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Eric Young - Where You At?


Plump, Juicy User
Haven't seen him for about a month or so. What happened? "Dead" would be my first guess, but I'm sure he's there somewhere.

For those new fans who don't know who EY is, that's understandable. He went from being a semi entertaining comedy guy to a raspy-voiced heel who created his own faction, the World Elite, which may also be dead. He then won the Legend's Title (which was already sort of fake) in a 3 way at BFG, but changed it to the Global Title which can only be defended against foreigners on foreign soil, because you're allowed to do that. He talked to Nash or something at one point, but hasn't been seen for a long time.

What the hell does TNA have planned for EY and the Global Title? He was actually a big part of the show awhile ago, and now, nothing. Quite strange. Personally, I don't care for him that much, but they have to do something with him, don't they?

I say have Hardy beat him for the title and change it to the "Amateur Painter's Title", or something like that. Every time you get a new champ, they can rename the belt and make up their own random stipulations for it. Sounds fun.
I'm hoping for a Global Title match tonight but it is unlikely. Young was seen welcoming Flair on the 4th Jan show but that's is it. I reckon its the same for for World Elite. They are a great group for the most part but are too good to not be booked.
I'm hoping for a Global Title match tonight but it is unlikely. Young was seen welcoming Flair on the 4th Jan show but that's is it. I reckon its the same for for World Elite. They are a great group for the most part but are too good to not be booked.

BIG UPDATE on the main page.

If Eric Young appears then the match he will be just became seriously interesting to me.

Which match?

Nash vs Beer Money.

Maybe TNA are going to do something about Hall and Waltman. I thought Waltman would be the obvious replacement but clearly not.
I find it interesting that Hall and Waltman have spent the better part of their careers wrestling in little tights that barely hide their privates, while being in wrestling holds with other men in overly tight tights, yet all of a sudden both have become scared of doing so. I can understand that Hall is not in the best shape and his beer belly would not look good in a mankini but still, the show must go on, and as for Waltman he wears an entire singlet. My point is it is weird that neither is in "shape" to perform tonight.

Oh well, that makes room for Eric Young to get on the card and I love me some EY. His current heel turn has been nothing short of magnificent for me and his partnership with Nash has been dynamite. I really hope TNA goes this route and puts EY in the match because he will put on a much better performance then Hall or Waltman would. Also, doesn't EY and Nash already have a built feud with Beer Money? Wouldn't this tag team make the most sense anyways.
This may seem odd but I would have loved to see Eric Young go kind of crazy. Like run an angle where he got tired of the good guy / Comedy act and snap. Possibly aligning with Daffney and, well think the David Flair character of wcw days when he was with Daffney and Crowbar but with Eric Young you'd actually have a good wrestler and talent portraying the part. I don't know. I just thought have Daffney get in his ear about always being the butt of everyones jokes and finally have him snap and turn into a bit of a psychotic reject and work an angle with Abyss. SHowcase a real dark/hardcore sideof Eric. I have the plan maped out in my head but it's too much to write and hell, i'm not a booker for TNA so why waste my time. I just think Eric young is a really good talent that should be utilized more and this World Elite angle is going nowhere...
This whole Global Title/World Elite gimmick really hasn't done much for Eric Young in my opinion. I mean the stipulations of that non-value belt means it'll hardly ever change hands. Renaming the belt and not giving American Wrestlers a chance killed whatever value the 'Legends Championship' had left.

Heck, he had a Webmatch with Consequences Creed, so he's not stopped Wrestling at all, but he doesn't really add much to the show in my opinion, especially as Homicide gets more TV time than he does.
Since he's the global champion, he's probably in Japan right now putting a hurting Giant Bernard or something. Coming back to reality, I'm guessing they just didn't have anything for him to do. There is no other faction to feud against and since TNA doesn't tape in foreign countries, he cannot defend his Global Title.. it's forbidden on American soil an whatnot. At least, that's how I'd explain it until he drops the title to someone who's going to get more air time.
i think TNA can go 2 routes.

