Favorite Comedians

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RIP Sgt. Michael Paranzino / RIP CM
I couldn't think of a better place to put this, so I decided to go ahead and put it here.

Who are your favorite comedians? Make sure to list WHY they are!

For me these are the top two in my book.

Bill Hicks - To this day I still believe him to be the funniest man to ever live. I can't stop laughing every time he starts talking about stuff, he's just that god damn funny. Don't believe me? Watch his take on gays in the military below.
Bill Hicks on Gays in the Military

"Excuse me, aren't y'all fuckin hired killers?!!", classic. "I don't want any gay people around me while I'm killin' kids".
Still the funniest comedian ever.

Denis Leary - Now alot of people think Denis stole Bill Hick's routine and his jokes, but thats bullshit. They're styles are similar but what would you expect from all the time they spent together? The first comedian who made me cry from laughter.
Denis Leary Singing Randomly
Id have to go with Billy T. James a great Maori Commedian, he is the standard that people look to in New Zealand for Comedy. He has an award named after him. This is from his TV show back in the 80's one of My Uncles went to School with him.

Heres another Billy T. oneabout how to improve the kitchen, this is a classic.

Here is an episode of Te News. IT is a piss take of normal news, very funny if you know about New Zealand.

Dai Henwood is another, that I will say is very good. He has an interesting show on in New Zealand. This is part of it, Asking Buses and Taxi Drivers in Auckland to take him to funky town.

Fred Dagg, is another great comedian. Great songs from him, I can't find the Gumboot song or his Christmas one but this one is good. There are lot of Kiwi Icons in this Video. Try and Recognise them, I know the aussies will recognise the All Blacks and the Cricketers in there. But the Icons are other stuff as well.

In no way whatsoever is Mike King Funny
Man, there are so many that have made me laugh, but I'll try to list all of my favorites.

John Mendoza
Very good delivery and always seemed very sedate...but genius nonetheless. My favorite bit was: "Do you know what fear is? Fear is when you're stuck in rush-hour traffic and you just realized you drank a big-ass cup of coffee and ate a giant brand muffin."

Steven Wright
The king of deadpan humor. Not only makes you laugh, but is probably the only guy that could tell these jokes and get a response because of how naturally funny he is. "I tried committing suicide the other day by hanging myself with a bungee cord. I kept ALMOST dying."

Drew Carey
Solid example of good 1990's standup skills. He definitely had a solid view on numerous topics including fitness and global warming.

Chris Rock
I was a fan of his since his SNL days and was so happy that he had a career resurgence. Aside from kicking ass on SNL as Nat X, he was also a hell of a standup performer who could really keep momentum through a whole show very well....and there is still, No Sex in the Champagne Room.

Howie Mandel
Had a definite way with mannerisms. Pretty much the antithesis of Steven Wright performance-wise. My favorite moment of his standup specials was when he was performing in the round. During the middle of his set a lady in the audience went up to go to the restroom. Howie, being the opportunist he is, rotated the stage and had everyone in the two nearby sections switch seats by one whole section. When that lady came back, he waited for a second, whilst finishing a joke, and then promptly turned and faced her, exclaiming: "That'll teach you to piss when I'm on." Classic.

Dave Chappelle
Even though it's the trendy thing to say you liked Dave, I've liked him for his standup WAY before he was humping volcanoes as Blackzilla. One of my favorite bits was when he did his "Trick-Whitey Man" segment during a Comics Come Home special in Aspen, Colorado. Nothing is funnier than Dave Chappelle telling jokes that revolve around tricking white people...when you're surrounded by them. Denis Leary and the others with him that night were laughing their asses off in the wings. Hilarious.
Bill Hicks - To this day I still believe him to be the funniest man to ever live. I can't stop laughing every time he starts talking about stuff, he's just that god damn funny. Don't believe me? Watch his take on gays in the military below.
He was genius. I really loved his rant in Chicago when he went nuts on an audience member. I also loved his special from the early nineties when he ranks on Dan Quayle. He was definitely a genius taken too soon. Kind of like Mitch Hedberg in that respect, to me anyway.

