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Enters the Bully!


Pre-Show Stalwart
So the past two - three weeks we have seen Alex Riley keep close ties to The Miz after WWE NXT Season Two in which some people thought he should have won the competition. We all know that like last season (and the upcoming seasons) half of the WWE NXT Rookies will have reserved spots on the roster. Season One of WWE NXT created possibly one of the most dominate forces in WWE History The Nexus and Daniel Bryan. And Season Two of WWE NXT we see Kaval and possibly reserved spots for Michael McGillicutty, Husky Harris, and POSSIBLY Percy Watson and Lucky Cannon. But so far the only person we have seen from WWE NXT Season Two who did not win is Alex Riley.

So how do you think Alex Riley will be brought into the WWE? I personally see Daniel Bryan winning the United States Championship at Night of Champions and then The Miz claiming he is, "hurt" and therefore will not be able to compete tonight so his rematch clause will be have to be delayed until he is better, but he has another match set up and it's against none other than Alex Riley and if he wins he gets a place on the WWE Roster. Obviously Alex Riley wins and it won't be like he is just living off of The Miz and he will have a secure spot on the WWE Roster instead of just following The Miz and could be cut at any moment.

So what do you think of this idea?
How do you think Alex Riley will find his way onto the roster?
I don't like Alex Riley for some reason I can't stand him. I don't really know where Riley fits in because theirs already a ton of young talent in the mid-card and obviously Riley isn't main-event stuff. I can see Riley fitting in a tag team with Joe Henning I read somewhere that WWE was looking to rebuild their tag division. Why not put Riley there?
I like your idea. However, I think Miz's loss to Bryan at NoC will be due to Alex Riley costing him the match (by mistake). Miz will be irate at Riley and probably beat him down. Then, later in the night when Miz attempts to cash in his Money in the Bank on the sole survivor of the SixPackChallenge, Riley will break up Miz's attempt, costing him the WWE championship as well. This will set up a Riley/Miz feud.
For me, the standout from season 2 of NXT was Riley. I felt he really took the (tennis)ball WWE handed him and ran with it, proving to be a cut above anybody else from the point of view of being the full package. Good look, decent mic skills and competent in the ring. They made the right decision to put him with the Miz and the way Miz is being used and pushed currently, it's a pretty decent rub to have given Riley, so he has obviously impressed somebody in the back.

From here, I feel you're bang on with your assesment that he'll continue the feud with Daniel Bryan while The Miz goes onto bigger things, however following that, I think the similarities between his character and The Miz will work against him. Can't imagine them keeping two cocky heels with such a similar look on the same show, so perhaps a trade to Smackdown may be on the horizon in the next few months, where a possible feud with Hennig (I refuse to even acknowledge that ridiculous name they gave him) on Friday nights could work, as they showed good chemistry with eachother on NXT.

But yeah, definitely impressed with the kid so far.
Personally, i didnt know a lot about Riley before nxt, other than that he was a big name in FCW, but the only way for him to actully make it onto the WWE roster permanently, is to be under the wing of The Miz. Look at Kaval, he wins NXT, but he's still with Lay-Cool, its showing that the pro's are still mentoring, as there not fully ready (or so the script says). So i Expect Riley/Miz to be together for a bit longer...unless he makes a weird face turn or WWE really stoop and make a new Nexus to fight the old Nexus (hope it Dosn't happen :L) ...I'm Just Sayin...
I think Riley needs a little more time to develop. He's just with Miz now because that was his pro and they're trying to find a place for Riley like you've said. I don't see him being attatched to Miz much longer as Miz doesnt need that right now. I do like the tag team with henning idea....but i'd rather see him get a little more time under his belt, let Miz finish out his push/angle...then come back and feud with Miz.
I think Riley will definitely make the roster. He is pretty good and if you think about it he looked very ready for the main roster. I loved Riley on NXT, but he didn't really get all that much better over the course of the show so it didn't really bode too well for him. Eventually I think Alex Riley will be a future champion and that he will be a success throughout his career.
I've never been a big fan of A-Ri, much like mikeytot stated earlier. Sure Riley has the look and the mic skills to make it in the business. I think it is best to keep him with Miz for a bit, but keep having him fail Miz in his doings and then Miz can take him out. This can get Riley off TV for a bit and prepare him for a run on SD or something. Riley obviously has a spot ready for him on the roster, but I don't think he is quite there yet. Like I said, take him off TV with a Miz beatdown and then have him return on his own, still as a heel claiming that Miz beat some sense into him and now he is ready to embark on his WWE career on his own.
a possible feud with Henning (I refuse to even acknowledge that ridiculous name they gave him) .

