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Eric Young Is Good, Dammit!


Lord And Master
Staff member
After seeing the replay of Monday Night iMPACT! I recalled Eric Young's segment with The Band and Big Sexy. The dude played his roles amazingly and grabbed a huge reaction from the crowd. He has been in turmoil for over 2 years. I gotta ask. Why? The guy has shown he has what it takes. Screw the size your World Champion is 6 feet and 210 pounds. Should it matter in TNA? Of course not, half their roster is "Cruiser-sized". Eric Young has a great connection with the TNA crowd. We've seen him in quite a few roles already and he's been great in all of them. A comedy act. A simpethy act. A goof. A "super hero". An anti-american. How many times does he have to put a gimmick over before he actually goes somewhere? He was doing great as the leader of World Elite. Then he won the TNA Global Championship and rather than continuing his feud with Hernandez (a foreign wrestler as well) they decided to sit the whole reign out. Only defending it with Hamada. Of all people.

I say give him the Global Title again and let him actually defend it. Against The Band, Hernandez, Rob Terry, whoever. He can elevate that belt and himself to a higher level. As he should. He has the appeal, the look, the attitude, experience and mic skills.

Eric Young. Thoughts?
okay first off the TNA world Champion is not 6ft. tall i don't think he is anywhere close to that size, all of TNA's champs are under 6ft. Second EY does have what it takes and lets hope that being involed with the whole BAND thing takes me to the next level.
I feel that EY is severely underrated and I think the crowd in the Impact Zone feels the same way. I do believe a few weeks ago, they were chanting "underrated" at EY when he and Nash were doing a segment in the ring. EY is solid in the ring and ever since he dropped his gimmick of being a jokester, he's been much more likable to me.

I hate Rob Terry as Global champ. I think TNA should put the title back on EY and have him have REAL feuds. If TNA is serious about making the Global title a serious championship, they need to make matches that people are gonna give a crap about. They severely dropped the ball on EY's first run but if they can put the belt back on him after his program with "the Band" and properly book him, that could potentially be a stepping stone for him into the main event scene.
I love this Eric Young. I hated him as a face when he had just gotten over his fear of his pyro though. Every time I seen him I would want to slap that shit eating grin off of his face.

Now Eric has made me a fan of his once again through his use of The Band and World Elite. When he was leader of the World Elite, he really started his climb in my eyes with the World Elite. Not many people could have looked good as the leader of the jobbers of TNA (aside from The British Invasion). He got rid of the Death Valley Driver in lieu of a more realistic and devastating finisher in The Piledriver. He got rid of the platinum hair and really reinvented himself in my eyes.

Now that he has moved on from Anti-American heel to bad ass face, he has really gotten himself over. Every time he attacks Sean Waltman he actually looks like he wants to hurt him. He charges full speed ahead and doesn't hold anything back. I for one thought that Kevin Nash would turn on Young and leave him back in the under card still jobbing, but since TNA left Nash with Young I can only see this as a tremendous amount of faith in Eric. If he continues at this pace, he will be main eventing in no time.
I'm still on the fence with him. I feel like if Hornswaggle was 5'11'' he would look just like Eric Young. He bumps well but I don't like the way he moves in the ring. He has a unique voice, but I don't pay attention to him for very long after he's on screen.

Maybe I need to seem him wrestle a little more, because he still hasn't won me over. His Global Title run didn't help either, and it almost killed the belt.

Check back in with me after this current feud is over, and then I can give you a better assessment, because if nothing else, he at least has my attention.
Eric Young is the most underrated talent in TNA. He reminds me very much of Chris Benoit, being deceptively strong and agile with his aerial assaults. I loved his World Elite leader gimmick and was happy to see him get the attention he deserved. However, I dont see him getting any real attention, now that Hogan and Bischoff are at the helm of TNA creative. Damn shame, IMO
Now honestly, I like this guy. Eric Young is one of my favorite wrestlers on the TNA roster. Not only that but he's a super cool guy in person too. My girlfriends dad's best friend is actually Eric Young's dad. She got his dad to ask him to call my 10 year old brother on his birthday and he did. Talked to him for like half an hour and made my little brothers birthday. I honestly don't think anyone would mind too much if he got the permanent bump up to the main event scene.
Eric Young is the epitome of underrated. He's made horrible gimmick after horrible gimmick work, and he's one of the better in ring workers TNA has. After this issue with the Band is over, I would only hope TNA gives him another Global run and let him give the belt some prestige.
Seriously? Main event status?

Wow. Wow.

Don't get me wrong everything I have seen out of EY is solid. People seem to like him as a person, but really, MAINEVENTER?

Y'all are right. Fuck Angle. Sting. Fuck AJ. Fuck 7 foot Matt Morgan. Cornhole Hernandez. There is no potential at all in either Roode or Storm. Daniels hasn't paid his dues. Big money contract to RVD. Who'd Nash ever beat? Machine guns? No way!!!! Wolfe can't really wrestle. Pope got nothing.

