Extinction of Humanity


That's all folks.
Well, will we?

99.9% of all life that has ever lived on this planet is extinct, yet for some reason human beings feel that humanity is somehow special and immune to extinction. Since most species go extinct within 10 million years, seems likely the same will happen to humans. Exceptions to this is when species are killed before their time due to some kind of event such as an ice age, or giant meteor smashes into the earth that is believed to have resulted in the mass extinction of many of the dinosaurs.

Ways We Could Go

Global Disaster- Big ass valcano, Ice Age, Meteor, etc etc.

Scientist- chemicals escaping, nanotechnology, creation of a black hole.

Over Population- means more resources are consumed, cities grow farm land becomes more scarce. The demands could put countries at war for resources.

Global warming- as a result of human nonstop usage of shit we know hurts our Ozone, it makes the planet unsurvivable to humans, or a common food source.

Pollution- like Global Warming, pollution hurts our planet. whether its water pollution or air pollution, it seems like a very good candidate for our demise.

Humans- that's right, humans. We our selves are already so advanced in technology. Who's to say our own creations will cause our demise.

War- Nuclear bombs. Could go into the human category.

According to previous extinction patterns humans have a few million more years on the planet, if we do not manage to destroy it or ourselves first. Unfortunately we have been responsible for the extinction of thousands (if not millions) of other animals already, it seems highly likely we will become extinct at one point or another. Overpopulation and Our own Success being the most probable.

Discussion Questions with LSN

-Is there ever a time you could see the human race becoming extinct?

-Are there signs or signals you see right now that lead you to believe this may be so?

-Are there things we as humans are doing that could lead to extinction?

-Are there things we could do to ensure the human race never goes extinct?

Discuss this shit.
Talk about humanities extinction is always a neat topic, so allow me to divulge into this subject.

-Is there ever a time you could see the human race becoming extinct?

Nothing last forever. There will come a time when we meet our inevitable fate. We could succumb to a global war and wipe ourselves out. Maybe a new virus will surface and kill us all off. An Ice age is predicted to come into existence in the next ten thousand or so years, that could be the event the becomes the deciding factor on whether we live or die. If humanity dosent find a way to get of this rock and colonize space then a dying sun in 4 billion years will not only kill off us but out planet and solar system. Nothing last forever..not even the universe. Our time will come its only a matter of when and how.

-Are there signs or signals you see right now that lead you to believe this may be so?

I don't think I see any really sensible signs. There is global warming and over-population as you mention but those things we can easily overcome. We humans have a knack of being able to adapt and survive in the most hostile of environments, I could only think that as times change and so does the world around us that we will be forced to change along with it or simply die out. Evolution has been doing this for millions of years. Hell people think the world is coming to an end December 21 2012. But in short I don't see and real dire signs that humanity is coming to an end just just.

-Are there things we as humans are doing that could lead to extinction?

Plenty, Global warming, if not watched and controlled and taken care of, it has the potential to wipe out us..if not us it could kill of thousands of species on the planet killing off our food supply which then slowly kills off us. Nuclear weapons..if in the wrong hands could spell a catastrophic end for us and most life on the planet. Its the little things we do that could accumulate and come back to haunt us.

-Are there things we could do to ensure the human race never goes extinct?

absurd. There is nothing we can do to prevent our extinction. Everything in the known universe has a life line. The universe had a beginning meaning it will have an end which ultimately seals our fate..even if we somehow manage to thrive as a species for the next 50-60 billion years and live to see that day..we can't prevent it. But out of the chaos there is a sliver of hope. There is evidence that suggest we are one of many universes in existence. If we..somehow make it to see the fateful day, I would assume our technology could be so advanced we could Rip a whole in space/time and travel to another one of these universes and keep on living..and in theory..one could do this for eons. This is however just a hypothesis..but I we are to survive as a species..as crazy as it sounds, that's really the only hope we have. I do think we will have long met out end long before we even reach this crucial point in time...PROVE ME WRONG HUMANITY...prove me wrong.

Discuss this shit.

Seemingly mother nature is trying to kill us off right freakin' now. With loads of new flu-viruses popping up every other year, flooding, earthquakes and volcanoes erupting, i could see this trend continuing for some time in the next few years.

Plus we're also continually hollowing out the planet for resources, while dumping waste back into the world afterward. Eventually the planet will just collapse in on itself because we've sucked all the materials out of it.

Take into account also that there are thousands of nuclear warheads stockpiled across the globe, and that it only takes one to launch before all the others are suddenly launched.

Plus nobody seems to have learned from watching films like Terminator or the Matrix, because scientists are still working on improving AI and even networking brains so that we're actually hooked into machines. So if everyone's hooked into a giant network, and then there's an EMP, wouldn't that kill everyone at once? Ya know, all being violently removed from the netowrk our brains have been dependent on?

And i wouldn't ever discount the idea that the dead could come back to feast on the flesh of the living..........

We'll definitely cease to exist, leaving the cockroaches to inherit the earth, but it's just a matter of whether nature wipes us out, or we do it to ourselves. IMO if we're responsible, it'll happen a LOT earlier than if we simply let nature do it.

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