1 have nash choose between WE and nWo
2 just have world elite fade out and use the global title as a midcard belt

however in option 1 i dont know who would be the faces or who would be the heels because with all the new old talent comming in all the lines are blured. i dont know who is face or heel anymore. all the recent face/heel turns are akward.
I'm pretty upset he hasn't appeared, but at least they haven't completely forgotten about him. He was available last night, in case Waltman or Hall were too fucked up to wrestle, and they have a UK tour coming up, where he'll more than likely drop the belt, and the title stipulations will be changed.

He's solid in the ring, and can put on a good promo, so hopefully once everything is sorted out, they'll get him back on TV a bit more.
I'm really disappoint wth TNA over this, they've dropped the ball big time. Young was getting set to become a top heel, interacting with the MEM and a lot of top guys, and proving that he was more than just the pathetic comedy character he'd always been before. He was given a more serious edge, a deadly serious finisher, and a big push to both front the World Elite and win the Legends Championship.

Since then he's faded, miserably as aged has-beens come in and take away the chance of the younger stars, with more long term benefit. It's a shame, the company could really do with a strong midcard title open to anyone, and instead it's relegated the title to the point where it's questionable as to whether creative even know it exists!

I really think that EY could be given a real chance, and should be given the opportunity to mingle with the big boys. I think an EY-Angle feud would be amazing, but if that's too much too ask then an EY-Pope feud would also be amazing. This guy has so much talent, and could go far, he's just not given the chance. Another failing for TNA...
From what i read, Eric Bischoff isn't a big fan of Eric Youngand the rest of World Elite so i would'nt be surprised if he doesn'T get fired when it's time to actually release some people. Until then, he probably going to play second banana to Nash, Hall & Waltman.
Eric Young's push is done for, and it's probably for the best.

I liked Eric Young. I found him entertaining, and even more importantly, it was very, very obvious he was a guy who'd do anything for the company. Remember that gimmick with Robert Roode? Not the kind of work where you expect to build a believable strong character, but he played the role and worked his way up. Who would have thought at the time when Eric was flinching from his pyro that he'd be leading his own stable two years later?

Unfortunately, World Elite never got over. They were nWo Hollywood after Hogan joined the Wolfpac. The folks in charge now are not fans of small guys; remember, this is the same team that told Chris Jericho that he didn't have the size to be a main-eventer. I just don't see a place for WE in this TNA reboot that's happening, and I think prospects look grim for Eric Young as well.
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Eric Young needs to piledrive Hogan and establish himself as the new Ric Flair. I mean, I know AJ is working directly with Flair but EY and his vicious ass piledriver need to come in there and mix things up.

Maybe Flair will reform the Horsemen and EY and AJ can be the 2 man power trip of TNA.
heres the thing, doesnt global mean world? and you cant have 2 world titles, that much is obvious. and the angle with EY changing it to the Global title so he only would defend against foreigners on foreign soil was to establish him as a bigger weasel/coward. but now, theres nothing at all on it. thats always been an issue with me and wrestling, stop showing it, and it doesnt exist. Vince was always famous for that.
So, this is essentially a WWE move right here. Not only has Eric Young not been on tv as of late, but the " Global " Championship has not been defended or even mentioned since he has won it. Sure technically he was on tv during the Ric Flair segment on the live iMPACT when he arrived, but I don't count that.

Right now Eric Young needs to come back and come back strong. He needs to feud with someone, and pick up some decisive victories before he fades into obscurity forever.
It would be a shame for Eric Young to get de-pushed or even worse fired just because Eric Bischoff isn't a fan of his.

I think EY did a very good job of shedding his goofball face persona and became a very good heel and leader of the World Elite.

I hope he returns to TV soon and he does need to start actually defending the Global title.
What the hell does TNA have planned for EY and the Global Title? He was actually a big part of the show awhile ago, and now, nothing. Quite strange. Personally, I don't care for him that much, but they have to do something with him, don't they?

