Facebook to be murdered by Anonomous...


Apparently a hacking group known as "Anonomous", who has apparently been responsible for several hackings in recent memory, is threatening "to kill" facebook. They are claming that it is for our own good, and that facebook is gaining money selling information to the government. Take a look at this article and watch the video.


If this does happen what if anything do you think will happen?

Im wondering why the warning. I mean they are giving us till November, then they are gonna pull the plug. Why Wait?

I really dont care much cause i really dont share much on Facebook, and when I am on it its to just see what everyone is up to.

In closing, be careful what you put on Facebook the government is watching you...........
If this does happen what if anything do you think will happen?

I really dont care much cause i really dont share much on Facebook, and when I am on it its to just see what everyone is up to.

Exactly. What will happen? What can they steal? Photos? People cant save them anyway. 'Like' pages? Peoples status'?

It's not as serious as when they stole CC details, peoples names, addresses and stuff from the Playstation Network. I'm interested to see what hassle they cause this time.

As for Stuntz' second sentence. I agree, I use it for the same purpose, rarely posting. I don't understand how people can have 1000+ friends. Surely you don't talk to them all....
Like a lot of people have already said, if you have a problem with Facebook then just dont use it. Are they giving our info to advertisers? Yeah I kinda noticed when I put that I liked WWE and I started getting a bunch of WWE ads on the side of the site. So what, thats hardly a bother. Oh and I love when they say that they're spying on you and stuff. We've also known this for a while now. The government can hack into your webcam, but the worst thing they'll see is your face while you jerk off to porn. Facebook is a rich company, they dont need to sell my identity to make a profit, thats why I trust them with the little info I've given them. My age on that site isnt real, I didnt put where I live, I didnt put anything there that could be substantial enough for identity theft. Why are they trying to protect us, knowing identity theft can happen offline as well as spying.

All they will accomplish if they manage to take the site down is break communication between families, friends, and couples that dont have immediate access to eachother. Wow thanks guy, I cant talk to my buddies online until the problem gets fixed, you really saved my life there!
All they will accomplish if they manage to take the site down is break communication between families, friends, and couples that dont have immediate access to eachother. Wow thanks guy, I cant talk to my buddies online until the problem gets fixed, you really saved my life there!

Yes, because people have no other way of communicating or remaining in contact with each other without the means of facebook. People are becoming way too addicted and dependent on facebook and I honestly think some of them forgot what its like to have any sort of real conversation in a face to face situation. Seriously when you are hanging out with some friends and one of them would rather spend the entire night on facebook than actually have any sort of association with you or any one else..then you have a problem.

I'm not saying I condone this kind of behavior, It is wrong. What I'd like to know is what exactly they are trying too prove? That the government has access to all our personal information? Chances are they already do regardless of whether or not you use facebook. All they are really going to manage to do is piss a lot of people off.

I'm not a facebook user and I never really understood the craze about it, its never held any sort of appeal too me. But a small part of me does actually wish that they actually accomplish what they say they will accomplish. I guess we will just have to wait and find out on the 5th now won't we.
Oh illogical WZ arguments, I miss you so...

Yes, because people have no other way of communicating or remaining in contact with each other without the means of facebook.
No, in fact some people dont have phones or email or might not live in a stationary place. And some people do, does that mean that they shouldnt use facebook because there are more options out there. Facebook is way more convenient than texting or AIM, or sometimes even talking on the phone.
People are becoming way too addicted and dependent on facebook and I honestly think some of them forgot what its like to have any sort of real conversation in a face to face situation. Seriously when you are hanging out with some friends and one of them would rather spend the entire night on facebook than actually have any sort of association with you or any one else..then you have a problem.
Shit, who are you to tell me what I can or cannot do with my personal life? If I spend the entire night on FB I'm an addict, if Anonymous spends the entire night hacking they're heroes. I dont see how you can pick something illegal over having a conversation with your friends. Nobody is substituting Facebook with hanging out or having real life relationships. Sometimes people have things to do with their lives and they cant get face to face for everything. If I have to remind a friend who lives in another state about someones birthday I think its more convenient to post it on his wall rather than make the entire travel to deliver that one message, especially when I'm busy. What if I'm sick or I've been working a lot and I'm tired, or I just dont happen to be in the mood to go and meet up with someone whats so wrong with me getting on FB. Just because I get online doesnt mean I dont chill. Hey look, if your friends are texting you rather than seeing you face to face, then they just dont like you, they're avoiding you.

I'm not a facebook user and I never really understood the craze about it, its never held any sort of appeal too me. But a small part of me does actually wish that they actually accomplish what they say they will accomplish. I guess we will just have to wait and find out on the 5th now won't we.
See this is why I smell hater. You dont like facebook, so its okay if a bunch of juveniles to tamper with my personal info to send a message to a company that could go offline for years and would still be rich. This is the kind of backwards mindset we live in, where if it doesnt affect you then it doesnt mean two fucks. You think you've got Facebook and people who use Facebook all figured out and you're not even a member?
Woah, Whats with all the hostility, you make it sound as if my comment was a direct attack on you, which was far from the idea.

