Eric Bischoff's Blog about The " Older guys" !

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On the heels of the big “youth push” in WWE during the past several weeks, here are some facts from this week in the business:

“Raw's demographic ratings among males 18-34 and 18-49 were the lowest in seven weeks.”

“Raw scored a 1.86 rating among males 18-34, which was down from a 2.03 rating last week.”

And during this months conference call to investors Vince McMahon admitted that:

"Basically, we had a lousy quarter," and then when on to pin the loss of Shawn Michaels, Batista, Triple H, and Undertaker (all 40 + years old) as the reason for the hit to PPV and live event revenue.

Now one could suggest that McMahon is insane enough to be intentionally misleading Wall Street with excuses that are not substantiated by financials that wouldn’t hold up under either SEC or Sarbanes Oxley Act 404 scrutiny, or maybe that he has no idea what he’s talking about despite the massive success of his business model.

Or one could recognize the direct connect between what TV ratings, PPV buy rates, and ticket sales have proven time and time again, as well as what legitimate focus groups conducted by credible media companies in the business of such have clearly identified: the TV audience (including 18-34 males) rate with ESTABLISHED (and yes older) stars!

Admittedly, these facts are kind of dry compared to the subjective opinion of those with their own agenda or the inflamed rhetoric that appeals to those perpetually pre-pubescent, parasitic internet “experts” who neither have any legitimate experience or success as executives in the television or wrestling industry, and the rants of the terminally irrelevant trying desperately to hold on to their last 200 fans.

But they are facts non-the-less.

In my opinion Vince Russo, Dixie Carter and the team at TNA have done a great job of utilizing veteran stars to help elevate some of the young emerging talent in TNA and at the same time gaining awareness and credibility within the media industry.

That’s just my opinion. And my opinion is backed up by facts.



ur oponion ?
My opinion is you should feel fortunate you posted a great read, and that I moved this to a Spam Zone.

As far as Bischoff's comments go...let's just say I love reading Bischoff. He is the consummate spin artist, but he's damn entertaining when he does it.
I agree with Sly about Bischoff always being an entertaining read.

That said, Bischoff is completely, 100% wrong here. What Bischoff fails to understand is that WWE is building for the FUTURE, not instant success. Had WCW done that once the nWo cooled off, maybe they'd still be in business.

The fact is, while it's not guaranteed, everything WWE is doing right now could end up paying off HUGE a couple of years from now. Whether it's Danielson becoming the next big thing in wrestling or Wade Barrett or even fucking Darren Young, you never know what could come from this new core of guys.
Coco's been on fire lately and thus leaves me with this dilemma again:

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Coco Nero Valchek again.
As far as Bischoff's comments go...let's just say I love reading Bischoff. He is the consummate spin artist, but he's damn entertaining when he does it.

No doubt about that. And since his employer has cast it's lot with the Geriatric Division, Eric might as well try to spin his way into convincing IWC that it's the right strategy.

But jeez, he spends entirely too much time talking about WWE.

He's spent a lot of years trying to knock Vince out of business......except, of course, when he decided to go to work for him.
I like it when he subtly calls Dave Meltzer a cunt. Sometimes though, I just wish he'd come right out and say it. Though that'd mean Meltzer acquiring momentary relevance and we can't have that.
Bischoff is nothing but a tool. Eric Whatcha gonna do when Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair die on you and you haven't built up any names at all? That's what WWE is doing right now. If impact got a 1.8 every week Eric would be gloating like a mother fucker.

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