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Exciting times for WWE?


Dark Match Winner
Since fter WM25 ive been getting bored with WWE. However the last few weeks are starting to generate exciting times (if you take away the Raw main event scene). Lets look...

Smackdown- the rise of Ziggler, Morrisson push, Punk Heal turn, Punk V Hardy, Jericho title run, Hart Dynasty....return of the Undertaker approaching. SD easily the best show in wrestling atm.

Raw- Miz push, the US title scene and the Return of HBK. These are the only things that makes Raw worth watching. As the WWE title scene is boring but yet, the rest of the show and storylines are getting hot. I am also feeling a Ted DiBiase breakaway from legacy and I think he will be a mega star in the future.

ECW- Christian...need i say more??? But i will lol- the talent iniciative , Tommy Dreamer title run

All in all i think 2009/2010 has the potential to be an excellent time for WWE considering it is not ruined by bad booking decisions. Because at the moment there are some very exciting things hapening.

Therefore my Question to everyone is do you agree???
what would really excite me is if the rumor of godfather hosting raw and ending this pg shit is actually true!:banghead:
this fuckin kids show drives me nuts
the wrestling is great dont get me wrong but other than jerichos promos the entertainment side is boring
they should just make superstars nationwide and turn that into a kids show once a week
give the real fans their show back!

that would be very exciting!
I would tend to agree with you on the most part although would think it would be 2010/11 would be more realistic for the WWE to really pick up the pace again. Smackdown is the most exciting and enjoyable brand and I think when Edge returns as a face we are going to see crowd reactions we have not seen or felt since the attitude era. Edge in the last few years has been the best performing heel/superstar no matter what show consistently drawing the a crowd reaction... as long as a face he still retains the rated-R superstar gimmick and is not Cenafied I think Edge will come of age as a true WWE legend.

But for the WWE to really pci kup the pace it needs to be weary of a few things.

Morrison VS Punk

This has to be handled carefully. They cannot use Morrison to legitmize Punk as a superstar. I think they need to develop a balanced rivalry here not bury Morrisson as one of Punks opponnents on his title reign. Remember Morrison and Punk have had a rivarly before over hte ECW championship which Morrison was on the upperhand for most of hence even if it means Morrison gets a premature title run and then drops it back to Punk which considering the heat Punk is getting and how hot Morrison is right now I think the corwd would go for. This has the potentially to be a rivalry of the decade so do not bury Morrison as not ready in order to establish Punk (when in recent weeks hes beat Punk twice).

The Hart Dynasty

These guys need to be pushed after the Crymetyme run os over really push them as the premier tage team on Smackdown. have them allignwith a Jericho or a Punk... push them they are certainly ready for it.


We are due another rivalry here... take them out of squashing newbies have them battle each other for a while crowd will love and it does not interfere with development of other wrestlers.

Unify the Womans and the Divas titles

the women's division is spread to thin. I would much rather see Mickie/Gail/Beth/Melina/Maryse/Natalya/Alicia fight over one title than split between two.

ECW is just a modern day heat and keep it that way

For one hour its not worth using this as anything other than a breeding ground... Tommy Dreamer should not be headlining a PPV and facing Dreamer is below Christain.

Swagger Mega-Push

Swagger could legitimately hold the WWE title. he needs an immediate push in the next 6 months towards this to freshen up the stale raw title scene. Swagger-Cena, Swagger-HBK Swagger-HHH all work and would be much better than what we are seeing right now.

HHH/Cena/Batista/HBK cannot wrestle for the WWE title or WHC at Wresltemania

Particulary HHH who apart for year he was out with injury and Undertaker at X-seven has wrestled for that those titles in every year since 2000. It is getting stale, it is boring and this was proved with the HHH-Orton mess of this year. Cena has wrestled for it every year since 2004. They need to start pushing new talent heavy a Dibiase, Swagger, MVP, Matt Hardy.... someone.
Cena since his first title run has not shownb he can hold a major storlyline and do a major rivalry thats is entertaining and long-term compelling outside chasing the WWE title.... Cena vs Triple H pure grudge match sounds more appealing that a major main event.

