Experimenting: Is it acceptable?


In this thread I want to here everybodys opinions on whether they feel experimenting drugs during your youth is acceptable or not. My take on this is both yes and no.

I believe you should live your life, and get as much experiences out of it as you can; as you only have one life to live. That being said, I believe experimenting with drugs is acceptable to some level during your youth years. I'll start with marijuana. I feel that experimenting with weed is something at least three quarters of youth population experiment with at some point in time. It's widely available and vastly popular. It's the teen drug of choice. I find it completely fine with one to experiment with weed, and I feel it completely harmless all together, but thats a different subject. I'll now move onto physadelics, such as shrooms and LSD. I have not done either of the two, but based on what I have read, it is quite an experience. This, is another category of drugs I find acceptable to experiment with, but wouldnt reccomend making any type of habit about it. Next up, is "drugs in your kitchen cabinet." Some of these would include cough medicine containing DXM, sleeping pills, aspirin, and pain medication. I'll honestly say out of those four I have experimented with two of them, once each. The first was the prescription pain medication, oxycoton. I took two pills that were each 15 mg. Afterwards, I was expecting something amazing to happen, but nothing did. I felt calm, but thats about it. I heard of many addictions being formed from oxy, but I find it acceptable to try it out one or two times. The other I have tried resulted in the most weird, fucked up, and hard to describe experience of my life. That was with cough medicine containing a pretty high level of DXM. I forget the name of it, I know it started with a D, and I know it wasnt Robo, which seems to be the most popular. Well, I chugged a bottle of it, and wasnt feeling anything for about an hour. That all changed though, suddenly and abruptly. I stood up from the couch, and it seemed as if all of a sudden my world was literally spinning around and around. I tried to walk straight, but failed to do so, as I had no sense of direction with everything seeming to me spinning rapidly around me. I remained that way for a pretty long time, I would say about 5 to 6 hours. It was a fun experience, yet at the same time very confusing and scary. Afterwards, I looked up on the internet the effects of what I just did. None of it seemed to completley match up to what I was feeling. It wasnt until I read into some stuff more that I then realized I got a double dosage of what I was asking for. I have ADD, and take the medication Adderall for it. Well, turns out Aderrall is a stimulant that raises the level of your heart beat, and so does DXM. I had both of which in my system, so my heart must have been going fucking besurk. Through my experience, I would say it's ok to try it once or twice, but deffinitley not to go beyond that. You'll really fuck up if you start to make a once a week habit or something of it.

Speaking of Adderall, that leads me to my next category, stimulants. Some stimulants include Adderall, Cocaine, and Meth(speed). I'm on the fence with these. Of course I have a prescription to my Adderall, and I take it once daily. That situation is obviously fine, and doesnt get you high or anything. What kids are doing is breaking open three to four capsules at a time, crushing up the beads, and then snorting it. I personally have never done this, and probably don't intend to. Sometime after taking just my daily dose oraly, throughout the day I can feel my heart going a little crazy. I couldnt imagine snorting four times that. As for cocaine and meth, I wouldnt do it. To many overdoses and addictions form, even with kids harmlessly experimenting. I don't find it horrible for one to chose to experiment with one of those two, I ust personally could not see myself doing so.

Now, I want all of your guys opinions on youth experimenting with drugs. If you're a teen yourself, let me know what you have or have not done and why or why not. I would also love to hear from older posters, share if you done anything in your teen years, and would you find it acceptable for your own kids to be experimenting?
Well, let me say this first: Between the the ages of 16 and 18, I was chemically dependant on X and acid, and eventually went to rehab.

Now, on to the topic:

As far as teens are concerned, I think pot is an inevitable experiment, in a broad general aspect. I don't mean all kids are gonna try it, 'cuz they're not gonna. But a vast majority will, at least once. I think as long as they don't go overboard (wakin' and bakin' every day), it's a no harm, no foul situation as long as they leave it when they reach the age of majority. Oh, and no drivin' after smoking.

