shot it has many memories for me from my youth.

Philadelphia is just a shockingly beautiful and restrained film with fantastic performances. Not only from Tom but also Dezil Washington and Antonio Banderas.

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