Give us that scared-of-pyro, lost-to-a-chick, team-canada, won't-defend-a-belt-once-he-has-it, only-to-lose-it-to-rob-f'n-terry, got-my-job-shining-jarrett's-knob, midget cannuck.

Seriously. Mid card. Great building block. Can do whatever needs done. Pay him. Keep him. But main eventer????????? Sheamus thinks that's a reach.
young has exceled in every role hes been in ,ive enjoyed him throughout his tna carrer ,he has proven himself to be a great worker he deserve a huge push
I've been a big fan of EY since his Team Canada days. The guy is a quality wrestler and I became an even bigger fan when he regained his confidence and started going after the X division title. I really wish they would have pushed him as champion. Now he is working with Nash and the Band and this could give him a good rub. Do I think he will be a big time player? No I don't. But I really think he can go on and be a solid midcarder and possibly break into the upper midcard and carry the Global title and actually defend it this time around. Throw in a world title program to spice it up, but never actually give it to him. Like I said, upper midcard is the highest I can see EY getting, but I am a fan.
Seriously? Main event status?

Wow. Wow.
I would assume that this is directed at me. For future reference you might want to quote someone if you are talking to them or about them. Yes, I said main event.

Don't get me wrong everything I have seen out of EY is solid. People seem to like him as a person, but really, MAINEVENTER?
Didn't we already establish that I said main event?

Y'all are right. Fuck Angle. Sting. Fuck AJ. Fuck 7 foot Matt Morgan. Cornhole Hernandez. There is no potential at all in either Roode or Storm. Daniels hasn't paid his dues. Big money contract to RVD. Who'd Nash ever beat? Machine guns? No way!!!! Wolfe can't really wrestle. Pope got nothing.
Can you please show me where anyone in this thread said that? I happen to like everyone of them immensely. I have never claimed that TNA should "fuck" them.

Give us that scared-of-pyro,
He was scared of his pyro but isn't anymore.

Who? I only remembering EY wrestling Hamada and he won that. Not to mention that Spike TV has that little thing about no man on woman violence.
Easily one of the best stables in TNA history.
Heel tactic and he was a heel.
Anyone can lose to anyone else.
Do you have any proof?
midget cannuck.
Now you have resorted to name calling. That means you must have ran out of points to make.

Seriously. Mid card. Great building block. Can do whatever needs done. Pay him. Keep him. But main eventer????????? Sheamus thinks that's a reach.
Yes, I said main eventer. This is the third time you have asked that. It is funny you should mention Sheamus because you could make the argument that Sheamus only has his job by "polishing Triple H's knob" as you so put it, but that is for a different section.
Seriously? Main event status?

Wow. Wow.

Don't get me wrong everything I have seen out of EY is solid. People seem to like him as a person, but really, MAINEVENTER?

Y'all are right. Fuck Angle. Sting. Fuck AJ. Fuck 7 foot Matt Morgan. Cornhole Hernandez. There is no potential at all in either Roode or Storm. Daniels hasn't paid his dues. Big money contract to RVD. Who'd Nash ever beat? Machine guns? No way!!!! Wolfe can't really wrestle. Pope got nothing.

Give us that scared-of-pyro, lost-to-a-chick, team-canada, won't-defend-a-belt-once-he-has-it, only-to-lose-it-to-rob-f'n-terry, got-my-job-shining-jarrett's-knob, midget cannuck.

Seriously. Mid card. Great building block. Can do whatever needs done. Pay him. Keep him. But main eventer????????? Sheamus thinks that's a reach.

Your post doesn't make sense. At all. What are you tryiong to say? That only one person can get a ME push at a time? Who dictated that rule? The Main Event Fairy?

Sure Pope, Morgan, Hernandez and RVD are solidly heading to the main event, but honestly Eric Young has the makings of a great name. He's taken a ton of bad gimmicks and has made them work. He had the crowd clamoring for him to keep his job ("Don't Fire Eric"). He was coward. A Superhero. An anti-american. Now he's some sort of anti-hero to the TNA fans as he fights off Pac and Hall. To make so many gimmicks work while always being a solid wrestler and having good mic skills to me shows that he can hang with the big guys. He's had a few great moment with Angle already, he should be able to fare well with AJ Styles and Jeff Hardy.

Eric Young. The Man Of A 100 Gimmicks. :shrug:
hes mid card for now, and will stay there for awhile. he can def work in the ring, and can make anyone looks good, he has for the band, and did when he sadly had to job to the Nasties, which was a travesty. he seems like he has a future, and i really hope he never goes back to any of the comedy gimmicks, and keeps his serious badass attitude, the whole global title thing makes no sense and i dont really wanna think about it, but if it is goin to be considered the mid card title he would be the one to do something awesom with it, not some bodybuilder who does 5 moves, well wait a sec, thats our WWE champ right now too, and prbly our next WWE champ, i guess 5 moves of doom is the way to get ahead, Go Khali GO!! haha.

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