Favorite movie Starring...Tom Cruise


Sit Upon The Frozen Heavens

What is there not to love about this movie? If you are a fan of the Action Thriller genre of movies I'm sure you will enjoy this one. Action throughout the entire movie with Twists i never saw coming not to mention on of my favorite scenes in a movie (the part where he's talking about breaking into the top secret room while it shows it happening). The onther 2 (soon to be 3) are goos but no where near as good as this one. If for some reason you have never seen this I urge you to buy/rent/download this movie I'm positive you will not be disappointed.​
Tom Cruise is arguably the biggest film star in his generation. I don't think of him as the greatest actor (or my favourite), I've ever witnessed but you can't deny the man is a huge star.

My favourite film of his would have to be Collateral. I think he was really good as the villain in this film. He and Jamie Foxx really created a very picture that for the most part is really just them occupying the screen. The story was great and so were the performances. Cruise should have been nominated for the Oscar for that flick. It's proof that with the right director and script he can deliver a really fine performance.

Other films I've liked Tom Cruise in:

Minority Report
The Firm
A Few Good Men
The Last Samurai

I'm going with Vanilla Sky. Yeah, I know, a lot of people really hate this movie, but I LOVE Vanilla Sky. Cruise is this pampered rich boy who can have anything he wants. Sometimes Cruise could be this lonely man who wanted to feel sorry for, but he could also be a real douche bag most of the times. Also, there were times where Cruise could be this angry and bitter disfigured man, and he did have a real dark side. This was a very complex character, and I think Cruise did a fantastic job here. Penelope Cruz and Cameron Diaz also managed to give some solid performances as Cruise's love interests.

The story for this film receives a lot of shit from critics, because most people think it's one giant mess, but I really enjoyed it. Vanilla Sky keeps you guessing until the very end, and this story does have a nice amount of twists and turns, and the ending is kind of bittersweet.

I enjoyed all three Mission Impossible films, he was great in A Few Good Men, and I didn't have too big of a problem with Valkyrie. Although, Cruise has kind of fallen off of the radar over the years, and he doesn't have that spark anymore. Knight & Day would be a prime example off Cruise's fall from grace.

I'm not the world’s biggest Tom Cruise fan and I pretty much ignore most of his films, but I was very impressed by his performance here. In Collateral Cruise plays a remorseless and relentless hitman ticking names off of a list one-by-one with the unwilling Jamie Foxx acting as his chauffer. Cruise and Fox have a real chemistry which is great as their performances are very natural. Cruise also has a real presence about him in this film which makes him seem legitimately scary and it makes him a very threatening force for Foxx to deal with. Cruise seems to play villains/unlikeable character every so often and it's a refreshing change of pace, and I for one think he's very, very good at it.
My favorite movie starring Tom Cruise is Top Gun. It's one of my favorite movies, with a great story and one of the best soundtracks ever. I usually don't like Tom Cruise movies although a few are good and Top Gun wins pretty easily because it stands out at a much higher quality than most of his films, which are average for the most part.
I dont like none of his recent stuff. Of course I liked Top Gun, Days Of Thunder and still do. Collateral was good but I liked The Firm better, other than that he hasn't done anything worth talking about and most of his movies are over rated and they make most of their money just off of his name value alone.

Other than the ones I already mentioned his best work recently was the small part he had in Tropical Tunder.
Gotta be Top Gun. Not only did it completely elevate Cruise to megastar, but, this is one of the ultimate "guy" movies. It gave us numerous lines that are still in the pop culture lexicon, featured one of the best movie soundtracks of all time, its just a fantastically fun movie to watch.
The Colour of Money.

I loved The Hustler and this was it's delayed sequel where he filled the role that Fast Eddie had essentially been playing in the first film. Add to that it's directed by Scorsese and was the film Paul Newman won an Oscar for, then that's what gives it a lot of credibility. Cruise's character is one of his most under-rated as he is a cocky douche with "an arm like a hammer" (or something) who eventually brings out the old Fast Eddie. Definitely worth a watch even if you haven't seen The Hustler.