Denis Leary - Now alot of people think Denis stole Bill Hick's routine and his jokes, but thats bullshit. They're styles are similar but what would you expect from all the time they spent together? The first comedian who made me cry from laughter.
Anyone who think's he's a lifter of Hick's material doesn't know their ass from a hole in the street. Besides, I don't remember Hicks ever telling a phenomenal story about how K.D. Lang saw his ass at a spa.
I don't really care for American stand-up comedians. We see standup from guys like Chapelle and some classic stand-up from the likes of Drew Carey and others like him over here on Pay-TV, but I just don't think a lot of them are that funny, but that's because Australians have a far different sense of humour than Americans do. I haven't seen a lot of stand-up comedians, as I prefer watching shows like Saturday Night Live, even though a lot of stand-up comedians appear on that show, and also, my favourite American comedians are definitely going to have to be off of Whose Line is it Anyway. Sure, people can be funny in stand up after spending months writing the jokes and delivering them effectively, but anyone that can humourously make something up on the spot and deliver it with seemingly impossible timing has my respect. I remember watching the British program of Whose Line over in England every day, and I loved it. That show has a lot of under-rated comedians, and I have to say that Colin Mochrie is just one of the funniest people I've ever seen. Just his facial expressions make him hilarious. Not forgetting Ryan Stiles or Wayne Brady, who were brilliant on that show as well.

But enough about Americans and Canadians, onto the Australian comedians (or really, lack of them.) I cringe at watching the Melbourne Comedy Festival, simply because Australian comedians...suck. Except, for the one shining light of Australian comedians, and the best observational humour standup comedian I've seen: Carl Barron. If you aren't Aussie, you won't get him, but if you are, you know that you will basically wet your pants from laughing so hard at just one of his simple jokes. One criticism is that every so often, he will laugh at himself, but still, how could you not?

Maybe it's just me but I didn't find that bit to be funny at all Spiral...infact half of it didn't even make any sense at all to me. Guess it's just an Aussie thing huh? :D
Actually he is a real funny guy he just makes observations of stuff that we all take for granted, I suppose it may just be a trans-tasman thing, but some of them that I put up are just plain Kiwi, that I doubt people will find funny.
It most likely is destined to be only funny for Australians, but that snippet of a video I put up was just the start to one of his shows, and just a short sample of what he's like. Obviously, there are jokes Americans won't get, and really, humour differs in different countries. Where I won't get political American jokes your comedians make, you won't get observational Australian humour, and this guy is a genius at it, although that video is not his best.
Bill hicks is a must for any sane person's top comedian lists, he is a God.

My favourite comedians at the minute then....

Chris Rock

Great guy, make me laugh everytime i watch his act, he tends to avoid marginalizing black stereotypes to further his act, which is a refreshing change, because Dave chappelle can get a little boring at times (although still funny).

Trying to defend Rap music.


Lee Evans
Always good watching the rubber faced nutter do his act.

Leaflets, Pizza places ... Parcel force?


And then any of the cast of Never mind the buzzcocks....which is too good in my opinion.

This is 3 parts of one episode....
Host: Simon Amstell
Team One. Bill Bailey (comedian and regular), Noel fielding (Comedian from the mighty boosh and Alfie Jackson (singer of the holloways)

Team Two. Phil Jupitus (Comedian and regular), Donny Tourette (singer of Towers of london) and Philip Olivier (shit actor)




Never Mind The Buzzcocks is the greatest thing to ever appear on television, except maybe Candice Michelle's tits. The Preston walk off episode was brilliant. Now onto the comedians, and here's some Brits to prop the thread up...

Peter Kay

Funny, funny man. Anyone who's a fan can't see a piece of Garlic Bread without bursting into laughter. GARLIC BREAD? GARLIC? ON BREAD? GARLIC BREAD?


One of the funniest things ever. Biscuits made funny. Who'da thunk it?

Lee Evans.

As said before, the rubber faced monkey. Hilarious bloke. No explanation needed further than his Bohemian Rhapsody. Warning: Some Swearing and sexual overtones. And then some more. Then some more. Hell, just watch:


Comedy at it's best in my opinion.

Billy Connolly

Just funny. An absolutly hilarous man, who i strongly recommend to anyone who can laugh. I mean that. If you have a voice box, buy a Billy Connolly DVD. I recommend Billy and Albert (Billy live at the Albert Hall), which this clip is from. Warning: Swears every other word. That's just Bill.


By the way, how do you embed the vid? It says embed next to the video on youtube but that didn't work. Any help anyone please?
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