Ezekiel Jackson

The Legend

Dark Match Jobber
There has been long wait till the return of big Zeke. Once he returns what do the wwe do with him he has lost all steam and is slowing down everyone has nearly forgotten him. I think make him bring the ecw title back with him and make him a extreme monster heel the last extremist and destroy people and push him to the main event. With the ecw title it makes him look good like a last standing champion like the hardcore championship.

So what are your thoughts what do the wwe do with him ?
1. I think he should be sent immediately back to smackdown.
2. Let him do some promos. The ones he did with Brain Kendrick were pretty good, not too much talk, but believable.
3. Have him run upper midcard like Rey. If his promos are decent enough, send him after the World Title. Hell, if Swagger can do it, I don't see why he can't.

The extreme thing won't work. Danielson just got fired for choking someone on a violent telivision program. I think it's safe to say that there won't be any decent hardcore matches so why bother promoting him that way?
I think he will go to SD, and will continue to carry the ECW title, even if it is only as a prop (similar to Ted with the Million $ belt)

I can see him going after the Heavyweight title when he returns, maybe winning it once or twice before settling in the midcard for a few years until he retires
With Ezekiel out for an extended period of time, the WWE will need to hit the refresh button on the Universe before he gets sent out on TV again or have him randomly pop-up out of nowhere straight into a storyline. I hope it's the latter, because I'd hate for him to go down the same monster path that so many big men wrestlers have taken. For a big dude, he ain't too bad to get a lot of the job done as a professional wrestler. He's already done this during his ECW stint, so there is no point rehashing it. He'd make for a good bodyguard alongside Ted DiBiase, Jr., but they already have Virgil in that spot and that's another gimmick rehashing which shouldn't be attempted.

It depends on how serious they are with Zeke. There are quite the amount of possibilities they could use, but they have already milked out some of the best options already and others are already in use. I certainly don't want to see him bring out the ECW Title considering Ted is wearing the Million Dollar Championship. Six titles on RAW is overkill, even if two aren't currently active. My guess is that they bring him back to squash some guys in the first couple of weeks until he meets a main figure, or they'll throw him in the deep end by having him feud with said figure.

Let's hope Big Zeke can convert.
Big Zeke was soo strong when ECW folded and looked good on SmackDown, then the injury occurred and he went to Raw. Raw? Really? I don't get it really unless creative has big plans for him there like Sheamus and Miz when they out of nowhere came to Raw. SmackDown looks like the better brand for him but we'll see.

As far as a return and push, there should be promos leading up to his return. A random return has been done so many times before with these monster heels and Jackson can actually cut some promos, so let him do that. He can work the mid card for a few months and then get a shot at Cena or one of the top guys to gauge him out on the main event scene. I hope he gets a legit shot on Raw as he has the look and can actually perform in the ring and on the stick.
At first I thought, they would put him in a crappy feud and slowly work him downwards...but my views have changed, they can really make him work as a face...he has a killer theme (reminds me of nation of domination theme), he looks mean...and he can work in the ring...

Im guessing they will put him into a mid card feud at first, see the reactions he gets..and then maybe put a us or ic title on him, see what reaction he gets and then see from there if he can be the next top black star in the "E"..
I really like Big Zeke. His matches against Christian were impressive and he could be a big player if pushed correctly. If he's kept a heel, let him be the guy to take the US / IC title. Preferrably the IC title, meaning a decent feud with Kofi and meaning they can move Drew on to something else.
get rid of that shit body guard of Ted Dibiase
and make ezkiel as the ultimate body guard and make
a push for the both of them ?

I'm assuming you're talking about Virgil? Virgil isn't a bodygaurd, he's a servant... and having the classic Virgil is awesome, it builds Ted's character as more like his father, while giving room for him to still be his own character.