I would probably go for the Mission Impossible films or Top Gun. I have never been a huge fan of Cruise. I have seen "Cocktail", "Minority Report" and "Collateral" in recent months and none have really impressed me. The Mission Impossible movies were decent, but nothing spectacular. Top Gun is alot more iconic, and is the one that "made" him so to speak.

I have never reallllly been impressed by Cruise as an actor. He has always been solid, but I have never taken to the guy. There is something about him I just find unlikeable, and I can't explain it.

However, if I had to say...Mission Impossible 2 or Top Gun
My first choice would be A Few Good Men.

This film really had a great cast. Tom Cruise was good, but having Keifer Sutherland, Jack Nicholson, Demi Moore, Kevin Pollak, and Kevin Bacon really helps.

I'll go with Jerry Maguire

I saw this movie on a date in high school. I think I was 16 and had just got my license. I got some action that night, so that really gives it the nod for me. The movie was good. I really liked the soundtrack w/ "Secret Garden" by Bruce Springsteen. Cruise was good, but Cuba Gooding Jr. was amazing. Renee Zellwegger was annoying and too fucking squinty eyed.
.... HATE Tom Cruise that doesn't mean he doesn't occasionally do some good acting tho, thought The Last Samurai was a really great movie and A Few Good Men, I'll give the nod to The Last Samurai tho, because as Post said A Few Good Men had a lot more than Cruise where Samurai had great Actors but a lot of them relatively unknown so he had to carry a little more in it, if you haven't seen it, it's the touching tale of.... well.... the last.... yeah, got some nice action too =)
Gotta say Top Gun here, it boosted his career, the soudtrack is awesome, and it's the only Cruise movie aside from Collateral that I love. This movie is the one of the best the 80's gave us, and most iconic(i still call my buddy goose). It's a definite win for me here, and "OH MY GOODNESS GREAT BALLS OF FIRE!", if you dont get that then see the movie ;)

It sad that Mission Impossible 3 slipped under the radar for a lot of people. It's too bad that it was released right around the "Tom Cruise is crazy" time period. In my opinion it's the best Mission Impossible. Phillip Seymour Hoffman plays an amazing villain and the movie opens on such a dramatic tone that it's impossible to say, "Eh, I don't think I'll watch this". I'm probably one of the few people looking forward to Mission Impossible 4: Ghost Recon.
Mr Mapother IV had some very good early performances pre 'Top Gun'. 'Risky Business' was a great teen sex comedy and 'Taps' featured a great performance as a military Cadet who's a couple sandwiches short of a picnic (we'll be nice and forget 'Losin It'. My favourite performance of the Cruiser though is in the High School Football Drama 'All The Right Moves', which I'd put on a level with 'The Deerhunter' as a drama about small town America... it doesn't hurt that a teenage crush of mine Lea Thompson (Marty McFly's mum in 'Back To The Future') gets naked either:blush: (little Thomas makes an appearance for any of his lady fans).
My favorite Tom Cruise movie is Interview With The Vampire.


This movie is very sensual and dramatic. Tom Cruise playing "the bad guy" was pretty neat, and he did it very, very well. This movie also starred Brad Pitt and Antonio Banderas at a time when they weren't that famous, so even though he wasn't THE main character, he was pushed as such. Every actor did an excellent job, and it's one of the few movies that truly lives up to the book.

If you're a vampire freak, and you haven't seen Interview of The Vampire, I honestly don't know what you're doing with your life.
I loved him in "The Firm." It proved he could be good in a more cerebral film, as opposed to his adventures in "Top Gun" or "Mission:Impossible." His interaction with Jeanne Tripplehorn was the high point of the movie since I never saw him interact particularly well with his female lead in any other movie.

He handled his quandries with his mind instead of his fists (or special effects) and it showed how good an actor he can be when taking on the right role. Of course, he'll never be Laurence Olivier, but Olivier never had the impossibly handsome face that Cruise has.

I was sitting on the edge of my chair for this movie.....and the job Tom Cruise did was the reason.
A Few Good Men.