The Wrestlemania Shock

Something that ends Wrestlemania in controversy, a heel turn, an assist, a new alliance.... something. Rember Mr McMahon turning of the Rock in 2000 or the Austin heel turn in 2001. It was exciting and capitaviting and too many unexpected.....I pray for a Cena heel turn the fans crave it and would lap it up. Imagine Cena VS HHH or HBK and then he suddenly snaps or something it would be brilliant and would add so much credibility to Cena

if I had my way

Unify the WWE and WHC title again. means the top talent is not spread so thin you can have Cena V Punk, Hardy VS HBK, Edge VS Orton, jericho vs Batista, Taker VS Swagger, HBK vs Rey things like that allow the undisputed title to jump shows and the top tier to do so as well and it suddenly means netiher title scene risks staleness,
exciting times 4 wwe --- yeah i agree :)

talent such as morrison on the arisen and i think he will be pushed 2 become a top star

i also think that kofi will be pushing 4 the main event stage in the coming 2010 year

imagine kofi wwe champion
morrison whc champ
shelton ecw champ heading into bragging rights you could have three high flying champions come up against each other

i still believe it would take a year 4 these 2 come about
I'm with you. We need some fresh air. This won't be a bitchfest about the main event scene but where are some things I would like to see.

Punk vs Morrison-Seems to be the SD main event a Summer Slam and it actually looks credible. Their rivalry on ECW helped legitimize both guys in WWE and this could be our next big rivalry. Sort of like Hart vs Michaels in terms of personalities (straightedge technician vs the flamboyant playboy).

The slow demise of Legacy. Legacy had the potential to be something great but DiBiase and Rhodes rarely look dominant. DiBiase looks like the one who will slowly challenge Orton but let this simmer the rest of the year. Have them have tense moments yet always be there for the other. Then have them implode a la Evolution.

Chris Jericho-Some see him as an upper-midcarder (I hate that word) but I see him as one of their top draws. The most interest part of NOC is to see who his partner will be. Where does he go from here. I see Christian losing to Dreamer at NOC, snapping, beating down Dreamer postmatch and becoming Jericho's partner. They have great chemistry and both have history with Edge. Now we have overlapping storylines and as long as they have the belts, we have Christian on the top show (face it--Smackdown is much better than Raw).

The emergence of new faces--Kofi, Ziggler, Bourne, Hart Dynasty, Swagger, Morrison, Miz, etc makes things interesting to watch again. Each offers something different and seems to be leading us towards the next generation of WWE.

Wrestlemania shock value-I'm waiting for the day that the person who wins Money in the Bank cash in the briefcase the same night. Have the champion of the final match have the pyro exploding and the confetti falling to really look like the night is over and out of nowhere get cracked in the head with the briefcase. Have the ref ring the bell and we have a new champion that had nothing to do with the main event. That would be shocking.

Finally putting the Extreme back in ECW--I'm not talking about bloodshed, I'm talking about one of the hallmarks of the original ECW: cruiserweights. I would love to see an all cruiseweight brand though they don't really have enough cruiseweight to have a stand alone brand. Plus the talent-initiative has been pretty effective (see Henry, Punk, Miz, Morrison, Swagger, Bourne).
Morrison VS Punk

This has to be handled carefully. They cannot use Morrison to legitmize Punk as a superstar. I think they need to develop a balanced rivalry here not bury Morrisson as one of Punks opponnents on his title reign. Remember Morrison and Punk have had a rivarly before over hte ECW championship which Morrison was on the upperhand for most of hence even if it means Morrison gets a premature title run and then drops it back to Punk which considering the heat Punk is getting and how hot Morrison is right now I think the corwd would go for. This has the potentially to be a rivalry of the decade so do not bury Morrison as not ready in order to establish Punk (when in recent weeks hes beat Punk twice).