I liked Ezekiel. I forgot what happened to him, and now that I think about it I had forgotten about him. He really needs to go to smackdown because they need some more big guys, and I think it would be good for Big Zeke to get more experience and maybe get better on the mic.
For me I'd like him to be repackaged in some way. Leave the ECW thing behind. WWECW wasn't great and it doesn't make them look good to keep bringing up a failed venture. Hear any XFL refrences lately?
He's got the look. Ring skills are passable, not great. Mic skills are decent. I'd like to see him come back but with something interesting. I'm sick and tired of these returns that fizzle into nothing. A return peeks interest, use that.
Have him go on NXT and destroy a few rookies. He could just say he's laying out a warning to the WWE that he's back...and meaner than before.
Well IMO Zeke could end up being a huge player in this NXTWO invasion angle (depending on his return time of course) ECW was cancelled to bring in NXT so Big Zeke might have a bone to pick with the NXT rookies and as for "heels" I think that its going to be pros vs rookies for at least the summer on RAW at least. I only say that because of the FCW video of Christian and Miz working so well together against the rookies, not to mention CM Punk's beatdown on RAW last week so at least in the interm I will look a the rookies as the heels and pros as faces making Zeke when he returns at least temporary a face.
I love the idea of him bringing back the ECW title with him. It gives him a kind of gimmick. "I was so fierce and so dominant that I was the last ever ECW champion." Then have him name off some of the people in the past that have held it and say he was apart of that group. Buttt... heres the twist. Have him say something along the lines of more prestigious names have held the WWE championships and then have him discard the ECW title into a trash can. This promo would have to be done with the current Champ in the ring so he can start a feud with them. Make his need/want for the title just as bad as HHH's obsession. Make him do anything. Hell, I'd say even make him a tweener. Not giving a $hit about anyone and just wanting that belt.
If Big Zeke was healthy he'd have been the perfect bodyguard for Ted, but with Virgil in the picture that looks to be out of the question. It might be a little lackluster, but why not reveal him as the Undertaker's attacker. It looked as if Zeke was going to work with Kane, as they were doing house shows and Kane was involved in the match that Zeke was injured in. It would put Zeke right into the spotlight and he can feud with Kane, maybe even take him out and only to be greeted by Undertaker. That is of course if they want to wait that long (as I'm not sure how long Zeke will be out for).

If he sticks on Raw then they will need promos hyping up his return, just so he gets back into our minds and we remember how dominant he was prior to his injury. Maybe have him squash some guys before moving on to feud with the faces of Raw's midcard.
get rid of that shit body guard of Ted Dibiase
and make ezkiel as the ultimate body guard and make
a push for the both of them ?

Not a bad idea. Then during one of their promos NXTWO comes out and tries to take the two of them down but somehow Jackson manages to push them out of the arena, giving him some credibility as a bodyguard and a bit of a push. That's if NTXWO actually establishes as a credible and dominant alliance.
I've been thinking about what to do with big 'Zeke for awhile. It was definatly a waste to have him as the last ECW Champion. He had a lot of steam coming out of ECW, if the WWE wanted to use him productively it should have been right after that last ECW show.

Now I feel like the WWE doesn't know what to do with the big man because they already have a few big men running around dominating the roster. I think merging him with another superstar to form a tag team won't cut it anymore, its been done with him and Kozlov. I think he plays the body guard role the best. He just doesn't have it to make it as a legit main eventer, I hardly remember him ever talking.

Agreeing with some prior posts I think he'd be great as the next Virgil. He def. helped bring "The" Brian Kendrick up to the main event scene a couple years back. So I can see him with Ted DiBiase. I can even see a move to Smackdown and have him backing Drew McIntyre as per Mr. McMahon's order to be a heel or have Teddy Long trade for Ezekiel and have him fight McIntrye for him as a face.

Overall I don't see this superstar really becoming a main eventer, or upper mid carder.
depending on when he comes back..
if his return his soon, he could come out as the one that attacked the undertaker (if he goes back to SD)
that would give him some steam and an immediate rivalry with kane or undertaker depending on how they play it
Meh. Guys like him were what ECW was good for. He's probably gonna come back, engage in some shitty midcard feud, and do nothing. He's a big black man, and I haven't seen any shots of charisma in him since he left Regal's Roundtable. I'd much rather have MVP turn heel than see another "unstoppable" monster plummet through WWE. They have Shad already, and he has more hair. That's worth something right? Unless he comes back a Dwayne Johnson, he has not a high chance of succeeding.
Well Virgil is out of the scene now, Ezekiel Jackson would be a bigger, stronger, and younger bodyguard for DiBiase. Going against the Big Show, Virgil stood no chance. But Jackson could probably hold his own. That's what I want him to do when he comes back. But I also like the idea of him attacking the Undertaker. Perhaps he can join the SES and hold the Intercontinental title, while Gallows and Mercury get the tag team gold.
So here is how it's gonna go. Zeke is gonna get the traditional and highly overused "big guy debuts or comes from another show and now he is wreaking havoc on all we know so that the fans of this show understand his dominance" Push. Mark my words. He comes in and crushes jobbers for about a 3-6 weeks. One night he takes out the champ out of nowhere, probably Cena. This sets up a shitty title match and a C level payperview and cena retains to show his utter barbarianism (<---word? idk).

