Eric Bischoff To TNA ?

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Pre-Show Stalwart
Now as ive just finished watching The Rise And Fall Of WCW, it hit me .... Eric Bischoff is actually a genious. The man took over WCW at a time were there was a revoloving door of bookers coming in and no one could pull it up. In comes Bischoff and BAAAAMM WCW rises.

With some late debate over Hulk Hogan perhaps signing some short term deal with TNA (IMO highly doubtfull but you never know in this business), it hit me ...... Bischoff and Hogan are best buddys, If Hogan went, could we see Bischoff going to become head booker ?

What also rung a bell was the fact Angles lately said "Its me of Jeff Jarrett" in terms to TNA. IF and a big if Jarrett was let go due to Angle, it opens more of a door for Bischoff.

Only thing i was thinking, i dont actually know the relationship between Vince Russo And Eric Bischoff now, from what TRAFO WCW makes out i dont think they get along that great, however i dont know.

So what you think ? Could Hogan and Bischoff ever join TNA ? Would it help them rise in rateings ? Would Bischoff make there product better ? So many questions could be raised, so discuss ..........
Bringing in personalities and wrestlers that are already big names and well known to wrestling fans has ultimately not helped TNA out all that much. Now, I'll give credit where it's due, Bischoff help make WCW the biggest company in the world for a while, but I wouldn't exactly say genius. He had some good ideas sure, a few of them even great, but Bischoff will always be somewhat dogged by his connection to WCW's collapse as well as its rise so it's a double edged sword. I'm not saying that it's right or that it's fair, but that's simply the way that it is.

TNA's biggest problem is with the people in charge of the company rather than the talent that they have on the roster. TNA is hurting in a lot of ways, but the most gaping wound that it has revolves around marketing and advertisement. You don't see Spike promoting TNA all that much, not nearly as much as the USA advertises Raw on Monday nights. Until that changes, then Impact has no hope whatsoever of even coming close to being a legitimate competitor with Raw.

You could have Hulk Hogan, the Rock, and Stone Cold Steve Austin all show up to Impact the same night but it wouldn't mean a damn if the word didn't get out. Take Raw's guest host idea for instance. Some hate it and some love it, but overall it gets the WWE a LOT of media attention. TNA has to ultimately get noticed if it wants to draw bigger numbers.

Even if Bischoff were to head to TNA, it's just another example of an older guy that fans have seen and known about for years and years. In Hogan's case, there'd be that aspect of it but his ability to have a competitive wrestling match anymore is pretty much nonexistent at this point. He's 56 years old, his body is absolutely shot and his limited ability in the ring is infinitely more so now. However, Hogan will always be a draw no matter what, so it's possible that TNA's numbers would go up temporarily. Once he got into the ring however and fans saw just how limited he ultimately is, the nostalgia factor would quickly fade. It'd be blown out the window if they had a broken down old man go over guys that are much younger and in better condition than he is. Hulk Hogan's ego is another factor to be considered. He's someone that doesn't like to job at all, and if TNA were to have him consistently go over, it'd do nothing but hurt the product in the long run. The problem is that he's at a stage where his age and physical condition ultimately just can't be ignored. His name and presence can only carry him so far now. Hogan was a limited performer with tons of charisma and is now a performer with tons of charisma that can't have anything resembling a decent match.

There's also the fact that Hulk Hogan basically expects to be paid the moon and the stars for what he brings. Ultimately, what he brings isn't worth the moon and stars anymore. For his last WWE match against Randy Orton at SummerSlam, Hogan was paid $400,000 and he claimed it was low. I think Sting and Kurt Angle make $600,000 in TNA and they don't even work full time schedules. In order for TNA to even afford him, Hogan would really have to come down from what he expects and I just don't see it happening. His ego is too big to accept certain facts of life, such as that there isn't just any single "top guy" in wrestling anymore and that he's not nearly the Hulk Hogan of old. Hell, he's not even the Hulk Hogan of 5 years ago.
As an on air talent it could be a good idea. I HATE ERIC BISCHOFF, every stunner he got, every super kick, when Vince threw him in a garbage truck I was close to tears of joy. There is something to be said for that kind of reaction. Bring him in to manage the MEM and it could give it some more credibility and longevity.

However if anyone has machinations of bringing him in to book for TNA I'd run for the hills. Bischoff loves the old timers, he doesn't want to make stars he wants to work with what already works. TNA has to focus on the young lions, while using the established talent as well. WCW PPV's were always awesome until the last 3 matches, the ones involving Luger, Piper, Hogan, Savage, Flair (no disrespect). Bischoff wasted the young talent because he was afraid to give them the ball, and step on veteran ego's. I'm not convinced that it would be any different today.
Bischoff was a genious, and an idiot at the same time. Google Kevin Nash interviews. He and many other WCW wrestlers said that Bischoff was smart in some ways, but was stupid in many other ways. He never cared about storylines and who won and lost. It was up to the wrestlers many times to figure out the match finishes. Bischoff was terrified of Hogan. Hogan ran WCW when he came there and turned heel. Make no mistake about it.

