Eruption 09/05/06

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Getting Noticed By Management
Hey guys. Blizzard has hired me to do the Eruption show. He's been tied up, and Bloodbath is coming soon. If you have promo's from now on for Eruption, just send them to me. And now...on to the show!!

Eruption (Better late than never…)

Fireworks go off in the arena as the crowd cheers wildly!

JR: Ladies and Gentleman, we welcome you to Eruption! Tonight, King, we have a hell of a show.

King: That’s right JR. Some amazing matches are going down tonight. But all of this is just leading up to Bloodbath!

JR: Yes, and what a PPV that is going to be! But first, let’s start this show off the right way with a hell of a match up!

“Never Enough” by Eminem hits the PA system as smoke fills the arena, and Viper makes his way out onto the ramp!

Ring Announcer: This match is scheduled for one fall. Making his way to the ring, from Detroit, MI. He weighs in at 280 pounds, this is VIPER!!!

The crowd cheers as Viper gets in the ring, and the smoke rises to the ceiling.

“Down With the Sickness” by Disturbed suddenly hits, as Blizzard makes his way out.

Ring Announcer: And his opponent, from Windsor, Ontario, Canada. He weighs in at 205, BLIZZARD!

The crowd is not to happy to see Blizzard.

JR: This man is the devil. He hit Morgue with a chair for no reason

King: Hit? More like beat!

JR: You’ve got that right King! And not to mention the fact that he is trying his best to get into the mind of Enigma.

King: That’s the thing though isn’t it? He’s trying, but Enigma might be getting into Blizzard’s head more!

Viper and Blizzard stare each other down for a few moments before locking up in the middle of the ring.

JR: Viper has a serious size advantage over Blizzard.

King: Let’s see if that plays out into his advantage though.

The two lock up, and Viper gains a side headlock on Blizzard. Blizzard slips out of it and hits a stiff kick to the back of Viper. As Viper tries to recover, Blizzard runs to the ropes and comes back, but Viper catches him in midair and connects with the sidewalk slam! The crowd cheers as they are really behind Viper! Viper picks Blizzard up, and Blizzard punches him in the gut. A couple more punches, and Viper then rebounds with a punch of his own to the side of Blizzard’s head. Viper throws Blizzard into the ropes, and sets him up for a Press Slam! He catches him and lifts him above his head, but Blizzard slips out of his grasp, lands behind him, and lands a sickening Dropsault from behind, throwing Viper into the turnbuckle. Blizzard runs at viper with a lariat, and connects, as Viper falls to the ground. The crowd is faintly getting behind Blizzard, but not by much. Blizzard moves Viper towards the center of the ring, then climbs the turnbuckle. He goes for a moonsault, but Viper is up and catches Blizzard on his shoulder. He then rams Blizzard into the turnbuckle. Viper then drags Blizzard towards the center of the ring, and sets him up for the Contraction. As he is getting Blizzard wrapped up, Blizzard starts fighting it, enabling him to escape. He runs to the ropes and rebounds with a flying lariat, barely moving Viper. He goes back for a second one, Viper ducks him, and Blizzard hits the ropes on the opposite side. On his way back looks like he’s going for a headscissor takedown, but lands on his feet and connects with a Russian leg sweep! He signals for Frozen Solid, and drags Viper again to the middle of the ring. He climbs the turnbuckle, but Viper is up yet again and meets him on the top rope. Viper sets him up for a superplex, but Blizzard fights it off with some punches to the midsection. Just as Viper seems to be fighting back, Blizzard grabs his head and hits the Blizzard Cutter from the top rope. Covers him 1…2…3!!!

Winner: Blizzard

JR: My god King! Blizzard out of nowhere with that top rope Blizzard Cutter for the win on Viper!

King: I gotta say though, Blizzard may be ****y, but he had a tough time tonight against an opponent with a big size advantage. How do you think he will stack up against Enigma, in of all things, a DOG COLLAR match?

JR: I don’t King, but…oh what the hell is this?!

In the ring, Blizzard has grabbed a chair, and proceeds to hit Viper with it as he was standing up, He hits him with it two, three times!

JR: Dammit Blizzard! You won the match, let Viper get out of the damn ring. Maniac!

King: He was just trying to help Viper get a seat!

JR: King, you know damn well that he was not trying to help Viper in any way!

