Everyone TNA has are old bags!


Pre-Show Stalwart
That is what I keep hearing from numerous people. Honestly, it's really beginning to get old (no pun intended).

Yes, TNA has Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, Kevin Nash, Sting, Rob Van Dam, and the Dudley Boys.

My question is...why in the world is that such a bad thing? Can anyone honestly say that if they were in charge of who was hired and fired in a wrestling organization that they wouldn't sign all of those guys if they were available?

Are those guys way past their prime? Of course. But that doesn't mean that they don't have any star power to at least give the show some credibility to people who refuse to watch any wrestling involving people they've never heard of. What's more, they're some of the best minds in the business useful for teaching younger guys.

Besides, it seems to me that the people who talk bad about TNA being filled with washed up has beens always seem to forget to mention the likes of AJ Styles, Kazarian, Lethal, Abyss, Beer Money, Morgan, and Anderson. None of which have peeked yet.

And as for making a name for yourself through taking wrestlers from WWE....isn't that what WWF and WCW did to each other? WWF stole the radicalz, Jericho, Steve Austin, Ric Flair. WCW stole Hulk Hogan, the Outsiders, Macho Man, Lex Luger, Curt Henning, etc.
And why the heck not take former WWE wrestlers? Just because they wrestled in WWE and got fired or quit, does that mean they have zero potential? No, what it meant was they didn't fit in with WWE's style or it was just awful timing in their career.

All in all, my point is, if you have a problem with TNA as far as thinking that it's filled with nothing but has been's, state your case.
To be honest man I don't get the majority of wrestling fans. All the problems that they continue to bring up about TNA goes on in the WWE on a monthly basis yet no one threatens to stop watching or goes on a long rampage ripping the product week to week. I hear all the time about booking this and booking that. Does anyone realize what just happened in the WWE over these past few weeks? A man was fired for fake choking someone on TV and then the following week they allow some one to fake commit vehicular manslaughter. Your telling me that is OK booking. Did everyone look over the fact that a mysterious gm was sending email to an announcer while you got email sounds ring through the arena every time it happened? How about how average these PPV's have been since and including Wrestlemania? No wrestling fans are ready to walk away from that are they. Most wrestling fans are held by the nuts by Vince McMahon and believe and put up with what ever he decides to give them on TV. They tell you they don't cater to you. They tell you we won't put up with blood in a sport where wrestkers put their bodies on the line every night. They tell you their target audience is little kids and refuse to put anyone over who doesn't fit that mold. It amazes me for as smart as everyone thinks they are on the internet and at home how they would allow a man to monopolize a business that is supposed to be driven by the fans. People complain on a daily basis how bad wrestling is. You people have no one to blame except yourselves while you continue to only support one product and allow one man to tell you what you want instead of telling him what you want.

End Rant

Just so I don't get in trouble again, they all should be there trying to help the company grow.
Why is every1 ripping on the TNA roster? Yes they have experienced veterans on their roster. The only 2 ppl that are wrestling that shouldn't be are Ric Flair (who has only wrestled 3 times since joining TNA, counting Victory Road) and Kevin Nash. Hogan don't wrestle, we barely see Eric Bischoff. All the other WWE/WCW/ECW talent they have is either not being used or can still go like RVD, Hardy, Anderson, 3D, these guys are still young even Morgan and Kendrick and if all were still employeed by WWE would still be working and we would not be hearing complaints
It's a very sickening complaint. The fact is that most Internet Wrestling Fan's seem to forget that WWE has monopolized pro wrestling. That means they have all the talent they deem is best. And that is mostly true, they do have most of the best talent in the world. They also have a very well organized farm territory to develop and train younger wrestlers. TNA cannot afford a large training facility. Therefor their talent will either be hired with lack of training or have to come from an already established facility. Lacey Von Erich is an example of coming in unprepared. The rest would be the latter. Guys like AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, Chris Daniels, Kaz, LAX, MCMG and beyond had long periods in ROH, PWG, FIP and short periods in WCW and WWE farm territories before joining TNA. They lacked major face value though. TNA has been the struggling #2 wresting organization in the U.S. Struggling in the sense that they can't quite get that larger fan base. Why? Because WWE is decades ahead of them. TNA needs recognizable names to attract and fresh new names to stick to. It's inevitable. Just recall WSX. It's most famous wrestlers were Vampiro and Syxx Pac. Two guys who were mid-card talent in WWF and WCW. Nobody knew anybody else there. TNA needs these names if it ever hopes to reach a larger audience. AJ Styles will never become synonymous to John Cena if people Cena has associated himself with can't give AJ a rub. John Cena became the top wrestler in WWE by beating established figures in WWE. Names that have been known for decades. The Undertaker, Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Kurt Angle and so on. How can AJ Styles get to that level, if he's only beaten Samoa Joe or Chris Daniels? These guys are great, but they have never faced the greats. But AJ Styles has faced Kurt Angle and Sting and has beaten them both. Wow. Now we are going somewhere. That's why as much as it pains people, TNA needs these older names to put over the younger talent. Just look at Ric Flair putting over Jay Lethal. Perfect example there. Would Lethal be so high right now if he were imitating Samoa Joe or Kaz? Of course not.
I can see both points of view very well in this arguement:

