Favorite Albums of 2010

Smooth Sexual Chocolate

Grapefruits of Wrath
You know I wasn't going to follow the trend and do one of these threads before the new year had even begun, and now that we're a good week into the new year, I figured it would be a good time to look back on some of our favorite albums of last year.

For me, 2010 was a great year for music I bought more albums last year than my previous 23 years combined, and torrented twice as many. I could probably give you a list of 20 great electronic albums from 2010 alone; but for now I'm just going to give you five standouts from 2010.

Ratatat - Lp4

This was my most anticipated release of 2010, and it didn't disappoint. I've been a fan of Ratatat since their first album, and have enjoyed album to it's fullest. Lp4 was the fourth studio release by Ratatat, this album was more experimental than previous albums; but stayed true to their unique one of a kind sound, and delivered multiple five star tracks.

One of my favorite tracks off the new album, I've been known to jizz my pants on occasion while listening to this track.

The Glitch Mob - Drink The Sea​

This might be my favorite album of 2010, I bought the Drive It Like You Stole It single a week before the album dropped and was really diggin' the track. I had this album on repeat for weeks, and because of this album I was introduced to Edit, and his solo work. I recently heard they where back in the studio working on an album for 2011, if it's anything close to Drink The Sea then count me in.

Drive it Like you stole it, the song that got me into The Glitch Mob, and the song that's going to convert you as well. Give it a listen, it's not like your getting a blow job right now, I know you've got the time.

Crystal Castles - Crystal Castles II

I fell in love with the first Crystal Castles album, and I usually cant stand female vocals, but for some reason Alice Glass' voice just hits the spot. I remember this album was a 4/20 release, and I probably listened to it ten times in the first week of its release. As much as I enjoyed the first album, I think I may have liked this one even more.

One of many great tracks off this album, I find myself waning to go back and listen to this album on a regular basis, it's like a really good drug; and trust me, I know about really good drugs.

The Polish Ambassador - First Words

Anyone who knows anything about my musical taste, knew this was going to make my list. This double album released in October was highly anticipated amongst the Polish Ambassadors music community. Like Ratatat this was also the fourth album by The Polish Ambassador, but it was his first to feature his unique style of sampling; though, we where given a preview of his crazy sampling style when he also released another 2010 album under his alter ego Ample Mammal. As the kids would say, this album was filled with total "burners", or perhaps "speaker candy" is more your thing, actually I just made that one up, I think? I don't know I'm pretty stoned, so lets post a song.

This track is the weedO'butter in the hash brownies.

Big Gigantic - A Place Beyond The Moon​

Everyone should listen to this album, ITS FREE, you have no excuses. This is some of the best, most original Electronic/Live acts going. They are their own genre of pure awesomeness. I only discovered their greatness this year, and it was one of the best discoveries I made this year. So far it's led to three free albums, and each one is better than the next. Nowhere else can you get electronic lovin' with smooth sexy saxophone solos. This music is good for anything in life, and it's free, so go get you some.

The second track off their 2010 release, entitled sky high, believe it or not I was sky high the fist time I heard this track, true story.

So that's all the juice I've got in the tank right now, so please share your favorite albums of 2010.

As always, don't just list albums, give some reasoning to why you chose them.
I agree with Crystal Castles II, but I think Gorillaz's Plastic Beach dominated 2010. Every song had something special.

Even the deaf would crank the breakdown of Empire Ants.
I agree it had been a fantastic year for music. I will do a quick rundown of my favorite albums of 2010....In no order, I am having trouble with an order.

The Suburbs- Arcade Fire
The Monitor- Titus Andronicus
High Violet- The National
Buzzards- Margot & The Nuclear So and So's
Odd Blood- Yeasayer
Tron: Legacy OST- Daft Punk
The Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy- Kanye West
The Age of Adz- Sufjan Stevens
Astrocoast- Surfer Blood
Gorilla Manner- Local Natives
Contra- Vampire Weekend
Crush- Abe Vigoda
Crystal Castles II- Crystal Castles
Plastic Beach- Gorrilaz
Familial- Phillip Selway
How I Got Over- The Roots
This is Happening-LCD Soundsystem
One Life Stand- Hot Chip
Romance Is Boring- Los Campesinos!
Sir Lucious Left Foot: The Son of Chico Dusty- Big Boi
The Wild Hunt- The Tallest Man On Earth

Think that covered it....like I said good year for music.
2010 was a pretty good for muic with some really good releases, I wont go through all of them or I would be here for a while, just what are in my opinion the best two.



Slash - Slash.

