Face or Heel?


Vince McMahon had a vision: Combining Wrestling with theatre. It's got him to the stage he is now, and as we all know it has been the foundation of modern day wrestling for the professionals. As this goes there are two halves, good guys and bad guys. Neither of which would be complete with out the other side. Now this thread is simple, what would you want to debut as, what would you like to be mainly, and which would you want to in a world championship as?


Now to be face, or babyface as it is sometimes known, you have to be a crowd favourite. Everyone enjoys the hero of the act, as he wins with truth and honor. To be Face, you:
- Have to win honestly,
- Are a great example to children who idolise you,
- Sometimes only appeal to some crowds, but you rock those crowds!.


Heel is the definition of what the bad guy is about. You're primarily trying to suceed at ANY cost. Whether it destorys the other guy, makes the crowd turn on you and makes your reputation go down the shitter. It's all about the all important win. To be heel, you:
- Have the freedom to do whatever you want,
- Being dispised by anyone who had the unpleasure of watching you,
- Never get to celebrate as much as a face winner.

Remember the questions:

How do you want to debut?
Which do you want to be mainly?
Which do you want to win a world championship with?

Set up your answer like this: (Answer)(Answer)(Answer). For example, FFH, or HHH, or FFF. Then give your reasons why. My answer is set up like this:


I've always enjoyed the heel debuts, and I would like to have that freedom at the begining. But overall, I can't deny how awesome it would feel to be a face. Think about it, crowds chanting your name as you raise the world championship above your head...

Now it's your turn.
What about being a tweener? That should surely be on there somewhere?

Ok, well my answer would be HFF.
Simply put, wrestlers who have followed this formula seem to have the most success.

Steve Austin, The Rock (NOT Rocky Maivia!), Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Mankind, Hulk Hogan, Batista etc...

Although for that list, The Rock did win his first title as a face... And Triple H has quite possibly spent more time as a heel.... But the 2 main ones, Austin and Hogan, are correct.

If you can debut as a heel, and you're really good at it, you will earn a place in the fans' hearts, no matter what evil deeds you commit. Once you've earned a place in the fans' hearts through playing you're role well, you can turn face and people will love you.
And then, you'll win the title. In reality, who wouldn't want to win their first world title as a face? 90% of first-time face title wins are genuine mark out moments. Punk, Hardy, Cena, Austin, HBK... The crowd at the respective events and people around the world all marked out like crazy. First time heel wins are cool, they're fresh and exciting (Edge, Jericho etc..), but the moments they provide are much less iconic than first-time face title wins. I mean, how iconic is the image of HBK falling to his knees with the WWF title at Mania 12? How about Austin raising the pre-attitude WWF title above his head on the second turnbuckle at Mania 14?
HHH. I just love the bad guys. I know most people on here hate Triple-H, but my favorite parts of Raw were when he was ending the shoe beating the hell out of someone and the referee would just keep ringing the bell. I would love to do that . I guess all the good bad guys end the shows like, now that I think about it.
I would like to be a heel of course for my debut and for winning the belt as well. In this age for wrestling, little kids like the faces, and I do not want to be a "kids icon" but rather someone who tells it like it is. So my choice would have to be a debut somewhat similar to that of Chris Jericho and The Miz now. I enjoy both on the mic and each have a great wrestling ability and have the most heat on them. I really like heels a lot more then faces right now. They bring more to the table and frankly are 100x more enjoyable then some of the faces right now. But if I was forced to be a face, what more could I do, besides lose my job. Anyway, If I had a choice that's what I would do. :)
nice thread...

i would say, HFF

Debut as a heel because i would want to start off as a heel with Legacy, destroy Batista and anyone who gets in Orton's way, BUT for this reason, i would make sure Randy keeps the title, so he gains my trust completely, become a dominant stable, more than Evolution was. Then when the time is right (after a couple years), turn on orton and legacy and destroy them on my own because i would know everything about them so it would be easier for me.

then as a face i would win the WWE/World Heavywieght Championship from Orton, and it would be so nice to defeat my Favorite wrestler on the grandest stage, Wrestlemania!

then for continuing my career i would stay face for a while and then go attack the biggest face in WWE at that time and go back to being heel.

First I would want to debut as a heel, maybe attack the newly crowned face Intercontinental Champion on Smackdown, or the face US Champion on Raw. Or just attack some comedy jobber like Santino, and continuously beat him or any other face that gets in my way. Get that heel heat going right away. Work my way up through the ranks, not undefeated but still moving up by beating my opponents to a pulp.

Then as I am making my way through the upper midcard, start my face turn and then after I finally win the Intercontinental Championship or US Championship, become full fledged face, being the guy that the crowd wants to be the next WWE Champion.

As I am now No. 1 Contender, I start backing my opponent, which would be a face vs. face for the title to see who is the better man. Doesn't initially make sense, but the spin could be a respect factor, as well as finding out who the better wrestler is. Then at Summerslam or Wrestlemania, win the title like CM Punk when he beat Austin Aries, win it clean, but then right after the match, I turn on the fans and go completely heel.

So in the order of the questions:
Debut; Heel
Mainly; Heel
Win WWE Championship; Face, because I would win as a face and then turn immediately after the match.

Reason to be heel, it is good to be the villain when acting as it gives you the ability to get your horrible side out, while in real life being a good guy.
well for me it would have to be heel as much as you want the crowd to cheer your name. it would be cool to do anything at all cost to win. by the way if you are a good enough heel like Y2J then you earn the crowds respect in a whole new way. yeah they don't cheer you but in a way you are being cheered because the crowd will do anything to see you lose. with the amount of heat like him that means you are doing your job making the fans hate you and thats the whole point so i would choose heel. plus they get to do more crazy shit then the faces do.
FHH I would debut as a face, standing up for the crowd, thus standing up to the heels. I would mainly cut promo's, and be involved in interferences. My my matches would almost always end in interferences from the heels for be interrupting their promo's. So, the buildup would be there to see me in a complete match with a winner/loser. So, I would go on the undefeated run, which would lead to a match with US champion. I would win the belt as a face, but then slowly turn heel to go on a lengthy run with the title, and hopefully bringing some respect back to it.
I would debut as a heel. I would make all of my opponents and rivals miserable. Then I would turn face and be a good guy for a while. I would win the title as a face then I would turn heel.
I would want to be a heel, because you can't go wrong with being a heel. No matter what you do, it's perfect. I mean as a face, you can do one ting wrong and get fans booing you and you end up being controversial like John Cena. Also being a heel is easier than being a face as it's easy to make people not like you, but it's hard as heel to make people like you.

I mean it would be cool, debuting to the crowd in a tailor-made suit, wit a hot chick on your arm and tell the crowd how great you are and better than them. Just speak what is on your mind. Everyone likes a rebel.
What would Eddie Gurerrio Be? he's a face but does heelish thing ;)
I would be a HHF.... Mainly because a Heal can do anything he wants to, only downside they make them look like cowards... Only reason i would want to win my title as a face is because from being heel and turning face then winning the your first title its awesome. Look at Orton he debuted i beleive as a Heel joining Evolution and when he beat Chris Benoit for the title he was on his knees crying because it felt great! If i could i'd be a heel like Eddie but have the crowd still love me somehow... Either way being a heel is better than being a face because Face have limitations. Only time they don't have limitation is when a heel does something personal to them and it becomes an act of revenge. (Edge attacking Cena's Father) (Randy taking over HHH's family and kisses Steph) like those are the only time where a face can do whatever they want to a heel and get cheered

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