As for the " Harder" drugs (acid, X, speed, coke), I am strongly advising not doing them. They will take over your life, and cost you everything. Trust me. I'm just now to the point that I don't get a hankerin'.
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I did drugs during my youth & I think experimenting is fine but I would reccomend people to just only experiment alcohol & weed cause while alcohol isn't really all that harmless, it's a hell of a lot more harmless than speed, X, cocaine & acid(I did acid many times in my youth). The point is is that yes live your life to the fullest & try new things but at the same time you gotta be careful on what exactly you are experimenting cause that one thing can literally change your ass just like that.
I think it's wrong - all it takes is one cigarette to get you hooked..an experiment which could cost you your life. I don't believe any drugs like that are good for you and definately wouldn't try them myself. I think it's stupidity more than anything, especially today people know how addictive smoking is, and how costly it is. I'm not going to hate anyone for trying it, but at the same time it's definately not something I'd ever do.
I honestly don't see the point. I think that when you say "experimenting with it during youth" is just a cover-up because you know its stupid and I guess most people find doing "stupid" things during your youth is okay, but in the end all it does is furthur the sterotype of young kids being nothing more than delinquants and flat-out reckless. Why further the stereotype? Why do it in the first place? There's a load more of fun experiences that you could be having as a kid that you'll eventually not have time for when you're an adult. Why not focus on them instead, especially when you can be doing these fun things over stuff that you could very well possibly get addicted to for the rest of your life. Adding to what Becca said, "experimenting" is just plain stupid anyway, and the term for it itself is a falsehood and doesnt do it justice... "experimenting" could easily be substituted with "getting addicted to", and it does quite often for alot of people, especially young kids who think they're invincible and just looking to have a good time.

Oh, and lets be real on another aspect of all of this- the purpose behind doing any of these things... what is it? Just to fit in and be "cool", thats what it is. It stems mostly from peer pressure, or trying impress someone, or something of the sort. And don't give me any of the BS that its not just to fit in when you're in your youth- you're not trying all of these things by yourself home alone- no, you're doing it with others in order to please a group and have "a good time" with friends when really you're just another kid who was too spineless to say no and not potentially mess up the rest of their life for the sake of an """experiment""".
I think that you've got to try everything at least once. By everything I mean everything you're comfortable with trying, and in a setting and with people that you feel comfortable in and with.

I think that marijuana, if tried just once (or twice, since apparently the very first time you're so nervous it doesn't do what it's supposed to?) to find out what it's like is okay. It's a different state of mind, an altered state, which is different and people feel two ways about different (i) they're terrified of it or (ii) they're curious about it. There is the curious fear also, but that's a mix of two and therefore doesn't count. With that said, some people can try something and know it's not for them, while others can simply know that it is or isn't -- I know myself well enough to know that smoking weed will do nothing for me. It will alter my state of mind and being, but it'll do that for anyone that smokes it. I'm weird enough as it is, so to speak. But not everyone is like that, not everyone can say plain as day that "No, it's not for me."

It's okay to try. It's not okay to abuse it, which often happens as a result of experimentation in a setting and with a group not with one's best interests in mind. There is a difference between toking up with your girlfriend of three years and some dealer you just met; clearly the two have different agendas and will react differently if something goes down with you (be it allergic reaction, bad trip, whatever).

I think that's the problem, usually: the circumstances under which young kids are introduced to these things is unwholesome, or they are misinformed horribly about them. Add to that the fact that it's "taboo" and "rebellious" and whatever, it's the "perfect" thing to ruin a kid's life, that's true. But again, I think in moderation (the key phrase here) marijuana and alcohol are not horrendous. I think there are even studies out there that cite its positive effects when used in moderation...

It's just a matter of "experimenting correctly," to me.
Youth is the time to do stupid things because in theory at least it's a relatively safe time, in which the consequences of your action won't be too detrimental. And drugs/alcohol are, IMO, definitely stupid. Fingers crossed it won't fuck up your life too much or for too long. True enough it's your life so do what you want but be cognizant enough to realize that all choices have real consequences good or bad.
Alcohol and weed are O.K. in moderation.
I smoked pot for the first time when i was 15 and did it every weekend until I was 18.
I drank from the time I was 16 to 22.
Im not gonna lie and say I never do anything now, but its always in moderation.
I have a 7 year old son and i think if the only bad thing he does is drink or smoke pot, thats not too bad.
I would hope that he would make the right choices and i would inforn him of what a bad choice could do.

Ive seen friends of mine, who couldnt moderate themselves, do alot of damage to their futures. One of my oldest friends used to smoke pot everyday, drinka fifth of white tequila and pop 2 boxes of coricidan everyday. Hes been unemployed for 6 years,[after getting fired from the job i got him, for showing up to work so drunk he could hardly stand], he will turn 30 this year,and he lives in his moms basement. He mows lawns for booze money and nickle bags.