Blizzard grabs a microphone.
Blizzard: Enigma! Take a look into your future!!

He drops the microphone and heads out.

King: Well JR, that was just our opening match! We got a lot more coming up later on!

JR: That we do King! Let’s take a quick commercial break!


(cuts back from commercial)

JR: What a hell of a way to start tonight off. Blizzard beats Viper in a great match, then proceeds to wallop him.

King: Think he’s trying to send a message to Enigma about their upcoming title match?

JR: Most definitely. Right now, though, we got us another matchup!

The lights dim and “Bawitdaba” by Kid Rock hits, and the next match is underway!

Ring Announcer: The following match is scheduled for one fall! Making his way down the ramp, weighing in at 220 pounds…JEFF CRUISER!!

Jeff slides into the ring, and as pyro rains from the ceiling, he does his trademark x symbol in the air.

Lightening suddenly hits the stage and black smoke starts to fill the arena as “This Fire Burns” by Killswitch Engage starts to play.

Ring Announcer: And, from New York, weighing in at 286 pounds….The Gothic….ANIMAL!

JR: Another match where one superstar is clearly at a disadvantage…

King: Well, we saw one win, why not the other!

The Gothic Animal stares at Cruiser, smiling softly. Animal moves to the center of the ring, and gestures to Cruiser for a test of strength. The crowd is chanting Cruiser over and over again, as he looks at The Gothic Animal, and back to the crowd. He takes one final look at the audience, then runs at Animal and connects with a shining wizard!! He then kicks him a few times while he is on the ground. Cruiser climbs the near turnbuckle while waiting for The Gothic Animal to get up. Animal is up….Cruiser nails him with a Diving Bulldog! Animal gets to one knee but Cruiser doesn’t waste anytime as he delivers a dropkick to the face.

JR: This kid has heart! He’s not even giving The Gothic Animal a chance!

Cruiser again climbs the turnbuckle, and as Animal gets up, he goes for the Hurricanrana! Animal grabs a hold of him though, and powerbombs him to the mat! Their both down!

JR: Cruiser not letting Animal get in an ounce of offense!

King: And that is how you take the big man down! But now, they both seem to be down!

Cruiser and Animal make their way to their feet as the referee gets to the count of six. The two trade punches back and forth, when The Gothic Animal delivers a swift kick to the midsection. He sends Cruiser to the ropes. He goes for a clothesline, but Cruiser ducks, comes back with a rebound, and lands the Hurricarana!! Cruiser signals for the Submission X. He locks it in on The Gothic Animal…and he taps!!!

Winner: Jeff Cruiser

Cruiser climbs the turnbuckle and signals the x, as the crowd is going insane!

JR: My god King! Cruiser took it to The Gothic Animal, and beat him fair and square!

King: He had Gothic Animal’s number tonight, but at Bloodbath, he has to face Johnny Diamond for the Light-heavyweight Championship!

JR: Speaking of Johnny Diamond, he is in one of our two main events tonight! And he is going up against The Enigma!

King: And don’t forget about the Main Event tonight! Morgue in a grudge match against Blade! IN A LADDER MATCH!!

JR: That’s right, we got more matches coming, after this commercial break.

(cut back from commercial)

JR: During the commercial break, we got word that tonight’s main event is NOT, I repeat, NOT going to be a ladder match! Instead, the owner himself has given free reign to Morgue and Blade, and it will instead be just an Xtreme rules match! Ladders, tables, chairs, barbed wire, everything is legal!

King: WOW! Now THAT is what I am talking about. Could this night get any better?

JR: We are about to find out!

“Broken Latch” by Tenstrike hits the PA system, and The Nick makes his way out to the ring.

Ring Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, the following Three Way Dance is scheduled for one fall! Making his way to the ring from Chicago, IL, weighing in at 300 pounds…THE NICK!

The Nick gets into the ring and gets on the turnbuckle as the fans cheer him on!

The lights in the arena go out as “Voices” by Disturbed starts growing louder in the background. Kyle “The Tormentor” Senton makes his way out and down the ramps.

Ring Announcer: And, from Brisbane, Austrailia, Kyle “The Tormentor” SENTON!

The crowd is booing incredibly as he takes his jacket off in the middle of the ring and mocks them.

