Fans you hate...


Mid-Card Championship Winner
Anyone see the guy in the front row camera side at all the WWE shows this week in that "We Hate Cena" shirt? This d-bag has been at the last two Manias as well as some other shows I don't recall off the top of my head. Who boos Cena, Punk, AND The Colons? And then he cheers Ted Jr? Pfft. Add to that the fact that he just comes off as an overloud prick.

What fans do you see at live events that you hate?
There's a guy I used to work with at a tv station in Cleveland who's a huge wrestling fan. His name is Nathan Zagura and they call him the "Sports Guy".

First of all, he gets paid an exorbanant amount of money to predict games and give fantasy advice. He sucks !! We always did the complete opposite of what he said.

Nevertheless, he goes to a shitload of live events and was actually in attendance at WM 25. If you watch the show, he's the dude who's always on camera wearing the orange, LeBron James Cavs jersey.

I will give him some credit though - he had a cool sign at Mania - it said "It Will Always Be Rael To Me".
2 years ago I was at a show here in germany and the show was pretty good, but unfortunately right in front of me sat a big smart ass who pretendet to know everything about anything that has to do with wrestling, and all he did was talking trash like : " Oh he stole that from Liger " or "His psychologie sucks". And I just thougt : " FUCK OFF ". He nearly ruined the whole show for me. -.-
Anyone see the guy in the front row camera side at all the WWE shows this week in that "We Hate Cena" shirt? This d-bag has been at the last two Manias as well as some other shows I don't recall off the top of my head. Who boos Cena, Punk, AND The Colons? And then he cheers Ted Jr? Pfft. Add to that the fact that he just comes off as an overloud prick.

What fans do you see at live events that you hate?

That guy sat like 5 seats down from me at Mania this year. He was so annoying. Me and my friend and the people around me ecided to cheer for Cena just to annoy him back. He got so pissed. It was so much fun talking trash to him after Cena won.
What fans do you see at live events that you hate?

A good example of fans I can't stand occurred Friday night on Smackdown. During the Umaga vs. John Morrison match, the wrestlers were working instead of just going for cheap pops. The match was long (by modern standards) and the pace was good.

Most of the fans at ringside, though, could care less about the action going on in front of them. Many were looking at anything except the match. There was one guy talking on his cell phone (I guess having 15,000 people sitting around him wasn't comfort enough).

The payoff is: these were the people in the first five rows that could be seen on our TV screens. Since the action was taking place a few feet from them, you would think it might hold their interest. Only heaven knows what the ones farther away from the ring were doing.

When arena crowds don't fill the place, management has been known to re-seat people within view of the TV cameras so it looks as if the house is full, right? Well, they might also try to position people who actually care about watching a wrestling match into seats that the camera can easily pick up so it looks as if the audience gives a damn.
That guy sat like 5 seats down from me at Mania this year. He was so annoying. Me and my friend and the people around me ecided to cheer for Cena just to annoy him back. He got so pissed. It was so much fun talking trash to him after Cena won.
God bless you, good sir.
-cena fans

-if you noticed, when they are fighting outside the ring on the floor, there is always a kid(definitely a girl) who screams as if he/she is getting raped or robbed and sometimes, the camera is right beside the kid so the scream is pretty loud on tv...

-in some PPVs, there's always someone with a huge sign with the number 2...every time there is a 2 count, he raises it and because it is so big(about 1 meter tall),everytime he moves, he moves the sign with him

-that douchebag in the bottom of the screen(when watching from tv when showing the main camera) who looks back and poses...have you noticed that in some dvds of old PPVs or even during the "from the vault" sections, they sensor the middle fingers that the same douchebags show

-when they fight in the crowd or near the security walls, there's always those fans who have to touch the wrestler..when they get home, they're probably like "i ain't gonna wash my hand coz i touched cena today"

-how about fans that don't show up?in the spoilers here at WZ, they always mention that the top seats are tarped and yet wwe announcers say that it is a sold out arena

more is yet to come
Fans that cheer for faces and boo heels, and make noise. What *****. How dare they ruin it by doing what they're supposed to! Us real fans sit in silence, except to criticize botched spots.
I saw that prick again in the front row when watching my Mania 20 and 23 DVDs.
There is a man that began attending the ROH shows in Philly a few months ago- let's call him "Dick". Dick feels the need to chant about EVERYTHING. He chants and chants but fails to notice that no one has joined in. He has the loudest and most obnoxious voice I have ever heard. Just watch an ROH show on HDNet, you'll hear him. This past TV taping I was fortunate enough to have Dick sit directly behind me. By the end of the show, I wanted to stab myself in the neck.
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I did tell him to shut his mouth. But he was in a heated fued with 2 guys in another section, so I took to ignoring him after that.
I hate when they do the kiss cam and they show two girls and they kiss and everyones whistling and cheering. But when they show 2 guys they don't kiss. I hate those 2 guys that don't do it. Your on TV for crying out loud it's not gay it's funny. Only someone in the closet wouldn't kiss another guy on TV.
I hate when they do the kiss cam and they show two girls and they kiss and everyones whistling and cheering. But when they show 2 guys they don't kiss. I hate those 2 guys that don't do it. Your on TV for crying out loud it's not gay it's funny. Only someone in the closet wouldn't kiss another guy on TV.

So in a nutshell, you hate it when two guys don't kiss...
Only in that scenario I listed. It's a huge comedy factor because people are so immature that they think it's embarrassing not to do it. I mean what the hell? It's not going to kill you to a kiss a guy it'll make people think of you so much more then if you hadn't. Say there was a kiss cam and it showed 2 guys not kissing about 2 years ago you wouldn't even remember what they look like but if they kissed it would be vivid in your mind and probably be put on youtube so this is why I hate the fans who won't kiss the same sex on the kiss cam.
Only in that scenario I listed. It's a huge comedy factor because people are so immature that they think it's embarrassing not to do it. I mean what the hell? It's not going to kill you to a kiss a guy it'll make people think of you so much more then if you hadn't. Say there was a kiss cam and it showed 2 guys not kissing about 2 years ago you wouldn't even remember what they look like but if they kissed it would be vivid in your mind and probably be put on youtube so this is why I hate the fans who won't kiss the same sex on the kiss cam.

See, I don't want the image of two guys kissing vividly on my mind. Not my jollies.

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