So i say it all depends on the person, and their ability to control theirselves.
Oh, and lets be real on another aspect of all of this- the purpose behind doing any of these things... what is it? Just to fit in and be "cool", thats what it is. It stems mostly from peer pressure, or trying impress someone, or something of the sort. And don't give me any of the BS that its not just to fit in when you're in your youth- you're not trying all of these things by yourself home alone- no, you're doing it with others in order to please a group and have "a good time" with friends when really you're just another kid who was too spineless to say no and not potentially mess up the rest of their life for the sake of an """experiment""".

This argument for drugs is straight out of a government above the influence commercial, as an avid, functioning pot smoker, who made a conscious decision on my own to try pot, I have to say that trying to be "cool" and trying to "fit in" was the furthest thing from my mind. From what I can tell from your post, most of your drug information has come straight from the class room, and the rest from anti drug commercials.

I didn't start smoking because I wanted to stand around with a group of tool-bags and look cool smoking pot, I was against smoking pot through all of my time in high school, I was getting fed the same info that you are currently getting, I won't be surprised if your views change once you enter the "real world", then again, maybe they wont, but there is no reason to think your above someone because they do drugs and you don't. Don't let the government make up your mind for you.

All I'm saying is make up your own mind on the matter, the government makes up half the shit you learn in your history class, and that's a fact. I'm just saying they might be feeding you a few lies in "other areas" as well.

Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong in making a decision to not try drugs, but don't let someone make the decision for you, do some real research on the matter, then make up your mind.

Also smoking pot does not make you "spineless" or a "Delinquent" and making the decision not to smoke pot, or experiment with drugs does not make you a better person than some one who does. Barack Obama smoked pot as a teen and he seems to have turned out just fine. Everyone makes there own decisions in life, and those decisions help you grow as a person, and more so as an individual, don't let someones false information define you as a person.
Trying it just to try it is just a stupid excuse. That's Lemming thinking. You want to smoke pot so you can say you've tried it? Fine. Here's a list for you:

-Swallowing a bottle of sleeping pills.
-Jumping off a cliff.
-Pointing a loaded gun at your head and pulling the trigger.

Just cause its not insta-fatal doesn't make it less stupid.
I did drugs during my youth & I think experimenting is fine but I would reccomend people to just only experiment alcohol & weed cause while alcohol isn't really all that harmless, it's a hell of a lot more harmless than speed, X, cocaine & acid(I did acid many times in my youth). The point is is that yes live your life to the fullest & try new things but at the same time you gotta be careful on what exactly you are experimenting cause that one thing can literally change your ass just like that.

Depends on will power, my father experimented and did more drugs then most people, now hes in a wheel chair going out of his mind because of years of abuse, hes diabetic, suffers from kidney failure, and hates his lilfe all because he took his body for granted, as the saying goes your body is your temple, treat it that way......

I however did do weed, and drank alot, but gave up by the age of 20, Now my body is clean and i am happy that I at least gave it a try, will power is the main thing when it comes to scenarios such as this one, if you believe you can hack it go for it, if you cant then stay clear and be glad that you have.

And the main thing is jut live your life and stay clear of hard drugs
Experimenting is perfectly acceptable so long as it's something you want to do.

If you want to try drugs then do it. If you want to smoke then do it.

Everyone is responsible for their own actions and everybody has the willpower to quit if they get addicted. Strike that, everybody has the willpower not to get addicted.
Trying it just to try it is just a stupid excuse. That's Lemming thinking. You want to smoke pot so you can say you've tried it? Fine. Here's a list for you:

-Swallowing a bottle of sleeping pills.
-Jumping off a cliff.
-Pointing a loaded gun at your head and pulling the trigger.

Just cause its not insta-fatal doesn't make it less stupid.

Actually, your wrong. Maybe you should stick to stuff you know about?? swallowing a bottle of pills, jumping off a cliff and shooting yourself in the head, have nothing, and I mean absolutely nothing to do with trying pot.

I see what your trying to say, that smoking pot is suicide, well that's ignorant and dumb on your part, please tell me the listed number of deaths caused by smoking pot, Nobody OD's on weed, NOBODY.

