Ethics in Sports, Plowing people at the Plate.


Kissin Babies and Huggin Fat Girlz
So playing softball this summer, and had a game last night. It's an all mens competitive league and I play catcher. Situation comes up last night, some dude tries to run me over at the plate, and he fails. I put him on his ass and tensions are high, but it's part of the game and people move on.

I get into a conversation at work today about it. At work we are talking about putting together a co-ed team for shits and giggles when I bring up the scenario. If a team willingly puts a female behind the plate, is it okay for a male competitor to run her down if she's blocking the plate.

My simple answer, and it was the overwhelming minority view take, that it is perfectly fine. If someone wants to play with the boys, and plays a sport, then I'm going to do to a female exactly what I'm going to do to a male that gets in my way, and that's put her on her ass.
Was there an invitation for a response in there, or was that just to show that Shocky will knock a bitch down if he needs to?

Seriously though, if we are going to take that approach, then why separate sports at all? I mean, should we allow women to join the NBA and just discard the WNBA? Should women be allowed in the NFL? Should we stop separating men's and women's sports in the Olympics? If the men's hockey players don't mind checking the women, should we just make one team compromised of both for the winter games?

I'm not saying you are wrong, I'm just wondering what you think of the scenarios outside of your softball league.
I'm saying that if a woman feels like she can play with the big boys, then they should expect to deal with real pain like guys do. There is a reason women and men are separated, it's called sexual dimorphism, with humans, males are typically larger and better at physical performance then women are. We are usually stronger. Occassionally you get very gifted or naive women at sports that feel like they should be able to compete with men. I'm all for it, if they are physically capable of handling it.

Take wrestling for example. Someone like Christy Hemme may naively believe that she can be in the ring with a male, but for all intents and purposes, she'd get her ass handed to her, and in a heartbeat. Very rarely to you see the rare few come in, like a Kong, that can more then well hold her own.

All I'm saying, if you want to compete with men, then you will be treated as I treat a man, I think that's fair.
I wholeheartedly agree with you. I'm not advocating that seperate women and mens teams from various sports be abandonned, but I am saying that if a woman wants to play with the men, she has to expect the same treatment as her colleagues otherwise she isn't really playing the same game at all.

I'm not really familiar with soft ball, having only played it a few times, but the scenario you're describing obviously happens fairly regularly. If there is a woman on one team she has to expect that this will happen, because if it didn't, it would put the other team at a disadvantage because they have one fewer player to do it to. It is in the interest of fairness that every member of a team, man or woman, is treated in the same way.
In theory, I actually agree with you, Shocky. If a female is a catcher, then she is responsible for all that comes with that position. However, I find it hard to believe that there would be the same rules for a men's league and a co-ed league. I know that for most fast pitch softball leagues nationally, there is a rule that you must slide to avoid a collision or the runner is out. I've never played slow pitch, so I'm not familiar with the rules. I do know that whether it's fast pitch or slow pitch, there will be collisions at the plate no matter what rules are in effect. If you need to plow someone over, then so be it. You play the game to win, right?
I agree with you Shocky. In playing a co-ed sport where you know there is an implication of physical contact, you take on the risks of that sport. I don't think women have the right to complain about getting knocked about about if this is the case. I mean, when you're playing a sport and looking for a win, who your opponent is means very little. Whether it's a male or female you do what needs to be done to win the game.

I used to play Rugby League against guys when I was younger. They treated me the same way they'd treat any male pleayer on that pitch. I knew I was taking a risk in playing with them, as physically guys are stronger but I love the sport and wanted to be in that team. Now, I don't think women are allowed to play against men playing physical contact rules. However if they were, I'd be offended rather than greatful if they 'went easy' on me so to speak.
Dude, it's a coed rec league. I know you're probably competitive, as I am, but there is no reason to break someone's legs for a beer cup trophy when she probably has kids to run after.

