Epic Fail or Epic Stride : Where the Hell are we Going???

TJ Matics

It was never the same.
It's no secret that WWE is trying to shake things up,

Smackdown to SyFy,
All Divas NXT,
& Now unifying all the belts,

Were being taken into a dark tunnel,
So the qestion that needs to be asked is what will we see when we come out the other side,

Smackdown to SyFy

Will Smackdown finally get the ratings they deserve, and show off WWE's real wrestling talent,
Or will moving to this newtwork make Smackdown turn into a promo littered land that RAW has been depicted as?

All Divas NXT

WWE were upset over the Divas behavior, so there taking a handful of rookies that can wrestle better than most of their current divas,
Giving these divas their own show is the most effort WWE's put in to womens wrestling since Lita and Trish
Will this season, ratings fail or flop aside, open WWE's eyes to what real womens wrestling can be about,
Wil they finnaly push the likes of Gail.K and Natalya,
Or will they always search and push divas like Maryse down our throats?

Unifying the Belts

This is the Slauber Knocker,
Is this going to bury young talent that has been lately getting a nice ME picture?
Is this going to make whatever champion an instant star if the, not as pampered guy, gets the title?
Is the belt going to lead to one show (more than likely SmackDown) getting burried for months at a time while a storyline is going on on the opposite show?
You can only have so many triple threat matches, Can any one show really go so much as a month w/o a title?
Right now the WWE spends about 70% of their time foccusing on the ME,
Leaving about 15% for their mid-card Division
Another 10% for Tag-Team Division
& 5% for the Divas,
& This is being generous.
If one show has the title at one point,the other show will have no choice but to pay attention to other parts of the pie,
Because bickering over who's going to face the Champ wil become old sooner than later,
Is this going to be a turning point for lacking, at best, pieces of the pie,
Will the (US/Intercontinental) championship gain more prestige being, basically, the main title on a show?
Will we see more tag-team?
More interesting feuds?
Longer, more entertaining diva matches?
Or will they stick to their slice?

Important factors to look at:

NXT, Bringing in newer faces faster
John Cena, well, being John Cena
PG, including Hornswaggle and Guest Host:disappointed:

What's Going to stay the same?
What's getting the Big Boot?

Where are we going?
Finally listening to paying fans it seems. Only been bitching about such things for years.
Too many belts that have too little time dedicated to them

as for too many contenders, well for decades they had one world champ, the contenders were the IC champ and people inbetween, so thats not a bad thing.
and i don't think they want to get rid of the WCW World Title anytime soon as it has the prestige, and the WWF/E title has been around for too long to dump.
Get rid of the spinner and go back to a respectible looking belt the old title Hogan held and b4 austin got the smokin skull belt looked the best.

Nothing wrong with keeping those two seperate each show has it's champion
1 intercontinental or us champ
1 womens champ no diva's
1 tag team title

the only titles that still have prestige are the world titles and they are thrown around like garbage aswell

Could care less about the womens division, but thats mostly booking/talent fault

Could care less about NXT too, it's only marginally better than Tough Enough in that they are actually putting on matches, but who really caresa bout the other stuff

and the person who was clearly the best of the lit, not even a contest came 3rd in season 2. not that it matters the final 6 will all get contracts in one form or another and thats obvious so why even bother putting it as a contest.

Guest hosts aren't going anywhere any time soon, so that will still suck.

I say bring on the changes, won't make it any worse :) well hopefully it doesn't :P
Unify the belts at Wrestlemania. Do it just like WM 4 with each champ receiving a buy in the first round. Undertaker extends his streak by advancing to the finals. However his streak is ended by a heel turning Cena. Yea most people would hate it, but you couldnt wait to see Raw the next night.
Well as far as Smackdown! goes, the rating will depend on what kind of attention it gets. If they come in worse than they do on network tv, than I'm sure they'll devote considerable time with the soon to be (well rumored anyways) unified world title on the "B" show. I've never watched an episode of NXT EVER! With that said if this season is supposed to be an all divas only deal, I'm sure it'll end up just like those dumb ass Diva Search deals they did a few yrs back. As far as the unified titles go, I'm happy & excited to see it. Hopefully with all the new talent coming in, we will see more wrestling & less backstage crap. Wishful thinking on my part I'm sure :rolleyes:
Unifying the Belts[/B
At first I thought this would be a horrible no. horrendous idea. But as I kept thinking about it more and more it just feels right. I mean FINALLY the titles will mean something, imagine a WWE where the tag team division is as good as TNA or that the IC/US Title matches bring back memories of The Rock vs Triple H?
In this new unified world we will see new wrestlers actually become superstars instead of just being manufactured ones. The possiblitles are endless and they all point to the salvation of WWE.
an all diva nxt? well nxt wasn't doing the best ratings with males, so females? umm unless it's on the playboy channel.. FAIL

