EXCUSE ME!!!! Vickie & Ryback Discussion: Keep It Here


Mid-Card Championship Winner
Let's face it. WWE is trying hard to get heel Ryback over. In my opinion, the only reason why it's kind of working is because of the fact that he's feuding with Cena, a polarizing WWE superstar. Ryback's biggest downfall is that he can't talk and he's having trouble being "hated" (partially because of the Cena thing I mentioned, he's getting over but not as a heel per se).

SO, the perfect thing to do would be to align him with Vickie Guerrero. She is great at putting over talent but she's even better at drawing heel heat. DZ would not be where he is now without Vickie helping to get him over.

If WWE wants to sustain Ryback as a heel character after his feud with Cena is done, they need to align him with Vickie. Vicke can talk, she can draw massive heat, and she can transfer that heat on to Ryback who could then work on his promo and mic skills.

What do you think? Should WWE align Vickie Guerrero with Ryback? If not Vickie, then someone else?

Would a manager help Ryback achieve longevity as a top heel?
Vickie Guerro is a good option, but in my opinion John Laurenitis should be his manager

I hadn't considered him but he's very similar to Vickie. Very annoying, draws massive heel heat and has a history with John Cena (if they're trying to continue this feud).

I still like Vickie a little better for the role but Johnny L would be a good choice.
Just no.I m tired of Vickie seriously, what's this another "New client" angle?+ Ryback can talk, I dont know why everyone is bashing him.Just cause he has the voice of someone who had their stuff removed from their neck ( I'm too stupid to know basic biology, I know ) does not mean he is not good on the mic.

He is passionate and u can see he is trying very hard which means he will get better at it.Remember he barely started like really cutting promos , and he is cutting them from a main-event standpoint, so from that point of view I would say for someone who got shot up to the main event he is doing good, much better than someone like Sheamus will ever do.

< Might be just me, but I loved that he bashed the crowd for wanting to be like Cena but not knowing anything about nutrition and discipline >

And im sorry but your claim that DZ would not be where he is cause of Vickie is proposterous.In my eyes, she didnt help DZ one bit.She was the heat magnet for her only, people cheered DZ anyway ( welll a part of them ) and he never really got booed liike a heel should. Hell Sandow gets a better heel reaction than DZ ever did when he was with Vickie.

Plus If I see Vickie trying to get hot and wet with Ryback im gonna puke.She''s doing just fine as a GM let Heyman and Zeb be managers atm , too much of anything is not good.

I like it way better if Rybac is just a monster by himself and cuts mean promos and all that than have someone speak for him and he just stands there like an idiot opening his mouth for some reason and constantly twirling his tongue in his mouth.I'd rather have him do that while he is doing a promo.

Ryback is a much different heel than Dolph Ziggler or Edge. Ryback for me personally falls in the intimidating heel catergory; therefore he's best without a manager, or at least with someone that suits better for a monster heel manager like Heyman (who's with Axel atm). With Vickie and as a monster heel, Ryback will unintentionally look like a joke, and that's a shame, because they're both good; it's just they don't work together well.

The reason Vickie is good with Ziggler and Edge is because they are cocky heels. They have less strength standards to live up to, and then more mic skills, so they're allowed to have their managers cheat in matches and draw heat for them. It doesn't make them look as weak. Vickie comes across as this screaming, angry women who will do anything to have her client succeed. Doesn't fit well with a 291lb beast dominating people in the ring, ala Goldberg.
And im sorry but your claim that DZ would not be where he is cause of Vickie is proposterous.In my eyes, she didnt help DZ one bit.

So you're saying that Vickie had nothing to do with getting DZ over? I completely disagree. The heat she drew kept DZ as a heel. He was cheered because the IWC is obsessed with him and was before Vickie was in the picture BUT Vickie was able to get DZ over as a heel. If Vickie was never there, DZ would have ultimately floundered as a guy trying to be a heel but who couldn't get over as a heel.

Ryback is a much different heel than Dolph Ziggler or Edge. Ryback for me personally falls in the intimidating heel catergory; therefore he's best without a manager, or at least with someone that suits better for a monster heel manager like Heyman (who's with Axel atm). With Vickie and as a monster heel, Ryback will unintentionally look like a joke, and that's a shame, because they're both good; it's just they don't work together well.

