Falling Skies


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Is anyone watching this show? Last summer, I thought I'd give it a chance. It was summer, there was nothing else on, and it looked cool in the previews. Well, I started watching and got hooked.

Last night was the 7th episode of the second season. The show has been pretty good as a whole. When I first started watching I wasn't sure how they were going to go beyond one season but now it's just been renewed for a 3rd season.

I'm really enjoying it. Anyone else watching?
I watched the pilot and totally hated it. It had a good premise but lacked good execution. Of course, I don't like the War of the Worlds robotic esque alien portrayals. There are better quality tv shows on currently and I don't waste time on those shows I feel are lesser quality. Falling Skies falls[no pun intended :)] short of top quality.
Yes. The first season I nearly gave up on because of how corny the story got to, but the second season has really picked things up quite a bit with all this rebellion talk and the fact we're finally getting to see some serious action between the 2nd Mass and the overlords.

I'd suggest to anyone trying to pick up on it to trudge through the first season, because the first few episodes are a tough sell, but it does get a lot better.
Yes. The first season I nearly gave up on because of how corny the story got to, but the second season has really picked things up quite a bit with all this rebellion talk and the fact we're finally getting to see some serious action between the 2nd Mass and the overlords.

I'd suggest to anyone trying to pick up on it to trudge through the first season, because the first few episodes are a tough sell, but it does get a lot better.

They're really building it up for an epic season 2 finale. I have a feeling there's going to be a major assault on Charleston by the Overlords and their army. Ben will probably show up with the Rebels to help defend Charleston.

In the previous episode, I can't remember if it was Tom or Weaver, but one of them mentioned, in front of the overlord, that the 2nd Mass is heading to Charleston.
They cut the deal with Karen and the overlord after Tom shot it in the throat that the only way they'd allow her and the OL to walk out alive is to let the 2nd Mass move out, and only once they were gone would they be allowed to try and save his life.

The finale is going to be epic, for sure, but with a Season 3 on the way there's no possible way they'll actually complete the rebellion this season. My guess is Ben will do exactly as you say, and likely return with aid, but I think it's going to end up being a battle in the war. The first they decisively win.
They cut the deal with Karen and the overlord after Tom shot it in the throat that the only way they'd allow her and the OL to walk out alive is to let the 2nd Mass move out, and only once they were gone would they be allowed to try and save his life.

The finale is going to be epic, for sure, but with a Season 3 on the way there's no possible way they'll actually complete the rebellion this season. My guess is Ben will do exactly as you say, and likely return with aid, but I think it's going to end up being a battle in the war. The first they decisively win.

I think season 3 will reveal what exactly the Overlords' mission is, where they came from, if they're too just puppets of other aliens (like the Skitters are Mechs are their puppets). Remember Tom has asked a couple times what their mission is and in the last episode they hinted at a larger, over-arching mission and to me hinted at them (the overlords) being controlled by someone else. They're planting the seeds for that for sure.
So they got to Charleston and it wasn't exactly "Utopia."

At first I was thinking that Manchester made a deal with the Overlords (same deal that was being offered to Tom in the season premiere) in which he agreed to have all his people surrender in exchange for safe haven. He was acting very suspicious the entire time, specifically about attacking the aliens AND they kept mentioning how no one in Charleston was scared and that it was a "lax" attitude.

As the episode progressed, I wasn't sure. Now, it does look like in the finale, after the coup, they do indeed meet up with the rebels and mount an attack. The end of the preview for the finale is intriguing as it shows blue "orbs" falling from the sky....
I thought the season finale last night was average overall. They played it pretty safe, it was a little cheesy, but they definitely left some intriguing questions for next year.

The best part was the last 5 minutes when those new aliens arrived.

The real question is, are these new aliens the masters of the overlords and they came because that one overlord died? OR Are they the enemies of the Overlords/skitters and they want to form an allegiance with humans?

Either way could be feasible but I think they're going to end up as allies. I think they are the main enemies of the overlords. I think the overlords and their species conquer all these planets for natural resources and to form an arm and these new aliens are their main enemy. Maybe the new aliens have been monitoring overlord activities and when that one overlord was killed, it triggered their arrival, to finish the job.

The face of the alien, kind of looked like a skitter so I'm not sure what to think.

Also, remember Tom referenced that the weapon that was being built was pointed towards the sky. Maybe it was to shoot down the ship of these new aliens? OR if these new aliens really are THE aliens and the masters of the overlords, maybe the "weapon" was actually built to summon them in some way?

That storyline is very intriguing to say the least and also, I'm interested in what's happening with Hal? Is he now going to join Carol?
Falling Skies is a good show.

Along with The Walking Dead, I think the makers of both these shows have done a really good job with the premise of "What if this happened in real life"

People I know that have never seen FS, have asked me what its like and Ive said in lamens terms "FS is like TWD, but with aliens instead of zombies"

Im probably gonna get slated for saying that, but it was the simplest way of describing it, on FX in the UK the 2nd mass have just made it to charleston & found the general.

Im hoping it will get a third season, and its gonna be interesting to see what happens to Ben with what he may do when/if he finds the rebel skitters base now he's drifting on his own.
So we're 4 episodes into Season 3 and so far, I'm not impressed. I guess I was expecting a lot more.

My biggest complaint is that the Volm are basically a minor subplot at this point. With the way they set up the finale last year, I thought this would be THE storyline of season 3. Instead, we've seen them in battle with the humans, one time and we've only seen a few of them as they're building that machine or weapon. Other than that, we know almost nothing about the initial meeting, how they know how to speak English, what technology they gave the humans, etc.

Also, they have those awesome weapons but how come the humans in charleston are still using traditional guns and weapons?

I know it's early in the season but I thought the Volm would have a bigger presence, would be the main focus of the storyline AND would OWN the eshpheni. We've only been introduced to one Volm character, their leader, and we've never seen the Volm fight the Espheni on their own. Now, I know they kinda said that they're waiting for their big ship or whatever with more troops but I just don't like the Volm being a minor subplot at this point. They had such a great opportunity and so far, they've done nothing with it.

The baby storyline is weak and the Hal/Karen storyline is predictable.

However, I am intrigued by the revelation that the real President is alive.

I still have hope for this season but I think they need to focus more on the Volm and less on minor time wasting subplots.

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