Extreme Battle #3: The Incredible Hulk VS Doomsday

Who will win?

  • The Incredible Hulk

  • Doomsday

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The Phenom of WZ
The Incredible Hulk



Robert Bruce Banner was born to atomic scientist Dr. Brian Banner and his wife, Rebecca. Although deeply loved by his mother, Bruce’s father who was mentally unstable harbored a deep jealousy and hatred for him. Brian was convinced that his work in atomic science had altered his genetic structure and because of this he also feared that Bruce would grow up a genetic freak, when actually, Bruce was just a very gifted and intelligent child. While growing up Bruce was subjected to Brian’s drunken rages and abuse, as was his mother. Tragically, Rebecca was killed by Brian when she attempted to take young Bruce and leave him. His mother's murder and his father's arrest left Bruce in the care of his aunt, Mrs. Drake, and he grew up a social outcast due to the trauma of being abused by his father as well as witnessing his mother’s abuse and murder at the hands of his father. After graduating high school, Bruce began studying nuclear physics at Desert State University and later at the California Institute of Technology. He gained employment with the military at Desert Base, New Mexico under the command of General “Thunderbolt” Ross, who was overseeing the test of Banner’s newly-created Gamma Bomb. It was here that he met Ross’s daughter, Betty and the two found a mutual attraction. On the day of the bomb’s scheduled detonation Banner saw someone in the testing area. Hoping to rescue this person, Banner went into the testing area where he encountered the person he'd seen; a young teenager named Rick Jones, who had sneaked onto the test site on a dare. Banner managed to push Jones to safety. However, rather than delay the countdown and halt the detonation as instructed, Banner’s assistant Igor Starsky, (in reality, a foreign secret agent named Igor Drenkov) allowed the countdown and the subsequent detonation to occur. This resulted in Banner being caught in the Gamma Bomb explosion and thus exposed to an incredibly massive amount of gamma radiation. Banner and Jones were later picked up by the base's military personnel and taken back to Desert Base where they were placed in isolation and observation due to their exposure to gamma radiation. They were still in isolation at sundown when Banner transformed into a gray, monstrous, and lumbering brute for the first time. This brute was quickly dubbed “the Hulk” by military personnel.


The Hulk possesses the potential for immense and seemingly limitless physical strength depending directly on his emotional state, particularly his anger. This has been reflected in the repeated comment, "The madder Hulk gets, the stronger Hulk gets." The cosmically-powerful entity known as the Beyonder once analyzed the Hulk's physiology, and claimed that the Hulk's potential strength had "no finite element inside." Hulk's strength has been depicted as sometimes limited by Banner's subconscious influence; when Jean Grey psionically "shut Banner off", Hulk became strong enough to overpower and destroy the physical form of the villain Onslaught. Writer Greg Pak described the Worldbreaker Hulk shown during World War Hulk as having a level of physical power where "Hulk was stronger than any mortal—and most immortals—who ever walked the Earth." His strength allows him to leap into lower Earth orbit or across continents, and he has displayed superhuman speed. His durability, regeneration, and endurance also increase in proportion to his temper. Hulk is resistant to injury or damage, though the degree to which varies between interpretations, but he has withstood the equivalent of solar temperatures, nuclear explosions, and planet-shattering impacts. Despite his remarkable resiliency, continuous barrages of high-caliber gunfire can hinder his movement to some degree while he can be temporarily subdued with intense attacks with chemical weapons such as anesthetic gases, although any interruption of such dosages will allow him to quickly recover. He has been shown to have both regenerative and adaptive healing abilities, including growing tissues to allow him to breathe underwater, surviving unprotected in space for extended periods, and when injured, healing from most wounds within seconds, including, on one occasion, the complete destruction of most of his body mass. As an effect, he has an extremely prolonged lifespan. He also possesses less commonly described powers, including abilities allowing him to "home in" to his place of origin in New Mexico; resist psychic control, or unwilling transformation; grow stronger from radiation or dark magic; punch his way between separate temporal or spatial dimensions; and to see and interact with astral forms. Some of these abilities were in later years explained as being related; his ability to home in on the New Mexico bomb site was due to his latent ability to sense astral forms and spirits, since the bomb site was also the place where the Maestro's skeleton was and Maestro's spirit was calling out to him in order to absorb his radiation. The Hulk is also able to generate omnidirectional bursts of kinetic energy that are powerful enough to completely destroy the planet he is standing on. In the first Hulk comic series, "massive" doses of gamma rays would cause the Hulk to transform back to Banner, although this ability was written out of the character by the 1970s.