We've seen this done so many times... Umaga Khali Sheamus Kozlov (kinda)...those somewhat recently. Its what's gonna happen IMO. We'll see if he lasts any after that or not, but probably not. Just goin by what history shows, ya know.
Id say draft his ass to smackdown! There are too many ME's right now and we dont need another new guy trying to make a name for himself(i.e. Sheamus)

But if he decides to stay on raw the only viable place I could see him is alongside Ted Dibiase being the ULTIMATE bodyguard and in turn making ted one of the most dangerous men on raw instead of enhancment talent of the guest hosts, and the feud they could have once they brake up almost writes itself.
Hopefully while injured the mentors/agents are trying to help him learn the art of a promo. He's not awful, but he either needs to improve on his mic skills, or they need to assign a mouthpiece for him.

I wouldn't mind seeing him debuting back with Abraham Washington as his mouthpiece. Very creative ideas above with the Virgil gimmick but you have to realize WWE is very high on him. There not going to put him in the bodyguard gimmick again.

He got drafted to Raw... my guess WWE already has a plan for him. Maybe making a huge monster heel like return (attacking Cena most likely)

As mentioned before.. you can put him into Vince's favorite category (Big and Green)
I don't see him attacking Cena when he returns, unless he is going to be out for another 3 months at least, because Cena vs Barrett/NXT should go on for at least that long.

He is due to return well before then, so you have two decisions to make: SD or Raw, heel or face.
Heel - Return and attack Orton
Face - Return and attack Jericho

Heel - Attack Big Show/Kofi, join SES
Face - Attack SES/Swagger

Take your pick
Well I think "Bodyguard" is sort of a dirty word but what I envision Jackson to be is more of like Arn Anderson and less like Virgil as in he will be Ted's enforcer. Imagine Teddy coming on RAW and having The BIG Zeke behind him. They would be unstoppable.

Look we all know Jackson's mic work leaves more to be desired and Im not saying Teddy is The Rock on the mic but I believe hes alot better. He could do all the talking and possibly set up a feud with The Harts eventually giving them tag team gold to go along the fortunate sons million dollar belt.:twocents:
Raw's newest draft Ezekiel Jackson is still recover from a injury and the death of his father. Big Zeke is the "last ever" ECW champion when he wrestled on SyFy. So far in his WWE career Ezekiel Jackson has been a bodyguard (Brian Kendrick) and a goon (William Regal). So when big zeke returns on RAW, what will he be next?

Wasn't it in FCW is where Ezekiel Jackson's charactor was a criminal kingpin billed from Harlem, New York? Because so far in Jackson's WWE career big Zeke never had a solo run except his first and last single's match against Jimmy Wang Yang.

Ezekiel Jackson is a former ECW champion either way (I guess), so I would hope that when big Zeke returns on RAW that he could get a legit run on the brand. Maybe a reign or two with the U.S. championship? Have a good big man fued with Mark Henry (if he still is a heel)?

I guess we will have to see.
my guess is, and i could be completely wrong, that he will need a manager upon his return, since has NO mic skills. Who would this manager be? William Regal? Maybe. A Diva? Perhaps. But only one man comes to mind for me.

Ranjin Singh.

It would be perfect. Singh managed the Great Khali and did a pretty good job. He just left Khali because he didn't want to translate anymore. With Zeke, he wouldn't have to! He would just speak on his behalf.

The first feud could be Zeke against Khali (purely on TV, imagine this PPV match :disappointed:). Zeke could get the win and start him on a path to the United States or even WWE Title picture. The WWE loves putting big guys into WWE title matches with Cena (Show, Umaga, Khali).

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