Fair and Balanced...

I'm curious to know what you guys think of Fox News. I'm a pretty moderate guy, probably lean left more than right. However, I watch Bill O'Reilly every night, and yes, I spend about 50 out of the 60 minutes yelling at the television screen like a whacko. But he isn't nearly as insane as Hannity or Beck.

Anyhow, do any of the liberals on this sight watch Fox at all? What do the conservatives around here think about FNC? Am I the only one who finds it absolutely hilarious that MSNBC and Fox constantly rip on one another, yet are basically the same kind of operation? Let the spin run wild, right here!
Fox News are a neccessity against the liberal media bias.

It's not funny at all. Just a sad realisation of what American media has become, basically propaganda. There's no such thing as pure news or impartiality just conservative or liberal mouthpieces.

It's painfully sad.
They are equally annoying, I'll give you that much. However, I don't think MSNBC has anyone as terrible as Hannity or Beck. Olbermann is about as one-sided as they get, but he's funny, so he doesn't really annoy me.
I watch Fox news, because my political views tend to lean to the right. That being said, Fox is anything BUT fair and balanced. The fact that the majority of their contributors actually believe that catchphrase is quite funny indeed. To be fair though, they are pretty much the only tv outlet for conservatives.
I watch Fox news, because my political views tend to lean to the right. That being said, Fox is anything BUT fair and balanced. The fact that the majority of their contributors actually believe that catchphrase is quite funny indeed. To be fair though, they are pretty much the only tv outlet for conservatives.

I actually agree with this. As much as Fox pisses me off, they are the only right-leaning voice on television right now.
Not that the other major networks aren't biased, but Fox News is the furthest from "fair and balanced" that I've seen. It's become increasingly hard to tell who's a reporter and who's a pundit.

But I'm a liberal who can't get off without hearing Jon Stewart point out Republican logical fallacies, so take that for what it's worth.
Which is why their ratings smash MSNBC and CNN by miles and miles. FOX is painfully biased and has a huge tendency to blow things way out of proportion and sadly that is the only major conservative outlet, which is what makes the right wing nutjobs so nutjobish.
Fox News are a neccessity against the liberal media bias.

It's not funny at all. Just a sad realisation of what American media has become, basically propaganda. There's no such thing as pure news or impartiality just conservative or liberal mouthpieces.

It's painfully sad.

Even IF the mainstream media has a "liberal bias," it does not match the blatant bias of Fox News. Fox spreads misinformation like a California wildfire. In fact, documents were recently made public of how Fox knowingly changes their rhetoric to mislead people.

(You can view the memos here:http://www.observer.com/2010/media/another-fox-news-slant-mongering-memos)

I don't think any news companies should have any sort of slant, but this is impossible. Between personal interests, corporate interests, and the interests of advertisers, every news company is going to have a little bit of a slant. However, Fox News is gigantically twisted and they partake in constant fear mongering that is only going to lead our country deeper into despair. If we are going to move forward we need to stop pointing fingers and working together, and we can't do that if companies like Fox News supports congressmen and women that support filibustering any bill that comes out of the Democrat's end.

I think Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert raised a good point at their rally. Nothing is black and white, everything in life, especially politics, is a various shade of gray. People that allow Fox News to spoon feed them their opinions are no better than the people they despise who allow "liberal media" to make their decisions for them. We all need to think independently about what is best for our country and not based on what some talking heads on the television screen tell us.
Which is why their ratings smash MSNBC and CNN by miles and miles. FOX is painfully biased and has a huge tendency to blow things way out of proportion and sadly that is the only major conservative outlet, which is what makes the right wing nutjobs so nutjobish.

Very true. I've also read (and heard) several times that far more liberals get their news online, where (older people) conservatives watch more tv news coverage and listen to the radio.
Within America the best you'll get is probably AP or Reuters, but BBC does a pretty good job reporting on events around the world.

Yeah, but I was thinking more TV. If we had BBC, I probably would watch their news. I like to stay on top of current events.
Yeah, but I was thinking more TV. If we had BBC, I probably would watch their news. I like to stay on top of current events.

You can watch BBC on American television. They have their own channel, but if you don't get it, they often show it on public television.
The only show I watch religiously on that channel is RED EYE with Greg Gutfeld, that has to be one of the funniest shows on that channel
BBC isn't that great. Yes they do offer better value for money than others, and there reporting is generally better BUT they dwell on stuff way too much. They made a three minute report on Kate Middleton not going by carriage to her wedding yesterday...that took ten seconds to explain NOT three minutes.
Fox News is bad for your intelligence:

The polling, conducted by the Program on International Policy (PIPA) at the University of Maryland and Knowledge Networks, also reveals that the frequency of these misperceptions varies significantly according to individuals' primary source of news. Those who primarily watch Fox News are significantly more likely to have misperceptions, while those who primarily listen to NPR or watch PBS are significantly less likely.

And here's another, albeit slightly more biased link, which gives some easy to read facts which were determined by the study.

Gutfeld is on O'Reilly once a week, and I think he's the most arrogant, rude, annoying piece of shit on that channel.

His Red Eye show is freaking hilarious, his pre-show, halftime report and postgame wrap with Andy Levy-also on the ball with his quips, and the clips of random animal events that he uses as 'reporters in the field' LOL... Gutfeld reminds me SO much of my dad is frightening...maybe that's why I have no problem watching that show all the time. (not in terms of political partisan-ship...but just dry humor...)
BBC isn't that great. Yes they do offer better value for money than others, and there reporting is generally better BUT they dwell on stuff way too much. They made a three minute report on Kate Middleton not going by carriage to her wedding yesterday...that took ten seconds to explain NOT three minutes.

Slow news day.

For international stuff BBC is the boyo but for domestic coverage (in the UK) it's terrible. Their north/south divide bias is sickening.

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