Eric Young


Occasional Pre-Show
So, I have been wondering a lot lately, mainly whenever an EY segment comes up, what is going to happen with EY? In the long term I mean. Will he ever go back to the serious role, or is he destined to play the "Santino" character on Impact Wrestling? (People comparing him to Santino kind of irks me though, because he was doing the comedy/scared witless act before Santino was ever around. Look at how he was when he was in Jarrett's stable back in the day, when Sting first made his return.)

Personally, I would love to see him go back to the serious role he had when he was the leader of World Elite. I thought he was superb in that role, but then it just kind of got dropped off. But I also fear that now, he's gone too far down the slapstick comedy rabbit hole that he won't be able to go that unless he takes some serious time off. What are your guys thoughts?
As he goes up on the card, he's bound to be more serious. It's not that hard to shake off his current gimmick and make him be more serious. We've seen him get more physical in his feud with Robbie E. I'm sure that as time goes by, he'll turn into something more legit if need be.
I think EY is in the best position that he can be in TNA, it was only a few months ago that we were hearing rumours of his release. While I enjoyed him in the World Elite I just think he is a fantastic comic wrestler. He was great as Super Eric, I enjoyed his concussion antics that have now led to the full blown crazy Eric. While there is no doubt that he is an extremely talented wrestler, I do not see him as a serious contender to any of the major titles, although he could put on a decent match with Aries I am sure.

I think Eric is happy playing the slapstick role so long as he gets to perform in the ring, it keeps him on TV and with the occasional TV Title run he shouldn't be to unhappy.

For me Eric Young is the perfect comedy wrestler as it seems to come naturally to him, whether in promos or in the matches themself. He is one of if not the only current wrestler that makes me laugh out loud on occassions and is a welcome relief to the sometimes slow impact.

I say keep him funny, I want to see how far that beard will go.
EY is great at what he does. And that is not wrestling, that's entertaining.
When TNA feeds him a role... he KILLS it.
Super Eric, Mental Eric, Funny Eric, or Serious Eric- all done greatly by Eric.
That's why EY is one on the comedy superstars i respect.
Im happy with his role in TNA. They should keep him doing the comedy. I mean he is not THE funniest guy in the world but he's doing allright. I don't want to see him holding any of the titles but a match with EY once in a while will put a smile on my face.
he is gold right now, why would TNA want to change that?
just last night in his backstage part with ODB, that was funny. I was laughing when he asked ODB if they should kiss now.
now that they are out of the stupid wild card tag team tournament I want to see what happens next. I wonder if EY will still be trying to date ODB or have any further connection with her.

I hope EY does not go back to being serious. I've only watched TNA since 2010. at the time EY was partners with Kevin Nash fighting against Hall and XPac, before Nash joined "the Band". at the time I thought EY was completely useless. TNA could have released him and I wouldn't even have cared. I'd hate to see him go back to being that.

wrestling doesn't need to be serious all the time. don't forget Impact Wrestling is TV show first. EY provides great comedy, really the only person in TNA who is doing comedy. I remember a time back in the WWF when they had many characters who you knew were not there to be serious wrestlers. guys would come in with strange/weird/funny gimmicks, not there to be serious wrestlers or challenge for titles, but to provide entertainment on TV.
Really? People actually like EY? I can't stand the guy. He's irritating. His voice gets on my nerves. Do people actually like it and think it's funny when he gets in the ring and locks up with the ref instead of his opponent? That stick is getting pretty old now.

Back when he was doing the "you think i should be fired?" thing, I kind of liked him but the whole being scared of his pyro got old pretty quick, just like the locking up with the wrong guy stuff. Now i wish he would have gotten fired, so I didn't have to see him every week.
So, I have been wondering a lot lately, mainly whenever an EY segment comes up, what is going to happen with EY? In the long term I mean. Will he ever go back to the serious role, or is he destined to play the "Santino" character on Impact Wrestling? (People comparing him to Santino kind of irks me though, because he was doing the comedy/scared witless act before Santino was ever around. Look at how he was when he was in Jarrett's stable back in the day, when Sting first made his return.)