No, in fact some people dont have phones or email or might not live in a stationary place. And some people do, does that mean that they shouldnt use facebook because there are more options out there. Facebook is way more convenient than texting or AIM, or sometimes even talking on the phone.

I understand its more convenient. All I meant from my comment was that people have been finding ways too communicate with each other for thousands of years. The destruction of one social media site(despite who popular it is) won't change the fact that people will still find ways to keep in touch. Nobody is saying that what facebook is doing is wrong, I understand what its trying to do but bottom line is people have lived without it for so long and if the time ever comes they will learn to live without it again.

Shit, who are you to tell me what I can or cannot do with my personal life? If I spend the entire night on FB I'm an addict, if Anonymous spends the entire night hacking they're heroes. I dont see how you can pick something illegal over having a conversation with your friends. Nobody is substituting Facebook with hanging out or having real life relationships. Sometimes people have things to do with their lives and they cant get face to face for everything. If I have to remind a friend who lives in another state about someones birthday I think its more convenient to post it on his wall rather than make the entire travel to deliver that one message, especially when I'm busy. What if I'm sick or I've been working a lot and I'm tired, or I just dont happen to be in the mood to go and meet up with someone whats so wrong with me getting on FB. Just because I get online doesnt mean I dont chill. Hey look, if your friends are texting you rather than seeing you face to face, then they just dont like you, they're avoiding you.

I wasn't telling you anything. I was merely stating my own opinion on the situation,much like you are doing now. The comment about going to your friends house to remind them about a birthday is ridiculous. All you need to do is make one simple phone call. It would take you just as much time to make that phone call as it would to post it on your wall. You also misunderstood my quote from when I was talking about my friend spending all night on facebook. She was over at my buddies place using his computer and spent all night on it instead of socializing with the people she came there to socialize with. No need to turn this into a hate thread guy.

See this is why I smell hater. You dont like facebook, so its okay if a bunch of juveniles to tamper with my personal info to send a message to a company that could go offline for years and would still be rich. This is the kind of backwards mindset we live in, where if it doesnt affect you then it doesnt mean two fucks. You think you've got Facebook and people who use Facebook all figured out and you're not even a member?

You think I'm a hater? Why? Because I don't use facebook. I said I never really understood the craze about it. I don't really hate it, dislike? Yes, but not hate. When, in my entire post did you get the idea that I had people from facebook figured out? Since when do I need to be a member to know about shit? Its like saying I can't know anything about the wilderness if I wasn't a boy scout. Or that I don't know squat about anything in general simply because I'm not signed up on some stupid fan site. Facebook is everywhere. Whether you are a member or not, its kind of hard to escape its presence when everybody uses it. Sorry if my comment seems a little forced, I have to be a work quick and just wanted to rush a comment out. Its not as well though out as I'd like it to be.
Woah, Whats with all the hostility, you make it sound as if my comment was a direct attack on you, which was far from the idea.
I'm sorry its just when you try to justify a bunch of geeks tampering with my personal info to stick it to a company that could care less I take it a bit personal.
I wasn't telling you anything. I was merely stating my own opinion on the situation,much like you are doing now. The comment about going to your friends house to remind them about a birthday is ridiculous. All you need to do is make one simple phone call. It would take you just as much time to make that phone call as it would to post it on your wall. You also misunderstood my quote from when I was talking about my friend spending all night on facebook. She was over at my buddies place using his computer and spent all night on it instead of socializing with the people she came there to socialize with. No need to turn this into a hate thread guy.

Well I mean you were the one who was emphasizing on face to face conversations. I know I could call him but most people are busy or have their phones off, or discharged. If I'm online already, which I usually am, whats wrong with going to facebook and spending two seconds writing something instead of looking for my phone, calling him, hoping he picks up, calling him again an hour later if he doesnt pick up, leaving a message if he still doesnt pick up.

Again if someone is online instead of socializing with you, especially in a situation like that, then its a frienship issue, not a facebook issue.

You think I'm a hater? Why? Because I don't use facebook. I said I never really understood the craze about it. I don't really hate it, dislike? Yes, but not hate. When, in my entire post did you get the idea that I had people from facebook figured out? Since when do I need to be a member to know about shit? Its like saying I can't know anything about the wilderness if I wasn't a boy scout. Or that I don't know squat about anything in general simply because I'm not signed up on some stupid fan site. Facebook is everywhere. Whether you are a member or not, its kind of hard to escape its presence when everybody uses it. Sorry if my comment seems a little forced, I have to be a work quick and just wanted to rush a comment out. Its not as well though out as I'd like it to be.
I talk from experience because I've seen oh so many people bash Facebook, only to join the site and become a frequent user. How would you know about the site if you're not a member? Sure you know its a social network, but unless you join you wouldnt know why people care about the site. And you seem so certain that everyone who spends time on facebook has a problem, so you must have us all figured out.

As far as people finding out other ways to communicate, lets say the only way you can communicate with a friend is over the phone. If someone steals your phone, you basically lost that friend now didnt you?