- First off, right now TNA does seem to pick up anyone and everyone who leaves the WWE. Yes as has been rightly pointed out, there have been some extremely smart signings - Kurt Angle, Ken Anderson to name but a few. These are great signings (albeit the two I've listed came at very different points of their career). They both - and others too - have something still to give. And that is great.

- But, there are a number of issues. Firstly, right off the bat. You have the problem that - in some cases - picking up Wrestlers that the WWE release just simply seems weak, if the WWE has no use for them - then you just look like a dumping ground for Talent Vince McMahon simply didn't want. I know you might well say that Vince McMahon is only one man, and that he may not be able to spot potential. But if they've been released then TNA picking them up doesn't look amazing.

- Thirdly - old guys. Yes, there is a problem, most definitely.

Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, Kevin Nash, Sting, and the Dudley Boys.

That's a list of guys who were just about relevant 10 years ago (I left RVD out of that list). It's a big problem. These people aren't draws on a big enough scale anymore. Sure if you got a small independent promotion and advertised The Dudleys, or Kevin Nash or even Hulk Hogan - they'll pack the place out and create a great buzz. But TNA isn't a small time wrestling promotion. If you want to make it in with the big boys you can't be rehashing old talent - particularly talent as old as some of them guys.

I don't want to be a total TNA basher. Yes they are doing things wrong (quite a lot of things when I think about it), but I'm probably expecting too much too soon - like quite a few casual TNA fans I think.

I think TNA needs to think it's wrestlers out more. Think of a reason why they need them. Hogan and Flair are classic opposites. Hogan offers very little, his draw value is low, and he's not in the ring (not saying that's a bad thing btw!). Flair is on the cusp of a good storyline with "Fortune".

Having older talent is fine provided you can justify its existence. Flair you can, Sting you can. In the cases of Nash, Hall and Hogan - I don't think so.
The only reason the old guys are there is because they're still a draw. Why people hate the old guys is because they take up TV time that could be better used with the young talented talent TNA actually have. Nobody wanted to see the band with the tag team titles while MCMG and Gen. Me were doing shit all. The old guys are (were) used too much and are getting in the way of actual talent. You don't need the roster of TNA to be put over by the old fuckers, clever booking is all you need and you can establish new stars via the talent people actually want to see.
the booking for WWE is atrocious anymore. at least with TNA, they are trying different storylines with rvd, hardy, etc.

how many times can you book cena, hhh, sheamus in the main event and have it new and interesting?

the old guys in TNA realize that they have to put over the younger generation in order to keep the company thriving. Tell HHH to put over Evan Bourne. Or tell Cena to put over CM Punk. It will never happen.