What is so stupid about smoking pot? please, you seem so informed, and I would love to hear what you really think? You say trying it just to try it is stupid, this thread is about experimenting, so do you care to expand on why its so stupid, you just come off as an ignorant Tool, spitting out fake facts, and shitty analogy's that have nothing to do with experimenting or smoking pot.

When has pot been proven to be fatal in anyway? you want to blame it for being the so called "gateway" drug, thus leading you to OD on something more serious?? Lets be real here, if your going to post about drugs and experimenting with drugs you should come to the table with some real knowledge, or at least a real opinion, just saying, smoking pot is like shooting yourself in the head is dead wrong.

clearly you have never "experimented" yourself, and if its not for you, so be it, that's your choice and there is nothing wrong with that, but that dose not on any level make you a better human, or a better person, or smarter than the rest, its simply just a choice that you have made.

Good luck to you on living you closed off small minded lifestyle, and I would really like you to expand on what you said, just for the sake of you not coming off as such an ignorant tool.
Actually, your wrong. Maybe you should stick to stuff you know about?? swallowing a bottle of pills, jumping off a cliff and shooting yourself in the head, have nothing, and I mean absolutely nothing to do with trying pot.

I see what your trying to say, that smoking pot is suicide, well that's ignorant and dumb on your part, please tell me the listed number of deaths caused by smoking pot, Nobody OD's on weed, NOBODY.

What is so stupid about smoking pot? please, you seem so informed, and I would love to hear what you really think? You say trying it just to try it is stupid, this thread is about experimenting, so do you care to expand on why its so stupid, you just come off as an ignorant Tool, spitting out fake facts, and shitty analogy's that have nothing to do with experimenting or smoking pot.

When has pot been proven to be fatal in anyway? you want to blame it for being the so called "gateway" drug, thus leading you to OD on something more serious?? Lets be real here, if your going to post about drugs and experimenting with drugs you should come to the table with some real knowledge, or at least a real opinion, just saying, smoking pot is like shooting yourself in the head is dead wrong.

clearly you have never "experimented" yourself, and if its not for you, so be it, that's your choice and there is nothing wrong with that, but that dose not on any level make you a better human, or a better person, or smarter than the rest, its simply just a choice that you have made.

Good luck to you on living you closed off small minded lifestyle, and I would really like you to expand on what you said, just for the sake of you not coming off as such an ignorant tool.

Get off the liberal free thinking bandwagon of sheepdom. I didn't directly target pot alone by itself. I was citing all substance abuse. Gateway drug? When did I ever mention that?

Just cause you are obviously a high ho, doesn't mean you can interject fabricated speech into someone else's post. The point of my post was to illustrate that you should never try something JUST for the sake of saying you tried it once. I don't need to jump off a cliff to know that its going to hurt when I get at the bottom, just like I don't need to get fully good and loaded before stepping behind the wheel of an SUV to know I could possibly get someone killed.

Geez, I thought you blazers were supposed to be CALM?
Get off the liberal free thinking bandwagon of sheepdom. I didn't directly target pot alone by itself. I was citing all substance abuse. Gateway drug? When did I ever mention that?

Just cause you are obviously a high ho, doesn't mean you can interject fabricated speech into someone else's post. The point of my post was to illustrate that you should never try something JUST for the sake of saying you tried it once. I don't need to jump off a cliff to know that its going to hurt when I get at the bottom, just like I don't need to get fully good and loaded before stepping behind the wheel of an SUV to know I could possibly get someone killed.

Geez, I thought you blazers were supposed to be CALM?

you compared trying a drug once to killing your self, three different ways of killing yourself, its not an accurate statement, talk about "sheepdom" I would rather be a free thinking liberal , than a closed minded religious right winged conservative.

You did not say anything about a gateway drug, you actually didn't say anything, so i had to assume what you where talking about.

Getting behind the wheel of a car, has nothing to do with getting high, just another poor analogy, assuming that everyone who drinks or smokes gets behind the wheel and kills people.

not everyone who smokes pot is a hippie from the 70's
you compared trying a drug once to killing your self, three different ways of killing yourself, its not an accurate statement, talk about "sheepdom" I would rather be a free thinking liberal , than a closed minded religious right winged conservative.

You did not say anything about a gateway drug, you actually didn't say anything, so i had to assume what you where talking about.

