Fate or Killer Movies

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Master of the Aussie kiss
Dave got me thinking with this post. I thought i would make up another thread so I didn't spam up the other one.
I don’t think they have changed the horror movie genre forever. I mean, these movies were swept under the carpet a lot of the time and although people watched them to see someone getting killed in a pretty awesome way, that could be found in any other horror movie. It’s the premise of this movie that sets it apart from the rest of the horror genre. It is a genuinely terrifying premise that death is trying to catch up with you and you have to keep trying to avoid it. It’s a bit scary thinking about anything that could kill you at any time but apart from that, I really don’t think that it has revolutionised the genre.
I actually prefer movies where it's forces like death or something where you can't see the thing killing them.

It's not some super human person that no matter how hard you hit him he won't go down. I just think it's more believable where it's death doing the killing instead of a person that no matter how hard you try you cant kill him. It explains why you can't out run it and how it always finds you. It should be easy to out run Jason and such.

I guess cos I believe in the fact if you're meant to die you will die I find these type of movies more entertaining.

Anyway what type of horror do you prefer? One where you see the murderer and he is invincible or the one where it's fate at work and you know it's coming but you can't see it.

Please give reason
That's a tough choice. While I've never been the biggest fan of horror movies in general. I do however enjoy an occasional one.

There's the ones with a lot of gore, zombie movies etc. like Dawn of the Dead (I have only watched the remake. I'm not a fan of the 70-80's movies), which I overall enjoy because. Well they're gory and if the pictures and graphics of it is done well enough, it can certainly make me cringe a little bit.

On the other hand, I like those that has a bit of a sudden shocker, but not too many of them. A movie that leaves you waiting for it, expecting it any moment now. But even if you are prepared, it catches you every time.

I'm not much for getting surprised through horrors, but nonetheless I like them because of that scary feeling behind them. That feeling that as well makes you cringe a bit, as well as makes you want to turn it off. Not because of the horrific sights, but because you know all of a sudden you're jumping up.
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