After Punk's finished with Hardy, I think he should move onto a feud with Mysterio rather than straight in with Morrison. I think Jericho should be the world heavyweight champion going into WM, in preparation for a match vs. Edge. It would be better if he won it off a face than a heel. Give CM Punk a decent length reign have him beat Hardy, Mysterio and The Undertaker before dropping to Morrison at the Survivor Series, then have Morrison drop the title to Jericho either at the Rumble or No Way Out.

The Hart Dynasty

These guys need to be pushed after the Crymetyme run os over really push them as the premier tage team on Smackdown. have them allignwith a Jericho or a Punk... push them they are certainly ready for it.

I agree. What I think they should do is revive DX when HBK returns and have then feud with Dibase and Rhodes and allow Legacy to look competitive then if DX wrestles on Smackdown, if they win the tag titles they could give the same rub to the Hart Dynasty, if not beat HHH and Shawn. I think this time DX should get 2 younger wrestlers to join to keep the DX brand alive if HBK retires. How about 2 guys like The Brian Kendrick and Evan Bourne. They could beat DX for the titles then to show respect, HHH and HBK have them join DX. They could then do a WM match where the Hart Dynasty vs. Kendrick/Bourne and which ever Diva goes in Playboy in a womens title and tag titles combined match at Mania.


We are due another rivalry here... take them out of squashing newbies have them battle each other for a while crowd will love and it does not interfere with development of other wrestlers.

I think this has been done to death to be honest. I also think they blew the return of Kane who would be far better in the role Mark Henry currently playing. When The Undertaker returns he could work a lengthy programme with Chris Jericho and CM Punk. I think the next logical opponent for 'Taker at Mania is John Cena. Maybe they could have Cena lose in his last chance match to Orton for the wwe title in Hell In the cell. Then Cena vows to win the rumble and get the world title instead. However he is eliminated by The Undertaker. This causes Cena to snap, get back involved and eliminate Taker, turning him heel in the process and portraying him as cowardly when The Phenom seeks revenge. As for Kane, I'm not sure where he goes from here. Hopefully he'll destroy Khali in his feud then he can put Morrison over for his world title push.

Unify the Womans and the Divas titles

the women's division is spread to thin. I would much rather see Mickie/Gail/Beth/Melina/Maryse/Natalya/Alicia fight over one title than split between two.

Yep, there's no need for 2. The unified champ should be able to wrestle on all 3 shows. Ala the tag champs.

ECW is just a modern day heat and keep it that way

For one hour its not worth using this as anything other than a breeding ground... Tommy Dreamer should not be headlining a PPV and facing Dreamer is below Christain.

Hopefully Christian will capture the title of Dreamer soon. He should face Shelton Benjamin at WM. Until then he can do matches against Kozlov, Ryder, Jackson and Regal. Also perhaps a match at Armageddon non title against Jericho would do good business after Y2J re injures Edge while he's Raw's guest host.

Swagger Mega-Push

Swagger could legitimately hold the WWE title. he needs an immediate push in the next 6 months towards this to freshen up the stale raw title scene. Swagger-Cena, Swagger-HBK Swagger-HHH all work and would be much better than what we are seeing right now.

A US title reign would do Swagger well right now. He can then work matches against Bourne, MVP, Kingston, etc. Before dropping it and moving onto the feuds you mentioned. Particularly Cena before he turns heel.

HHH/Cena/Batista/HBK cannot wrestle for the WWE title or WHC at Wresltemania

Particulary HHH who apart for year he was out with injury and Undertaker at X-seven has wrestled for that those titles in every year since 2000. It is getting stale, it is boring and this was proved with the HHH-Orton mess of this year. Cena has wrestled for it every year since 2004. They need to start pushing new talent heavy a Dibiase, Swagger, MVP, Matt Hardy.... someone.
Cena since his first title run has not shownb he can hold a major storlyline and do a major rivalry thats is entertaining and long-term compelling outside chasing the WWE title.... Cena vs Triple H pure grudge match sounds more appealing that a major main event.