It boggles my mind that the E has had some horrible writing over the last few years, but people continue to eat it up. Has society become THAT stupid?
Their drawing power is a complete myth. Look at TNA's ratings before they signed any of those over the hill guys, and compare them to what they are now...almost no change. THe drawing power argument might work, if TNA was getting 1.0s, and then after signing "former WWE wrestler X" their ratings went up to a 1.5. But, when your ratings go from 1.0 to 1.1 to 1.0 to .9 to 1.1, there isn't really a clear benefit to having signed those over the hill guys. Basically, if you want to claim that its all about drawing power, back it up. Show me where that supposed drawing power has helped TNA. Their ratings remain abyssmal regardless of who they sign, so why not save the money and focus on your home grown talent, instead of signing the former WWE guys who demand more money? Its also amusing because TNA fans claim that TNA wrestling is so high quality, WWE wrestlers can't really wrestle, yet you sign every damn one of them, and then TNA fans immediately proclaim them to be the greatest wrestler alive...Piss poor in April when they work for the WWE, they get released from the Fed, then in August (after 90 day NCC) they are the best free agent out there, they are a future TNA world champ, they are the greatest thing since sliced bread...you guys are funny.
To be honest man I don't get the majority of wrestling fans. All the problems that they continue to bring up about TNA goes on in the WWE on a monthly basis yet no one threatens to stop watching or goes on a long rampage ripping the product week to week. I hear all the time about booking this and booking that. Does anyone realize what just happened in the WWE over these past few weeks? A man was fired for fake choking someone on TV and then the following week they allow some one to fake commit vehicular manslaughter. Your telling me that is OK booking. Did everyone look over the fact that a mysterious gm was sending email to an announcer while you got email sounds ring through the arena every time it happened? How about how average these PPV's have been since and including Wrestlemania? No wrestling fans are ready to walk away from that are they. Most wrestling fans are held by the nuts by Vince McMahon and believe and put up with what ever he decides to give them on TV. They tell you they don't cater to you. They tell you we won't put up with blood in a sport where wrestkers put their bodies on the line every night. They tell you their target audience is little kids and refuse to put anyone over who doesn't fit that mold. It amazes me for as smart as everyone thinks they are on the internet and at home how they would allow a man to monopolize a business that is supposed to be driven by the fans. People complain on a daily basis how bad wrestling is. You people have no one to blame except yourselves while you continue to only support one product and allow one man to tell you what you want instead of telling him what you want.

AMEN, brother! Well-stated. Honestly, I am happy as hell to have made the decision a couple of weeks ago to end my almost 20-year WWE fanaticism. You know what did it? This new ridiculous 'Diet nWo' group of rookies that are "taking over". This whole concept happened almost 15 years ago when the nWo first formed, and now I'm supposed to swallow this diet version of it? Give me some damn wrestling and good promos...not meaningless banter and jobbers taking the spotlight.

- But, there are a number of issues. Firstly, right off the bat. You have the problem that - in some cases - picking up Wrestlers that the WWE release just simply seems weak, if the WWE has no use for them - then you just look like a dumping ground for Talent Vince McMahon simply didn't want. I know you might well say that Vince McMahon is only one man, and that he may not be able to spot potential. But if they've been released then TNA picking them up doesn't look amazing.

To some, it might appear weak...but am I to believe that if ANY wrestling organization signs talent that was freshly-released from WWE, that company will come off as a "dumping ground"? These wrestlers have to end up somewhere, and I think if they've been through the WWE machine, at the very least they have had a degree of spotlight & marketing put behind them that could only help them and the company they end up at, move forward & grow.

Was WWE a "dumping ground" for their signing of Steve Austin, Chris Benoit, Eddie Guerrero & Chris Jericho when WCW released them? Look at how their careers grew way beyond what they were allowed to grow in WCW.

Was WCW a "dumping ground" for their signing of Hulk Hogan, Scott Hall, Kevin Nash, Curt Hennig & Randy Savage when WWE released them? Though they all achieved great success in WWE, Hulk, Scott & Kev were able to reinvent their careers, Curt Hennig brought his great pure technical wrestling to his matches & Randy Savage was able to become World Champion again after having been reduced to a seat-warmer for quite a few years in WWE. Their careers got another chance in the spotlight, with noticable results.

In this aspect, I think TNA has, and should continue to push top-name talent like Mr. Anderson, Kurt Angle, (though I don't like him) Jeff Hardy & RVD. They already came in with great accomplishments & marketing momentum right at their fingertips, thanks to WWE. Why not take advantage of that and work off of that?