Getting behind the wheel of a car, has nothing to do with getting high, just another poor analogy, assuming that everyone who drinks or smokes gets behind the wheel and kills people.

not everyone who smokes pot is a hippie from the 70's

You are exactly the type of person that has no business trying to debate anything. You are specifically going for the knee jerk reactions. For starters, you did it again, throwing "religious" in where it was never introduced. Clearly you are a person that has no idea listening to anything but what you want to hear, if you are going to partially make it up as you go along.

Its a FACT that people can and do get killed, or cause others to get killed as a direct use of narcotics, of various levels of intensity from Cocaine to PCP or worse. That is technically experimentation, and the subject of this thread. So no, comparing a one time overdose of PCP to jumping off a cliff is not a poor analogy. Both are things that can kill you for only doing it once. Hence the word "experimentation."

I have no business talking to someone that "has to assume what you are talking about". Your arguments are out of context. I'm done here, someone toss this guy a joint and tell him to go sit the #$%$ down.
You are exactly the type of person that has no business trying to debate anything. You are specifically going for the knee jerk reactions. For starters, you did it again, throwing "religious" in where it was never introduced. Clearly you are a person that has no idea listening to anything but what you want to hear, if you are going to partially make it up as you go along.

Its a FACT that people can and do get killed, or cause others to get killed as a direct use of narcotics, of various levels of intensity from Cocaine to PCP or worse. That is technically experimentation, and the subject of this thread. So no, comparing a one time overdose of PCP to jumping off a cliff is not a poor analogy. Both are things that can kill you for only doing it once. Hence the word "experimentation."

I have no business talking to someone that "has to assume what you are talking about". Your arguments are out of context. I'm done here, someone toss this guy a joint and tell him to go sit the #$%$ down.

Go back and read you first comment, you only mention smoking pot, you assumed I am a liberal, we're floating in the same boat bro. this is the first time you mentioned a drug besides pot, and I sure as fuck am no advocate for pcp or coke, or any other man made drug, your shit is just as much out of context if your going call my post out of context, and if you got a joint ill take it bro. also, you can post the word fuck if you like, no foul language nazi's here.
Personally I see alcohol as the biggie, a lot of people drink when they're feeling down, but its easy for it to begin to fill a void, but the truth is it doesn't, cos the minute you're sober you remember what it is that you were trying to hide from.

2 and a half years ago my family life was going really downhill, as both my adoptive and biological families were crocks of shit in different ways. So I started drinking 6 days a week, the only day I didn't drink was Sunday and that's only because nobody really ever was available on Sundays to join me. I began to hang out with my biological sister I had only just met, and she's a junkie. I took e's, coke, speed, as well as continuing my drinking.

My family life got in that much of a mess that social services put me into a hostel at 18, I lived there for 7 months before moving in with the second girl I dated in those 7 months, not because I particularly had any feelings for her at the time, but to get out of a hell hole where I realised that none of these things fill the void, its when you hit rock bottom you get some perspective.

My gf isn't adopted like I was, but she has a similar situation to mine is the past in that she's mostly ignored by her family, and I'm scared of her turning to alcohol, or people who aren't really friends. She knows never to take drugs because I've scared the hell out of her with my own personal stories such as my sister recalling child abuse after a come down from coke... and she wouldn't touch weed since she's asthmatic and I gave up smoking because of her.

But it was alcohol that got her in hospital 2 weeks ago, and I'm really scared she's going down the self-destructive path I was in.

It took a very frank conversation with my politics teacher at college when I was 19 to get me where I am now in my own place, acting as a job, and with a few close friends who I consider my family. But if I hadn't been told bluntly that I was on my last chance, and its up to me to make it or blow it, I wouldn't have made it.

But with my gf on a reduced schedule at college, and uncertain about her future, I can understand why she's hiding from things... I just don't want her to start drinking, because it doesn't solve uncertainty and angst, it makes it worse. Whatever the drug, if you bury your head in the sand you'll find the sand is quick sand, and its pretty hard to get back out.
This is the most stupid idea that I've ever heard of. Why would you try something that is completely and totally destructive, just to say that you've done it? "Oh yeah, cut my pinky off with a saw. You gotta try everything once, ya know?" No! That's fucking stupid. Cigarettes kills people. Alcohol kills people. Drugs kill people. These things ruin your lives. Why would you "experiment" with them? There is no upside.
This is the most stupid idea that I've ever heard of. Why would you try something that is completely and totally destructive, just to say that you've done it? "Oh yeah, cut my pinky off with a saw. You gotta try everything once, ya know?" No! That's fucking stupid.

