Evan Bourne - Too Injury Prone To Make It?


Dark Match Winner
After taking a viscous power-bomb from "The All American, American" Jack Swagger, it looked as though Evan Bourne sustained another injury. He was coughing and experiencing what looked like a minor seizure. Bourne has also been taken off of this weeks Smackdown tapings, just another hinter that Bourne may be out of there yet again.

Roll the Footy.


Yea, he's fucked. Watch how Boure reacts after hitting the ground. He's almost knocked out as you can see. You can see that he wasn't even able to get up to have his hand raised, the reaction of Kofi may have been detrimental at this point. Mason Ryan doesn't seem to give a shit though, jerk.

Bourne was also taken out of action last year in September for a shoulder injury. He didn't return until late February of this year, and looks like he's goin' right back on the damn shelf.

We all know that Evan Bourne is one of the most talented Superstars that the WWE has to offer, but how can he be trusted to hold the torch if he keeps getting injured?
Have you heard about this thing wrestlers do called Selling?

Bourne usually over sells moves from other wrestlers due to his size, he's only what 5'9 170 pounds? Swaggers almost two of him, and he got power bombed, I mean its a viscous move thats injured countless other superstars.

The WWE could also have Bourne selling the injury into Smackdown to make Swagger and Ziggler looks stronger. Just a thought
Have you heard about this thing wrestlers do called Selling?

Bourne usually over sells moves from other wrestlers due to his size, he's only what 5'9 170 pounds? Swaggers almost two of him, and he got power bombed, I mean its a viscous move thats injured countless other superstars.

The WWE could also have Bourne selling the injury into Smackdown to make Swagger and Ziggler looks stronger. Just a thought

I highly doubt that. I have every reason to believe this is a legitimate injury. You're really misunderstanding the point of this thread. I'm not bashing Bourne, so stop trying to defend him. All I'm saying is that it might not be smart to really push Bourne if he's gonna keep getting injure like this.
I highly doubt that. I have every reason to believe this is a legitimate injury. You're really misunderstanding the point of this thread. I'm not bashing Bourne, so stop trying to defend him. All I'm saying is that it might not be smart to really push Bourne if he's gonna keep getting injure like this.

I wouldn't really consider a run with the Tag Titles a push, its the tag titles and theres only one real tag team in the entire WWE, the Uso's. Air-Boom will be over quicker than they were thrown together with or without Bourne being injured.
Wait to see if Bourne is on, Raw. If he's not on then, you might be onto something.....maybe.

You'd figure if he was seizing like you claim that he would have to be stretchered out immediately and taken to a hospital. I didn't see any reports of Evan being rushed to the hospital or the ref (who went to check on him as well after the clip you posted cut out) throw up the "X" to indicate he was really hurt. No one reported it from the live event in the show notes. In fact, he was alive and tweeting after Raw....I think you're seeing things that aren't there.

If Evan was truly out of it because he was injured, why did he roll under the ropes so he was out of the way of the finish?
When I saw the injury Monday, I was wondering if it was part of the storyline. HHH is asked to step down from Raw as his "actions" made Raw too "dangerous". Yet, now that a heel is running the show, it would probably continue to get more violent, leading into Survivor Series and the Pro-WWE vs Anti-WWE main event.
If evan is truly hurt i think this would be a good time to give Zack Ryder the Tag Team title or give it to Swagger and Ziggler and have ziggler lost to ryder...Ryder ready for a push and would like to see him cut good promos. He could form a tag team with Cena the New England Browskis
It looked like he really got hurt there. Only thing i hate bout evan bourne is i don't know anything bout him, wat he likes to do or his character. All i know is he talks kinda girly and he does high flying moves. Tell me something bout evan wwe, maybe i will be interested then. Develop his character so he can relate to me.
first of Swagger BOTCHED. He only got injured twice in his career, one in 2000 and one last year with the torn shoulder/ rotator cuff, the last guy who injured him Bam Kneeley{ didn't spot him correctly} was fired in a heart beat in 2008.
It looked like he really got hurt there. Only thing i hate bout evan bourne is i don't know anything bout him, wat he likes to do or his character. All i know is he talks kinda girly and he does high flying moves. Tell me something bout evan wwe, maybe i will be interested then. Develop his character so he can relate to me.

he's not just a highflier he's an all rounder wwe cut down his 150 move arsenal to 88 moves but he still does some technical stuff. If you paid attention on Raw Michael Cole has said he's a big aviation nut and science geek.
I believe he really got hurt there but I don't think he sustained an injury. Evan Bourne I believe is the biggest seller of moves in the WWE roster (search in youtube: Best Cross Rhodes ever, Best RKO ever). He may be injury-prone because of this 'selling' and his high flying tricks, but I still want to see him one day at a main-event.
Maybe it was selling, maybe it was a serious injury. But I doubt it was either. Do any of you guys play sports?! I'm not meaning to bash you but seriously, do you? I'm playing D3 basketball and there's been plenty of times in high school that I was dumb and left my feet on a pump-fake and tripped over the guy and landed flat on my back (similar to Evan). I was never hurt (I remembered to tuck my chin like the wrestlers do (; ) other than a bruised tailbone. Nothing to keep me out.

One thing that did happen EVERY time I did this though was I got the wind knocked out of me. Having that happen sucks! You know you're not hurt but you can't move, or breathe for that matter. It looks like that's all it was if it wasn't a sell. I see him back on next week
I looked at the video and saw it on TV, and he didn't land awkwardly or at a bad angle. I believe he's just selling the move. As one post said, he does sell moves, so I think that's all this is. Considering Swagger and Ziggler are going after the tag titles (at least for now), WWE is just trying to make people care more for this angle. I like it, for now.
I think he's just selling the move really well. Probably to, like the one guy said earlier, build Swagger and Ziggler as a dangerous team.