Personally, I would love to see him go back to the serious role he had when he was the leader of World Elite. I thought he was superb in that role, but then it just kind of got dropped off. But I also fear that now, he's gone too far down the slapstick comedy rabbit hole that he won't be able to go that unless he takes some serious time off. What are your guys thoughts?

Actually I think they should be comparing Santino to EY. I think he is much funnier than Santino. Santino is only funny because of the delivery of his goofiness. Where EY just acts so crazy random its great comedy.

I do NOT think it will hurt him in the long run because it is easy for a wrestler to become "serious" .. For instance right now he is in love with ODB, so they could have someone viciously attack her while EY is not around and then a few weeks go by and you start airing mystery videos that lead up to EY's return and you have ODB's attacker talking trash about how he got rid of people like EY and then back EY comes out, maybe with a shaved head? and then destroys the dude. From that point on leading up to the fueds final match EY just acts serious because of the pain he felt because of ODB getting hurt.

Now that scenerio is VERY generic and nothing special it was the easiet way to show that he could easily be taken seriously again.

i.e. Kane and Mark Henry both had some corny characters along the way but right now are viewed pretty much as monsters.
EY is one of my five favorite wrestlers in Impact. His comedy is great and I can not see how people wouldn't think he's funny. He has timing. I also like that he can put on a match with whomever he is paired against. He can wrestle. And if you notice, he has been bulking up over the past year. He's too heavy for the X-Division now.

I feel like Eric will eventually drop the humor and get serious and go on a title run, so for now I enjoy it any time I can see his schtick. I believe once he drops the act, there really won't be someone like him for a while in Impact Wrestling.
But I don't see why you would. I'm sure he could do it if he was asked to, if they had a spot for him. But EY is perhaps the best in TNA at what it is he does. He's a funny guy, he engages the crowd well, he's basically a very good entertainer. It would need to be something really worth while for him to switch from his current character which is doing great for him.
He is funny with the gimmick he has and he is a decent wrestler and probs get the loudest reaction from the fans look at his match with Robbie E at the ppv where he lost the title the crowd where hot for eric and defo got the loudest pop of the nite. But I dont think they will ever go back to the more serious for now because what can he do who will he fued with
As much as I would enjoy seeing him get more serious and move up the card I must admit that I enjoy him in this role because he really is entertaining as the goofball and he's the best at it of everyone on the roster. I could see him running this thing with ODB for a good while, tag teaming with her. Then I could actually see him going after the TV Title again with ODB as his manager but then somehow she could get involved in the match and she could win the title and then have a lovers feud, it sounds pretty bad but that's the direction I see it going. I think Young has the ability to do much more but right now he's filling a void in the roster and he does a damn good job of it.
I hate Eric Young in the silly role. He was destined for greatness when he led World Elite and they should have kept him in that character. Now he is absolutely unwatchable and I refuse to watch any match of his until they make him serious again. I can't watch that garbage, it's so dumb. At least with Santino it's funny. Eric Young will NEVER be Santino and I cannot fathom why TNA would destroy the career of a guy who could have gone to the top just to make a funny guy out of him because he isn't even funny.
I hate Eric Young in the silly role. He was destined for greatness when he led World Elite and they should have kept him in that character. Now he is absolutely unwatchable and I refuse to watch any match of his until they make him serious again. I can't watch that garbage, it's so dumb. At least with Santino it's funny. Eric Young will NEVER be Santino and I cannot fathom why TNA would destroy the career of a guy who could have gone to the top just to make a funny guy out of him because he isn't even funny.

Destroy? You say it as thought the man wasn't the least bit over or if TNA was just not using him. He's easily one of the most solid acts in TNA's ring and gets as solid a pop as guys like AJ Styles and Sting. Not everyone likes Eric Young because he's funny. Some people, like me, feel he has true genuine talent and embodies a very basic premise of wrestling. "It's for fun, not serious business". Eric Young has embodied that since day in TNA and fans respond to it and really don't give a damn if he's top heel or the guy holding an unsanctioned title with a beard that makes hermits look civilized.

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