I think Orton defending against Rumble winner Ted Dibase would be the way to go here. I reckon it'll actually be Cena v. Batista for the title, HHH v. HBK in HBK's last match and Orton/Dibase/Rhodes in a non title match.

he Wrestlemania Shock

Something that ends Wrestlemania in controversy, a heel turn, an assist, a new alliance.... something. Rember Mr McMahon turning of the Rock in 2000 or the Austin heel turn in 2001. It was exciting and capitaviting and too many unexpected.....I pray for a Cena heel turn the fans crave it and would lap it up. Imagine Cena VS HHH or HBK and then he suddenly snaps or something it would be brilliant and would add so much credibility to Cena

How about Rhodes wins the money in the bank, Dibase beats Orton, then Rhodes cashes in on Ted.

f I had my way

Unify the WWE and WHC title again. means the top talent is not spread so thin you can have Cena V Punk, Hardy VS HBK, Edge VS Orton, jericho vs Batista, Taker VS Swagger, HBK vs Rey things like that allow the undisputed title to jump shows and the top tier to do so as well and it suddenly means netiher title scene risks staleness,[/B]

The two titles work well if they push new talent. Swagger, MVP, Rhodes, Dibase, Christian, Matt Hardy, Morrison, Punk and so on should all be headliners this time next year hopefully
Wrestlemania shock value-I'm waiting for the day that the person who wins Money in the Bank cash in the briefcase the same night. Have the champion of the final match have the pyro exploding and the confetti falling to really look like the night is over and out of nowhere get cracked in the head with the briefcase. Have the ref ring the bell and we have a new champion that had nothing to do with the main event. That would be shocking.

I Have thought of that ever since my first Wrestlemania of being a fan (which, btw, was Wrestlemania 21, which had the very first MitB Match).

But I have been waiting and waiting for that to happen, I thought it was gonna happen at Wrestlemania 25 with CM Punk, but it didn't, and I think that its really stupid of WWE to put something like that to waste. I mean, its Wrestlemania, "The Showcase of the Immortals," "The Grandatty of them all."

So why wait til some crappy ass pay per view to have them cash it in, They should cash it in on the night that actually matters.
"All in all i think 2009/2010 has the potential to be an excellent time for WWE considering it is not ruined by bad booking decisions. Because at the moment there are some very exciting things hapening."

Im sorry.. but I just dont share in your enthusiasum. WWE if anything is boring me right now... Only Jerichos Partner and Punks eventual heel turn are the only things that are really worth talking about... We are about to see HHH,Orton and Cena.. part 1,000. Big Show is being made to look weak. WWE is actually pushng a drugee as a top face and having a superstar who has worked his ass off and done some excellent promos being booed.

As far as the booking goes.. Cena/Show was booked terrible, as well as the HHH/Orton match at Mania. JThe booking isnt that great at all. Dont know what you are talking about. Ted Dibiase was the only good guest host.. Shaq has potential but thats as far as I will go. HBK is only gonna be around for another 6-7 months before he leaves.. so I wouldnt find that exciting, but rather sad he's leaving..

And to top it all off, WWE is becoming more of a kids show by the day expelling the real knowledgable fans from existance.. If thats your idea of "exciting" I suggest you watch some WWF 98-02' and see what exciting really is
Raw please they will never have exciting times as it is seen with the main event tonight on NOC, Cena vs Orton vs HHH, it is the same thing we have seen for the last 2 years, i hope Cena or HHH wins so we will finally see the end of this bore fest.