I've seen seizures before. He does not have one. Not even a minor one. And if he did get hurt, it's not like it was his fault. Getting injured because another guy botched the move doesn't make you injury prone. It means you got hurt because the other guy goofed. It would be different if he did a routine move and got hurt in the process.
I'd like to see Air Boom grow. Have Evan Bourne out for a while to "recuperate" to show that Raw is becoming even more unstable. Meanwhile, Kofi is left to defend the tag team titles alone. Have John Laurinaitis come out and tell Kofi Kingston that if he doesn't find a new partner, he will have to forfeit the title. So, have him team with various people for awhile, trying to find the right partner. Then John Laurinaitis will again come to the ring and call out Kofi Kingston, and will till Kofi that since he failed to find a replacement partner, he is going to be stripped of his title. Then suddenly music plays, and out comes various superstars to support Kofi Kingston. I don't know who I'd put there, I'd personally like to see Alex Riley, Justin Gabriel, Zack Ryder, and possibly Daniel Bryan, with a returning Evan Bourne.
If you paid attention on Raw Michael Cole has said he's a big aviation nut and science geek.

Don't forget he's also "studying longevity, as his ambition is to become the oldest man in the world" ! I can't work out if Cole makes up his Evan Bourne facts or if Evan is just a bit odd.
I wouldn't really consider a run with the Tag Titles a push, its the tag titles and theres only one real tag team in the entire WWE, the Uso's. Air-Boom will be over quicker than they were thrown together with or without Bourne being injured.

Air Boom is a better tag team than the Uso's IMO. The Uso's haven't had as much success and I don't see them succeeding in the bear future. Air Boom has a tag team name, and coexisting entrance and theme song. When that happens, it's a given that the team will last. This same exact thing happened with Y2J and Edge. They were meant to go places, then Edge is put on the shelf.

If you watch after the match, it seemed like the announce team was improvising to cover up what should have been a post match celebration with Air Boom and Mason Ryan. When they noticed how fucked over Bourne was, the cameras jumped to Lawler and Cole. They talk about some not too exciting stuff, Lawler gazes over where Bourne is a couple time as well.
Posted yesterday From Evans twitter @findevan: "#raw went BIG, Bourne, BOOM! @ExcuseMeWWE usually gives me a headache, tonight it was Swagger. I'm still delirious from getting dropped on my head..."

So if anything, he was left off the Smackdown taping because they may have been worried he received a concussion. He did come down very fast and very hard from that powerbomb. But, like it's already been said, if he is on RAW Monday in action he is fine.
What were you expecting? For him to immediately pop up from a pin-worthy manuever that looked particularly painful because of the size difference with his usual giant grin?

Please. It's called selling. Bourne isn't hurt at all, never mind injured. He might have been banged up a slight bit, but most people probably are from those kind of impact manuevers.

And as for him missing the Smackdown tapings? I suppose you think Kane and Big Show were really injured when they missed 4+ months, huh?
There was very little protection given to Bourne in that move. I'm surprised he didn't break his neck. That's why the powerbomb was banned from the WWE, because if its done wrong you can cause a serious injury.

The fact Kevin Nash returned and used it a few times on Punk was surprising. I guess since he's a veteran and used that move so many times, he can do it safely and teach guys how to fall properly without snapping their neck.

It was painful to watch that powerbomb and see Bourne's reaction too it. Hopefully this won't happen again.

To answer your question, no, I don't think he's too injury prone to make it. WWE really needs to help train the bigger guys to help pull off these moves properly so he can still fly around the ring safely but have the bigger guys protect him when he gets 'reversed'
Evan Bourne is a risk taker, his finisher was also banned at one time due to the serious injuries sustained by several who have performed it before him. But, he was wanted the move and was willing to take the risk, so he was okayed.

Evan Bourne is my favorite lightweight daredevil, and I am glad he didn't get hurt.
if he was actually hurt....we of all people would know of it lmao.....its just selling of a move dude....worst case scenario, he had the wind knocked out of him....but man, ur really just marking out to an angle.

Just like Eddie Guerrero said in his book, is it real or is it fake guys? Its one or the other, FIGURE IT OUT BUD!!!
So from what I seen on the video... Evan does not look injured, he was able to ROLL to the side of the ring. and his "seizure" was merely him trying to get up. He was obviously selling the injury.

Like someone else said he is small and is able to sell injuries much more easier that the bigger guys.
Where do you see Evan Bourne getting this huge push? And what torch do you think hes gonna carry? He will never be in a main event match, he will never hold any title besides the tage team belts. Hes smaller for than Rey for one, and the only reason Rey got a push is because hes big in Mexico, he only won the title because of Eddie. Its hard enough for a medicore guy size to get a push let alone a guy that is the average male weight. Second have you ever heard him talk on the mic? I dont recall which means his mic skills most likely suck. No if he is injured it would not prevent him from getting a push or carrying a torch because hes never gonna get one or carry one one anyways.
Really guys? Are you kidding me? Yeah he may be selling it, but for those who say he wasn't in a world of hurt must be totally blind. There's a BIG difference between selling a Hogan legdrop and getting dropped on your back from 6+ feet high. I've been in a ring before and the padding is pretty minimal. I don't care who you are, that crap hurts! I don't doubt for a minute that he was selling the move, but those of you who say that a powerbomb does not hurt, lay some plywood down, a 1" rubber matting and practice with your friends. You'll change your minds.

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