

Master of the Aussie kiss
Do you think, when Doctors and Scientists Say that "such and such" Causes cancer, Mental problems, and the such that they are just looking for excuses? or do you think there is truth behind all diagnosed problems?

I mean its a natural known fact, that Smoking will cause lung cancer, Drinking will cause you problems with your liver. But every medical problem, nowdays always has a reason. I personally think, its just a way to scare people, or even to make them feel safe. if Doctors just said that, Cancer happens, People would freak out, and there would be a huge problem. So I think that they only use most things as an escape goat. Growing up Milk was good for you, people was encouraged to drink it. nowdays apparently, Milk causes Mental problems. Why? Because they don't want to admit that they can't prevent things from happening.

Do you think, when Doctors and Scientists Say that "such and such" Causes cancer, Mental problems, and the such that they are just looking for excuses? or do you think there is truth behind all diagnosed problems?

I mean its a natural known fact, that Smoking will cause lung cancer, Drinking will cause you problems with your liver. But every medical problem, nowdays always has a reason. I personally think, its just a way to scare people, or even to make them feel safe. if Doctors just said that, Cancer happens, People would freak out, and there would be a huge problem. So I think that they only use most things as an escape goat. Growing up Milk was good for you, people was encouraged to drink it. nowdays apparently, Milk causes Mental problems. Why? Because they don't want to admit that they can't prevent things from happening.


I think its often a mixture. Of the two. I think they have things they promote, such as preservitives (I've no proof, its just a theory), that cause cancer, yet they don't want you to know that. But, They just give the blaim on something else. For instance when it comes to smoking, something they are dead agaisnt. Theres just some things we dont know. I think cancer is more genetic, I'm not 100% sure, if it is smoking that REALLY caused it, My papaw worked in the mines his entire life. Got black lung/cancer from it. Yet they blaim smoking? He smoked 1 cigerret a day, for like years....Thats just idiocy to me. They want to get rid of smoking, which is just dumb to me.
You gave my mind a mental orgasm... shaky but unclear... so here goes nothing...

I think that they just don't want everyone to panic like you said. Remember SARS? Scientists said it wasn't contagious or even fatal when it was first released about in China. Then all of a sudden people start dying. Toronto is a hot spot for Chinese businesses and tourism and such stuff and people coming from china came to Toronto for whatever the donkeydick of a reason. Canadians started dying and once they found out it was SARS everyone was freaked out and people we're going crazy here in Canada... It caused pandemonium like never before in Canada. But, these things happen everywhere, the only way to lower pandemonium is to lead their minds away from it all or if its something like the milk, scare them to keep them in order. Scientists don't care about who lives or dies. They just want to have their names in the books.
Scientists tend to jump the gun on diagnosing reasons for problems. Often times scientists see a correlation between two things and announce that as fact. The first thing you learn in freshman psychology is that correlation does not equal causation.

Smokers have higher incidences of lung cancer, but often times smokers lead unhealthy lifestyles in general. Being sedentary seems just as likely to cause health problems as smoking, and smokers tend to not work out as much. It was reported that women who took a certain course of hormone treatments had a lower risk of heart disease. This was reported as fact. However, it was later discovered that the women on the hormone therapy, an elective treatment, tended to be from higher socioeconomic groups, which had a better diet and more time exercising.

A more simple explanation is that there are bigger fires when there are more firemen. The correlation between the number of firemen and the size of the fire is presented. More firemen means a bigger fire. However, the correlation here falsely implies causation. Bigger fires require more firemen. Therefore, there is a false correlation and a true one within the same scenario. Crime rates and global temperatures have both risen since the 40's. Therefore, heat must cause crime. Think that's ridiculous? I do!

Often times, scientists see patterns and are so eager to be the first to publish, that certain facts get left out or not discovered. For years, scientists have claimed that global temperatures are rising with the amount of CO2 in the air. This doesn't explain why ice is packed more densely in recent core samples in Greenland than it is in samples from before the Industrial Revolution. No one studies whether or not temperatures have risen at a slower rate since governmental regulation and UN pressure have lowered the emissions from refineries and factories.

The problem is bigger than a misinformation campaign. People blindly follow what they see on the news and then associate that information with outside stimuli. People who protest global warming are more likely to sign petitions to ban chemicals. This does not show that global warming and pesticides are linked to global warming. It simply means that one correlation presented as fact can lead to other false beliefs. Penn and Teller are more than magicians, they are are social commentators. Well, Penn is, Teller is a visual aid. On their TV show, Bullshit, they sent someone with a fake petition to a global warming protest. This petition was used to ban a chemical called dihydrogen monoxide. They presented as present in the engine of a car (true), runoff from land into bodies of water (true), and a main ingredient in pesticides and paints (also true). They said that it is mostly found in drinking water. Funny thing is that dihydrogen (H2) monoxide (O1) is H2O, or water. They got everyone to sign this petition. The correlation here is that people who believe in global warming are gullible. I take everything back, correlation and causation are inserarable.

I kid, but the dangers of misinformation are manifested every day. The rate of lung cancer among smokers is alarming, but so is the rate of poverty and the lack of exercise among smokers. The concrete proof does not exist to say that tar and nicotine GENETICALLY MUTATE cells. That being said, it can't be good to deposit those things in your lungs. My question is how bad, and what really happens.

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