The reason Vickie is good with Ziggler and Edge is because they are cocky heels. They have less strength standards to live up to, and then more mic skills, so they're allowed to have their managers cheat in matches and draw heat for them. It doesn't make them look as weak. Vickie comes across as this screaming, angry women who will do anything to have her client succeed. Doesn't fit well with a 291lb beast dominating people in the ring, ala Goldberg.

I think Vickie would work well with Ryback because of the fact that Vickie isn't a dominating personality, as a manager. She's annoying and loud and that draws the heat. Ryback could still do most of the talking (so he could hone his mic skills) but Vickie could really draw the heat. Ryback doesn't need a dominating manager like Zeb Coulter for example, who does all of the talking. Then Ryback would look like a complete fool just standing there not saying anything.

I'm saying to use Vickie as a conduit for heel heat for Ryback. Let her come down to the ring with her "EXCUSE ME" thing and screaming and then let Ryback talk. What that does is it already fires up the crowd and gets them booing before Ryback would even start talking. THAT is what you want as a heel. Then when he starts bashing the fans, the already reved up fans would continue to boo. That's the angle I'm looking at it from. I agree, that Ryback is a monster heel and could come off looking weak but only if they had Vickie do ALL the talking.
definatly not ryback should stay a lone monster type guy if he must have a manager it should be heyman hes such a slimy dislikeable man he would make ryback a huge heel easily.as for vicky its nice of wwe to give her a job but i wish it was a backstage one she really gets on my nerves and not in a good heel way shes really cringeworthy to watch its actually embarrasing when someone else is in the room and she comes on the telly imo
definatly not ryback should stay a lone monster type guy if he must have a manager it should be heyman hes such a slimy dislikeable man he would make ryback a huge heel easily.as for vicky its nice of wwe to give her a job but i wish it was a backstage one she really gets on my nerves and not in a good heel way shes really cringeworthy to watch its actually embarrasing when someone else is in the room and she comes on the telly imo.
I think vickie guerrero beings ryback's manager would be a good idea,edge and dolph ziggler became one of the most hated wwe superstars at the time (especially edge) and ryback is failing as heel especially at the mic,but with vickie,ryback could improve on that.
Over as a heel. Jesus this sentence is tossed around these days. Dolph was never over as a heel.Doesnt matter if the IWC was obsessed with him or not.He never got that heel heat that is actual heat.He was always a cocky flashy guy who was very good in the ring.People are drawn to stuff like that these days, not only the IWC.

I dont get where people say Dolph is over as a heel.Imo he tries to make people hate him but he is trying to be very very cool and hip at the same time, which doesnt go well together. I never ever saw Ziggler be booed like a real heel.As I said Sandow is 1000x times better heel and gets more of a heel reaction than DZ ever did with Vickie.

THE MOMENT Vickie shut her mouth about DZ, nobody cared for him as a heel.
Ryback is doing just fine on the mic for the character he is playing. He's no CM Punk or Cena, but he's not supposed to be. Do you really think Ryback should go out there and complain, as articulately as possible, about not getting respect? No. It doesn't make sense. Just as Vickie as his manager doesn't make sense. Let her go out there and complain about how Ryback should be in every main event? How about you just let him force his way into them? Look at him. It's believable that he can do that. Their styles don't mesh. What. So. Ever.

Here's a great promo: "I'm a 290 pound, solid muscle, badass who could kick anyone's ass in this arena. You all are pathetic, fat and lazy. Oh, by the way, here's my manager. You know, the short 'cougar' that the commentators make fat jokes about." Take that seriously. I dare you.
HELL NO!! Please keep vickie far away from ryback. I like ryback and don't want that to be ruined with vickie around. She isn't a good heel because she's so annoying everytime I see her now I turn off raw for a few minutes. She has now reached ultimate turning off the channel heat - xpac heat.
I really think Ryback is doing fine on his own as getting over as a heel. For some reason I love heels and monster heels at that. Sure Ryback is not the best talker on the mic but he doesnt need Vickie Guerrero to get over either IMO. Sure his feud with John Cena is helping,but after this feud ends i think the sky is the limit for Ryback. I might be in the minority on this one and probably am but i think Zeb Colter would make an excellent manager for him.