“Sexy Back” by Justin Timberlake starts playing as Beasthoss Potterjones makes his way out to the ring to an incredible response from the crowd.

Ring Announcer: And finally, hailing from Hossville, Missouri, this is Beasthoss….POTTERJONES!!!

The crowd goes insane as Potterjones gets into the ring.

JR: These three men will meet again at Bloodbath in a Money in the Bank match! Tonight is just a preview of that upcoming match!

The three men in the ring look at each other. As they each slowly move towards each other, The Nick and Potterjones look at each other, and both attack Kyle Senton! The both deliver punches, but Senton gets the better of both of them. He knocks Potterjones away and does a nasty uppercut to The Nick. The Nick stumbles back to the ropes, and Senton clotheslines him over the top rope! Kyle Senton stays in the ring as the crowd boos at him. While he has his back turned, Potterjones rolls him up! He grabs the tights and puts his feet on the ropes 1…2….3!!!! Potterjones wins in a quick match and the crowd goes insane!!

Winner: Beasthoss Potterjones

JR: Did you see that King? Potterjones just got the best of both men!

King: Exactly, he used his head, and that helped him get the win!

Potterjones is making his way up the ramp, the crowd cheering as he laughs and points at both men in the ring.

JR: What an amazing night it has been here tonight King!

King: That it is, and we have the first of two main events coming up next!

(cut back from commercial)

The bell rings three times.

Ring Announcer: The following is the first of two Main Event matches tonight! Introducing first…

“Diamonds are Forever” by Kane West starts, as Johnny Diamond and Katie Jones make their way to the ring.

Ring Announcer: Weighing in at 240 pounds, “The Irresistible” Johnny…DIAMOND!

Johnny has a bandage on his forehead from his attack by Morgue earlier. He climbs the steps leading into the ring, and turns around, blowing a kiss to Katie, who is standing ringside.

JR: Johnny Diamond has a hell of a mountain to climb here tonight King. He is going up against one of the two men who will be fighting for the XWF World Heavyweight Championship.

King: That’s right, and this Enigma, he isn’t anything to laugh at. He is a crazed maniac here lately. He has one thing on his mind…Blizzard! And I’ve only got one thing on my mind….this Katie Jones woman….woohoo!

Ring Announcer: And his opponent…

As the lights dim, and smoke starts filling the arena, “Falling Away From Me” by Korn starts, and the crowd goes insane. Once the music fully hits, The Enigma makes his way out.

Ring Announcer: Weighing in at 215 pounds, he is from Melbourne, Australia, The ENIGMA!!

The Enigma makes his way to the ring, and stares down Johnny Diamond. He turns his back, and Johnny jumps him from behind. He nails a couple right hands, but Enigma powers out of it, and connects with a DDT. Enigma gets up and nails a couple kicks to the back of Johnny’s head. He picks Johnny up and slams him down with a bodyslam. Enigma waits for Johnny to get up, and starts getting the crowd behind him. As soon as Johnny gets up, he nails him with a running clothesline! He goes for the cover, but Katie has the referee distracted. Enigma gets up, and goes over to get the ref, and Johnny gets him from behind with a roll up. 1…2…and Enigma kicks out. Johnny now has the momentum. He nails some boxing style punches to Enigma’s head, and then gets a spinning DDT. He drags Enigma over to the corner and sets him up for a moonsault. He climbs the turnbuckle….but Enigma is up with him! The two fight back and forth on the top turnbuckle, but Johnny gets the better of him and pushes him off the turnbuckle to the outside area! Enigma rolls onto his back near the barrier, and Johnny is still on the turnbuckle….MOONSAULT TO THE OUTSIDE AREA! The crowd is chanting as we have to go to a commercial break…

(cut back from commercial)

JR: And we are back from commercial as Johnny Diamond now has control over Enigma…

Johnny has Enigma in the ropes, and delivers a chop to his chest. And another. He goes for a third, but Enigma blocks it and delivers a chop of his own! He gets another one in. He goes to sling Johnny into the ropes, but Johnny counters and slings Enigma into the ropes. Enigma comes back and Johnny lays down. He rebounds from the other side, and Johnny hits him with a hip toss. He waits for Enigma to stand up, then bounces off the ropes and goes for a flying cross body on Enigma. Enigma catches him and hits a powerslam! Goes for the cover…1….2….and Johnny kicks out. Engima signals for The Complex Enigma, but Katie has the ref distracted! Out of nowhere, Blizzard slides into the ring with a chair and nails The Enigma with it. He slides out and hides as Johnny gets the refs attention, and covers Enigma…1…2….3!!