I think most people would agree that trying anything just to say you've tried it is stupid, but experimenting and " you gotta try everything once" are two different things. The whole cutting off your finger thing, besides being an unrealistic analogy, it just sounds like government propaganda.

Cigarettes kills people. Alcohol kills people. Drugs kill people. These things ruin your lives. Why would you "experiment" with them? There is no upside.

I'm not an advocate for all kinds of drugs, but alcohol is legal, it dose not kill, it makes stupid people do stupid things. I can sit in my apartment, drink a six pack of beer, smoke a bowl, and have a damn good time, and get this nobody dies. Its the decisions you make, and dumb humans make stupid choices sometimes, but enjoying whatever you like in a safe environment can be a lot of fun, and people don't die.

Cigarettes are pretty bad, they will kill you over the long run, but to each there own, but those fucking Anti-tobacco ads on T.V are the worst!
I think most people would agree that trying anything just to say you've tried it is stupid, but experimenting and " you gotta try everything once" are two different things. The whole cutting off your finger thing, besides being an unrealistic analogy, it just sounds like government propaganda.

How? I'd rather lose my pinky than my life. It's a perfectly reasonable anology.

I'm not an advocate for all kinds of drugs, but alcohol is legal, it dose not kill, it makes stupid people do stupid things. I can sit in my apartment, drink a six pack of beer, smoke a bowl, and have a damn good time, and get this nobody dies. Its the decisions you make, and dumb humans make stupid choices sometimes, but enjoying whatever you like in a safe environment can be a lot of fun, and people don't die.

Cigarettes are pretty bad, they will kill you over the long run, but to each there own, but those fucking Anti-tobacco ads on T.V are the worst!

Guns are legal. I'm pretty sure they kill people. "But it's not the gun, it's the person using the gun." Well, fair enough. It's the idiots drinking and driving killing people, the majority of the time. Then again, you're just damaging your liver by drinking alcohol, so go ahead and do that. When you die of liver disease, don't cry to me.

How are the anti-tobacco ads bad? Oh, sure.. Let's not put the truth about tobacco products out there for everyone to see. Let's ignore the fact that it kills hundreds and thousands of people in the world daily. Sureee.
Hm difficult subject. Personally, I'm not too high on drugs. I don't smoke (neither weed nor anything else, for that matter), but I drink alcohol on weekends. I have times where I drink more, and then others where I don't drink at all, really depends on my mood. But I definitely do not intend to do anything else.

Now as far as "experimenting" is concerned... I kind of have an issue with the general feeling of this thread that you need to do this experimenting when you are still young. I ask... why? For quite on the contrary, I believe it is more dangerous for a young person (say, ages 14-18) to try drugs since at such an age, people are just much more easily influenced due to the changes that take place both physically and psychologically during this time, and thus I fear it might even increase the plausibility of this "experimenting" going wrong and people becoming addicted.

Now I'm not saying that if you're older, say 30 or 40 or so, and then try drugs "for the first time", that you might not get addicted; because we all know that would be BS. But I somehow have the feeling that someone who has already gathered some experience in life, who probably has a more or less regulated job, who has, to a certain degree, a "secure" situation in life (as far as anything can ever be really secure of course), would be less likely to succumb to the less beneficiary aspects of drugs than someone who is just at the start of the adult life, who might not yet have a clear-cut perspective of where they want to go or what they want to do, and who thus may more easily be influenced by drugs to just "let it slide", and in the process ruin, or at the very least, complicate their own futures to a great extent.

Now I would not go so far as to say "experimenting is wrong". But I guess people should rather try only "soft" drugs, if any, simply because the implications of harder stuff are just very severe and can become uncontrollable quicker than people might believe. If someone has the feeling that they need to try "everything" at least once (which is not a very smart general attitude in my opinion; I don't jump off a cliff without any safeguards just to "see what it's like" and to have tried it once), then I suggest people should try stuff like that only if they have reliable sources and can "trust" (as far as that's possible) the people they use it with or obtain it from, just to minimize the potential risk.