Yah i said it. Ryback is a monster and really there is no one stronger than Ryback on the roster Cena included. Zeb would make up just that inch or two that Ryback is missing on the mic department and just get the crowd to hate him.
She is great at putting over talent but she's even better at drawing heel heat.

Personally, I can't see it and never could. The fans enjoyed making fun of her....and to that extent, the guy she was accompanying might have gotten a bit more attention, but I can't see anything else she did that would qualify her as someone who could put people over.

The problem is, she's a one-trick pony; she can't do anything else but function as an object of ridicule, she has the same old signature line....and they're trying desperately to find something for her to do now that she's not "managing" anyone.

Do you know why she's not escorting a performer to the ring? It's because the function of standing at ringside and cheering on your man while creating a distraction during the match by climbing to the ring apron and shrieking your head off has fallen to A.J. Did you notice that once she started doing all this, Vickie stopped? Apparently, the company needs only one woman to handle that job.

For some reason (perhaps out of loyalty to Eddie Guerrero) Vince McMahon feels he has to employ Eddie's widow. That's all very nice, but Vickie's time has passed as a useful employee, imo.

Ryback doesn't need her......and neither does anyone else.
With Ryback slowly going down hill and being another guy who John Cena beat. In another "Over came the odds match." Ryback is in a feud At Money In The Bank against one of the best wrestlers in history Chris Jericho. Chris will put Ryback over. He will in my opinion but we also said that back at WrestleMania 29 in the match against Mark Henry. It didn't go the way we thought. I feel like the segment last night on raw was the beginning of Vickie Guerrero being the manager of Ryback. From being fired from In charge. It was time we got something truly fresh. Ryback gave Vickie a hug and told her "Everything's going to be okay." Obviously that right there was a hint at it. I dont know if anyone else thought of this but I'm curious to see if I'm the only one. I'm also curious to see if it happens what could we possibly see come out of this? Is Vickie the manager to help fix Rybacks career? Could this pairing work? We all do know Ryback needs a mouthpiece!

Opinions. Comments.
With Ryback slowly going down hill and being another guy who John Cena beat. In another "Over came the odds match." Ryback is in a feud At Money In The Bank against one of the best wrestlers in history Chris Jericho. Chris will put Ryback over. He will in my opinion but we also said that back at WrestleMania 29 in the match against Mark Henry. It didn't go the way we thought. I feel like the segment last night on raw was the beginning of Vickie Guerrero being the manager of Ryback. From being fired from In charge. It was time we got something truly fresh. Ryback gave Vickie a hug and told her "Everything's going to be okay." Obviously that right there was a hint at it. I dont know if anyone else thought of this but I'm curious to see if I'm the only one. I'm also curious to see if it happens what could we possibly see come out of this? Is Vickie the manager to help fix Rybacks career? Could this pairing work? We all do know Ryback needs a mouthpiece!
Opinions. Comments.

This is a blatantly untrue statement. Ryback actually cut a few decent promos here and there. He was also getting better as he went along. Plus, when booked properly as a monster, the microphone is rarely necessary. That's the problem though. His booking has been absolutely awful.

That said, it might not be a bad idea to give him a heat magnet. I still don't think Vickie Guerrero is a good choice. I mean, when he was feuding with Cena he was calling the audience fat and lazy. Vickie used to be constantly made fun of for her weight. I would almost say that John Laurinaitis would be a better choice, however his scratchy voice paired with Ryback's would be overkill. It's too late for Paul Heyman since he just picked up Axel.

Between all that, and the blatantly obvious beginning last night, I'd say yes this pairing is about to happen. It might end up working out for him. I have a feeling he won't be cutting any more promos about people's weight though.
Watching Raw last night, Vickie Guerrero was broken, after being fired by Stephanie McMahon & losing that job to Brad Maddox.

However, backstage, carrying a box full of her office stuff, she was stopped by Ryback, who hugged her & told her that everything was going to be alright. We seemed to get a glimpse into the future, at a possible alliance between Rybsck & Vickie. We all know how awful Ryback is on the mic, do why not give him the mouthpiece to really give him that push again? When he was in the main event looking like a threat, Ryback was mildly entertaining and recently I've not enjoyed him at all.

