Extreme Rules Match-Up Predictions

Johnny Scumm

InZayn In The Membrane
Now I saw on the WZ Home Page that somebody had made this Thread, but I can't view it, so I thought that I'd do it myself. Before I begin, I'll admit that I've not read any Smackdown Spoilers, so if a World Heavyweight Title, Intercontinental or Tag Team Title Match was made then and I've copied it, it's purely coincidental. I very rarely read the Spoilers, because I like the surprises.

1) WWE Title Match - John Cena vs The Miz - Last Man Standing Match
Now, John Cena has stated that now his match with The Rock is scheduled for next year's Wrestlemania, he will focus back on The Miz and the WWE Title. I'll say that a LMS is more than likely the way to go for these two guys. Miz came off of a huge win at WM27 on Sunday and he's still proving that really is the "Must-see" Champ. A Table's Match against Cena could be a great moment for Miz yet again. I still believe that Rocky might get himself into this one, helping Miz once more, although mainly just to get one over on Cena. Maybe The Rock could be Cena's foil, preventing him from ever winning the WWE Title till next Wrestlemania? Who knows. Anyway, I see this going in the favour of The Miz.
Predicted Winner: The Miz

2) World Heavyweight Title Match - Edge vs Alberto Del Rio vs Christian - TLC Match
So, Edge beat Alberto Del Rio at WM, retaining his World Heavyweight Title. I say on Smackdown, there's a Number One Contender Battle Royal, with Christian coming out on top. After this, Del Rio whines to Teddy Long about how he wants another Title Shot, with eventually having Teddy give in, making this match a Triple Threat for the Title. I could see this match going in favour of every single one of them, but I think that Del Rio will finally come out on top here, winning the Title he's longed for for a very long time now.
Predicted Winner: Alberto Del Rio

3) Randy Orton vs CM Punk - Falls Count Anywhere Match
With The New Nexus still out of the picture, Randy Orton takes this as a time to finally end what started 2 Years ago. So, the Falls Count Anywhere match is set as a challenge to Punk, with him being more than confident when he accepts it. He plays his usual Mind-Games on Orton over the coming weeks, but Orton ends up turning it round, playing some of his own on Punk. The match comes at Extreme Rules and I can tell by God it'd be a good one. However, Orton thinking The New Nexus were out of the picture for good was where he was wrong and they finally make their returns at ER. Otunga, Ryan & McGillicutty (No Harris) all come back to take it out on Orton, with Punk ending it in a GTS and a Pin to stamp his ending on their feud. (Which won't actually end)
Predicted Winner: CM Punk

4) Rey Mysterio vs Cody Rhodes - Mask vs Mask Match
Now, this is probably a given godsend of a Match here. This would be a spectacle, probably more than likely the match of the night if given enough time (Fingers Crossed). So, Cody is coming off of a huge win at Wrestlemania as well, but he promised to unmask Rey Mysterio. He hasn't done that yet, so why not do it at ER? He'll challenge Mysterio to a Mask vs Mask Match at Extreme Rules, where if he wins, he gets to unmask Mysterio for good and if Mysterio wins, then Rhodes will have to fight with his Face unprotected from then on. Now, obviously, it makes sense for Rey to win here, his mask means much more than Cody's does. Either way, you know it'll be a brilliant match, but I sense Rey taking the win here, keeping his mask for another time.
Predicted Winner: Rey Mysterio

5) United States Championship - Sheamus vs Sin Cara vs Daniel Bryan - Extreme Rules Match
Well, Sin Cara made his debut attacking Sheamus on Monday, so I'm guessing that he wants in on the action for the US Title. Daniel Bryan won't be pushed out of the Title Picture, so I see this being a brilliant 3-Way Match. We know that Sheamus works well with the little guys, so Daniel and Sin would be two great guys for him to work a brilliant match with him. It's difficult for me to pick a Winner here, but I would say with the Weapons and the brutality of the match, Sheamus manages to Retain.
Predicted Winner: Sheamus

6) Intercontinental Championship - Wade Barrett vs Kofi Kingston - Steel Cage Match
Now, Kofi will probably go something along of the lines of complaining about the unfairness of his matches against Barrett for the Title and how The Corre can always get involved in them. So he asks for a Steel Cage Match, which Barrett accepts to. So, now the match can go ahead with no avail and no interruptions. All in all, Barrett still manages to pull out the win on Kingston, with the Cage advantage.
Predicted Winner: Wade Barrett

Other Predicted Matches;
Tag Team Turmoil Match: The Corre vs Santino/Kozlov vs Big Show/Kane vs Mark Henry/Yoshi Tatsu
Diva's Title Extreme Makeover Match.

Let me know your ideas.

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