Entrance Themes That Grew on You Over Time


King Of The Ring
Forums are looking a little bare, thought I'd start up some conversation...

Any entrance themes that you originally hated but eventually grew on you over time?

I remember hating Big Show's music when I first heard it. More recently, Samoa Joe's theme has really grown on me.

Anyone else?
I think a philosophy that WWE has adopted in the last few years is that it's sometimes more important for a wrestler to connect with his own music than it is for the fans to connect to said music. I get people may not like ska music, but how can a Sami Zayn fan dislike it.

That being said, I hated Seth Rollins'music, but it fits his character, and his real life tastes in music. His connection to the music made it grow on me.
I hated Kevin Owens' music at first. I kinda dig it now. It's good for his character.

I hated the Acolytes theme when they debuted as Taker's lackey's. But when they morphed into the APA, I thought it fit their characters a lot better.
Kama's first WWF theme. At first the song went way over my head in terms of its awesomeness. These days, this theme makes me think of The Predator stalking through the jungle as he hunts Rambo, or a Jean-Claude Van Dam montage depicting him training to fight The Mountain.


The Midnight Express theme. This was basically The Chase by Giorgio Moroder, and my first impression was that it was silly, offbeat and that it made them seem like a goofy team. These days it's really grown on me and I hear it as a high energy rally for two men who represent the future of the business.


The Fabulous Rougeau Brothers theme. This song made the crowds hate these two with a passion because it mocks all the petty things that American men identified with. These days, it's so fucking awesome I can't stop listening to it. I think that today's audiences would not be able to get enough of these two, or their awesome theme song.


The Orient Express theme. My first impression of this one was that it was just a bunch of noises clumsily pasted together. These days, I hear it as the high energy theme that plays when Cesaro acts out a James Bond fight scene in an oriental casino. This song has a kind of Miami Vice vibe to it now where it reminds me of the more fun music from the 1980s.


The Beverly Brothers theme. This was a theme that seemed as plain and lifeless as this gimmick, just two guys who are supposedly smart running around beating jobbers. These days it has a "putting on the ritz" vibe with me that really makes it stand out as a classy tune. It's kind of like the theme music for a long drive through the city at night.


Big John Studd's theme. Sometimes it's all in how you listened to the song for the first time. I remember the first time I heard this theme, people in the audience were dancing to it. As a little kid I thought that was pretty stupid because Big John Studd isn't a happy dancing guy, he's a big mean guy. Almost three decades later, I'm finally rid of that image in my head. Now the theme reminds me of the building excitement that comes when one of pro-wrestling's greatest performers is making his way to the ring.

At first, I thought that Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose should have their themes switched. Rollins' is much more chaotic and vicious, while Ambrose's is much flashier and grandiose. It didn't make sense.

Now it would be weird to hear them walk out to anything else.
Disliked Dean's at first.

Cena's Time Is Now; Loved Dr. of Thugonomics so maybe that.
I recent memory probably Enzo and Big Cass's theme.

It has grown on me now but I really didn't like it at first.
I was such a fan of Burn in my Light that when Randy Orton first came out to Voices on a random RAW in May 2008 I was pretty pissed and disappointed. Now, in May 2016, I can honestly say no song has better fit Orton's persona than Voices and I can't really imagine him coming out to anything else - I'd still mark out if he came out to Burn in my Light on an "old school RAW" though.

I'm also definitely in the camp who despised both Dean and Seth's themes when they first debuted and always thought it was a cop-out to let Roman keep the Shield theme. Dean's has grown on me immensely, I love that beginning sound (is it an engine? A chainsaw? No clue) it honestly has become the PG equivalent to the glass shattering for Austin. Seth's is fine, as an earlier poster said: it fits his legitimate taste in music and matches his character. I'm not going to add it on iTunes or anything, but I think it works for him.

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