I dont see how you can judge people's usage of a site if you dont even like it yourself. If you find a problem thats all you, nobody is forcing you to join or to hang out with people who do. Facebook has yet to give me indication that they're spying on me, however these guys who hide behind masks and want to hack everything I use (PSN, Facebook) I'm not so sure about.
What will happen if they actually do "kill" facebook? People will flock to Twitter or some other social networking site to post statuses complaining about what happen, then begin using that as their main communication instead. Facebook would legitimately be "killed" off. As for waiting until November? They are trying to generate hype and it will work. People will wonder if it will really happen, and what the end result would be. I can say that I could honestly live without facebook because of all the drama it causes and people posting stuff that no one even cares about. Sure it's a good way to get back in touch with people, but if you're meant to get back in contact with that person then it can still happen without facebook. Fate is a crazy thing. Then there's the privacy issue. I'm not surprised. I boycotted every single facebook application for a reason. Well, mainly because they were stupid, but also all of the things they ask you to let them see is also a problem. Anyways I think these renegades hackers are just trying to create attention. They are doing just that, but it's stupid really. People like that should get a life.
I'm sorry its just when you try to justify a bunch of geeks tampering with my personal info to stick it to a company that could care less I take it a bit personal.

All is good.

Well I mean you were the one who was emphasizing on face to face conversations. I know I could call him but most people are busy or have their phones off, or discharged. If I'm online already, which I usually am, whats wrong with going to facebook and spending two seconds writing something instead of looking for my phone, calling him, hoping he picks up, calling him again an hour later if he doesnt pick up, leaving a message if he still doesnt pick up.

Understandable. I'm not saying people shouldn't use facebook, both ways of communicating are equally acceptable. I do however don't care for the people are are too dependent on it. People constantly updating their statues every 10 seconds(a bit of an exaggeration). The people who feel the need to write a comment on everything.For these people, their who lives revolve around facebook. Not saying every facebook member is like this, but there are those individuals who are.

Again if someone is online instead of socializing with you, especially in a situation like that, then its a frienship issue, not a facebook issue.

Its not a friend issue. We get along fine and have no problems within our friendship whatsoever. It wasn't until she signed up to facebook a few months bad that this habit developed. Its like she would honestly chat with us over facebook than in an actual face to face interaction sometimes. I'm not the only friend shes alienating.

I talk from experience because I've seen oh so many people bash Facebook, only to join the site and become a frequent user. How would you know about the site if you're not a member? Sure you know its a social network, but unless you join you wouldnt know why people care about the site. And you seem so certain that everyone who spends time on facebook has a problem, so you must have us all figured out.

Former member. I got an account like everyone else when it first started too gain a foothold on modern society. I realized it was nothing special,and gradually after months, I just stopped using it less and less frequently. It got to the point where I just never went on anymore and it was only recently that I decided to delete my account. Besides,who's trying to figure people out? You think that because somebody uses facebook they are like an entirely new breed of humans? You are just every day people on that site, not a collective facebook cult. Trying to figure "us" out would require me getting to know and analyze ever single person who uses that site and befriending every single one of them, not out of the realm of possibility but highly unrealistic.

As far as people finding out other ways to communicate, lets say the only way you can communicate with a friend is over the phone. If someone steals your phone, you basically lost that friend now didnt you?

lol no, if somebody steals my phone then I'd get a new phone after writing that persons number down,or better yet I'd use a house/pay phone..yes,they still exist. Perhaps email? Or maybe I'd write a letter,send a post card, hell use the telegram if I must. There is more than one way too keep in touch with somebody.

I dont see how you can judge people's usage of a site if you dont even like it yourself. If you find a problem thats all you, nobody is forcing you to join or to hang out with people who do. Facebook has yet to give me indication that they're spying on me, however these guys who hide behind masks and want to hack everything I use (PSN, Facebook) I'm not so sure about.

I don't really have a problem with facebook, its just not really my thing. I'm not big into the social networking sites all that well. I just think people shouldn't become too addicted to the site, use it in moderation and not spend every waking hour on it. That's just my opinion tho.
And that's the bottom line, because DAGGER DIAS said so!

Lol, I agree. And it was told that Facebook was shutting down a few months back.

I think somewhere in March, and look what happened - Just a weirder layout with an 'improved' chatbox. :shrug:

If Facebook really is gonna get 'killed', then so long, my long distance friends who I keep in touch with by the means of Facebook.

About the Government, I really don't think they'd be interested in my BS.

And like one said before, I haven't given my precise location, numbers or anything.

On the bright side, I might start EMAILING someone properly again.

Man, I kinda miss that.

And what I miss more than that is letter writing. :icon_mrgreen:

Oh yes, and many people were complaining yesterday about Facebook not letting them Post or 'Like' objects and for me, the hardly ever used chat was acting strange.

Like they say, all good things come to an end. :p
Absolutely nothing is going to happen. Best case scenario for "Anonymous" is they actually succeed in DDoSing Facebook for a few minutes, then they'll go back to /b/ and circle-jerk about how "EPIC WIN" they are, and how they're the elite hackers of the world.

I'm surprised at how dumb people are, actually thinking "Anonymous" can "kill" anything. They never have and they never will.

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