WWE dug the dirt, planted the seed, and watched them grow to an extent before turning to the next seed. Let TNA come with their watering can & food, and help them to grow even further.
Talent is talent, no matter where it comes from. I blame the monopolized wrestling industry over the last decade and it's brainwashing effects for all this "WWE Reject" nonsense that's been spouted for over a year now regarding guys making the jump from WWE to TNA.

I feel like I reiterate the same point every two months or so when the WWE releases another former "superstar" and a thread pops up about TNA acquiring them when I have to repeatedly ask why guys like Mick Foley, Steve Austin, Vader, Sid Vicious and Steven Regal (among countless others) are/were not considered "WCW Rejects" when they are/were spoken about? All were fired from the WCW and joined (or re-joined) the WWE/F shortly afterward, yet none were labeled as "rejects" the way all the armchair GM's here like to label anyone who's released from Vince's "glory" and is considered for TNA as an alternative are/were. Why? This is the textbook definition of hypocrisy, folks.


hy·poc·ri·sy   [hi-pok-ruh-see]


1. a pretense of having a virtuous character, moral or religious beliefs or principles, etc., that one does not really possess.
2. a pretense of having some desirable or publicly approved attitude.
3. an act or instance of hypocrisy.​

Who gives a flying fuck where talent comes from anyway? Aren't "WWE Rejects" like Elijah Burke and Matt Morgan proof enough alone that said moniker is not only baseless, but often shattered when the natural talents of a wrestler who just-so-happened to have been released ends up turning quite a few heads? I wonder, in fact, where are all those big mouths who trashed Burke (specifically) now? Emarrassingly and quietly chanting "Pope is Pimpin'" within his congregation, are ya? Come out come out wherever you are!

The propensity for all those holier-than-thou wannabe bookers and false prophet smark writers to discredit hard working performers based solely on where they worked in the past is not only disgusting, but a disgrace to pro-wrestling. Who the fuck are you to discredit the value of a performer simply because you don't like the fact that they performed in another company prior? Worse yet – I wonder what you'd have said had you been watching during the era of territories when wrestlers continually "jumped" between them once they ran their course? "Oh God, here comes Hogan, another AWA reject!" :rolleyes:

If the WWE were never allowed to beg, borrow or steal, they'd be six feet under in the grave the WCW sits in, so the next time you try throwing a stone, I suggest you realize your walls are made of glass – but more importantly, reflective glass. In fact, next time you try throwing a stone, stop for a moment and stare into that reflection. You might learn something when you realize you're judging others and another company for doing the very thing you once did yourselves.
Of course this everyone is old "logic" is a bunch of hogwash. I was thinking about creating a thread about your least favorite mythical criticism of tna and these two combined here would definitely be a big part of it. The part I find most amusing about the wwe-reject thing is that they are implying it means you are more talented to get in wwe yet simultaneously claiming that having displayed superior talent in the past is a bad reason for tna to sign someone. In fact they even go as far to claim if wwe misused a talent and tna gets more out of them this is a bad thing for tna. Total f'in bs. Age is irrelevant, where you came from is irrelevant, what it comes down to is can you still entertain. Only people looking for excuses say someone like Angle is a bad thing in TNA right now because he is *gasp in his 40s, or Anderson is a bad thing because he was in WWE. I did not see anyone hung up on age when taker and hbk were going at it.

Agreed. There are a million reasons such comments make these people humongous hypocrites.
They weren't WCW rejects, for the simple reason that the WWE turned each of them into household names, made them even more famous than they already were, and got them during an actual competitve era. They guys WCW signed from the WWE were signed because WCW threw a shit ton of money at them. They weren't let go by the WWE, they got a better offer. That is significantly different than TNA signing guys who the WWE let go because they had no room on the roster for them, because they represented a legal liability, or got caught violating a drug test.

