Fantasy Draft I


Pre-Show Stalwart
Basically, The first 4 Mock Drafts haven't worked out. I'd like to find 7 other participants, along with myself, who are willing to remain involved through out the entire process and finish the thing to determine a winner. If your familiar with the rules of the past few Mock Draft's they will be similar to those (i hope that Mr. Sam wont mind my starting this) with a few changes thrown in.

The Rules:

-Choose a Brand Name.
-Choose a General Manager.
-There will be 20 rounds of drafting. (The order of the draft will be determined by me picking the names out of a hat to be fair).
-You will still have 18 hours to make your picks or else you lose your pick and can fill it at the end of the draft.
-You must have at least 3 championships. You can have more but not less. Tag Teams are not required but are encouraged to make your show as impressive as possible.
-You are allowed to partner with another member of WZ to manufacture your show together. (For example: If you are not available to make picks, your partner or co-owner could make them).
-Miss 2 selections and your done. If someone wants to replace you, they do so with the roster you've already compiled.
-You can select any male or female wrestler.
-Something new that i've added this time around: After the draft is completed there will be a free agent pool for all of the remaining superstars/divas that have not yet been selected. Everyone will be given 23 roster spots. The first 20 will be the ones you draft and then the other 3 allow for flexibility by adding new free agents to your roster. The only rule regarding free agents is that you must use them at the first show you have after signing them. You cannot sign a free agent and wait 3 or 4 shows to use them and once you sign a free agent you must keep them. There is no dropping superstars.
-Trading is accepted and encouraged.​

The rest of the rules will be explained through out the drafting process before we get to round 2.

Sign up so we can get started. Please dont sign up if you aren't capable of meeting the demands of this thread.
im signing up, my brand name will be:


I hope that my entry into this dosent scare all the other participants off. mwhahahahahaha
ok i edited my gm out the post for you, and also because i dident want any one to pinch him, I'm going to win this thing by any means neccisairy
I'll go for it. I know I fucked up in Sam's most recent one, but there is a reason for that, but it's not something I'm posting to be honest, it's my personal business. However, I'm with this one all the way.
I'm perfectly capable of meeting the demands of this thread, and I need something to do to keep me occupied before I return to college. Count me in.
Why will this succeed where the others failed?

Also, if you ever wanted to make this a lot more fun, I'vegot a great suggestion for you.
I'll sign up, count me in, I know i can meet the demands of this thing and will stick with it till the end.
i would love to play... i have some things planned already
Well if he has been banned then i guess its not going to happen unless there is somebody who thinks they could run the thing. I dont really know how to do enough to run it, so unless someone else can taker over, I guess its not going to happen after all, also we would need at least one more member.
TWFS has been banned?

Kick ass, now I can start one, and make it work. I know I can if I put the effort in properly. If a mod can please delete this thread, I'm starting a new one.
TWFS has been banned?

Kick ass, now I can start one, and make it work. I know I can if I put the effort in properly. If a mod can please delete this thread, I'm starting a new one.

I was about to start one, I have made these work in non-forum settings a couple times, so I thought I'd give it a whirl on here.
Cool, I was hoping somebody from the last one would start one, you guys really seemed to know what you were doing. I was a little worried about this one because everybody was new to the concept, if one of you guys run it, it should work out a lot better.
New thread started, so if anyone wants to sign up, continue. The rules are a bit more tight, and I'm including women, but in a better enforced way.

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