Well at least get his real name right........HENNIG not Henning!

As for Riley, I can see him being th Miz's lacky for a good while yet. I can't seeing him getting anywhere on his own, just yet.
Alex Riley feuding with the miz? are u kidding me. I know the wwe is pushing young talent, but the miz is on the main event level or almost there and Alex Riley is nothing. Daniel Bryan has a wrestling past and is great in the ring. The wwe needs more midcarders and he fits in. Alex Riley has only proven that he can run an obstacle course on NXT. Please if your going to come up with fantasy ideas for future stars atleast pick someone that people care about.
For some reason I think a Alex Riley and Evan Bourne feud can be good if done well. Have Riley attack Bourne after a match a say "how does a chump like you have a spot on the roster an I dont blah blah blah" then have Riley take out Bourne. Have Bourne off tv for a month then move him to SD since they teased a program with him and Del Rio.
Why's Riley on Raw? gManager did it.

As for why he's the only one of the XNT2 rookies that didn't win to be on TV. Simple, he's better than them. McGillicutty is bland, Cannon is shit, Percy is green, Titus is Otunga with no redeming features and Husky is still rough around the edges.

Riley has his flaws but they're ones that can be better sorted on the road than in FCW. The others... not so much.
I'm not at all surprised that Riley has been on TV post-NXT. He's clearly got the tools to succeed, though he still has room to grow in the ring. As for a feud with Miz... Really? I don't see that happening at all, especially with any kind of face turn involved. The guy is a natural heel. I can see him interfering on Sunday and accidentally costing Miz the match, but it's not going to lead to Miz wasting his time feuding with a rookie while he waits to cash in for the WWE title.

I find it interesting that in his two recent Raw appearances we've seen him in street clothes and in a Miz shirt, rather than sporting his varsity jacket. I'm willing to bet they'll throw out that aspect of his gimmick, as I think it held him back and prevented him from being taken more seriously. Granted he's pulled it off well, but a 20-something guy acting like he's still a high school bully is rather juvenile. I see a bright future ahead of him, probably leading to mid-card titles, and if he puts the work in, a main event push a few years down the road. That said, at the moment, he's way too similar to Miz for them to be on the same show and doing the same sort of mic work, unless they're doing it in tandem. I think he'll stick around as Miz's lackey for a few weeks, but eventually they'll cut the cord. The only way they'd really get away with it would be as a tag team, and Miz has done enough of that for the moment, especially since he'll be vying for the WWE Championship any day now.
Alex Riley feuding with the miz? are u kidding me. Alex Riley has only proven that he can run an obstacle course on NXT. Please if your going to come up with fantasy ideas for future stars atleast pick someone that people care about.

Only proven he can run an obstacle course? Wow. Now I'll admit his in-ring skills may not be as technical as Daniel Bryan or as exciting as Kaval but a lot of NXT pitted the NXT rookies against what seemed to be the most formidable foe of all; the microphone. And week in and out Alex Riley showed that he was not capable of tripping up on the mic like everyone else did over and over again. He was the one guy to actually focus on the camera once in a while, while everyone else let their eyes wander around nervously. He was the one guy that was sure of himself, which is pretty hard to do. And in terms of look, with Superman John Cena and muscleman Sheamus around, everyone else with talent just looks weak when in the ring against them, but Riley would look like he could hang with them physique-wise.

Sure, the Miz is better than what the majority of the WWE's roster can offer right now in terms of overall consistency and talent but he is in no way as good as the pedestal you seem to be putting him on by arguing that Riley is incapable of making a feud with him interesting. I'm assuming you will argue that Riley is a rookie in WWE and he needs to earn his stripes. That's an okay argument but with the way WWE is now you are not given many opportunities to showcase yourself on a weekly basis and stay relevant; they throw you under the bus pretty quickly. Which is why I wouldn't mind seeing him make a bold statement quickly while he is in such a position to do so. I think it would make for good TV.
I like your idea. However, I think Miz's loss to Bryan at NoC will be due to Alex Riley costing him the match (by mistake). Miz will be irate at Riley and probably beat him down. Then, later in the night when Miz attempts to cash in his Money in the Bank on the sole survivor of the SixPackChallenge, Riley will break up Miz's attempt, costing him the WWE championship as well. This will set up a Riley/Miz feud.