So what do you lot think? Personally, I would love to see Vickie give Ryback a hand at MITB, giving him his first PPV win. Or, Jericho beats him, leading to Vickie giving him the hand in a rematch.

i'm not going to go into a long winded response to your post, but I whole heartily agree with your question. when i first watched that segment with Skip and Vickie the only thing that I could think that could come of it would be Vickie comming back in a week or two and work with Ryback
Vicky pairing with Ryback seems to be the immediate direction. Just to throw it out there; Zeb has his team, Paul has his, Vicky will develop hers and so on. Feud will happen, but I thing Zeb needs a muscle. Perhaps once AJ and Dolph break apart, Big E will need a new home?
Ryback is a case of being hot in the wrong place at the wrong time. I don't know if Ryback needs a mouthpiece or not considering he is much more improved on the mic since he debuted as Ryback. I've said this before the beginning of the new year and i'll bring it back up again. The problem is Ryback needs some credibility. He was thrown into a burning fire because he was option B when Cena went down during HIAC last year. During WrestleMania season this year (Royal Rumble through WrestleMania) he quietly moved down the card. Now with Rock, Punk, Taker all gone after Mania, Ryback was the "top heel" that was to be fed to Cena. A win over Chris Jericho seems about right although it doesn't reflect that "win" to regain his credibility. The right move would to put Ryback into a feud with either Dean Ambrose or Curtis Axel. Although both Axel and Ambrose are the midcard champions at this point, a feud between Ryback and the midcard champs could elevate both parties in the long run. I do realize the WWE doesn't like to have championship matches on free tv, saving them for Pay-Per-Views, but a best of 5 or 7 series could benefit Ryback. I realize and hope the WWE realizes as well that the top guys aren't getting any younger. Cena is 36, Punk will be 35, Taker wrestles every April. HHH is 43, Lesnar is also 36. Ryback is in his early 30's and is actually younger than the current Intercontinental Champion in Curtis Axle. If the WWE attempts to re-push Ryback up the card, a good starting point would be a midcard championship feud to re-establish himself and gain some momentum back.
ehhhh....idk I mean well given the fact that Ryback is heel and has been jobbing out and losing week after week, a super over (heat wise) Vickie could add to his heat making it legitimate and not just out of boredom for his character. I'm surprised they turned Ryback heel against Cena, I think he could have continued to be a bad ass face and the fans would have loved him being the one who finally turned Cena heel as a result, but anyways with the recent string of PPV losses and this idiotic storyline they have him doing by whining and calling off matches due to injury, all its doing is ruining his character's credibility that they built up so far. Maybe Vickie is something that could revitalize his character, I mean if they did link up I'm not sure how long they should pair up but it WOULD be interesting to see a Brock vs Ryback match with Heyman and Vickie accompanying their respective clients.
I have never been a real big Ryback supporter, but I think Vickie would do him wonders. Ryback was got hot at the absolute wrong time as was mentioned above, but lets be honest he is very limited. I think it went wrong when he started talking. The promos were not terrible, but I just didn't buy it after being this monster face. Jericho calling him cryback was not such a great move either. That is going to stick. It seems like they took a guy that could have been hot, and step by step did everything absolutely wrong with him. Anyway, I think Vickie could easily get his momentum going again. He doesn't need to talk much, and Vickie of course is a heat magnet. I think they make a perfect fit at this point.
I've liked Ryback okay and I do think that he's gotten something of an unfair shake from some fans, especially smarks. After all, smarks give shit to any wrestler that's 6 feet or over and significantly over 200 pounds in weight. I think Ryback has cut some solid promos, he's gotten much better than when he initially started talking. An uphill battle Ryback is facing is just that: he talks. Some fans, for whatever reason, think that a big monster heel should always remain a one dimensional guy who doesn't speak.

That being said, I think that Vickie could possibly do some good for Ryback. What needs to happen, in my opinion, is that it needs to have a much different feel than what she had with Edge or Ziggler. There shouldn't be anything romantic going on between them, nor do I think Vickie should be used as the punch line of jokes and skits going forward. I'm all for Ryback showing a more devious side of himself, and I think it'd be cool to see Vickie do sort of the same, albeit without the diabolical cackle and all that.

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