EY's direction....not impressive

King Blitzkonic

Manager to the Fizzled Stars
Eric Young. The paranoid member of TNA's team Canada, the Memphis wanderer, the guy afraid of his own pyro, Super Eric, World Elite, the Band, and now...Orlando Jordan. A lot of people find EY to be an under-rated, under-used talent that could easily be booked to the next level but he gets put in shitty booking situations left and right. Sadly he was booked at his best as the mouthpiece of W/E and as part of the Band. I've always been impressed at his work ethic when lesser talents would have just walked out on the company.

Personally I think someone in booking has a hard-on against Eric Young. It seems that every time he gets a serious push attempt, within a month he's left to be comic relief or kicked aside. And it's only gotten worse as of late. Playing with a mannequin during a tag match with Orlando Jordan? Really? Did he piss someone off in the back or something?

So... thoughts: How do you rate the direction of EY's booking?
Eric Young is a nice guy but doesn't warrant or deserve any push, he has gone from gimmick to gimmick not garnering any attention from the fans, he draws no heat and has done anything to warrant the numerous wins of any of the titles he has won.

the only reason he is even being considered for these bad pushes is because he is well liked by the company, If he was in any other organisation he probably would have been given his notice by now.

Erice needs to look at the way he is being booked and find a way to just be himself, maybe even stay as a permanent fixture in the x division where at least his high flying style can draw him some heat.

With the quirky gimmicks and lack of motivation I doubt Young will go anywhere in TNA apart from enhancement talent.

And that is all his own fault, I have yet to see a decent EY match in his time with the company.
Fuck Eric Young. What in the fuck has this kid ever done to deserve the repeated pushes he's been given time and time again? You know how many people FAR more talented than Eric Young would kill for the opportunity to be a foolishly booked comedy jobber in TNA? Nevermind that Young actually received push after push, with title wins and all, seriously, what the fuck is even the purpose of having this kid on their show? Does anyone watch TNA for Eric Young? No. He brings nothing to the table. He's shit on the mic, average in the ring, and has no place on my god damn television screen outside of being a jobber.

Forget Eric Young's direction not being impressive, what is impressive is how he's still employed despite never contributing a single positive thing to TNA outside of being filler in Team Canada who had some good tag matches YEARS ago. Fuck Eric Young and the horse he rode in on.
I'm with X here – Young sucks. He's never been anything but a marginally better comedy jobber, and if the dirt sheets have anything to say about it, the only reason he's still here is because he's got friends in high places in TNA management who keep him employed.

He's got a pretty poor look to boot, and that certainly doesn't do him any favors as he struggles enough as it is.
EY is the definition of mediocre. He really hansn't been interesting back since the Super Eric days, so this is a welcome change.

I'd rather watch EY mess around with a mannequin and act like a total nutjob than watch him, or a lot of other people for that matter, wrestle. It's not a bad way to waste 10 minutes on Impact every couple of weeks. Let's hope they don't start a serious feud between him and OJ though. Kill me.
EY is okay, but never saw the big hooplah with him. He seemed better when he came back and wasn't afraid of anything. Then things just totally went twilight zone when he was the leader of World Elite, managing a group of wrestlers that no one really cared about in the first place, that was his thing, and suited him. Then he moved on to The Band, version 2, which lasted about 2 weeks after this long, drawn out back and forth cryptic clues and stuff from Kevin Nash.

It almost seems like it'd have to go back to a full circle that he has to go back to his idiot ways again since there was nowhere else for him to go. Granted, carrying the mannequin around makes it somewhat bearable since he's screwing up OJ's matches, and I can's possibly fathom anything getting weirder with that guy, but I'm guessing there probably will be a way for that to happen now that EY is back on the short bus again. Let's wait and watch the fall out in the impact zone. All I know is, please do now bring back the damn turkey suit again for Thanksgiving, EY was looking crazy hideous in it.
The only thing about Eric Young that people like, is when he's in the stupid comedy gimmicks. Case in point "Don't fire Eric". I'd rather watch EY bringing a mannequin to a tag, then I would watching him fight for the world title.
Eric Young was only the least bit entertaining when he was doing the whole "Don't Fire Eric" other than that I don't see why he got to be the leader of a prominent stable in TNA at the time. I don't see why he's even got the title reigns that he has (he actually has a chance to be a grand slam champion). I never thought much of Eric Young other than Jeff Jarrett's buddy. If he went the comedic jobber route, maybe he can actually contribute something to TNA.
Eric Young is a waste of money for the TNA or any wrestling company that the fans reaction matters. He can't draw good crowd heat with his terrible mic skills, much less ANY pops. He's boring, mediocre in the ring, and a waste of space. TNA should really get rid of this guy, he's simply a waste of TNA's time on their already over-stuffed shows. Getting rid of EY is the best option.
Wow, so much hate from people who probably can't even compete with EY themselves. I smell jelousy. Anyways, if people are actually that deaf, then they fail to notice that he's actually good on the mic with the right gimmick. Tack on the problem of an inconsistent booking and there's the reason why he DOES NOT get enough time to get heat. He's a straight man one week in the Band and the next week he's an oddball with nothing but an Al Snow prop. Give the guy a gimmick that lasts more than two fuckin minutes and you might see something.
Wow, so much hate from people who probably can't even compete with EY themselves.