Warrior return? Hogan's idea. The Disciple? Hogan's idea. The NWO made WCW what is was and WCW died with the NWO. The talent was still there, but the storylines got old. Look at how pathetically Bret Hart was used in WCW. It was a joke.

TNA may as well sign Hogan, Bischoff, Hercules Hernandez, Paul Roma, and Hillbilly Jim because all TNA has is recycled WWE wrestlers. The only thing that TNA has, in my opinion, is A.J. Styles.
I also think that Bischoff as an on air talent for a short time could draw some interest, but it would never work giving him control of TNA. Remember that when he first started runing WCW he was given a blank check to do whatever he wanted. TNA just can't do that.

I tend to beleive that Hogan is just making noise in regards to TNA. He wants another run in WWE and is just using TNA as a ploy as others on here have said. Could he help short term? Yes. Is he worth all the baggage he brings for TNA? I say no. TNA needs to keep building slowly like they have been.
I also think that Bischoff as an on air talent for a short time could draw some interest, but it would never work giving him control of TNA. Remember that when he first started runing WCW he was given a blank check to do whatever he wanted. TNA just can't do that.

I tend to beleive that Hogan is just making noise in regards to TNA. He wants another run in WWE and is just using TNA as a ploy as others on here have said. Could he help short term? Yes. Is he worth all the baggage he brings for TNA? I say no. TNA needs to keep building slowly like they have been.

Your absolutely right. If $400,000 was a small payday for Hogan for minimal work leading into a single match, TNA just couldn't afford the crippled bastard. Also the SOB isn't worth the migrain. Hogan was WWF's original Diva (sorry Sunny). He is not God's gift to wrestling, he's a joke more so than ever.

Bischoff would have to work with what he currently had. His rep is sooo bad that he probably couldn't lure many (if any) WWE guys over and there aren't sufficient funds to shell out or nationally exposed talent pools (ECW) to raid.
I think Eric Bischoff to TNA is a great idea with Hulk Hogan to increase ratings since we have WWE shoving us garbage every week seriously this past RAW sucked big time , lousy matches and Bob Barker did not fit as a perfect host
Don't forget who kicked WWF's ass for 2 str8 years it was WCW Eric Bischoff and his genius talent and that is what TNA needs now
I've always said that Bischoff was a genius and Turner/AOL Time Warner should have let Bischoff buy the company instead of selling it to Vince. But that's a whole nother topic. I think bringing in Bischoff and putting him as head booker would be a great move by TNA and would difinitely help them in ratings and the company as a whole. I don't know too much about Hogan cuz I think there's not much he can do for TNA at the moment. I highly doubt that Bischoff will go simply because he's pre-occupied with his own projects at the moment and I don't think he would have enough time to do all that and still be head booker at TNA. Being a head booker of any company requires almost 24/7 time schedules to do what you have to do and he simply doesn't have that right now but ultimately, it would be a genious move on the part of TNA.
it would never work giving him control of TNA. Remember that when he first started runing WCW he was given a blank check to do whatever he wanted. TNA just can't do that.

Actually, it was the exact opposite. Bischoff, starting in 1997/1998, was being told what he can and can't do with WCW by a board of directors over at Turner/AOL/Time Warner. It is pretty much common knowledge by anyone that Bischoff had little to no control over WCW in the last year of his tenure from August 1998 till pretty much September 1999.

He was told they had to be more "Family Friendly" when WWF was kicking their ass by being adult. There is a literally a point where he asked the person at the head of the table if they even knew what night Monday Nitro aired on. They had to THINK about it. He asked as a joke and they had to think about the answer. It was that stupid toward the end.

So I am not sure where you got your info from, but any documentary on the subject tells it a lot differently.
Look Yes Hogan and Bischoff to TNA would bring some ratings but for how long?
I meen Hogan isn't going to stay in TNA forever plus once hes gone then what?

Besides TNA already has enough WWE wash ups so really doesn't need more.
Bischoff and Hogan in TNA could work if used properly. Hogan could be brought in and be put over guys like Jarrett, Foley, Nash, Booker T, Scott Steiner and maybe even Kurt Angle, and then he can put over guys like Samoa Joe and Matt Morgan.

Imagine how much an AJ Styles and Hulk Hogan vs Kurt Angle and Samoa Joe match would sell if built properly? In that match, Hogan could be victorious and still put over both AJ and Joe just by the rub alone.