Winner: “The Irresistible” Johnny Diamond!!

JR: That bastard Blizzard just cost The Enigma the match! He had the damn thing won King!

King: I guess now we know what he meant by his future…

JR: That just tainted the Main Event tonight. Go ahead and roll the damn video…

A video package starts playing promoting the match tonight between Blade and Morgue.

Blade: Morgue, I know you’ve been through some hell in other federations. Hell, you have the proof on tape.
Shots of Morgue doing a shooting star press off of a ladder, putting someone through a table, jumping off of a cage…

Blade: But what you fail to realize is, the hell you’ve been through there…is NOTHING compared to the hell you will feel tonight on Eruption.

A montage of shots plays. Blade cutting himself with his sword, Morgue standing in a pool of blood as security tries to stop him. Chair shots, images from their first match, images of Morgue standing in the cemetery, a shot of the tombstone with Blade’s name on it.

A shot of Morgue looking into the camera, breathing heavily…

Blade: Morgue, tonight….you die!

(cut back from commercial)

Ring Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, this is your main event for the evening.

“Victim” by Eighteen Visions starts playing as Blade enters the arena. He stands in the entranceway and does his symbol and pyro erupts from the stage. He runs down to the ring and slides in. He gets up on the turnbuckle and poses for the crowd. The crowd seems mixed in their reaction for him.

King: You know who’s next JR!

The lights dim as “Battle Ready” by Otep hits the PA system, and Morgue makes his way out holding a steel chair. The fire erupts around him, and he walks slowly towards the ring. He gets in, and poses on the turnbuckle as fireworks erupt behind him. Again, the crowd is split.

JR: And this crowd is on fire for both superstars.

Ring Announcer: This match is scheduled for one fall, and will be fought under Xtreme Rules! To my right, he weighs in at 256 pounds, and hails from Philadelphia, PA….BLADE!

Blade takes his sword out of its sheath, and poses for the crowd, who are cheering for him.

Ring Announcer: And to my left, weighing in at 245 pounds, from parts unknown….MORGUE!

Morgue holds the chair in the air and takes off his trench coat as the crowd cheers again.

JR: Alright King, lets get this main event underway.

King: You’re not still upset about the Blizzard thing are you?

JR: Blizzard is a bastard who doesn’t deserve the title.

Morgue and Blade circle the ring staring at each other. Morgue looks at the chair and back at Blade, and drops the chair, to which the crowd boos. Blade smiles and the two lock up in the middle of the ring. After a few moments of each trying to outdo the other, they let go and go back to their separate corners. They lock back up again in the middle of the ring, and Blade gets the upper hand, getting Morgue into a headlock. Morgue pushes Blade into the ropes, and then tosses him into the other ropes. As Blade comes back, Morgue delivers a hip toss. Morgue then runs at Blade, he gets up quickly and delivers a hip toss of his own. Morgue gets up and goes for Blade, but Blade was a little too quick and grabs Morgues arm and goes for a standing armbar, but Morgue does a flip and puts an armbar on Blade. Blade flips out of it and releases Morgue and the two have a stare down as the crowd applaudes.

JR: The crowd enjoying a solid wrestling match, but we have our last commercial break of the night.

(cut back from commercial)

As we come back from commercial, Blade is throwing weapons into the ring.

JR: During the commercial break, Blade took a shortcut in what was surprisingly turning out to be a great wrestling match.

Replay from the commercial where Blade delivers a low blow to Morgue.

Back to the match, it starts heating up as Blade gets back in the ring and picks up a chair. Morgue is in the opposite corner and is slowly getting up, and as he does, he picks up a chair. Blade runs at him and Morgue turns around in time to swing his chair as well. Both chairs collide and the two start fencing. Blade knocks the chair out of Morgues hands and connects with a chair shot to the head, knocking him down. Blade turns around to celebrate and as he does so Morgue stands back up, and as Blade turns around, Morgue knocks the chair out of the bewildered Blade’s hands and delivers a devastating clothesline. Morgue then picks up the chair, and the crowd goes crazy. Blade stands up and Morgue slams him with the chair. Blade stands up again and Morgue takes him down one more time. As Blade is on the ground, he picks up a baseball bat covered in razor wire. Morgue comes up to Blade from behind, but he swings the bat backwards, connecting with Morgue’s skull!