None that I'm aware of.





Doomsday's "father" was an emotionless alien named Bertron, a geneticist who arrived on Krypton several hundred thousand years ago when lethal and deadly monsters roamed the world. He was obsessed with creating a creature that could survive any environment and even cheat death itself. Bertron subjected his test tube infant to Krypton's harsh landscape and its savage, hungry denizens, using the best of the surviving genes to improve his next cloned creation; firstly, the baby was killed in seconds by the poisonous atmosphere. Then Bertron ordered his troops to collect the remaining tissues in order to continue the experiment. Each day, a new infant was cloned from the preceding one. The baby died either because of the planet's poisonous atmosphere or high temperatures. Tests were performed over and over. After 10 years of scientific experiments, Bertron noticed that the baby was evolving, "mastering the life's need to survive." At some point of time, the infant "conquered the environment," spending more than several hours in the atmosphere without dying, but was then set upon by the lethal beasts that inhabited the planet. After another set of experiments, Doomsday managed to survive outside the laboratory for 2 years. He killed every single monster on the planet during that time. Doomsday was intended to be a perfect being, and live forever using induced evolution to defy death. It finally reached the point where Berton wasn't needed to revive him through cloning. Though it cost him his life, Bertron succeeded in altering The Ultimate Lifeform's DNA so that the creature could regenerate each time he was killed. Furthermore, Doomsday would then evolve an immunity to whatever caused his demise. Unfortunately, Doomsday was subjected only to death from all things.This led the ultimate being to grow a hatred for all living things. Once he wiped out the animals, he returned to Bertron's laboratory and killed everyone there. One of Doomsday's first encounters was with Darkseid on a world called Bylan 5. Darkseid was seeking resources to better Apokolips. When Doomsday crash landed, he was attacked by Master Mayhem, long time friend and ally to Darkseid. Darkseid had assumed that Mayhem was unkillable, until Doomsday tore him limb from limb. Darkseid then challenged the beast in hand to hand combat. Neither of them made a move and were completely stalemated until Darkseid was forced to flee because Bylan 5 was getting too toxic and was killing all living creatures. As some of Darkseid's men fled, Doomsday jumped onto the shuttle and killed the crew. He then crashed on the world of Khundia and resumed his path of destruction. The people of Khundia put their faith and technology in a brave warrior named Kobald. He received reinforced armor to battle Doomsday. There was no means to kill Doomsday, so Kobald's job was to force the monster off the planet by rocket. Kobald died as the battle with Doomsday exploded the rocket. Doomsday was left adrift in space. He likely died and revived to be able to survive the vacuum of space. World after world found that they could not kill him, only exile him, and hope that others would fare better. Doomsday would eventually cross the Green Lantern Zharan Pel, who didn't last long. This encounter gave Doomsday awareness of the Guardians of Oa. The monster found his way to Oa to slaughter many of the dedicated Green Lanterns. A Guardian gave his life to cast Doomsday into a dimensional rip in space. This hurled Doomsday to the world of Calaton, full of advanced technology, which would all prove useless against the monster. He would spend years bringing horror to this world. One of the royal families decided to give their lives and focus their souls into one Radiant being. Radiant was unleashed to battle Doomsday. This would last a week, since Doomsday had never before encountered such a being. Radiant had to destroy most of Calaton to finally put Doomsday down. For some reason, Doomsday was given a custom burial by the survivors of Calaton, although for his crimes, he would not be buried on Calaton. He was chained in a ship and cast back to the stars from which he came. The ship crashed down on Earth and laid dormant for some unknown amount of years.