Good question. I've also been wondering where he vanished to. I think they needed to build up some things like Hogan's return and the storylines involving "The Band", and maybe they just didn't have time for EY. Which is not good when you think about it, because he's the Global Champion and in my opinion all champions of a federation need to appear at least once on all their shows. I'd like to see him feud with Anderson, it would be an interesting feud. That, and they need to continue whatever was left with his storyline with Nash. Maybe have him get involved with the storylines of "The Band" since Nash was (kayfabe) EY's bodyguard last I checked.

I say have Hardy beat him for the title and change it to the "Amateur Painter's Title", or something like that. Every time you get a new champ, they can rename the belt and make up their own random stipulations for it. Sounds fun.


You have the strangest ideas sometimes, GD. (and that was a compliment) It would lead to some really silly names for the title. I'm not entirely against such an idea if TNA does it right because it could be entertaining as long as they don't mess it up.... but I like the idea of the Global Championship, they just need to find the right foreigner to challenge him, or have Anderson somehow get a title shot. I would like to see a feud between those two honestly.
It was good to see EY back on Impact working with Nash. I'd like to see him get involved with The Band and hopefully get a major rub from being associated with them.

Plus it would help The Band to have someone with them who can go in there as take bumps.
They made him drop the belt on a house show? They couldn't even let him lose it on TV?

I get that he had his stipulations for the belt, and that this was how it was going to happen, but they didn't even put the match/show on the site, and they didn't put anything on the site after it happened right away.

My only hope is that EY gets on TV during the first Impact after they return, and gives us a great promo denouncing the World Elite, and turns face, going after his title. It's a shame they didn't let him drop it on TV :(
They made him drop the belt on a house show? They couldn't even let him lose it on TV?

I get that he had his stipulations for the belt, and that this was how it was going to happen, but they didn't even put the match/show on the site, and they didn't put anything on the site after it happened right away.

I know! That upset me too. Young was a champion and all the champions of a federation should make at least one appearance on each show, whether they actually have a match or just do a promo. Having him lose the belt at a house show was bad enough, but the rest of us don't get to see the match in a recap on Impact or even on the website? That's really dumb.

My only hope is that EY gets on TV during the first Impact after they return, and gives us a great promo denouncing the World Elite, and turns face, going after his title. It's a shame they didn't let him drop it on TV :(

Agreed 100% there. That would be a great thing to see on Impact. World Elite didn't seemed like it would accomplish much and they have more or less disbanded. Eric as a face again would be cool because he was better as a face than a heel. He can try to get his belt back, or perhaps tag team with Nash since Nash still has the tag team belt case if I remember correctly.
The World Elite has obviously been abandonned as an angle. The British Invasion is obviously falling apart and Kyoshi and Daivari have left the company, and Eric Young hasn't really be seen on television. Young lost his Global Title, which he had apparently invented the stipulations for, but I imagine that title will be abandonned or completely ignored on television soon. Young has got something interesting about him, but I don't think enough people see it in him. I think he will probably end up joining The Band and then he would be their whipping boy. I just don't think there's any higher plans for him right now.
The World Elite has obviously been abandonned as an angle. The British Invasion is obviously falling apart and Kyoshi and Daivari have left the company, and Eric Young hasn't really be seen on television. Young lost his Global Title, which he had apparently invented the stipulations for, but I imagine that title will be abandonned or completely ignored on television soon. Young has got something interesting about him, but I don't think enough people see it in him. I think he will probably end up joining The Band and then he would be their whipping boy. I just don't think there's any higher plans for him right now.

If they're going to force us to watch "The BAND", then Eric Young as a whipping boy would be the best option. Were you watching when he was on Team Canada? Or when Roode made him his bitch?

Young is probably at his best as the lovable loser, and it would certainly make those segments worth watching. Nash is the only one of the 3 that can still cut a promo, and I think there could be some interesting interaction there.

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