Explanation of Job Position


Excellence of Execution
Okay, so this is what I'm looking for from the next Administrator. First of all, what I want people to realize is that I'm not asking anyone to be an "inferior" Administrator. When you are made Administrator, you gain equal status, it seems completely unfair to have it any other way. So, with what is coming next, please don't think I'm looking to hire a subservient Administrator, because it's simply not the case.

One of the things I think worked so well with IC25 and myself is the things we were interested from the Administrator position were so different. IC25 loved the Debating Leagues, the Tournaments, and organizing it all. I, on the other hand, absolutely loathe doing all of that stuff. If I had it my way, we'd have far less Leagues and Tournaments, because it annoys me to no end. I understand so many posters love those things, so it sticks around. But IC25 loved the discussion aspect of the forums. What he didn't enjoy nearly as much, though, was both the technical and the "boss" side of it. IC25 was never really comfortable with the AdminCP, outside of the IP Banning and the creation and management of Forums. Also, he never really liked taking sides with or against Staff members, in fear of upsetting someone. This, of course, is not a bad thing, it's just a thing. IC25 wanted everyone to get along and tried to promote that kind of atmosphere. I, on the other hand, love to get in the middle of the debates, choose sides, and have no problem disappointing people. It's just the differences between IC25 and myself, and why we were the perfect complement to each other. The other difference between IC25 and myself is how much input we wanted from other people on forum improvements. IC25 loved to have everyone collaborate and then make a joint decision on whether something should be changed. I'm much more in favor of saying "here's the change, deal with it". It's partly why I've waited so long to name the next Administrator; I had several changes I wanted to make, and wanted to do it without consulting anyone about it.

I realize that with the three of you, the chances of achieving that perfect combination are not nearly as likely. Lee and KB both like having input on how things are run and changes made, and all three of you have no problem mixing it up with anyone about anything for any reason. However, I've grown to like being the authority on the way things are run and the technical side of things, so here's what I'm looking for.

When it comes to Administrative duties, I am looking for someone to be in charge and in control of all tournaments and leagues on the forum. In all honesty, I don't want anything to do with any of them, aside from occasionally posting in them. Additionally, things which promote discussion on the forum, and how that forum works, I will defer to the new Administrator. Of course, I will offer my input and don't want to be completely shut out, but if you want to run a best wrestler with the last name that starts with a "z", that's you're call, and publicly, I'll support that decision. On the flip side, I'm looking for the same in return with regards to the technical administration of the forum, the rules, and the interpretations of the rules. Basically, I want to be the "boss" when it comes to the Staff management and how the forum works behind the scenes. I've done quite a bit since becoming Administrator, and there's still some things that I may eventually want to get around to. I want the next Administrator to offer advice on changes, but still recognize I'm the lead in that area.

Obviously there are many times where the two will conflict. For example, if the discussion is about "Should Old School be broken up into different sub-forums", that would be something we'd both have a joint role in deciding. But many things can be settled by one or the other. When I worked at Staples, we had three managers; a General Manager, who was in charge of the store (which would be Buffaloed and atomiconline), and then we had a Sales Manager and an Operations Manager. I'm the Operations Manager, and I'm looking for the Sales Manager, the guy who deals with the stuff the public sees, and leads the discussion end of the forums. Of course, just because I'm one and you are the other, doesn't mean input from either side will ever be denied. Obviously, most big changes should be discussed and have both viewpoints. But, I want final decision to mostly be dedicated to one or the other.

Again, I want to reiterate that I'm not looking for an Assistant Administrator. I'm looking for a full Administrator. However, I'm looking for an Administrator that complements my interests on the forum, not someone to do the same thing. This should not be a surprise to anyone, as I mentioned it in the Administrator Application process. I wanted to more clearly define what I'm looking for, however, and hopefully the three of you now have the perfect idea of what I'm looking for, and how I'll decide on the next Administrator.

If you have any questions or comments, please post them here. If not, it's no big deal, I'm just laying out what you will be judged upon.

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