Favorite DX moment


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So with the retirement of HBK this past year, we have forever lost one of, if not THE greatest stable in WWE history, Degeneration-X. Though gone, they will never be forgotten, so i thought maybe we could talk about what was YOUR favorite DX moment, it can be any form of DX, as there was like 3 of them.. for me it's really hard, they were always a favorite of mine, from the very early days, right up until the last, and only, title Run together. kind of fitting that HBK came into the WWE in a tag team, and the last title he held before leaving was the Tag Titles. but anyway, what is you favorite DX moment, and why?

i found the video for this classic one, and i dont care how many times i watch it, i will always laugh at it, was just WAY too funny.
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There's so many to choose from, All the segments aimed at Bret were instant classics (midget Bret, the Canadian flag in his nose and the KKK incident). However, I remember marking out so much when the DX music hit here. It's one of the funniest segments ever and is a little bit more evidence for how HBK was attitude before attitude was a catchphrase.

So many to mention but I'll try to name my favorite.

I think my #1 of all time is when they had to pee and they ended up peeing on DOA's (Crush's stable after the break up of the Nation) bikes.

Also when they had the bounty on their head for anyone who took them out and Chris Masters tried giving the Masterlock in the restroom.. I don't remember which one beat him up and which one made the comment but the comment was something along the lines of "Shawn, you sure do know how to crap a masterpiece"
Lots of classic moments to choose from when it comes to DX...

My all time favorite has got to be when they impersonated The N.O.D..

Lol it was just pure gold coming from the mouth of The Game as he playd Rock. "... and not The Rocks gunna lay the smackdown on himself..." "you hear that? The brothas guna smack himself down!" Road dogg did a hell of a job shaking his head doin that D Lo impression.

How bout pac, thowin on the fat guy suit and painted black ... lol @ mizzark

I don't know if it was even a DX guy that was doin The Nugget that night but you had to just laugh when you seen that bootleg caution tape wrapped around his body ...

Easily one of the best segments ever cut by the group. Another promo that comes to mind is the WCW invasion. Riding down the street in the tank with bullhorns. Lol, classic. I loved it how they go to Nitro, and are asking fans standing outside waiting to see the show who rules!! Damn sure was suprised by how many "fans" there were saying they were down with DX ....

They got the garage door shut on em ... ha
Wow, too many to choose from...but I think my favorite moment is when DX (HHH - The "Crock", Chyna - "Bossman", Road Dogg - "Vince", Billy Gunn - "Shane", X-Pac - "Shamrock") did the parody of The Corporation. HHH imitating the Rock was always gold, I just loved that The Rock and HBK came out to confront them as well. Rock's promo that night was gold too.

good idea making this thread because dx had so many funny moments
i have a few favourite moments like when hbk started super kicking everyone because that was hilarious
and when dx stole the bounty money and bought tickets from cryme time and hbk started speaking jive
Holy cow! This is such an easy thread to respond with like a Top Ten List or something. There are just so many great moments. I'll try to keep it brief, but no promises there.

DX; Shawn, Hunter & Chyna version.
1. Playing strip poker around ringside. Just a totally funny segment that ended with destroying the Headbangers. That's just a plus to the whole thing.
2. Wearing the helmets with windshield wipers while talking to Comissioner Slaughter. Freaking epic in its hilarity.

DX, Hunter, Chyna, Road Dogg, Billy Gunn, X-Pac version.
1. Of course the parodies of the Nation and the Corporation come to mind. I wish they could have tried for the Ministry also as that was another big stable at the time, but the Nation parody is a classic. And for whichever poster asked, it was not a member of DX that spoofed the late great Owen Hart, but an impressionist that goes by "Jason Sensation".
2. WCW invasion. Riding down the streets on that tank is a never-to-be-forgotten picture etched in the minds of millions of fans. Just perfect set up. How amazing would it have been if they actually got inside the arena?

