Ezekiel Jackson to SD


Pre-Show Stalwart
Well, big Zeke is on the Smackdown roster on WWE.com. I didn't even know that he was sent there. But he's there.

Obviously since Jackson won the final ECW title match and is the last ECW champion, he got a huge rub, so I guess the WWE is looking to push Jackson pretty hard. What feuds could Jackson partake in on Smackdown? Will he have success, or end up like Escobar???

Personally, I don't think he's that great. He only puts on good matches if his opponent carries him. So Zeke's on the Smackdown roster. Discuss.
Pretty happy about this. I'm a Zeke fan and in the less-crowded Smackdown roster he can rise to the top. He can be a really good big man and if they build him right, a credible main eventer. He has the look, his offense looks painful, and he has a good personality. I just don't want him to end up like Umaga or Kozlov, pushed because he's big and then jobbed and sent back down to the lower midcard.

I hope Regal moves with him. Regal is an excellent mouthpiece and a king of getting heat.
Big Zeke will be a force to be reckoned with on Smackdown. Sure Christian retaining the ECW title probably would've been a happier moment to end the ECW brand, but Big Zeke needed the rub a lot more. He was THE dominant force on ECW, and he will surely be a major player on Smackdown.

I don't know what WWE plans to do with Regal, but I also think he should be moved with Zeke. He serves as a great mouthpiece for him, and he's also a pretty good heel. I just hope WWE doesn't have Zeke feud with Khali, but it probably will happen.
I agree that Regal should accompany Big Zeke and join him on SD. Regal fits the manager role to a T and is really good for Big Zeke to have around. I for one am happy to see that Zeke is heading to SD, I think he will achieve so much more there than he would on Monday nights. Zeke is fresh in everyone's mind as he was the final ECW champ and he did it a pretty dominant fashion. I think we could see a solid push for Zeke on Friday Nights.
This could be a good move for the Big man. I'd rather see him get a fair run on the Smackdown brand then maybe not be used well on Raw. I wonder if he will still walk out with the ECW title for a while,not to defend it but to be cocky and remind everybody that he was the last ECW champion. Let everyone know that he is the last reminder that they have of that brand and now he is here to dominate Smackdown. I could see him go up againt guys like Mike Knox and Kane. Some big guy challenges. And I can also see him being that monster that picks on the little guy like Rey Mysterio. That is always fun watching the David vs Goliath matches with the more dominate looking guy seem like a bully. And I could see Rey putting on a good match to help make Zeke look more like a star. I also agree with what Doc said about him being pushed because he is Big, and then sent back to the bottom kind of like Khali. I hope we don't see that happen.
This could be a good mve for big zeke. When he won the ECW championnship I didn't become a fan of his but I respected him more and think he could possibly have good fueds. Like someone already said I hope he carries the ECW championship around and remind everybody what he accomplished. I also think that regal should go with him because he is a good mouth peice and manager I really think he proved that when he was general manager of raw. Hey what do you know Regal and jackson can tag team up every once and a while it could happen. But I see a future for big zeke on smackdown.
I love this move and to be honest I'm even sure if Zeke needs Regal with him. Big Zeke obviously doesn't cut amazing promos but I've never seen him really mess up on the mic and the whole biblical verse thing he incorporates in his promos works great.

As far as feuds go the first logical feud would probably be with Kane. Kane at this point is just in the WWE to put guys over and he'd a be a great guy to give Zeke his initial push on Smackdown. If he continues to improve and shows that he can make it on his own then eventually I could see him in a feud with Taker maybe even over the title. So overall this is a great move for a Zeke and a great addition for Smackdown.
I think it's cool that Ezekiel Jackson is coming to Smackdown. He got to be the final ECW Champion, so that should help him get a decent push. I'd like to see him feud with a few faces in the midcard before getting into a bigger feud. He could do good on Smackdown if they book him well, and it would also help if Regal continues to be his manager. I'm interested in seeing what he will do now that he's back on Smackdown and not stuck in the bodyguard role this time around. It depends on how he is booked. Odds are pretty good that he will get a good push because otherwise they would have just had Christian retain the ECW title rather than let Ezekiel be the final ECW Champion. That's proof that they want him to do well.
I think this is a good move for Big Zeke.He will started fresh and with Regal by his side he will be unstoppable.I just hope that Zeke goes up and becomes a maineventer.This dude is a monster heel and on Smackdown in sure that he will have some great fueds with any Face wrestler.Maybe continue his Feud with Chirstian,Because that feud never end on ECW so that could be the biggening for Zekes career on the SmackDown Brand.

