European Championship on ECW?


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I'm sure a European Championship revival thread has been done to death but I feel that this point is currently relevant. As you probably know the British Bulldog was the first European Champion and with his son DH Smith now on ECW would this be the perfect opportunity to resurrect the European Championship and give ECW a midcard title? At first I thought a revived Cruiserweight Championship would be better suited to ECW but having thought about it, giving DH Smith the Euro belt would be a decent enough push without overkilling it. It would cement his status as championship material without thrusting him (and the Hart Dynasty) into the main event too soon. What do you think?
Yeah, the "bring back the European title" threads AND the "ECW needs a midcard title" threads are definitely done to death.

Smith is better suited to work on the basics for a while. He needs to learn how to be a proper wrestler before we start giving him championships and pushes. And the best championship he'd be suited for to start off with is in fact the unified tag team titles.

And the European title would have no credibility in today's WWE. It barely had any back in the WWF when it was just a subordinate crappy version of the IC title, but now that we've got 2 midcard titles, 2 world titles, and the ECW championship, there's no room for the European title to actually be surrounded by feuds that people won't consider a waste. If people are already complaining about the IC and US titles not having enough focus, adding ANOTHER midcard title will make things worse, not better.
ECW already has a mid-card title, it's calle the ECW championship. Joking aside I would love to see the cruiserweight title revived on ECW. They have the perfect wrestles to centre it around in Evan Bourne and they could move the likes of The Brian Kendrick, Wang Yang and Noble to ECW and with Tyson Kidd and Helms already on the show they could have a decent division.

The only reason I can see that wouldn't make a second title viable is time constraints, but still they get like 3 matches in a hour program so it shouldn't be to bad. 1 random match regarding contendership for one of the title as a curtain jerker a Cruiserweight match and a ECW championship match(not actually for the titles but revolving around the title). Although I don't think making the show a one and a half hour show could hurt, I personally find 2 hours to be a bit to long and 1 hour a bit fleeting but thats just me.
I wouldn't revive European Championship, but the Hardcore Championship on the ECW brand. Given it is known as Extreme Championship Wrestling thiss would make sense to most fans. Had it been brought back in the 2006 revival of ECW it would have given stars like Sabu, Sandman, Knox, Test, Dreamer, Stevie Richards, Snow and many more something to do on the show. The European Title had very little to no credibility back in the WWF and probably wouldn't in todays WWE.
Seriously, why? It was a minor title with no history or any real importance at all. Also, what connection does it have to ECW? The european idea was a stupid one to begin with as it was defended all of twice in Europe that I can remember. Why bring it back to get a pop twice a year on tours over tehre? ECW is fine on it's own. Why make another title on a show that has only one champion and only has time for one champion?
I agree that they don't really need another title. But for the sake of argument, I don't think that the European title would be the answer. If they wanted to bring a mid card title, why not the actual ECW mid card title, the TV title? At least it has relevance to ECW. Either way I think the whole idea would be unneccisary.
yeah i kinda agree with this BUT in order to do this they will need to go 2 hours, not enough time atm for one, a new title, TV title, something to do with ECW, because it should be called ECWWE, the title is different, a hardcore match every 4-5 months, even a massive set, NOT like the original ECW, if you are to have a second title, make it something to do with the original ECW and give them a 2 hour slot, they need it!
There is no need for any other titles in ECW. The Tag titles can be defended on any brand so DH Smith and Tyson Kidd should start there. It'd be nice to get some attention on ECW cause other tag teams would want the belts that are on that brand. I mean the world tag and wwe tag titles have been on ECW before so let it be at that. Hell last year during the summer a little after the draft ECW had the U.S. and WWE Tag titles were on their brand for a little bit.
ECW Champ-Kane
U.S. Champ-Matt Hardy
WWE Tag Champs-Miz and Morrison
And before that Miz and Morrison already had the belts on that brand for quite some time. Then later that year they won the World tag titles and were still considered ECW stars. So if anything just let the other ECW stars go after the Unified Tag Titles(since they can be defended on all three brands) and the Mid-Card titles(I can see an interesting storyline where say Swagger challenges Kofi Kingston on Superstars and holds the U.S. title for a while on ECW or Evan Bourne scores an upset on a cocky Jericho on superstars for the IC belt). That's the only way their should be other titles on ECW cause theirs too many belts as there is. But I think some of the concepts I mentioned above would be rather interesting. Hell I think that's what Superstars should be all about some unpredictability to shake up the brands. Ahh this is definitely a topic for another thread.
The European title was a joke. I would rather see the ECW TV title or ECW Tag Team titles make a comeback but we know that will never happen. ECW has the smallest roster of the three brands, and has more heels than babyfaces. ECW title is the only brand title that ECW needs right now. Now, maybe a revival of the Hardcore or Cruiserweight title could happen, but definately not the European title.
The WWE doesn’t properly use any of its current titles, so why would they add another one to the mix? They have way too many people not being used, and adding another title to the picture wouldn’t really matter.