DX; Triple H & Shawn, final version.
1. The Bounty. That whole segment with the bounty was pretty funny and included the promo with Shawn speaking Jive. Hilarious. Predictable, but hilarious. Also had the "you crapped a Masterpiece" line which was also predictable, but also hilarious.
2. McMahon parody. So, this one felt like a bit of a rip-off from previous parodies, but it still made me laugh. When Triple H, as Vince, asked Shawn, as Shane, "Son, are you mildly ******edJ?" I about peed my pants I was laughing so hard.
3. Crap happens. When Vince, Shane & the Spirit Squad were on the ramp and got crapped on very literally, it was the most disgusting thing I've ever seen. And yet wildly entertaining. Wonder what they really used? Still, funny to see.
4. Superkicks galore. Can't remember the reason why, but out of nowhere, Shawn just started giving Sweet Chin Music to like a billioin guys in the back. I've always been a fan of the move, so maybe that helped, but it was just so cool to see him [kayfabe] explode and kill everybody with his signature maneuver.
5. Gamecocks. There was a night when Raw was hosted at the home of college football's Gamecocks. Triple H and Shawn made all the jokes that you would guess they'd make about Vince using the mascot, "Cockie", as the end of every punchline. Super sophmoric humor, I'll freely admit, but super freaking funny.

And last but not least, to round out my Top Ten (2 from the original, 2 from the biggest and 6 total from the final) would actually have to be the Hell in a Cell Match between DX and the McMahons with Big Show. It was just so bloody and so brutal and the exclamation point for me was Vince getting his head shoved up Big Show's tail pipe. Call me a big kid or a major moron, but I enjoy seeing stupid-funny stuff on TV. Keeps me laughing and keeps me entertained, as well as the match itself being bloody and brutal kept me interested in the match itself and not just laughing. Win/Win.
Definately the time when DX turned up outside the arena where Nitro was being held in the army jeep, with the megaphones and started trashing WCW, and getting WCW ticket holders to cheer for them and saying that DUBYA SEE DUBYA sucked haha, attitude era at its finest!

I bet Bisch was going crazy when he found out they were outside the arena, it would have been epic had they actually got in!!
There are so many to think of when it comes to DX. For starters one of my favorite would have to be the press conference that Shawn Michaels did with Chyna and HHH about apologizing for using profanity and stating what kind of language he will/won't use and started the list of curse words, and ended up cursing with HHH. :p

Next would be HHH and HBK dressing up and Vince and Shane and making fun of their music video for Stand Back and dancing for it, when HBK does the Shane OMac dance, that was CLASSIC!!

Another great moment was when Orton and Edge come out to make fun of DX, then HBK and HHH come out to try to smooth things over and they end up insulting them by showing half naked pics of Orton and joking about his sexuality and showing HBK's pics from Playgirl. I nearly died...I still mark out for that on the DX dvd I have. :lmao:

I still love the one when there was the bounty on DX in England and Eugene shows up for the 'bounty' HHH gives him paper towels stating 'its the quicker picker upper.' Oooh!! Then they get back into the arena just in time for Lita and Mickey's match and keep distracting Lita with 'ho' chants from the crowd and squirt the mustard in her face.

At Cyber Sunday, HBK is backstage voting, and HHH asks him what he's doing, and Shawn says he's voting. HHH Says all the nominees will screw them over. HHH tells shawn he has to get amped up and HBK says he's never angry. So HHH makes up this story about how one of the special refs says the HBK isn't controversial enough, and that's when Shawn starts superkicking every person in the hallway...:worship:

I think still one the best was after Bischoff screwed DX at Cyber Sunday for the tag belts, they get revenge on him and HHH goes "We got 3 words" Big Dick Johnson. Then you see big fatty BDJ come out in the banana hammock and COMEDY MAGIC is born. These guys have never been short on greatest moments for entertainment...but these have to be my top moments of DX. :p

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