I hadn't thought about this yet ,but i do see how it could happen. Someone else brought up WWE wanting to revamp their tag team division, so what if this did happen and Riley gets this royal beat down from Miz after costing him MITB. All of a sudden out come DAniel Bryan to amke the save. From there we see Riley and Bryan taking turns fighting and attacking Miz until one day Miz decides to go get a tag team partner.

I know what your thinking - its not plausable, Miz don't need this, why would Bryan help Riley, we don't need Miz in tag team action, Riley and Bryan as a tag team? why? BUT- Stranger things have happened in the WWE.
As for a feud with Miz... Really? I don't see that happening at all, especially with any kind of face turn involved. The guy is a natural heel. I can see him interfering on Sunday and accidentally costing Miz the match, but it's not going to lead to Miz wasting his time feuding with a rookie while he waits to cash in for the WWE title.

You have a good point with Riley turning face not working. Also, I guess I just still refuse to believe that the Miz is a viable contender for a World/WWE championship, so I figured a feud with Riley would not hurt his momentum but I guess it would hinder it. I dunno, I mean I don't mind the Miz but he really is not memorable on a weekly basis. I think he's totally worked hard and developed himself but if the WWE title was about pure wrestling skill and persona, I don't think he'd deserve it at all. He needs a new finishing move too. A cool finisher makes up for a lot of other flaws in wrestling and his finisher sucks. I mean, Grandmasta Sexay used it...
I hadn't thought about this yet ,but i do see how it could happen. Someone else brought up WWE wanting to revamp their tag team division, so what if this did happen and Riley gets this royal beat down from Miz after costing him MITB. All of a sudden out come DAniel Bryan to amke the save. From there we see Riley and Bryan taking turns fighting and attacking Miz until one day Miz decides to go get a tag team partner.

I know what your thinking - its not plausable, Miz don't need this, why would Bryan help Riley, we don't need Miz in tag team action, Riley and Bryan as a tag team? why? BUT- Stranger things have happened in the WWE.

I like the way you think, RoseFire81. And, yeah, WWE creative team definitely seems like they're winging everything they do these days so your hypothesis may indeed come to fruition. I think it would even be cool if Riley and Bryan teamed up and joined the Miz as they were under his tutelage throughout NXT. They could be the Mizfits. lol.
I would love to see Riley stick around Miz for a while and be a bodyguard type character ala Diesel and HBK back in the day. The duo could help push each other as awesome heels until one turns face down the line. Diesel pushed HBK to the next level while making a star out of himself in the process. I can see Riley and Miz being much more of the same and I couldn't be more excited about it.
I figure "Ken Doll" Riley is here to stay, at least until the WWE realizes that he's far too generic a villain to stand out. His gimmick is rather like Jack Swagger's bumped down to high-school level. For this reason, I would say that if he does stick around he should either be kept on separate brands from or tag-team partnered with Swagger. Still, I hope he disappears soon.

Not that I don't see any potential in the guy. Either brand could use a good entry-level jobber villain for young faces on their way up, but that's really all I see out of this guy. Either that, or Alex could play "Luke Gallows" to the Miz's "CM Punk". Either way, I predict that Riley will fall into obscurity sooner rather than later and be dropped back to developmental.
I hope not for 3 reasons
1) Miz will now have back to back fueds with "Rookies". Miz is not a big enough name to truly give them a rub yet and losing just buries them
2) I dont want Bryan to win. Miz has been dominated by Bryan. He needs the win (albeit not a clean one) much more than Bryan does. He can lose it but down the line
3) The idea of cashing in the night he loses the US title is horrible. Because then logically the guy who won the US Title has claim to being number one contender .NO No No
I like your idea. However, I think Miz's loss to Bryan at NoC will be due to Alex Riley costing him the match (by mistake). Miz will be irate at Riley and probably beat him down. Then, later in the night when Miz attempts to cash in his Money in the Bank on the sole survivor of the SixPackChallenge, Riley will break up Miz's attempt, costing him the WWE championship as well. This will set up a Riley/Miz feud.

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