I absolutely adore this album and would not only rank is amongst the best of 2010 but of the decade. The premiss of it is so unique, gather a bunch of awesome musicians (mainly singers) to each sing on a different song of the album (ok it's not completely unique as Santana has done it but you get my point.).

The end result is an album full of diversity. You get of course the customary rockers associated with Slash in Dr Alibi, Crucify The Dead, Ghost and Were All Gonna Die, By The Sword featuring the familiar faces of Lemmy, Ozzy, Ian Astbury, Iggy and Andrew Stockdale respectively (Izzy Stradlin also played Rhythm on Ghost) all of these are exceptional songs as you would expect them to be with so much talent involved.

But then you also get a Thrash metal song in Nothing To Say (with M Shadows), a style not usually associated with Slash. You also get what is almost a pop song in Beautiful Dangerous (feat Fergie) again very out there for Slash but it is a really cool song and proves Fergie can sing a bit of rock. There is also a couple of ballads in Gotten and A Saint Is A Sinner too, again some really good songs. There is also a country-esque song with I Hold On (feat Kid Rock) this is probably the weakest song on the album but it is good to see Slash have a go at something a bit different.

Overall with such an array of styles you would expect it to be a bit of a clusterfuck but that is far from being the case, the whole album surprisingly flows very well.


The Big Four Live In Sofia Bulgaria

Yes I know this isn't an album, but I'm using it anyway. For any metal fan this set is fucking awesome, the big four of thrash metal on the same bill for the first time ever, the end result is fucking epic.

Everyone seems to be in top form, and for the most part the set lists are spot on. The only complain would be that I don't feel Nothing Else Matters belongs at a celebration of thrash, but it is a minor thing. I would also complain that all the set times should be equal, not everyone else gets an hour and Metallica gets two, in normal circumstance I wouldn't be against it but this is different.

The highlight of course comes in the in the jam of I Am Evil, just an awesome moment in metal history. To see Dave Mustaine hug Kirk, Lars and James is something I thought I would never see. It is a shame Slayer wasn't part of it but from what I understand it is because the didn't know the song not that they didn't want to be a part of it.
Johnny Cash - American VI: Ain't No Grave

I've been waiting for this one for quite a bit. Johnny Cash had recorded several songs in sessions for American V, but they never saw release, until this year. American VI is the final chapter in Johnny Cash's American Recordings and even though it's a posthumous release, it still kicks all sorts of ass. The first song on the album, Ain't No Grave (Gonna Hold This Body Down) is a chilling experience as it seems Cash himself is speaking from beyond the grave.


Interestingly enough Cash goes out on an old Hawaiian song that was once covered by his old friend Elvis; Aloha Oe. Aloha Oe is quite a mournful song, but it holds out hope, that you'll meet again. I'm sure Johnny himself had someone special in mind when singing this, and so he should. This is a cracking way for him to go out.


Rick Rubin has done a great job getting this out and I tip my hat to him.
Slash - Slash.

I absolutely adore this album and would not only rank is amongst the best of 2010 but of the decade. The premiss of it is so unique, gather a bunch of awesome musicians (mainly singers) to each sing on a different song of the album (ok it's not completely unique as Santana has done it but you get my point.).

The end result is an album full of diversity. You get of course the customary rockers associated with Slash in Dr Alibi, Crucify The Dead, Ghost and Were All Gonna Die, By The Sword featuring the familiar faces of Lemmy, Ozzy, Ian Astbury, Iggy and Andrew Stockdale respectively (Izzy Stradlin also played Rhythm on Ghost) all of these are exceptional songs as you would expect them to be with so much talent involved.

But then you also get a Thrash metal song in Nothing To Say (with M Shadows), a style not usually associated with Slash. You also get what is almost a pop song in Beautiful Dangerous (feat Fergie) again very out there for Slash but it is a really cool song and proves Fergie can sing a bit of rock. There is also a couple of ballads in Gotten and A Saint Is A Sinner too, again some really good songs. There is also a country-esque song with I Hold On (feat Kid Rock) this is probably the weakest song on the album but it is good to see Slash have a go at something a bit different.

I certainly do not agree with you in that Kid Rock's song is the weakest on the album, that song is great!

However, I agree 100% that Slash has made a great album. As you said, the styles of music are so varied, therefore showing just what a great guitarist Saul Hudson is. He is capable of adapting his style to suit the vocal talents of any singer, and perfectly comfortable playing almost any genre of music. It is a brilliant piece of work.

