Even More Proof

Super Crazy

Okay so as many of you know there has been a ton of posting lately saying that Smackdown is currently the A show. I have to agree with this. Right now they have the better program. They have better feuds and better wrestling. Every week I get more and more excited watching Smackdown instead of Raw. But anyway I believe that there is more proof they want Smackdown to be the A show right now.

It says on the main page

Lauren Mayhew Not Replacing Lilian Garcia On RAW

The article reads as follows :

In an interesting note on Laruen Mayhew (Lillian Garcia's new replacement) on Laren's MySpace (myspace.com/laurenmayhew) it says "The new voice of WWE's Friday Night Smackdown, LAUREN MAYHEW, is conquering Hollywood on her terms."

So it looks like she will not be taking over for Lillian Garcia. It seems either Justin Roberts, or Tony Chimmel, or even possibly The Fink (hopefully) will be the new ring announcer for Monday Night RAW.

To me this is more proof of Smackdown being the A show. I look at it like this. For years Lillian was announcing on Raw and only Raw. She was the face of ring announcing for the brand. Now if this article is true then Lauren Mayhew will be announcing on Smackdown. In my eyes they are putting her on there as Smackdown hasn't had a female ring announcer in the past I believe.

I for one will be glad for this. I never liked Tony Chimmel's voice or the voice who is doing it now. I always believed both ring announcers should be females. I'm not sure why though. Either way I am happy for this potential change up and look forward to seeing this slight difference in Smackdown. Smackdown is the A show right now and this will just add to it.
I don't agree. The only reason that Lauren Mayhew is going to announce Smackdown is just because she's new. It's not like the WWE would put a brand new announcer on their A show, Raw. That's why they'll have more experienced ring announcers, Chimel/Roberts, announce Raw.

Although I still agree that Smackdown is the real A show.
Yeah I don't think the reasoning for Mayhew going to Smackdown is to elevate Smackdown, but rather, to ensure that they have someone who knows 100% what they're doing as the voice of Raw. Justin Roberts is the most likely option and he definitely is seasoned enough to be trusted in that position, whereas Lauren's new and they'll need to break her in. She's hot, so I'd break her in myself, but that's a totally different discussion. Anyway, yeah, LM going to Smackdown = they think she's good enough to not have to start on ECW but not good enough to be thrust into the full spotlight on Raw.
ya her going to smackdown does not mean its the A show. its the better show in my opinion but she's only there because if the messes up they can edit it out. on raw it's live. i would not but a brand new anouncer on the A show and have her go live for her first try.
She's the new ring announcer and that's why she's going to SmackDown! It is however the better wrestling show and yes Raw is more of the entertainment but it also needs more wrestling. Vince could do it if he really wanted to. I too look more forward to watching SmackDown! over Raw. SmackDown! is just doing better overall and everything is fresh. It also helps when Vince appears every week.
An announcer starting out on Smackdown doesn't mean its a better brand evidence to the contrary they don't want her screwing up the money maker. I watched Smackdown last week and its getting better being more storyline driven which is why I like Raw better. If you don't think Raw has good wrestling your blind. The midcard on Raw is better than both ECW and SD. Orton and Cena are the two best wrestlers in the company they both wrestle on Raw. LM is on Smackdown so they can edit her fuckups that is all.
I agree, I don't think putting a new ring announcer anywhere is a sign of tipping that show as the "A" brand. I think the people who are talking about being able to edit her cock ups are correct, it'd be like being signed from ROH and your first match being against Cena or Orton for the Title on Raw, they need to get their feet under them before they do very much, especially live.

I agree with Punk (sorry if that's not what you go by but that's your name lol) that Raw is the better overall/A show, especially in the mid-card, which could possibly do with sending a Primo or Evan Bourne to Smackdown to ease the mid-card congestion that I feel exists on Raw. I generally prefer the storylines that Raw has. The only major "storyline" that comes to mind recently on SD is Punk and Jeff Hardy, with the Straight Edge Gimmick making up the program (imo Punk and Taker don't count, the screwjob is just a basis for the continued feud). Other than that I feel like the storylines are under exaggerated but at the same time I tip some of weight towards SD because my favorites are Morrison, Taker, and Punk, and they're all on there (of course Christian is my favorite but I don't want to be laughed off for even trying to throw ECW in...). Overall I think both shows are fairly strong at this point but I still have to say the Raw is the A show, just for God's sake give me a damn full time GM (I know, bring Trish back full time!)
smackdown is the a wrestling show but it is not the a show period look at the ratings raw is above smackdown and thats all the proof i need
You guys are all right ,and yes smackdown is highly more entertaining then raw.
Lastyear and the year before you could expect a Batista main event ..or an Edge cut off sequence..now you really dont know what to expect. I can sit down and actually count down the ad breaks just to get back into a Morrison or Punk match..Or a cryme tyme segment and/or match up. And with Jericho there its even better.
Last year it was solid..but you knew what to expect with Hunter and Edge. Now you have fresh storylines ,a-class wrestling and a great playby play broadcast team.
SmackDown is better than Raw in several areas but the new ring announcer is on the B brand to edit her screw ups she will eventually have. Raw is still the A show, but SmackDown is making great strides. It's so fresh and I love waiting for Friday nights to come because there's just always something cool to watch.

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