European & TV Titles??

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Dark Match Jobber
What are the chances that they will bring back the European & TV Titles, the European title could go to Smackdown! as they have the U.S title and the TV title could go to RAW
When was the last time you saw a tag team, women's or cruiserweight title put on the line? There's no need for more titles in the WWE. ECW could use them, but with only an hour there's really no time.
There are already too many titles in WWE right now. There's no need for any more.
theguppee1234 said:
There are already too many titles in WWE right now. There's no need for any more.

the u.s. title took the place of the european title
^no it just became the SmackDown! counterpart of the I.C. Title on Raw. Well i wouldn't really bring the titles back, but i think the European Title should probably come back and gives other superstars to be Grand Slam Champions if it's the only title they need to complete the requirements.
sKKKiddmarXXX said:
When was the last time you saw a tag team, women's or cruiserweight title put on the line? There's no need for more titles in the WWE. ECW could use them, but with only an hour there's really no time.

how is there no time. back in the old ECW they had only an hour a week and still pulled off three titles. and Raw has 4 titles with only 1 1/2 hours(I'm deducing the time they use for their soap opera storylines which they rely on)
I wish that they brought back the european title. I know its not going to happen, but it would be cool to see it.
I think they should replace Cruiserweight with European, seeing that Gregory Helms has no competition cause no one else fits the description of a cruiserweight
There are way to many titles now, i don't see those title coming back.
keep the cruiserweight title, there will be a lot of great matches for it.
Like Psicosis vs. hardy, London vs. kendrick, Lolndon vs. Noble etc.
the European title was lame...the only time it had any meaning or value was around the time that Xpac and DLo Brown were fueding over it, putting on grade A matches thru the summer of 98...i guess you can also say HHH vs. Owen Hart was a decent fued involving the Euro title...
otherwise, that title was nothing more than an accessory for different wrestlers like HBK, Davey Boy and William Regal

as far as the TV title goes, it has more prestige historically, but last i remember seeing it, Hacksaw Duggan was digging it out of the garbage

i agree, WWE has too many titles that have been so far devalued, it makes no sense to bring in more
I think that they got rid of those titles because first of all there were too many, and there is no need for them. European title- IC title, TV title- US title.
Flames Out
I think that the tv title should come back to raw due to fact that its live! The european should come back to smackdown and the hardcore back to ecw. Unify the womens titles and the tag titles and have the people who hold those titles go from show to show. Having a womens champ and tag team title on both shows is why they feel no need for other belts. And out of all the belts those are the two that would be the best to unify. I dont think that their is a need to unify the world titles, I like the fact that each promotion has its heavyweight belt. Now lets change some other things to strengthen each promotion. I think that the wwe needs to stop all the interfereing in the matches.. So lame and I am so sick of it. The titles would be important if the outside interefering stopped. I also feel that they need to use everyone on their rosters. I wouldnt mind seeing a kane and mvp match for he ic belt or benjamin and cm punk for the wwe gold. I get sick of seeing the same person as champ ALL THE TIME. Either give someone a title and let them keep it for a long time or if your gonna switch it dont keep giving it to the same 2 or 3 people all the time. Make the wins mean something..
This made me laugh, but was pretty damn stupid.. seriously? Bumping a 2 and a half year old thread? Biggest bump of all time.

who typed this.. i have no idea how things work.. was just looking and found some things that i like so i responded.. so dont know what made u laugh...and was only stupid b/c it wasnt your idea. and who cares if its a 2 and 1/2 yr with it.... waaaaahhh
Maybe you should read the rules. Bumping a thread that is so old is ridiculous. Make a new one if you feel need. Also I believe a thread like this exists and is newer. The European Title has been talked about multiple times in threads, I am sure you can go out and find one.

So you broke rules such as
Bumping a new thread
Possibly Flaming

And have made yourself look like an extremely poor poster. Also I advise you to check out the Important Site Administration if you feel the need to complain. But as for this thread, it has now been archived.
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