Imagine how many times a brutal beatdown of Hogan by Joe could be replayed in video packages for years to come? Hogan did the same for Lesnar years ago, despite Lesnar only being in the WWE for a few months.

Hogan, in effect, will just need to team with AJ, Hernandez and Bobby Lashley and put over Joe and Morgan and any other victories over anybody else wouldn't hurt the company. Those guys are who matter right now in the grand scheme of things.

It just really depends on how much Hogan wants to play ball and how much he really has left in him. If he has just a few matches left in him, I would have him tag with AJ against Kurt Angle and Samoa Joe, have him face Samoa Joe and win by DQ after Joe goes crazy and then, on his third and last TNA match, he faces Matt Morgan and beats him in a classic Hogan vs big man match. It didn't hurt Randy Orton or HBK. That way, Hogan comes to TNA, wins 3 matches (give or take a few, maybe one or two with an actual loss) and is still able to give a nice rub and a buy rate boost. Just head-locking Hogan is a huge rub for young guys.

Bischoff can be used in a number of ways, depending on what they have going on at the time.
Bishoff in TNA? Well, I have thought about that in the past. I think that it would be a good idea, and a bad idea. IF Bishoff was to come to TNA, I would not have him in 100 perfect control of ANYTHING right away. I would let him sit in, see how things are done. Perhaps even make him an on air personality, like what TNA was doing with Cornette a couple of years ago. Pretty much babysteps. Give him a 1 year contract, at 500k. IF it works out, resign him at a higher rate.

As for this talk about Hogan? Please for the love of God I hope not. Hogan stopped being good 10 years ago. The only reason some people think he still has it because of his last billion or so runs in WWE is because guys like The Rock and HBK had to bust there asses to make him look good. I mean no disrespect ment, be did help make wrestling what it is today, but he was done 10 years ago. So I hope he isnt going to TNA. But if he did, about the ONLY person there that I would like to see him face would be Angle. O wait....didnt that already happen?
I've always said that Bischoff was a genius and Turner/AOL Time Warner should have let Bischoff buy the company instead of selling it to Vince. But that's a whole nother topic. I think bringing in Bischoff and putting him as head booker would be a great move by TNA and would difinitely help them in ratings and the company as a whole. I don't know too much about Hogan cuz I think there's not much he can do for TNA at the moment. I highly doubt that Bischoff will go simply because he's pre-occupied with his own projects at the moment and I don't think he would have enough time to do all that and still be head booker at TNA. Being a head booker of any company requires almost 24/7 time schedules to do what you have to do and he simply doesn't have that right now but ultimately, it would be a genious move on the part of TNA.

They actually were going to sell to Bischoff but Eric backed out when he couldn't get WCW on another network. As far as being a genius, no. He had a few very good ideas but you take away Turner's money and Bischoff was nothing. As much as Vince has done I don't consider him a genius either.

As far as Bischoff in TNA, it will never happen unless Bischoff gets major pull and a very big paycheck. I doubt he would last long because TNA has to work on a budget which is something he never had to work with in WCW.

As far as Hogan goes if he's willing to play ball the right way he would be a huge asset. But Hogan has never really played ball the right way so I see him plowing right through Styles and Joe and making them look bad.

In the end I think TNA needs to work with the younger guys they have now and get them over instead of worrying about retreads.
I think if Bischoff were to come to TNA, it would be very interesting to see what ideas he would come up with.

I really hope it would be something that would another dimension to TNA and not just a rehash.

As for Hogan, I think a small run in TNA could work really well.

If they worked out a several month/10 match series it could be both good for hogan and good for TNA.

For example

Hogan/AJ vs British Invasion (Hogan/AJ win)
Hogan/AJ vs MEM (MEM win followed by beat down - Daniels runs out to help)
Hogan/AJ/Daniels vs MEM (Hogan/AJ/Daniels win)
Hogan vs Eric Young (Hogan wins)
Hogan vs Angle (Hogan wins)
Hogan vs Joe (Joe Wins)
Hogan vs Joe II (Hogan Wins)
Hogan vs Morgan (Hogan Wins)
Hogan vs Daniels (Daniels wins)
Hogan vs AJ (AJ wins)

Given Hogan's age and injuries, if several of the matches were tag matches (as they are here) then it would cut Hogan's ring time and he could serve as the 'clean up guy'.

Also if there were 2-3 weeks between each match it would give Hogan time to rest up.

Plus having AJ and Daniels team up with Hogan he could give them the rub, and if AJ, Daniels and Joe were to beat Hogan then it would allow Hogan to pass the torch.

Then after a few months Hogan could leave TNA with his head held high, and TNA would benefit as well.

Sadly this is all just hearsay as Hogan and Bischoff are busy with the Hulkamania tour, so nothing could happen until next year if it ever did.
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