WCW paid a fortune to convince WWF wrestlers to switch, WWF/E did the same for WCW wrestlers before buying the company...while TNA signs guys that the WWE simply doesn't want. Huge difference.
They weren't WCW rejects, for the simple reason that the WWE turned each of them into household names, made them even more famous than they already were, and got them during an actual competitve era. They guys WCW signed from the WWE were signed because WCW threw a shit ton of money at them. They weren't let go by the WWE, they got a better offer. That is significantly different than TNA signing guys who the WWE let go because they had no room on the roster for them, because they represented a legal liability, or got caught violating a drug test.

WCW paid a fortune to convince WWF wrestlers to switch, WWF/E did the same for WCW wrestlers before buying the company...while TNA signs guys that the WWE simply doesn't want. Huge difference.
TNA has been doing this as of late. Elijah Burke is no more. He will be remembered as The Pope D 'Angelo Dinero. The Matt Morgan of WWE fame will never be remembered, period. Mr. kennedy and Mr. ANderson may be very much alike, but Mr. Anderson shows much more promise than Mr. Kennedy did back in WWE. Hell, eve Christian was different in TNA. not just the name, but the attitude. The extremely cocky heel, the very funny face. He's not like that in WWE. But when you have guys like Sting, Kevin Nash and Scott Steiner, of course you can't those names.
They weren't WCW rejects, for the simple reason that the WWE turned each of them into household names, made them even more famous than they already were, and got them during an actual competitve era. They guys WCW signed from the WWE were signed because WCW threw a shit ton of money at them. They weren't let go by the WWE, they got a better offer. That is significantly different than TNA signing guys who the WWE let go because they had no room on the roster for them, because they represented a legal liability, or got caught violating a drug test.

WCW paid a fortune to convince WWF wrestlers to switch, WWF/E did the same for WCW wrestlers before buying the company...while TNA signs guys that the WWE simply doesn't want. Huge difference.

Because they were legally allowed to, man. The 90-day no compete clause has changed the game so all of the WWE's ex-stars who do jump after they quit, are fired or their contracts expire look like "the WWE didn't want them".
This is a misrepresentation of the argument. The complaint isn't against TNA signing former WWE employees in general. That's why there are few, if any complaints against Morgan, Pope, Christian, Angle, etc. The problem, as I see it, is with TNA signing guys who are well past their prime and bring nothing to the table (Nastyz), who have known drug or behavioral problems (Hall, Waltman, Hardy), or who just don't bring anything of use to the company (Orlando Jordan, Val Venis). Unfortunately, a lot of the good acquisitions TNA was making at the time got lumped into the same category of 'WWE reject' by association. It sucks, but in some cases I can definitely understand why fans were skeptical. Anderson took some flak when he signed with TNA, because he was unfairly lumped in with the 'behavioral problems' category (we apparently have Orton/Cena to blame for that). Hardy might wind up in prison. Moore had already been in WCW, WWE, and TNA, without getting over.

I can't speak for everyone who has complained about this topic. But personally, of the names you mention the only one I have a problem with is Hogan. And that has little to do with his age; quite frankly, I think Hogan is every bit as good today as he has ever been. But the rest of the names on your list all bring something valuable to the table, IMO.

As to the list of complaints against TNA, yes some of these are hypocrtiical. Fans often see things in TNA that they hate about WWE, and therefore refuse to watch. The reason is that the vast majority of wrestling fans have watched WWE their entire lives. They grew up with it, and have an interest and familiarity with the characters and history, as well as the WWE 'style'. In short, they are emotionally invested in the product. Many WWE fans have complaints, but keep on watching either because it's habitual, or because they think the good outweighs the bad. For example, in spite of everything, WWE's production value utterly decimates TNA's. So if TNA is making the same mistakes as the WWE while offering an inferior production value with unfamiliar names, than why do you think fans would tune in?

Still, I've never bought this whole B.S line of thinking about WWE markdom standing in the way of TNA's success. Wrestling fans won't deny themselves a show they enjoy just so they can get on WZ and gripe. People have TRIED to watch TNA, and have not found what they are looking for. The TNA marks don't want to accept that, so they try to poke holes in the logic of everyone who complains about TNA, as though they can turn them into fans by pointing out why their opinions are inferior. In reality, it doesn't matter if TNA's critics are being fair, or if you agree with their reasoning. Arguments won't win people over; a superior product will. Does anyone on here REALLY believe that TNA is offering a superior product in any category right now? All I ever hear on this site is 'well, WWE is just as bad!', not 'TNA is better!!'.