Doomsday was created through the process of cloning. The clones were subsequently killed repeatedly by some of the most dangerous species in the universe in one of the harshest habitats in all of existence: prehistoric Krypton. As such, the infant continually evolved and returned to life, becoming resistant or immune to whatever killed him before. After the Radiant killed him the first time they fought, Doomsday grew immune to the Radiant's energy-projection and even managed to withstand Darkseid's full Omega-Effect. The amount of damage dealt to Doomsday determined the length of time it took for him to fully recover. During his outwardly undamaged death at Superman's hands, he only needed some days to recover, but when Imperiex reduced him to a skeleton, it took months. His entombment in a Calatonian burial suit and metal vault lasted hundreds of millennia. After being killed by the Radiant and subsequently undergoing the impact of the casket on Earth, his body was sealed underground in total darkness. Deprived of solar energy, necessary to nourish his Kryptonian anatomy, he could only revive extremely slowly and naturally. Doomsday had a highly accelerated healing factor that allowed him to quickly regenerate from most damage. When his side was cut by Superman with a plasma sword, it closed within moments. As a result of his engineering, Doomsday did not need to eat, drink, breathe, or sleep, and his body was almost solid mass with no internal organs. Doomsday also was able to develop/evolve resistance from ordinary injuries. Superman once used a sound gun to greatly discomfort him, but Doomsday's auditory canals closed up, making him impervious to Superman's weapon. Waverider once paralyzed Doomsday with energy, but the second attempt backfired. In essence, Doomsday gradually became more invulnerable if not injured beyond his ability to recover, which has so far been undefined. Doomsday developed weapons and abilities that countered the powers of an opponent. He managed to cancel out the pure-energy Radiant by slamming into him; to greatly extend his claws and develop a poison to strike Superman in flight and reel him in; to breathe flames against the fire-sensitive Martian Manhunter, and apparently neutralize his defensive phase-shifting power. Doomsday's skeleton protruded through his skin in razor-sharp spurs, which provided protection to his few vital organs (brain, eyes and nervous system), and acted as claw-like weapons on his hands, elbows, and knees. Doomsday was immensely resistant to heat, cold, and conventional damage, allowing him to survive in the most inhospitable worlds, or in the vacuum of space. His superhuman endurance and invulnerability were able to withstand Darkseid's full-powered "Omega Effect" without any apparent damage. Doomsday possessed extreme superhuman strength that, variable as it was, at one point enabled him to effortlessly stand his ground against the entire Justice League, including Superman and Orion. He was able to break Superman's left arm with limited effort, as well as outmatch and beat Darkseid unconscious in combat. However, his strength had limits: the immensely strong Calatonian alloy cables, in which he was entombed, continued to partially restrain him during his initial rampage on Earth, and needed the equivalent strength of a bulldozer to break. It was never stated how long he had struggled to free his left hand before his escape. Doomsday possessed seemingly inexhaustible stamina, and was not noticeably slowed down from fighting Superman for an entire day. His speed and agility were vastly disproportionate to his bulky stature, and he was able to match Superman in this regard, once even managing to grab the Flash while the hero was in motion. He could not fly, but traveled by leaping miles at a time. Superman took advantage of this in their first battle by trying to keep him airborne by flying into the sky. Doomsday was genetically part-Kryptonian due to his genes having been spliced with Kal-El's. However, with the exception of his flame-breath, he displayed no additional abilities. In fact, he was shown to be weaker than previously when he was single-handedly beaten by Superman. This was attributed to intelligence that he developed, causing him to fear the death that awaited him if he lost, but did not explain how a simple minor concussion could incapacitate his healing factor for the time he remained unconscious. However, he apparently lost his intelligence when he was sent back in time, reverting him to his original state of fearlessness. Once he gained some of Superman's Kryptonian DNA, he became susceptible to Kryptonite. Unlike Superman, it caused him pain, but could not kill him. This rendered him controllable. During his confrontation with Steel, Doomsday spontaneously developed the power of flight, and the ability to cover his body with metallic armor, capable of resisting even Steel's paralysing nanites. In a later confrontation with the Outsiders, as he sought to confront the Eradicator, he demonstrated the ability to absorb energy from Looker and Halo's attacks and send it back to them in a massive burst. During his battle with the Cyborg-Superman, the Cyborg tore through portions of Doomsday's body, which were quickly replaced with cyborg parts of his own. However, it has since been revealed that these Doomsdays were actually clones of the original, each specifically designed to take out Steel, Henshaw and Superboy, putting them at a disadvantage when pitted against the other Supermen.


Doomsday can be hurt with kryptonite, however, it cannot kill him. It only slows him down.

I thought this battle would illicit some kind of a response from people. Are my battle threads that horrible? Anyways, on to the topic at hand:

Considering both character's powers and abilities, as well as battle history; I have to go with Doomsday.

