Favorite Form of Wrestling

Favorite Form of Wrestling

  • Technical

  • High Flying

  • Brawling

  • Powerhouse

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The Ultimate

Dark Match Winner
So this is my first time starting a thread, and I just was curious of your opinions. Lately I have been thinking about the different types of wrestling.
There is technical wrestling embodied by Kurt Angle, Chris Benoit, Bryan Danielson and so on. In which wrestlers focus on roll ups and submissions. There is of course high flying wrestling, where smaller wrestlers go to the top rope and turnbuckle, embodied by Rey Mysterio, Evan Bourne, Aj Styles, Primo Colon, Amazing Red, and so on. Then there are the brawlers, where it mostly focuses on offensive strikes and what not, embodied by SCSA, Finlay, JBL, William Regal and so on. Or last and least, is the Powerhouse wrestler, where it's all about the slams and clothelines, putting a lot of emphasis on strength and brute force, embodied by HHH, Cena, Zeke Jackson, Rob Terry, Kane etc..
So those are your choices, if you think of anymore feel free to state them. The questions are simple, state your favorite form of wrestling, why it is your favorite, and the wrestler whom embodies that form of wrestling.
...Who would you class as a technical wrestler of Benoit, Danielson, and Angle are disqualified? I suppose Bret would be the closest, but I think he had his brawly moments.
I don't believe in technical wrestling in this day and age. It's a myth. Like you producing a female orgasm. Zing!
Fair enough. But Angle, Benoit, Bret and Bryan are about as close as you're ever going to get these days.
I like high flying.if not for anything else but the holy shit factor.I like Technical to but it's a dying art

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