Fantasy Booking :The NXT Championship and Aftermath of NXT Takeover : Rival


The Crimson Kestrel
This is something I think would work for the NXT championship storyline heading into the next NXT special event.

My way of continuing the story would be Zayn coming out next week to cut a promo about how he'll be medically cleared next week, only to get attacked by Owens again. This puts Sami on the shelf for 30 days, removing his rematch clause in the process. Meanwhile Balor decides to act smart and plays mind games with Owens, during matches and/or backstage interviews. Yet, when Balor invokes his championship match clause, Owens manages to win either by disqualification or countout. He starts a post-match beat down on Balor, when a returning Zayn smashes the living daylights out of Owens with a steel chair. NXT TakeOver : Reprisal gets the main event of Balor vs Zayn vs Owens in a triple threat (ladder) match.

Thoughts? Suggestions? Your own scenarios? Post it right here.
That's an interesting way to book things for sure. I'm up for that idea as it brings in the now and the future of NXT in one match for the main championship.

Heres my fantasy version:

NXT kicks off next week with EXCLUSIVE backstage footage of Sami Zayn somehow walking to Kevin Owens saying it's not over yet; then Owens powerbombs Sami through some backstage equipment.

After showing the footage we see Kevin Owens standing in the ring saying he loves Sami, he has no issues with him. He fought for the title but it was Sami who came and picked a fight with him after the match. Now he's paying for it by being in the hospital.

As Owens is talking Balor cuts him off and asks Owens if he knows what Balor means (I looked this up). Balor is a destructive god. Balor sees a monster in front of him but everybody has a breaking point - Owens is no exception.

*Two weeks later* Finn Balor is still at the game of getting into the mind of Kevin Owens who shows no signs of budging. Owens meanwhile is on his path of destruction and just begging for Balor to come in his way.

This week a sit down interview with Sami Zayn happens. We see Zayn on his bed at home and he is live via satellite. Sami claims he went after Owens because he never quits, Zayn says he will be back sooner than later and when he is back, he will be like he never was before.


*Couple more weeks later* Finn Balor has distracted Kevin Owens in his match ups a lot which caused Owens to lose a few matches and due to that Kevin Owens has called out Balor for a match tonight. Out comes Balor and says he'll fight but only for the title.

They have a match and Balor tried to put on a good match but was weak after being attacked by Owens in his entrance. Kevin Owens has set up a table in the middle of the ring and is about to powerbomb Balor through it from the top rope when the music hits ----

Out rushes Sami Zayn who looks as if he has not shaved or cut his hair since being last seen. Zayn rushes to the aid of Balor with a steel chair and destroys Kevin Owens with it. Sami hits his own powerbomb on Kevin Owens through the table and hits him some more with the chair.

Sami Zayn returns as a tweener who just wants to get his hands on Kevin Owens one more time but Balor says he wants his title match so Regal books the match at the next NXT Special to be a three way for the NXT Championship (since Zayn still has that good ol' "Rematch Clause").

At the Special Sami Zayn attacks Kevin Owens so furiously he actually ends up hurting himself and actually takes himself out. Much like how the Royal Rumble title match ended, Kevin takes a page out of Brocks book and comes back into the ring and gets the pin on a wary Zayn to retain his title.
In my opinion, I think they should keep Zayn off NXT for the next month in order to sell the effects of the injury. Bringing Zayn back for the next show, given how hard he was selling the "head trauma" only to be attacked to be put out seems unnecessarily redundant. What Triple H said about liking a slow burn when it comes to these feuds, I think he should continue that approach with not only Zayn vs. Owens but for Balor vs. Owens as well.

I'd sorta like to see Owens' character fleshed out a bit more. He sort of seems like an opportunistic bully, though not a cowardly one, and I'd sorta like to see him throw his weight around a bit. Balor is #1 contender, but I don't see a need to really just rush into a program with them immediately. Also, I'd prefer that the feuds with Zayn & Balor be kept one on one, at least for a while. Maybe the three of them can get something going heading into the summer months.
Bringing Zayn back for the next show, given how hard he was selling the "head trauma" only to be attacked to be put out seems unnecessarily redundant.

I'd sorta like to see Owens' character fleshed out a bit more. He sort of seems like an opportunistic bully, though not a cowardly one, and I'd sorta like to see him throw his weight around a bit.