Doomsday's strength is on Superman's level. Thats not really saying much because if the Hulk gets mad enough, his strength could possibly surpass that. The Hulk's problem in this battle, though, is Doomsday's ability to adapt to whatever has beaten him before and render that method useless. The Hulk wouldn't be smart enough to use strategy against Doomsday. He'd just try to beat Doomsday to death. The problem with that is, Superman has already beaten Doomsday to death and he can't be beaten the same way twice. Grant it the Hulk is a different character and may use different methods of beating Doomsday to death, however, Doomsday has shown to be more than a match for everyone he's faced.

I think Doomsday would beat the Hulk in a hard fought, very destructive battle.
This is a tough one to judge.

I'm not the most knowledgeable DC guy in the world but from what I've seen it seems they don't write Doomsday as strong as he once was. In a straight up 1 on 1 one shot then I give the edge to Hulk. Doomsdays relentless assault would induce a rage in Hulk that would have the Hulk rip DD head and limbs off.

The question then becomes what happens after the fight? Do the Avengers pick up the scraps and charter them off earth? Is DD left to just regen and a rematch occurs?

These guys match up pretty well overall, if they fought once with no knowledge of the other than I give the edge to the Hulk. If there was a rematch I'd go with DD. If this was the DD anytime prior to being sent to the end of time to face entropy I'd choose him period.
This is pretty difficult to judge as there are various factors about Hulk to consider.

One such factor is which personality/incarnation would take on Doomsday. The most common, and best known, of the core personalities is the Savage Hulk; the Savage Hulk has all of Hulk's abilities and the intelligence of a small child. The Gray Hulk, AKA Joe Fixit, is the physically smallest of the core personalities, has normal intelligence and is pretty shrewd. While he has Hulk's anger enhanced abilities, said abilities increase at a much slower rate when enraged than those of other personalities. Another personality is sort of known as "The Professor" in which this Hulk is essentially an incarnation of what Bruce Banner himself would love to be. This Hulk is about half a foot taller and 100 pounds heavier than the Savage incarnation, walks more upright and has Banner's genius level intellect. The downside to him is that while he has all of the rage enhanced abilities, there's a certain upper limit to them; Banner's subconscious implanted a failsafe into "The Professor" in that he reverts to Banner's form if/when his anger reaches a certain level. So, ultimately "The Professor" may well be the physically weakest of the core personalities. Another core personality appeared during the Planet Hulk/World War Hulk storylines several years back in which both the Banner and Hulk personalities coexisted peacefully, working together essentially, and this may well be the most powerful of the Hulk incarnations. This Hulk, which is sometimes called various names like "Green Scar" or "The Worldbreaker" is physically much larger than any other known incarnation, his base strength level is vastly enhanced to levels that most other incarnations don't reach even when enraged, he has Banner's intellect, is a skilled armed or unarmed combatant, is highly strategic, has all of the Hulk's rage enhanced abilities to a far greater level and is sort of viewed by a lot of fans as THE strongest Hulk. There are also examples, brief ones, of which Banner's mind within the Hulk has been completely sort of shut down, leaving the Hulk nothing more than a mindless, raging beast.

Against the Gray or Professor incarnations, I think Doomsday would prevail fairly easily as Gray can't tap into the rage enhanced abilities as quickly as others and the Professor is much too civilized. As far as the Savage Hulk, he'd have an extremely rough fight that'd probably range across the globe and probably last for several days, especially if Banner's intelligence was somehow telepathically shut off. I could see such a fight ending in a draw similar to Doomsday's first battle with Superman. Against "The Worldbreaker", I think Doomsday would come up short; it'd still be an extremely physical, destructive battle that'd probably lay waste to half the planet. The Worldbreaker has all the greatest characteristics of Banner & Hulk in a mutually cooperative way; he's a genius but he's extremely savage, he's highly trained in combat but he can still flat out brawl and his powers operate at a much higher level due to a combination of further mutation and mutual cooperation between the Banner & Hulk personalities. During the end of the WWH storyline, his rage reached such a level that he was able to cause category 10 earthquakes just by walking, so he's quite capable of reaching the necessary level of power to win

Both characters are damned near indestructible, though one of Doomsday's greatest physical advantages is that he has virtually no internal organs to damage, if I remember correctly. I think in order to win, Hulk would eventually have to rip him apart and scatter the pieces or decapitate him and remove his head from his body. Doomsday wouldn't stay dead but, for this battle, I go with a draw vs. the Savage Hulk, a Doomsday win against Joe Fixit & The Professor and a Hulk win with Doomsday against The Worldbreaker.

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