I will say, though, that for a long time I preferred TNA's product to the WWE's. It's had it's up's and down's since then, and I have not enjoyed the Bischoff/Hogan regime. But if Impact this week was any indication, the show is getting better. If they can keep moving forward, and consistently give us better matches, better writing, and better characters, I truly believe the fans will come around.
• Nasty Boyz haven't been on TNA television for over a month an a half – if not longer. Point nullified.

• Orlando Jordan has not been on TNA television for over a month. Point nullified.

• Val Venis was let go over two months ago. Point nullified.

• Sean Waltman was let go this past month. Point nullified.

• Scott Hall was let go this past month. Point nullified.

• Hogan has taken a much smaller role in the company since January 4th, as has Bischoff.

Any other out-dated complaints need debunking?
Why is everyone rippin on TNA. They have great talent and they can put on a pretty good show. Yes they have old guys like Hogan, Nash, Team 3D, Sting, Flair. but you have to admit all those guys are legends in this business and men that WWE would take back if the could. And people say that TNA has WCW rejects. Well for the exception of Sting WWE had all of those rejects in thier company past thier prime. So dont say that TNA has all old bags when these old bags can stillm put on good matches and sell tickets. Ric Flair in TNA was put through a stage at 64 years old thatsenough to tell me hes still got it in him. TNA is a good company that is starting to grow people just have to give it a chance
I don't really see the point. They are old, Sting is 50, Ric Flair is 100, Hogan is like 95, RVD is 40. Nash has to be pushing 70, and not too long ago Hall and Waltman had a decent role on the show and they've been irrelevant and old for like 10 years now. They have Angle, Jeff Jarrett, they're both ancient. Not only does TNA build around former rejects, they build around people who have been in the business since 70's. You can't build around Sting, he is getting older and a lot more shit. They do have decent young stars, but its hard to build them when they're giving TV time to people who do need it. It's one big old clusterfuck and it's hard to build character. You have to eliminate something, and one of these days it has to be the old hags, once they're gone, who do you have?
I don't really see the point. They are old, Sting is 50, Ric Flair is 100, Hogan is like 95, RVD is 40. Nash has to be pushing 70, and not too long ago Hall and Waltman had a decent role on the show and they've been irrelevant and old for like 10 years now. They have Angle, Jeff Jarrett, they're both ancient. Not only does TNA build around former rejects, they build around people who have been in the business since 70's. You can't build around Sting, he is getting older and a lot more shit. They do have decent young stars, but its hard to build them when they're giving TV time to people who do need it. It's one big old clusterfuck and it's hard to build character. You have to eliminate something, and one of these days it has to be the old hags, once they're gone, who do you have?

Wah, wah, wah, wah, wah. More outdated nonsense.

Let's see, who do we have when the "old hags" are gone? Well before I answer this, you mean the "old hags" who aren't actually in the main event/competing for the WHC like Flair, Hogan, Nash, Hall, Waltman, and Jarrett? Cool – just wanted to be sure...

So, who do we have when the "old hags" are gone? AJ Styles, Jay Lethal, Kazarian, Shannon Moore, Doug Williams, Samoa Joe, Abyss, Mr. Anderson, Jeff Hardy, Beer Money, Inc., the Motor City Machineguns, Generation Me, Brian Kendrick, D'Angelo Dinero, Hernandez, Matt Morgan and of course Desmond Wolfe.

That good enough for ya? What am I saying – of course it isn't. Then you'd actually have to rescind your archaic argument based on mythical criticisms and realize that you're about three months late on the "let's hate TNA because they hire old guys" bandwagon.
Bull fucking shit, what was the build around there last ppv? It was Sting, and RVD. Combined age 90 years old. Sting was hogging TV time leading up to the PPV. Don't play that shit, that ppv was 12 days ago. Nothing drastically changes in 12 days. You still have Kurt Angle beating young people, you still have Hogan on air, you still have Flair playing a major role. You have RVD as champ. You know, someone that doesn't really need the title?