Also I hope thath they dont just burried him the same way they have done with Kane.And the same thing that they also did with Kozlov.Because is this happends he might not last in the WWE,And he will just get release.
I think its a good move if hes given the chance. Hes not going to be the greatest wrestler on the brand but if hes put in the ring with the right people he will improve. I could see him becoming very dominant.

Even if regal doesn't come with him, he could do well in ses. His biblical references would tie in great with punk's jesus saviour look.
Well, big Zeke is on the Smackdown roster on WWE.com. I didn't even know that he was sent there. But he's there.
Yes he is. There was a video clip on SmackDown promoting the big mans arrival.
Obviously since Jackson won the final ECW title match and is the last ECW champion, he got a huge rub, so I guess the WWE is looking to push Jackson pretty hard. What feuds could Jackson partake in on Smackdown? Will he have success, or end up like Escobar???
I say that being the final ECW Champion is a huge deal. WWE obviously wants to push the big man, and what better way then to show up on SmackDown claiming he is already a World Champion. As for feuds, I would say he could feud with just about anyone on the SmackDown roster. His first feud will probably be with Kane who will want some kind of revenge for eliminating him from the ECW Homecoming Battle Royal. This guy has to much invested in him to end up like Eric Escobar.Plus he has William Regal to get him heat. Vicki Guererro
Personally, I don't think he's that great. He only puts on good matches if his opponent carries him. So Zeke's on the Smackdown roster. Discuss.
The man pulled a semi decent match out of Vladimir Kozlov. Sure, he puts on good matches when someone carried him, but everyone does. The great thing about Ezekiel is that he is so big he doesn't really have to sell moves as painful just because his sheer size makes him look like you have to hit your finisher just to hurt him.
I like Zeke. I think with a slight character change he could be more entertaining. He has no real gimmick outside being a big strong guy. Give him something to set him apart from all of the other gimmicks they've had like his and he could be great. He won't ever get a world title, but should be a good addition to the midcard and upper midcard.

I've always though he would be really cool with a televangelist gimmick. A strong, god fearing warrior who came to the WWE to set the world straight and to get it live by the word of the good book. Something like that, he could even fit in with the SES if they wanted him to . It would be like the Reverend D-Von gimmick but better, and personally I really liked that character.
This is a really good move on WWE's part. Zeke has been impressing me alot on ECW over the last couple of months and I have high hopes he can deliver on Smackdown. The fact that he is the last ever ECW champion has given him something to run with and an impactful debut on Smackdown will do him wonders. Perhaps some kind of unbeaten run will work well for him. I know it's been done alot before with monster heels but I think it's the best way to get noticed by the bigger Smackdown audience.

I also agree with the other posters who said Regal should go with him. Regal is an excellent mentor to have and can only help Zeke by associating with him. The only question I have is where he is put on the card. Is he a mid carder who has IC title potential or is he above this due to his ECW championship win? Personally, I wouldn't mind seeing him in feuds with current upper-midcarders like R-Truth and Rey Mysterio because this could provide good matches and both superstars could put Zeke over as a major force.
Sending Jackson to SD is a very smart move. I liked his run on ECW and after being crowned the final ECW Champion, he is riding a huge wave of momentum. Sticking him on Raw would have stuck him in the Raw midcard and he's not established enough in my eyes to be hang with the Raw maineventers. I'd also like to think Regal is gonna go with him to SD as there's really nothing for him on Raw. He'd make a great mouthpiece for Zeke as I'm not a fan of his mic skills.

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