Smackdown now hear is a show were i see a lot of excitement in the 09/10 season they just have the young talented superstars to push, even though i don't really care for Ziggler right now i like how they pushed him into the title picture. Morrison as well he will get the next shot at the world heavy weight title at summer slam. With Jeff Hardy out the door and the Undertaker coming back i am really hopeful that young superstars will get the push they deserve!!!

ECW: this new superstar inisitative is kinda lame, but i see some potential here to, but divas like the Bellas need to get fired and Katea lee needs to get pushed up to Smackdown cuz that would make it a 3 heel vs 3 face cuz i don't now where layla is right now:confused:

Tag teams/ Divas: i like this whole Chryme time w/ eve and The hart dynasty which includes Natalya, it just goes to show you that the Smackdwown wants to give each and every diva a push even if it includes Tag team take Eve for example.

Raw Diva Division: The raw divison is so over populated you really don't know who is who every week there is a tag team and now a days it is bikini and leg matches so the wwe seems to be pushing towards the none pg era which i am really excited about. The raw Diva division has to many Divas and not enough storyline as the only storyline for a fact they have right now is Mickie and Maryse and they have 8 divas on there roster, thats just sad

Smackdown Diva Divison: This is the divison i am excited about there is so much young talent on this show Eve, Natalya there is a really good feud there Layla i see some good things from this young lady and Michelle vs Melina i see this feud going on for a little bit longer, i think the smartest thing the wwe did was fire Candice cuz she wouldn't fit in this picture, but yeah this diva division is worth watchin!!!
Since fter WM25 ive been getting bored with WWE. However the last few weeks are starting to generate exciting times (if you take away the Raw main event scene). Lets look...
What's the difference between the last few weeks and since WM 25, besides the superstar GM of the week? Why is the main event bad on RAW? We have the three biggest superstars feuding right now, putting on some entertaining promos and matches.

Smackdown- the rise of Ziggler, Morrisson push, Punk Heal turn, Punk V Hardy, Jericho title run, Hart Dynasty....return of the Undertaker approaching. SD easily the best show in wrestling atm.
Agree that they do have some good talent that is enjoyable to watch, but it's debatable rather SD! is the best show currently.
Raw- Miz push, the US title scene and the Return of HBK. These are the only things that makes Raw worth watching. As the WWE title scene is boring but yet, the rest of the show and storylines are getting hot. I am also feeling a Ted DiBiase breakaway from legacy and I think he will be a mega star in the future.
You should add the main event picture, then I'd agree.
ECW- Christian...need i say more??? But i will lol- the talent iniciative , Tommy Dreamer title run
Agreed, again. Nothing more I can say, really.
Therefore my Question to everyone is do you agree???
Yea, the product is pretty good right now in regards to the entertainment. They're pushing young talent, having good matches, creating fairly engaging storylines, having good promos and interviews, and consistently putting on decent to high quality shows and p.p.v's.
Exciting times? Besides Punk as champion on SmackDown! there's absolutely nothing interesting, IMO, going on in the WWE right now. I've never been less interested in the WWE product than I am right now. The main event scene on RAW is boring and terrible. SmackDown is decent because of Punk but really other than that there's nothing all that great about the show.

TNA is, IMO, blowing away the WWE right now in terms of putting on an exciting product.
I think the excitement at the moment comes from anticipation, the actual product isn't that good but there is the potential for massive improvement.
What really needs to happen is the end of this Orton/McMahon thing. HHH and Orton cannot work together, mainly because their movesets are both heelish and there's simply no variation of punch, stomp, kick rinse and repeat. It's been stale since Wrestlemania and someone new needs to enter the title frame.
On another note, I'm expecting Shawn back tonight or tomorrow so things should pick up. I predicted Orton to lose the title tonight but now Shawn is confirmed for Summerslam, Orton to retain and HBK to take the belt off him next month.
It's not even that they don't go well in the ring but this feud should have be over with by now. At this point no one cares what Orton did to Triple H or the McMahon family. It's pointless in continuing this feud.

The only way things would change is if Triple H or Cena turn heel.

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