Tell me, what's the main focus of the main event? It has RVD, it had Sting before Slammiversary, they're old. Build up young stars. Samoa Joe sucks, Williams isn't that good. Desmond Wolfe has completely flopped. AJ Styles heel turn has been atrocious. Kaz is fucking generic. Yep, I see a build around people who are older than dirt...
I don't really see the point. They are old, Sting is 50, Ric Flair is 100, Hogan is like 95, RVD is 40. Nash has to be pushing 70, and not too long ago Hall and Waltman had a decent role on the show and they've been irrelevant and old for like 10 years now. They have Angle, Jeff Jarrett, they're both ancient. Not only does TNA build around former rejects, they build around people who have been in the business since 70's. You can't build around Sting, he is getting older and a lot more shit. They do have decent young stars, but its hard to build them when they're giving TV time to people who do need it. It's one big old clusterfuck and it's hard to build character. You have to eliminate something, and one of these days it has to be the old hags, once they're gone, who do you have?

That couldn't be further from the truth, Becker. The only guy there to actually have an important role is Sting. He was a one month challenger. Nothing more. Jeff Jarrett? He's the founder, it can't be helped. You are overreacting and you just make your post look like you're just stirring up shit. You have an entire group of young talent in Fourtune under Ric Flair for him to push. And there is the feud with Jay Lethal and the problems with AJ. Ric Flair is giving a major rub to 6 people. SIX! Not a bad move at all if you are elevating so much talent at once.
They weren't WCW rejects, for the simple reason that the WWE turned each of them into household names,

So...because they ended up being successful they weren't booted out of WCW? Unless becoming famous retroactively re-writes history I'd say every guy like X-Pac, Austin, Foley, etc. Who Bischoff fired was "rejected" by WCW management.

made them even more famous than they already were, and got them during an actual competitve era.

This is even more confusing, because both shows were on at the same time that means they weren't rejected? This is some strange spin you've put on this.

They guys WCW signed from the WWE were signed because WCW threw a shit ton of money at them.
TNA did the same for Kurt Angle and Christian Cage.

They weren't let go by the WWE, they got a better offer.That is significantly different than TNA signing guys who the WWE let go because they had no room on the roster for them, because they represented a legal liability, or got caught violating a drug test.
But Steve Austin got fired from WCW because he was really lazy and injury prone at the time. In fact Austin himself admitted that he was complacent during his WCW time and that his firing made him realize he had to work harder, it's no different to TNA's situation.

WCW paid a fortune to convince WWF wrestlers to switch, WWF/E did the same for WCW wrestlers before buying the company...while TNA signs guys that the WWE simply doesn't want. Huge difference.
So the WWE didn't want Kurt Angle? They didn't want Nigel McGuinness? They didn't want Christian Cage, Bobby Lashley or Booker T? Could've fooled me, hell they wanted Hogan so badly that when he left for TNA they replaced him in the WWE opening theme.

The fact is that the criticism labelled by WWE marks against TNA tends to be baseless. WWE fans throw out arguments about Homegrown talent, when most of the big stars in the past 20-30 years in the WWE came from other wrestling companies first. The whole "homegrown" argument is redundant, every wrestler used to work in different companies, in the territory system people moved around, in the WWF vs WCW vs ECW days people jumped from one to the other. It wasn't until the WWE bought up all their competition that this "homegrown" argument started being used. No-one complains that HHH was picked up from WCW or that HBK was grabbed from the AWA.

So yeah, it's ridiculous. TNA has plenty of their own stars, they also have plenty of young stars. I have no doubt that if Hogan had resigned with the WWE as the Raw GM last year anyone would've given a shit. No one seemed to care about the Legends vs Jericho match at Wrestlemania either. Or the fact that the Undertaker is so brittle that he has one match and is out for months to recover. TNA might use some older guys like Flair and Hogan, but so what? DDP didn't start wrestling until his late 30's and he was better than just about any wrestler currently competing today.
So, who do we have when the "old hags" are gone? AJ Styles,
He's good, but not with Flair around. Best thing TNA has.