With "Dr Alibi" (with Lemmy), you almost believe you are listening to a Motorhead track, same with M Shadows and "Nothing to say", and in "Beautiful Dangerous" with Fergie you get to hear her display the vocal skills I never knew she had, which was great to see. Plus that is one catchy tune.

All in all, a really good album from one of the all time greats. I had been looking forward to it for years, and while I do feel it lacked a couple of bona-fide "classics", it is a solid album all the way through, with so many different styles and something for everyone.

Gotta respect Slash
I certainly do not agree with you in that Kid Rock's song is the weakest on the album, that song is great!

However, I agree 100% that Slash has made a great album. As you said, the styles of music are so varied, therefore showing just what a great guitarist Saul Hudson is. He is capable of adapting his style to suit the vocal talents of any singer, and perfectly comfortable playing almost any genre of music. It is a brilliant piece of work.

With "Dr Alibi" (with Lemmy), you almost believe you are listening to a Motorhead track, same with M Shadows and "Nothing to say", and in "Beautiful Dangerous" with Fergie you get to hear her display the vocal skills I never knew she had, which was great to see. Plus that is one catchy tune.

All in all, a really good album from one of the all time greats. I had been looking forward to it for years, and while I do feel it lacked a couple of bona-fide "classics", it is a solid album all the way through, with so many different styles and something for everyone.

Gotta respect Slash

I suppose it all depends on your musical tastes, I can't stand Kid Rock, well recent Kid Rock with his country rock stuff anyway, Kid Rock from 10 years ago is fine. I just don't like country at all which is why I feel it is the weakest song on the album.

Don't get me wrong though, I still kind of like the song got a decent riff and a typically good Slash solo, and in my eyes nearly anything involving Slash is at least passable. To say it is the worst song out of a good batch isn't really all that much of a knock on it.

I agree with you one everything else though, cool to see that Fergie can actually do something other than look hot (which she does plenty of in the video for the song). Also agree on the lack of classics, can't see anything of this album being compared to something like SCOM or Welcome to The Jungle years down the road.
I suppose it all depends on your musical tastes, I can't stand Kid Rock, well recent Kid Rock with his country rock stuff anyway, Kid Rock from 10 years ago is fine. I just don't like country at all which is why I feel it is the weakest song on the album.

Yeah, just personal taste! I do prefer the old Kid Rock to the recent version, and I also dont like most country, but I dont realllllly class the Slash/Kid song as a real country song. I do think Kid has a great voice though, I was so surprised when I found out he could actually sing, and not just rap.

The track I could take out is the one with Rocca De Luca, that one I do not really like.

I agree with you one everything else though, cool to see that Fergie can actually do something other than look hot (which she does plenty of in the video for the song). Also agree on the lack of classics, can't see anything of this album being compared to something like SCOM or Welcome to The Jungle years down the road.

Yeah, definitely. I fucking hate the Black Eyed Peas, but she can really sing on that one. The tune sort of reminds me of "Walk This Way", the beat is very similar in the bit just before the chorus...maybe its just me I dunno, but it does remind me of it.

It wont be remembered as a classic, no way, but it shows how adaptable Slash is as a guitarist
Last year did have a lot of great albums, and was definitely an awesome year for music. I'll mention a few of my favorites.

Man On The Moon II: Legend Of Mr. Rager by Kid Cudi - I can't get enough of this guy. I love his strange mixture of singing and rapping. I usually don't like catchy stuff, but this is a definite exception.

Take A Vacation! by The Young Veins - This is just a great throwback to 60's rock. I never would've thought that two guys from Panic! At The Disco could sound like this, but I was clearly wrong. A very successful transition to a totally different style for them.

Contra by Vampire Weekend - Easily my favorite album from 2010. Listening to it earlier today reminded me of how great it truly is. It seems like these guys have found their perfect style of music. I can't wait to hear what their next album sounds like.

Honorable Mentions:
Congratulations by MGMT
Brothers by The Black Keys
Come Around Sundown by Kings Of Leon

Album: Man on the Moon II: The Legend of Mr. Rager
Artist: Kid Cudi

I love Kid Cudi, ever since his mixtapes the dude has released nothing but pure amazingness. His long-awaited 2nd album debuted last year and I fell in love with it. Classic Cudi, really chill songs. Good music to get high to. I don't think you can go wrong with Kid Cudi in any facet though. I loved the whole thing.

Key Songs: Mr. Rager, Marijuana, Erase Me, Mojo So Dope, Scott Mescudi vs. The World, Ashin' Kusher.