But as said, I generally feel that it might be smarter, if anything, to "experiment" in later years rather than in younger, simply because young people are often... well... dumb. Add to that peer pressure, or maybe personal problems of various origin, and you are dead set for a trip down rehab lane. I personally feel no need to try everything at least once; but if someone does, I advise utmost caution, since people have to be aware that once they tread on this terrain, they will more likely than not lose control of the situation - and the fact that so many people always say that "they have it all under control" and "can stop whenever they want to", and then - as we all know - just can't, that just goes to show that there lie dangers with drugs that should never be underestimated - even if you think you'll be trying something "only once".
How? I'd rather lose my pinky than my life. It's a perfectly reasonable anology.

You said "cut my finger off with a saw, gotta try everything once" your analogy was cutting your finger off because you have to try everything once. Not a finger instead of a life.

Guns are legal. I'm pretty sure they kill people. "But it's not the gun, it's the person using the gun." Well, fair enough. It's the idiots drinking and driving killing people, the majority of the time. Then again, you're just damaging your liver by drinking alcohol, so go ahead and do that. When you die of liver disease, don't cry to me.

How are the anti-tobacco ads bad? Oh, sure.. Let's not put the truth about tobacco products out there for everyone to see. Let's ignore the fact that it kills hundreds and thousands of people in the world daily. Sureee.

alcohol is not going to lead to a liver problem unless you drink 10 beers a day everyday, for years and years, and even then its not a fact.

As far as tobacco ads, I just find them dumb, all those TRUTH ads, its a joke, everyone and their mothers know tobacco = cancer, I don't need to see 3 truth commercials and 2 above the influence commercials every time i sit down to rot my brain and watch t.v. just preference.

Its not the message in the commercial, its how they go about giving it to you. I get it, your a better person because you don't smoke, Its the advertising campaign, not the message expressed.
I think that experimenting is not intended for the weak. If you want to try alcohol or drugs go ahead and do it. But if you dont want to and simply do it because of your ''friends'' you're weak. I mean why the need to experiment? You either want it or you dont. I know I dont want to smoke or drink. Because if I do I'll think of myself in a bad way. And I think its bullshit when people say that '' you only live once, try everything out! '' Just because you live once doesn't mean you can carelessly do anything you want. You have to consider the effects, the people around you who are worried and your own health.

Let's theoreticly say that your an Atheist. So you dont believe in god. So that means you can do what you want and experiment. That includes smoking. Then alcohol. Then drugs. Then sex. Then crime. Then rape. And finaly murder. If you dont have strong will, you'll blast your own life and become a crackhead. Experimenting is only for those with a strong mind. If your weak you'll only fall into a downward spiral where you can't get out. Which is the case for a lot of girls in this days society.

Anyways I'dunno. Just Sayin :p
With all of this debating, I have not seen even one reference to the true reason many people experiment with drugs in the first place--- for spiritual reasons. This is especially true about people who experiment with hallucinogenic drugs like psilocybin mushrooms and LSD. Experimenting with drugs like these are not in any way about "getting wasted/fucked up" and being silly and sloppy, they're about viewing the world through a different perspective and understanding, about transcendentation, much in the same way a Buddhist monk meditates, or Thoreau retreating into the woods.

As someone who has experimented with just about every drug, I'm probably the only one here who actually know what he's talking about, having experienced these things. Drugs are a very complex issue, because while they do certainly provide a wealth of pain and suffering for countless addicts and families, they also can be among the most beautiful experiences a human being can endure. I've tried just about all of them kiddies, the only drugs I have always vowed to stay away from were crack cocaine and crystal meth. Cannabis, mushrooms, LSD, ecstasy, DXM, DMT, opium, mescaline, salvia, several of the alphabet designer drugs (2CB, 5-MeO-AMT, etc), cocaine, heroin, countless prescription painkillers. I've experiences just about every single drug experience, from the blissful nirvana to the sickest gut-wrenching pain, and after all of it I feel like I've come out as a relatively succesful and empathetic human being. I've got a good job and a college education (though I came close several times to dropping out because of certiain drugs).

The only drugs I feel would be acceptable for a teenager to experiment with would be pot, mushrooms, and other natural and harmless drugs of that same vein. Now that I've had some years to look back on my youth, I understand that I went extremely overboard with experimentation/habitual use, which is why I'd say it'd of course be best for experimentation to take place in college instead of high school, when theres been some years to develop a bit more.

But as for the title of this thread, is experimentation "acceptable"? Absolutely, 100%. Without drug experimentation after all, a vast majority of great music/art wouldn't exist.

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