Jay Lethal,
He's a decent X division guy, never could see him as Champion though.

X division. Not World Champion material.

Shannon Moore,
and x division tag wrestler

Doug Williams,
x division, never will be world champion

Samoa Joe,
fat boring but at least he's a believable heavyweight champion.

Mr. Anderson,
He has been great, this man needs the TNA belt sooner rather than later.
Jeff Hardy,
Jeff's always been decent, but in TNA there's nothing big enough for him to jump off of to wow me anymore.

Beer Money, Inc., the Motor City Machineguns, Generation Me,
tag teams.
Brian Kendrick,
x division, not belivable as heavyweight champion. I did enjoy his promo this week though.
D'Angelo Dinero,
What happened to this guy? He was a "lock" to take the belt off Aj but RVD did it instead. I haven't seen him much lately, of course I don't watch Impact from start to finish every week.

Been looking good, I can buy him as the champ.

Matt Morgan
Finally getting good. Another contender for the TNA strap.

and of course Desmond Wolfe.
Sorry but this guy can't get me to care whether he wins loses or quits at all.
That good enough for ya? What am I saying – of course it isn't. Then you'd actually have to rescind your archaic argument based on mythical criticisms and realize that you're about three months late on the "let's hate TNA because they hire old guys" bandwagon.
I know this whole thing wasn't directed to me but I felt I needed to put my 2 cents in. You're talking about what the roster looks like with the dinosaurs gone, but when I look at it, it's not impressive at all. It's a bunch of X division guys and tag teams, with a few WHC contenders. There's just not enough good talent there for the company's main championship.
Their drawing power is a complete myth. Look at TNA's ratings before they signed any of those over the hill guys, and compare them to what they are now...almost no change. THe drawing power argument might work, if TNA was getting 1.0s, and then after signing "former WWE wrestler X" their ratings went up to a 1.5. But, when your ratings go from 1.0 to 1.1 to 1.0 to .9 to 1.1, there isn't really a clear benefit to having signed those over the hill guys. Basically, if you want to claim that its all about drawing power, back it up. Show me where that supposed drawing power has helped TNA. Their ratings remain abyssmal regardless of who they sign, so why not save the money and focus on your home grown talent, instead of signing the former WWE guys who demand more money? Its also amusing because TNA fans claim that TNA wrestling is so high quality, WWE wrestlers can't really wrestle, yet you sign every damn one of them, and then TNA fans immediately proclaim them to be the greatest wrestler alive...Piss poor in April when they work for the WWE, they get released from the Fed, then in August (after 90 day NCC) they are the best free agent out there, they are a future TNA world champ, they are the greatest thing since sliced bread...you guys are funny.

What you saying is what am trying to explain to some people who claim that TNA was better before these guys showed up, If I am correct since 07 till now they been getting low ratings, i don't remember ratings every been high as 2.0..before they signed Kurt the ratings still wasn't high ok what about Sting??? or wait Jarret i know everybody can agree that Jarret can't wrestle or draw the crowd.We can all agree the reason why TNA fails in ratings is because of the product itself... the knockout division is crap and as for wrestlers with character change am sure some of the fans are glad Abyss went back to being heel, but are are like is this a good thing or what's next???..If they think Tommy Dreamer is one of the wrestlers that can draw the fans I dont know know all i can say is wait and see
Yes TNA has these " old Bags" but i think i would much rather watch a match with RVD then sheamus, or a match with Ric Flair who is puttin over the young guys, then HHH who hogs the spotlight.Impact every thursday night has a winner to the match and is a different match every week much rather then watch cena fight the same people every week to a disqualification or lately to an NXT "takeover". its juss my opinion TNA is coming around and has a good show and i would much rather watch a TNA knocout match the a WWE Diva match those matches r the worst things i have seen. TNA works so well with the young talent puttin them on the show as much as possible. Evan Bourne is maybe on of the best wrestlers in the company and is juss barely gettin put over. he needs to go to TNA where he can be put on tv every week or almost every week

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