moving smackdown to syfy? def can't say it'll kill smackdown but better ratings on a cable channel instead of network tv.... that's almost impossible

no more duplicate belts? this is the one I can see good things happening for.... and bad... all depends how they do it.... and I have no idea exactly what they gonna do yet sooo... who the hell knows?
I think having an all female NXT would be somewhat refreshing.
Think about it, with Low-Ki winning season 2 and him getting a title shot and all, the E is gonna have to work him in storylines some how. Why not mix things up a bit and have a new diva breath some life into what has become a shameful divas division as of late?
Season 1 brought this Nexus storyline in which was a nice story.
Season 2 hopefully doesn't waste Low-ki's talent.
If Season 3 can revamp the divas division and cause them to wake up and start putting on some decent matches/get involved with decent stories, then only good things can happen, right?
when the titles are unified, it will make them more important because there will be less titles, and more contenders, thus giving more time to the titles. There have been some threads as to if the wwe is buying its time till the move. When they move, there are plans to draft some superstars, like edge, to smackdown. I know the move will only bring good, because edge will be back, and on raw, he really seemed to not know what he was doing as a heel. when he returns to smackdown, he will find his place, i hope, because he did so well from 2007 to 2009. The mid carders willl not get buried! they will have opportunities to get a shot at the more important mid card title that stays, whether it's the us or intercontinental championship. Although i prob. wont watch season 3, wwe needs new divas, new diva storylines, new diva matches. I mean, Laycool has a good thing going, they led kaval to win season 2 of nxt. I hope there will be more, different tag teams and matches, seeing that there is now 1 set. i want mcintyre and rhodes to win them, not the hart dynasty or r truth and jo mo. john morrison teaming with r truth is really killing his credibility. they lost at wrestlemania, they have lost on raw. Morrison MUST turn on truth, turning him heel, finally getting a real mid card storyline. When morrison was with miz, the dirt sheet was hilarious! he got so much heat, and had such personality. if he turns, he will be world champ at most 2012. NXT brings in so much new talent, we have from it the nexus, daniel bryan, and kaval, the Genesis with michael mcguillicutty (which needs to be led by the varsity villain!!!!!!) The wwe has been a phenomenon for 25 years, I think they know what they are doing!!!!!!!!
Women's NXT: The only reasons anyone would watch this is because 1) There's a 6ft 9in women on there (but apparently has been fired by Vickie) 2) Kelly Kelly's a pro. But in all seriousness NXT with males wasn't doing that good in ratings so an all female NXT isn't going to do good now is it.

SD To SyFy: This is the best thing for SD, the ratings should go up alot because it'll no longer be on network tv and will be on a cable channel. So SD getting higher ratings should make WWE give a flying fuck about the brand.

Unifying The Belts: Don't really know about this one.
The way I see things, the changes are going to hopefully produce better quality payper view matches. With less distractions amongst what title is more prestigious, each show can focus on specific elements to a payperview. For example if Raw focuses on the WWE title picture, an upper mid card feud and tagteam title picture. Smackdown could focus on semi-main event, the Intercontinental title scene and the women's title. This would allow adequate time for each brand to put together 6 quality yet thought out feuds going into a payperview rather than one show (RAW) trying to quickly put matches together without any justification. Hopefully this process will elmininate the garbage and wrestlers who are doing absolutely nothing in the WWE i.e. Rosa Mendes, Bella Twins, Santino Morella, Mark Henry, Great Khali, Jillan Hall, Heath Slater.

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