1. Well, we need Kevin Owens to be a full fledged heel. So attacking an injured/weakened opponent when he's not cleared to fight would be a cliched, but good way of getting heat on him

2. That's what I like about his character. He reminds me of Brock Lesnar in that aspect, and I'd like to see his character remain that way.

As for Balor, well, they will have to have a match soon. I don't see (from a Kayfabe perspective) why he would wait for more than 4 weeks to fight Owens for the Championship.
I'm going to make an assumption based on nothing that we're going to have three more NXT specials this year. On that basis I'd book the following three matches for the NXT championship.

NXT special #1: Kevin Owens v Hideo Itami
NXT special #2: Kevin Owens v Sami Zayn
NXT special #3: Kevin Owens v Finn Balor

In the coming weeks I'd have Sami Zayn reappear and demand a rematch immediately. I'd bring out Owens for a skirmish and I'd have Regal and the trainers try to keep them apart. During this I'd have Owens sucker punch Zayn to the back of the head and I'd run with a concussion storyline that would eliminate Zayn from action for a few weeks/months.

Because of Owens actions I'd have Itami call him a coward and a bully and say that he'll stop him at NXT special #1. Itami is desperately in need of some storyline development and standing up for the show's number one babyface would help. I'd have Owens go over after a 20 min+ match though but whilst celebrating I'd have Zayn sneak back in through the crowd and attack Owens. Lay him out in the same way Owens did to him at R:Evolution and that sets up the match at NXT Special #2.

To get to that match I'd have Owens invoke some contract ruling that says Zayn didn't take up his rematch clause within 60 days of dropping the title and so he doesn't get to have one now. Have Zayn say he'll leave NXT for good if Owens puts up the belt and Zayn loses and that way this can facilitate Zayn's jump to the main roster. Have Owens cheat Zayn out of the match and NXT at the end to try to put as much heat on him as possible so that Finn Balor coming out on the next NXT show and saying he's had enough of Owens and is challenging him to a match at NXT special #3 gets as big a babyface pop as you can get.

NXT special #3 takes place at the end of the year and Balor goes over Owens to win the NXT title and, possibly, send Owens up to the main roster after a year long reign. I'd have Itami sneak attack Balor on the next NXT to set up your main 2016 feud then. He could just say he's pissed off with Balor getting the spotlight, it's an easy sell.
Sami Zayn comes out for an interview to discuss his injury from the match with Kevin Owens. He goes on to tall about how he received a serious head injury and hasn't been cleared for action yet, and the doctors aren't sure when he will be cleared.
Out comes Kevin Owens, he says that everything he has done to this point was to win the NXT Championship and that he hopes that him and Sami can just put this all behind them.
This sets Sammi off, he calls Owens a coward for attacking him from behind like he did. Before Sammi can get out another word Owens drops him with a huge clothesline followed by a pop up power bomb. Sammi is helped out by trainers.

Kevin Owens Vs Finn Balor
- Towards the end of the match the referee is knocked unconscious. A man in street clothes wearing a Luchadore mask comes from out of nowhere to attack Owens he throws him to the corner and hit the Baluga kick setting him up for Finn Balor to go to the top rope for the double foot stomp. Finn picks up the win and is the new NXT Champion.

Next Week:
Kevin Owens comes to the ring demanding that William Regal come to the ring and makes things right. He was svrewed over by Sami Zayn. Tonight he doesn't care who it is, Balor, Zayn, it doesn't matter he is here for a fight tonight.
William Regal comes to the ring and says Sami Zayn is not cleared to wrestle and that he doesn't know who the man was who came out last week. However he will grant Kevin Owens a rematch for the NXT title but it will be at NXT Arrival in two weeks.

Finn Balor Vs Kevin Owens
Ends in some kind of DQ ending as Kevin Owens is once again attacked by a masked man costing him the match.

Next Week:
Kevin Owens calls out the masked man who makes his way to the ring and goes face to face with Owens. Kevin Owens attacks the masked man knocking him out with a powerbomb and than rips his mask off hut its not Sami. He looks up to see two more masked men standing in the ring looking at him. As he stares across the ring at the two men, Sami Zayn comes from behind and beats down on Owens. Which will lead up to a No DQ match between the two at the next Special Event.

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