Blade is clearly in control here, as he climbs out of the ring, and pulls two tables from underneath the ring. He sets them up beside the ring near the entrance way. Morgue is now out of the ring as well, bleeding from underneath his mask. He has the bat in his hands. Blade gets done setting up the tables, and turns around to a running shot with the bat to the forehead. Blade is now busted open as well. Morgue pounds Blade’s head with a closed fist, as blood spews everywhere. Morgue rolls Blade into the ring and slides in behind him. He picks up another steel chair, and as he goes to swing it, Blade hits him with a dropkick, slamming the chair back into Morgue’s face. Both men are down now as the ref starts the count. Blade is the first up at the count of four, and he slides out of the ring. He goes back under the ring to find something else, and Morgue is up at the count of eight. Blade has now pulled a 20 foot ladder from under the ring!

King: The boss said no to a ladder match, but they are bringing one into play anyway.

JR: This is just turning into a bloodbath…

Blade slides the ladder into the ring, as Morgue finally comes to his senses. Blade picks up the ladder, and drives it into Morgue’s stomach. He does it again, driving Morgue into the turnbuckle. Blade picks the ladder up lengthwise, like he is about to set it up, and Morgue quickly jumps to the top rope and delivers a flying cross body onto the ladder, crushing Blade underneath. Both wrestlers are down again, as the crowd chants “This is Awesome”. Both wrestlers slowly make their way to their feet, and the toll the match is having on them both is readily apparent. They both slowly trade right hands. Morgue delivers a step-up enziguri, and Blade is down! Morgue goes for the cover, 1…2….Blade kicks out! Morgue drags Blade to one side of the ring, and sets up the ladder on the side closest to the entranceway. He signals for the shooting star press. He climbs starts to climb the ladder, but Blade is up. Blade is climbing the ladder as well. Both men reach the top, and start trading blows. Morgue seems to have gotten the better of Blade, and climbs to the top of the ladder. Blade punches him in the midsection, and climbs up as well.

JR: Oh god, this can only end one way…disastrous…

Blade signals for the Scimitar. He climbs up and sets Morgue up for it, and he connects off the ladder into the middle of the ring, and both men are down. The crowd starts a “Holy SHIT!” chant! The ref is counting. Blade drags himself over to Morgue, and covers him. 1…2…MORGUE KICKS OUT! Both men are back up. Morgue is against the ropes, and Blade comes with a flying lariat, and both men fly over the top. Blade picks Morgue up, and points at the tables. He drags Morgue over to them, and attempts to put Morgue on top of them, but Morgue blocks it, then delivers an elbow to the midsection. Morgue sets Blade up for a powerbomb through the tables, but BLIZZARD FROM BEHIND WITH A CHAIR!


King: But wait, here comes Enigma!

Blizzard and Enigma are now fighting up the entrance way. They fight up the to stage, as Morgue hits Blade with the Rose Cottage, picks him up, and rolls him onto the tables. Blizzard picks up a chair and goes to hit Enigma, but Enigma hits the Complex Enigma off the stage and both those men are down. Back in the ring, Morgue is climbing the ladder as the crowd is cheering like crazy. Blade is still down on the tables. Morgue signals again for the shooting star, and jumps OFF THE LADDER AND CONNECTS WITH BLADE THROUGH BOTH TABLES! Both men are down as the crowd chants “HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT!”


The ref is down checking on both wrestlers, and calls for the bell.

Winner: No Contest

JR: Ladies and gentlemen, this has been a hellacious night. We are out of time. What can go down at Bloodbath? Order it and find out….Blizzard and Enigma for the World Heavyweight Championship….my god…

EMS comes down to check on both wrestlers as the show goes off the air.
Holy shit man! That was a great show. I'm gonna cut my promo for BloodBath next. I'll PM it to you.

Show Rating: 9/10
I know... Well, I tried PM'ing it (it was a pretty good promo, if I do say so myself), but then my comp froze. I'll PM it l8r.
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