This film was tremendous, and I really bought Cruise's character. He brought the right balance of intensity and humor to a role that had the ultra-intense Jack Nicholson stealing scene. He interacted tremendously with each of his co-stars.
It sad that Mission Impossible 3 slipped under the radar for a lot of people. It's too bad that it was released right around the "Tom Cruise is crazy" time period. In my opinion it's the best Mission Impossible. Phillip Seymour Hoffman plays an amazing villain and the movie opens on such a dramatic tone that it's impossible to say, "Eh, I don't think I'll watch this". I'm probably one of the few people looking forward to Mission Impossible 4: Ghost Recon.

I liked the first Mission Impossible but felt like it and the second one were blown out of the water by MI3. What a great movie. Phillip Seymour Hoffman played a great bad guy, even if Billy Crudup's twist was blah. J.J. Abrams is money though, so they should just let him take a shot at every tired franchise that needs a boost.

...but my favorite Tom Cruise movie is Jerry Maguire. Tom's collaborations with Cameron Crowe really ran the gamut from my favorite in Maguire to my least favorite in Vanilla Sky, but ordinarily I'm a pushover for Crowe stuff and while this one isn't in my top two of his movies, it is still my favorite for Tom.
My favorite movie starring Tom Cruise is Top Gun.I like this movie, Awesome this is to watch, I always watch this one while having a great mood, as today I have great this is.
My all time favourite Tom Cruise movie has to be The Last Samurai.


I've seen a lot of movies mentioned, from Mission Impossible to Jerry Maguire but only one other person listed this movie? I was sort of surprised, but I soon got over it for the reason that it isn't a movie that you exactly think you'd like at first glance. It's a historical movie based on an actual story that nobody really knows. It's not exactly an action movie where a lot of things blow up and that's the movie, it goes a lot deeper which can be good or bad, depending on who you are. But either way, it shouldn't be as overlooked or as underrated as it seems to be among some of you guys and gals. And like WIAN696 said, Cruise had nobody to lean on either, nothing to cushion a potential fall. There was obviously still a supporting cast and everything else, but you never looked at any of them and instantly knew who they were. Tom was truly the one thing holding this movie up in a lot of ways, and hey, it doesn't look like it fell, does it?

In the end, this has to be the best or at least a very strong contender for the best movie Cruise has ever been in. The complexity of his specific character mixed with some very awesome fight scenes, a really breathtaking showcase of the samurai in general and a plot that outsmarts both Gladiator and Braveheart, gives anyone from teenagers to adult historians, something to gawk at.
My all time favourite Tom Cruise movie has to be The Last Samurai.


I agree .. This movie had everything and it really connected with me, i loved Tom Cruise here, he had an outstanding performance...
Also I liked him in "Mission Impossible 3" it is probably to be his legacy as Ethan Hunt...
He is a superstar in each movie of Mission Impossible, but The Last Samurai was a movie of other world...
I relly loved it...
Risky Business has always been a personal favorite of mine, Jerry Maguire also, once I first saw it was my favorite movie in general for a long time, until I saw it so many times that I got sick of it.
I have to say Top Gun is undoubtedly one of my favourite films, and one of those that has the ability to keep enthralling you even while watching for the tenth time. Director Tony Scott was chosen after the producers saw his work in advertising, and true to their judgement he has produced a visual masterpiece. It looks simply gorgeous, and the live action sequences have never been bettered. If there is one flaw in the film it is that it is somewhat shallow, with all of the people behind the film (and Tom Cruise) rather better at making visual spectaculars than an engaging story. However the story does work well in drawing you into the world of Maverick and his fellow naval aviators, Cruise forms an excellent rapport with Anthony Edwards as Goose, and the dialogue is snappy and eminently quotable. Everyone has at some stage used Maverick's line - "I couls tell you, but then I'd have to kill you", and the cover of the Righteous Brothers is unforgettable. The film is backed by one of the best soundtracks of the decade, and a very strong supporting cast. In my opinion, the film succeeds in everything it sets out to achieve. A cracking script, a gripping story, and simply stunning aerial photography. You have to see this film.

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