Why do you ask??

Let’s think about how many times in the past year the ECW Title was defended on a PPV......?
Let’s think about how many times the US or IC titles were defended on a PPV?
What about the Women’s or Divas Title?

Oh and remember that time when the Miz and Morrison faced the Colons and it didn’t make it on the WM25 PPV card at all? And it was probably the second best match that took place that night (second only to Undertaker vs. HBK) Oh yeah they couldn’t fit it on the card, shame because it would of been better than Kid Rock/Divas Battle Royal

The point I'm driving at is they don’t have room for the titles currently have, why add another one to the mix? They couldn’t use them properly the first time, isn’t that the reason they were phased out during the original brand split?

No more titles until they fix the problems with their current title divisions
I like the idea..... if ECW ever got around to being more than sixty minutes.

Simply put, I feel that if ECW were to add a new belt, then I would need to add another hour to do it justice. Yes, I understand that they don't have tag titles. But they very well could at some point, what with the Hart Foundation forming and challenging for TV time on ECW. The way I see it, even if ECW did have another title, where would they time to make it important?

And consider this dismaying observation.... Where would this belt be defended on pay per view? I can't think of a PPV I'd put this new belt upon, and quite frankly, it's not fair to add a belt to this mixture, when you know it would never see the light of a pay per view throughout its existence. That completely says that the WWE could care less about ECW, and that there's no place for it in the WWE Universe (sorry, I couldn't think of a better word). Already, belts like the US and IC are struggling to find air time on pay per views, and don't even get me started on the Tag Team Titles. To the best of my knowledge, this PPV will be the first time they've been defended all year. And of course you have a woman's title defense once a month. So how would you fit a title defense every month onto a PPV? And what message does that send if you won't even have the belt regularly on PPV?

Maybe when ECW exppands to two hours, I'll agree with you. As for now, there's no fucking way in Hell.
I personally like that ECW is almost like a televised training ground, for all the new upcomers to get the experience in and improve all their skills.

With that, I dont think a second title is necessary at all, to me; the holding the ECW title can also be like training and gaining experience, the experience of what its like to be leading a roster, to be holding a title. While the company can view how he performs while leading the roster, if he is capable of proper main event status someday.

So no second title necessary thanks.
Absolutely not.

The Euro title had a few memorable holders, like Davy boy Smith and HBK, there are too many titles right now as it is.

I aggree the tag titles are the best fit right now for the Hart Dynasty. That keeps DH in a tag team, where he can continue to develop, as it's sorely needed.
As I've said the other hundred times this thread was made, NO. It was a lower midcard title which meant nothing. Guys like Crash Holly, Mideon and Perry Saturn held it. THat's what you want to bring back? There's 13 people on the ECW roster with a few of them never being on the show. There's no need to have the European Title anywhere. What's the connection to Europe? Two guys ever from Europe held the damn thing, so why bring it back? I've yet to see a good argument for that, or even a mid card title on ECW.
I would have to say no if it were to stay permanetly but if it were to stay a limited time that could work. Have a storyline where somebody (proabably smith) brings the title back and starts saying that ecw isn't extreme any more so he's going to bring back a title that represents ecw the way it is now so he brings the european title and starts saying stuff like this is perfect for ecw or european championship wrestling then he starts calling it the ecw champion and then he feuds with the current ecw champion and the feud cumilates to a title unifacation match where the extreme wins. Well i went of on a tanget so yeah for a limited a time where it can possibly start a good start good storyline but if it were to stay permanetly no.
I actually like this idea, crazyzelse. ECW Champion vs. ECW Champion. Very creative!! I would give it about 3 months. Maybe they could do it 3 months before the next draft. That way, when Smith drops the European Title, he could be drafted away to Red or Blue.
Me thinks David would be better suited to tag team for a while with Tyson.

Plus, they would be better suited to feud with each other before getting drafted to red or blue.
Good Idea. ECW needs a second Belt on that show for it to become a 2 hour or even a 1 and a half hour show. But instead of the Euro belt why not the Hardcore belt. Make it an accual ECW esk belt.
I too am getting sick of these types of threads, and I will say the same thing that i say every time someone proposes that a new title be added- this is a horseshit idea. The belts are diluted as it is. They should be taking away titles, not creating more. For god sakes there is now a gimmick ppv where the gimmick is that all the titles are on the line, THAT'S HOW RIDICULOUS THE TITLE SITUATION HAS BECOME. There should be about 5 titles so there is room for all of the titles on every pay per view. NO MORE FUCKING CHAMPIONSHIPS. End of story.

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