That being said, do what you gotta do. Women have said for years, they want equality, and that includes the right to get your ass plowed by a drunken catcher rounding third with bad intentions.
Haley Wickenheiser is a great example of a woman who moved into a Mens league. She is a great hockey talent, and she moved over for some "real" competition. Of course in MEns Hockey, there is checking, and there is no checking in Womens hockey. SO that would have been an extra part of the game that she needed to adjust for. But this is stacked in sexism, many women are capable of playing against men. If Awesome Kong is guarding the plate, shes taking me down when Im running for home.
I agree, if they want to do co ed, they should be prepared to be plowed. I actually have a decent example. Back in 9th grade, we had our PE classes separate. Well, the female teacher wasn't there, so we did co ed. We were playing baseball with a plastic bat and a ball made out of a pair of socks wrapped about 30 times in duct tape (so if you got hit it didn't hurt to bad) Well, anyways, I'm on 2nd, a chick is on first. My buddy on the opposing team is playing 3rd, ball is hit, I take off for third. The ball is thrown to a girl playing short stop. Well, instead of throwing it to the guy on third, she runs to third. I can;t stop my momentum, so we collide. She falls down, and her shoulder made full on contact with my boys. Needless to say, I'm rolling on the ground, in pain. I get up, and our teacher yells at ME for plowing a girl and tells me to run laps for the est of the period. So, I tell him to fuck himself and start running. Was total b/s, cause she coulda throw to the dude on third, but she had to be the hreo or something I guess.
I agree, if they want to do co ed, they should be prepared to be plowed. I actually have a decent example. Back in 9th grade, we had our PE classes separate. Well, the female teacher wasn't there, so we did co ed. We were playing baseball with a plastic bat and a ball made out of a pair of socks wrapped about 30 times in duct tape (so if you got hit it didn't hurt to bad) Well, anyways, I'm on 2nd, a chick is on first. My buddy on the opposing team is playing 3rd, ball is hit, I take off for third. The ball is thrown to a girl playing short stop. Well, instead of throwing it to the guy on third, she runs to third. I can;t stop my momentum, so we collide. She falls down, and her shoulder made full on contact with my boys. Needless to say, I'm rolling on the ground, in pain. I get up, and our teacher yells at ME for plowing a girl and tells me to run laps for the est of the period. So, I tell him to fuck himself and start running. Was total b/s, cause she coulda throw to the dude on third, but she had to be the hreo or something I guess.

I don't think that's exactly the same though. You expect to get battered about when you play against guys in a sport, and some girls aren't okay with that. Which is why they choose not to play. This girl didn't choose to play with you, she got forced by the teachers. So I wouldn't say it's her complaining about nothing.

However, that being said, I don't think it's anyones fault. You're not at fault for not being able to stop, and she's not at fault for wanting to do what she thought was best to win the game. Your teacher was in the wrong for blaming you though.
Fuckin right motherfuckers. If a girl wants to play a man's sport, then she should be treated all the same. If you dont want that, then have a womens division. And if not, then make it a co ed sport, and everyone gets treated the same. If a girl competed in a football game, or a wrestling match with me, No Mercy would be shown. Especially becuase a lot of girls who participate in these sports do so with a very annoying chip on their shoulder. It mkaes little difference to me though. An opponet is an opponet. the mark of a champion is taking on every opponet with the same level of intensity and preformance. So regardless if it was a high level athlete, or a 7th grade girl, its ass whuppin time.

And another level added to this, I shall do. Its about sportsmanship right?? How about blowouts and celebration??? I say fuck it, do as you will. You dont like the scoreboard lighting up?? Stop them. You dont like them celebrating?? Dont give them anything to celebrate. Now to me, is it necessary to do these thingd to another team?? No. I wouldnt. But I also wouldnt bitch, or be pissed if it was done to me. I would be pissed they were dominating me so badly, and that I couldnt preform well enough to stop them.
And another level added to this, I shall do. Its about sportsmanship right?? How about blowouts and celebration??? I say fuck it, do as you will. You dont like the scoreboard lighting up?? Stop them. You dont like them celebrating?? Dont give them anything to celebrate. Now to me, is it necessary to do these thingd to another team?? No. I wouldnt. But I also wouldnt bitch, or be pissed if it was done to me. I would be pissed they were dominating me so badly, and that I couldnt preform well enough to stop them.

Thank you!! Celebrations are tremendous! The NFL needs to stop being so damn rediculous and let the celebrations flow. Seriously, TO had some of the most creative celebrations in the history of sports. A sharpie in your sock... brilliant. That kind of shit makes me want to watch a game. Celebrations = ratings.

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