Album: Sounds Of The Universe
Artist: Depeche Mode​

I've been a fan to them longer than I liked any other band. They touch the smooth, electric side of me. I listen to almost every album from Construction Time Again to Sounds of the Universe. When I was in Graphic Design II, I listened to them to boost some mind flowing inspiration. I've listened to everyone of the band members solo acts and it sounds alot better than anything else live I have heard imo. Martin Lee Gore is such an amazing writer, so is Dave Gahen.

My choice of songs: Hole to feed, Wrong, Peace, Jezebel, Come back, and Corrupt.
A Star Crossed Wasteland by In This Moment - Only recently got into this band so I listened to all three of their albums in a day or so but I liked that they went back to their heavier sound for this one. Am addicted to The Gun Show.

Out of our Minds by Melissa Auf Der Maur - This girl deserves way bigger than she is. Both this album and her self titled first are incredible. Actually makes me want to watch the short film based on the album.
the best album for me from 2010 is easy to pick, The Rebel Within by Hank Williams III

Mainly because of his live act really, i've not really heard of him playing a show of more than 600 people. Went to 2 shows of his in 2010, one of them a sold out bar in Louisville Ky of 600 people, after playing for 3 hours for a show that costs 20 bucks he immediately got off stage and spent another hour signing autographs and taking pictures with everyone that was there. second show was 15 bucks a show just as long in a bar that only held 200 people and he done the same thing after the show. got 6 hours of pure energy for 35 bucks.
so yeah that's mainly the reason this was my favorite was the shows he was pumping out every night on tour. He's country music... but he's against everything today's country music stands for.

My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy: It is what it projects a masterpeice of music. It took Kanye West 2 years to crank out this album but amazing. If he didn't release all those GOOD Friday tracks he could have had another #1 on the charts with all those G.O.O.D tracks (pun intended). If features top notch beats and even better lyrics by Ye. Plus you get guest appearences by Kid Cudi, Jay-Z, RZA, Pusha T (from Clipse), John Legend, Raekwon and Rick Ross among others.

Best tracks:

"See Me Now"
"Blame Game"
"Hell of a Life"
"Devil in a New Dress
I'm going to go with Bruno Mars: Doo-Wops and Hoolligans. I first heard Just The Way You Are by Bruno Mars. That's technically the only song I heard off of his album last year. I heard a couple other songs but they were just featuring Bruno Mars. I really enjoyed Just The Way You Are and decided to try out a couple of other songs from him and I was extremely happy with what I heard. Marry Me and Grenade are a couple of other songs that I heard and are two of my absolute favorite songs now.

Another great CD that came out was Bon Jovi's Greatest Hits Album. This Album didn't disappoint either. The first five songs on the first cd go like this Living On A Prayer, You Give Love (A Bad Name), It's My Life, Have A Nice Day, and Wanted Dead Or Alive. Of course those are followed by Bad Medicine, We Weren't Born To Follow, I'll Be There For You, and Born To Be My Baby(which is my favorite btw). I was going Hog Wild listening to this cd. I just can't get enough of it. Obviously I'm a Bon Jovi fan.

Those are my favorite right now.
Escape the Fate - Self Titled.

The third studio album release from Escape the Fate, second with Craig Mabbit on vocals did not disappoint at all. This album sees them use a very slight touch of electronics. Not enough to make you cringe, but enough to change things up a bit and keep them fresh and evolving as a band.

The blind haters who hate on Escape the Fate for changing vocalists need to take their heads out of their arses and just listen to this and see what an awesome album it really is. There is some slow stuff, some fast stuff, some heavy screaming stuff and awesome catchy choruses, insane drumming on The Aftermath and Prepare Your Weapon.

They have really evolved since after Dying Is Your Latest Fashion when Ronnie was replaced, I think for the better as I know some die hard fans would want things to stay the same, they are also the same ones who would complain about wanting something different, as it be.

But yeah, I suggest people listen to Zombie Dance, Gorgeous Nightmare, Prepare Your Weapon and The Aftermath.
Ahh man, 2010 was an incredible year for music in my opinion. There are far too many albums for me to remember all of them, so I'd probably say that my favourites were:

JME - Blam!
B.o.B - Adventures of Bobby Ray
Kid Cudi - Man on the Moon II

There were so many more though, albums by Devlin, Big Boi, Gorillaz, Janelle Monáe, Nicki Minaj, Drake, Rihanna, Eminem, Ludacris, Tinie Tempah, M.I.A. and Cee-Lo. Those are just some off the top of my head-looking at that list, I'm sure there are a lot from the beginning of the year I forgot. Not a bad year at all!

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