I'm not a professional wrestler, nor do I have much interest in becoming one. So why would this be even the slightest bit relevant to this discussion? You don't need to be a professional wrestler to be able to judge and critique wrestlers bud.

I smell jelousy.

Oh yes. I'm rabidly jealous of the 2000 fans that Eric Young gets to wrestle a 5 minute comedy match infront of, most of whom got into the show for free. Super jealous. I wish I was Orlando Jordan's lackey, that would be awesome. :rolleyes:

Anyways, if people are actually that deaf, then they fail to notice that he's actually good on the mic with the right gimmick.

Except he's not, at all, even slightly. He's awkward, haphazard and clumsy on the mic and he has no direction or ability to connect with the fans on the microphone, the only time he's ever been over was when he was a joke jobber constantly being threatened with being fired. He had the same kind of face heat that Eugene had. You clap politely for him because the kid's obviously not very good at what he does but gosh darnett he does try.

Tack on the problem of an inconsistent booking and there's the reason why he DOES NOT get enough time to get heat.

He's been given WAY more than enough time to get heat, both as a face and a heel, several different times over the last FIVE YEARS in TNA. Bull-fucking-shit. He couldn't get over as anything other than a joke like Santino Marella. No one cared at all when he turned heel, and his promos sent everyone in the Impact zone to sleep.

He has his use: enhancement talent. That's it.

He's a straight man one week in the Band and the next week he's an oddball with nothing but an Al Snow prop. Give the guy a gimmick that lasts more than two fuckin minutes and you might see something.

He had many different gimmicks that lasted for quite a few months. You know why they keep changing? Because he can't get over with any of them. You know why? Because he's just not very good at what he does. Sorry, he's just not.
Eric Young may have had a shit gimmick to begin with since he is basically Abyss' real life alter ego Chris Parks. Constantly worried and paranoid he is going to be fired. I wish someone would fire him and Abyss too. I actually started to like EY when he shaved his head in the ring, and was the leader of World Elite.

Later on though he just became so robotic and annoying. I'll give him props for being with TNA through the years and working his way up, but there are more people out there more deserving. There is nothing you can do with EY now since he is comedy jobber. He will probably be stuck in that role as a poor man's Santino.
I kind of feel bad for him.

I know Eric Young is never going to be a main eventer or world champion but I think he deserves better than to go back to being a comedy act.

He did a very good job of shedding his goofy persona and became a very good heel last year. I also don't think he should be fired because if anyone has earned their spot on the roster Eric Young has.
EY is the definition of mediocre. He really hansn't been interesting back since the Super Eric days, so this is a welcome change.

I'd rather watch EY mess around with a mannequin and act like a total nutjob than watch him, or a lot of other people for that matter, wrestle. It's not a bad way to waste 10 minutes on Impact every couple of weeks. Let's hope they don't start a serious feud between him and OJ though. Kill me.
Sorty to say that looks to be the direction they are taking after Eric cost OJ another match tonight.

OT: I've said it before and ill say it again Eric Young looks like a fan that jumped the railing and he will always look that way to me.

Really he should be happy to be the Santino of TNA because he reallly doesnt have a look the is impressive or intimidating.

When he was a heel with The Band i always wanted to laugh at the super serious expression he had on. He looked like an angry puppy trying to impress the two grizzed old dogs(Hall & Nash) beside him.

The only way he would ever get the world title is if he got "Russoed" into it dude sorry to say.
Young isn't as bad as most people think... He's just not that good...

He does have a certain level of charisma... He always manages to make the stupid gimmicks work for him, he can be really funny at times and that makes him entertaining...

The only time that they really had a chance to make him relevant was when they started his fued with Jeff Jarrett and never finished it... I was actually digging his promos against Jeff and the crowd was into as well... I think if Jeff would have put him over, Eric would have had a good chance to be a semi-main event guy...

I don't think he will ever be a Main Event guy... He's too small and he's not spectacular in the ring... His biggest problem is, he is too good at being a comedy jobber... Nobody wants to lose to the guy who used to be be scared of his own pyro...

His best shot at being anything relevant would be a Spike Dudley or Mikey Whipwreck type gimmick where he is the underdog face that never quits and isn't afraid of anyone and every once in a while he gets some surprising wins... I think with a gimmick like that, he would be a pretty decent fan favorite... He is pretty good at getting the fans to back him or feel sorry for him...

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