Favorite Face of Foley?


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Cactus Jack, Mankind, Dude Love? Commissioner Foley?

Personally, I prefer the dark/cryptic Mankind gimmick overall, although it's a tough call between Mankind and Cactus Jack as far as in-ring work goes. Jack was the originator, but some of the early Mankind WWE matches rivaled the greatness of Jack's WCW/ECW/Japan work.

Your thoughts?

That character had the most depth. There was the weirdo dark guy that pulled his hair out which eventually transitioned into the more comedic Mankind.

I really enjoyed the change in character.
Can it be anyone but Mankind?? Absolutely loved that character and really Mick Foley shined the best as Mankind.. He gave Undertaker some of the best matches he has ever had..

Mankind had depth,his battered body,and the fact he would pull his own hair out.. I thoroughly enjoyed Mankind..
straight up mankind. foley was so into that character that is almost made cactus jack look watered down. the hell in a cell and boiler room matches are stellar now granted the cactus jack chainsaw charlie matches were pretty good with the nao but by the time jack came around, dude love had ruined for me the persona
straight up mankind. foley was so into that character that is almost made cactus jack look watered down.

I'm gonna have to agree with Mankind but not the comedy one because I'd take Cactus over him.... but in order:

Demented Mankind > Cactus Jack > Mankind > Mick Foley > Dude Love

"Did you think they wanted to kiss a boy... who had worms on HIS BREATH!???"

"I ought to slap you... a man of integrity WHEEEEEEEEEEEEENGH WHEEEEENGH!"
Liked Cactus Jack the best, if for nothing else than the insane manner in which he inflicted pain on others and himself. Cactus was hardcore before the term was used in pro wrestling. His "flaming ring" matches, the elbow drops onto the concrete floor outside the ring, the barbed-wire clubs he used to bludgeon opponents (and allowed them to bludgeon him)......he engaged in the kind of matches I had always scorned, yet felt were made for him....and secured his name & fame under the Cactus Jack identity.

One side note: After Foley's retirement, I completely disapproved of his wife's condemnation of Vince McMahon for the damage Foley had suffered during his hardcore career. She was wrong to fault McMahon since Foley had chosen his own brand of performing and used it for many years before he started working for WWE.
It has to be cactus Jack. Thats when he was at his absolute best in my eyes. I'd say Dude Love and Mankind are on an equal footing seeing as how it was basically a bi-polar guy having his highs and lows. Cactus easily wins from his time in WCW when he was just doing brutal things to his opponents, or his time in ECW in a great heel run where he wouldn't give the fans what they wanted and would plead to "Uncle Eric' to take him back, Cactus Jack was freaking awesome
I don't know just how this is gonna go over, but I personally liked lulzy Mankind the best.

We all knew Foley was violent, hardcore, able to take the most epic of ass-beatings. But it's not until they let him do the humor stuff as Mankind that a national audience was able to see just how charismatic the guy is, and how endearing he can be.
i loved Commisioner Foley, it was really the perfect role for Mick, as it allowed him to show off his comedy side while still being able to stand up against heels like Triple H. To me, he is easily the greatest Authority figure (other than Vince, WWE has ever had). I especially liked how he would have his office in completely random backstage places each week!

As an in-ring competitor, it has to be Mankind. The transformation from the early psychotic Mankind character with the haunting music to the totally loved Socko-wearing Mankind was so well done, and Mick deservedly became one of the most loved characters of all time. The reaction when he finally won the World Title proved this. While some of the punishment he took was uncomfortable to watch, he had some of the most memorable WWE matches of all time- the I Quit match with The Rock at Royal Rumble '99, the famous HIAC with 'Taker, his Mind Games match against Shawn Michaels and many more.

Cactus Jack is not far behind though, as his Street Fight with Triple H at Royal Rumble 2000 remains one of my favourite matches of all time, absolutely brilliant!
Japanese Deathmatch Cactus Jack is my favorite Face Of Foley..Cactus Jack in Japan made ECW/WCW Cactus Jack look like a Disney wrestler..Cactus in Japan was Foley truly at his most violent and demented..Foley with C4 explosives, barbed wire chairs and ladders was not to be fucked with.

Second is the ORIGINAL Mankind..Mankind who had the entrance music and separate outro music..His outro music was a creepy piano theme which helped accentuate the fact that his demented soul was at peace after he destroyed his victims...He cleanly defeated The Undertaker, he gave HBK a run for his $ and Paul Bearer became his manager...Foley's 1996 was a great year for him..
I'm fond of the original, dark, incarnation of Mankind. I loved his dark and eerire promos. He was the perfect heel to go against babyface Shawn, Bret, Undertaker... whoever basically. And he was delivering the goods in the ring. It was fresh and original. Cactus Jack is a close second, perhaps a little more versatile in terms of what he could say on the mic. The Cane Dewey promo is still one of my favourite pieces of mic work ever. Dude Love... apart from the excellent debut and the Over the Edge match with Austin, I can't think of anything of note.
November 1998 - May 1999 as Mankind when he first got screwed at Survivor Series 98, effectively turning face and before the Union angle.

I liked earlier Mankind from 1996 and 1997 as well, and he had some classics with The Undertaker, no question. But his main event run starting from post-WrestleMania 14 as a heel/tweener (being manipulated by Vince) until he finally turned face, really added another dimension to his personality. It was a different Mankind, obviously more likeable... he was more Mick Foley than anything else. And that's the version I think of when I think of my favourite face of Foley.
Cactus Jack for me, just loved test character, was so easy to switch him from heel to face. I would have loved to have seen Cactus Jack take on Hogan in 1994. I was never a Dude Love fan, character was the pits as far as I was concerned and only worked when they did the three faces of a Foley stuff. Mankind I only started to like in 98 by then he was pretty much Mick a Foley anyway. He certainly wasn't 't the Mankind character he had first created by then.

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