Expanding the horizons (AKA irritated rant)


"Original Blade"
With the DS and Wii, Nintendo took the first step in trying to tap into that 'casual' gamer market that had been ignored for so long by games companies. Their consoles were easy to use, and had games that appealed to everyone, no matter their age, sex or taste in games. Wii Sports resort has sold 1 million copes since it's released. Game charts have become games publishers duelling with their latest generic copies of ideas Nintendo came up with 4 years ago.
Now, Microsoft have jumped on that particular bandwagon, after unveiling Project Natal. This coming on the Xbox 360, arguably the most hardcore gamer friendly console currently on the market. Quite frankly, it's pissing me off.

Ever since the Wii has come out, owners have been bombarded with the so-called "shovelware". It takes up shelves upon shelves in games shops, music shops, etc... Now usually, the crap games were stuck to toy stores and supermarkets, but now I have to come face to face with 60 copies of "My Hamster N' Me!" every time I'm browsing through the used game section looking for something good.

Nintendo spent the first year or two trying to convince the hardcore gamers that the Wii was for them as well as casual gamers. We had Zelda on release date. Super Mario Galaxy, Metroid Prime Corruption, Smash Bros Brawl, Resident Evil 4 remake and some superb games in the virtual console shop were all out within the first couple of years. But after that, the well ran dry and they had nothing left for the hardcore gamers. Animal Crossing and Mario Kart Wii came out, both of which were lackluster efforts. There were decent 3rd party offering in games like Zack and Wiki, Disaster: Day of Crisis and the Okami remake, but it just wasn't enough. After 2007, there were simply no more must-have games. The casual (or just shit) games catalogue was piling up on the Wii and long time, die hard Nintendo fans started to look at other consoles. Sure, the N64 and Gamecube may not have been huge successes, but they always catered to the audience that made Nintendo what they are today.

What makes casual gamers casual gamers? The fact that they're not hardcore gamers, the fact that they don't usually play many games and don't buy them unless the name is something they recognise or it's a special event such as birthdays. Now that Wii has become the games console of choice for casual gamers, it just means that they won't be playing many games and not buying many games... On the Wii.

I read an article on IGN that made a great point. There's many more casual gamers out there than hardcore gamers, so naturally games companies looking to make a quick buck will make a game aimed at casual gamers in 2 months and put it on the shelves. As I said earlier, casual gamers will buy a few games a year. So when hardcore gamers go into shops and seeing that a lesser known game they want isn't on the shelves because there's room being taken up by a load of casual games, these hardcore gamers will become vexed and will lose faith in games.

I understand that certain games companies do genuinely want to get the casual gamers involved. But this coming at a price. Developers are dumbing down games so that the casual gamers will be interested.
Nintendo are making bucket loads of cash from this casual gamer stuff. Microsoft are following them with Project Natal, and Sony have never been ones for original ideas, so I doubt they're very far behind in making something similar. In a few years or so, the casual gamer thing might grow even bigger than it is now.
But will games companies realise that the casual gamer thing is just a fad, and sooner or later they will need to draw the hardcore audience back in? I mean, are they just making more work for themselves in the long run?
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What's your point? Did you come in as a hardcore gamer? No, didn't think so. I would saffely say that 90% of people who began gaming began with a casual game, a sports game, mario, sonic or something really simple of sorts. Casual gaming makes people become hardcore gamers. If you're just targeting hardcore gamers you'll have another VG crash. I also think Nintendo gets a lot of bad rap for this, look at the PSX how much crap was available for that console? I've said it before, and I'll say it again, Nintendo are in the PG era at the moment, there are some gems out there if you look, but by and all people aren't liking it. Look at Metroid M for example, that looks immense, there's a lot more out there coming out for the wii, with Zelda Wii due for release in the next 18 months or so along with Super Mario Galaxy. Things aren't quite as bad that people make out.
You can't compare becoming a gamer now to becoming a gamer 10-15 years ago. The first games I played were Mario All-Stars and Street Fighter 2. At that time, Street Fighter was considered one of the most complex games around because of the combos, special moves and occasional strategy required. That game did get alot of people into being a gamer. But at the same time there weren't exactly casual games, not in the way there are today.
But yeah, I did get into games via a few simple games. But in fairness, there wasn't exactly the 80 hour in-depth RPG's back then. No huge areas of space that could be explored for weeks like Elder Scrolls. There were some tough and complex games out there, but most games were easy to pick up and play.
And I know that Nintendo have an interesting list of upcoming games, but this after a year and a half of practically nothing. I don't see why they had to release all the major first party releases so close together.
I know there are some gems out there, Zack and Wiki is an amazing game. But it's simply not enough. And I'm not trying to bad mouth Nintendo, I just think they're wrong for encouraging this.

My point is most casual gamers are pretty ignorant to games beyond the games they like to play. Perhaps that's ignorant and close minded, but it's probably true. They probably wouldn't be interested in the games hardcore gamers play. And I'm guessing that unlike hardcore gamers, they'll eventually stop buying sequels to games they like. The casual gamer thing is a fad, I just think that games companies may be making a mistake by investing so much into it.
My point is most casual gamers are pretty ignorant to games beyond the games they like to play. Perhaps that's ignorant and close minded, but it's probably true. They probably wouldn't be interested in the games hardcore gamers play. And I'm guessing that unlike hardcore gamers, they'll eventually stop buying sequels to games they like. The casual gamer thing is a fad, I just think that games companies may be making a mistake by investing so much into it.

You seem to be missing the point that the casual games is in fact opening the door to the hardcore. How is it a fad? Casual gaming has been going on for at least 25 years and will continue, think of the hardest games you can think of from being a kid, what did every one of them have in? CHEATS that's right, they had cheats to make the game easier for the casuals, people look back on rose tinted glasses to the games of old that were essentially designed for kids. It wasn't really until the PSX that games began having a more adult feel about them and still there was shit loads of crap on that console. There has always been casual games, there always will be casual games, so what if Nintendo and to a lesser extent Sony & Microsoft are opening gaming to families? They always have done...the NES' japanese name being Famicom (the family computer).

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