ENGLISH, people!

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Dark Match Jobber
Just a rant here. Am I alone in finding the laziness of members of message boards who refuse to use English beyond irritating? I'd love to quote some members but I'm unsure if that would be considered flaming so I won't.

tlking l1k this doznt make u look kool

A typo is a typo. It doesn't matter who you are, everybody makes them once in a while. It's also another thing for English not to be your main language. But for somebody who has gone through the American schooling system and just doesn't care about appearing ignorant on the Web, that's pathetic. If you don't know how to spell something and you're on the 'Net, guess what? You could go to Google or check out m-w.com for the correct spelling. It's as easy as that. Call me "the grammar police" all you want, I don't care. There are many Bratz Dolls and NeoPets related boards where this discussion would never arise, perhaps you'd find sanctuary there away from the evil grammar police?
My grammar & spelling is pretty bad. But as I also can't read properly that doesn't make much difference to me. But what annoys me is iz, dis, dat, u, style posting. That's just lazy. I give infractions for it. Even I can spell is, this, that & you. There's no excuse. If you're not prepared to type properly then don't bother at all. Or at least do it in the spam zone, that's what that sections for.

Although typos & just general bad spelling don't bother me. Typos happen. And I'm not prepared to Google every work I think I can't spell. There's also need need to point bad spelling out.
Agreed. I hate that shorthand junk. I've gotten e-mails like that from coworkers.

"my puter not wrking. Pls come help. What time u coming?"

I hate the "u" for "you" and stuff like that. My spelling isn't always perfect, and, like Jake, I don't really have a problem with typos. It is a forum, not a college paper, but that shorthand crap has to go.
Im also far from perfect with my typing skills, but nothing drives me crazier then when someone purposly types "u" "r" etc. It is a huge pet peeve to me.
Im also far from perfect with my typing skills, but nothing drives me crazier then when someone purposly types "u" "r" etc. It is a huge pet peeve to me.

yeah abbreviations like that suck I get pissed just like everyone else when I have to decode shit just to read a post. however the one abbreviation I dont mind is LAWLS that was timeless.

what ever happened with ZoomHBK anyways?
Haha. Please never use "L***s" again. I may end of shooting you. I think she got banned?

I know this is pretty minor, but I hate when words such as "you're, your, their, there" etc etc are used incorrectly. English people 'tend to think this is correct:

"I really like youre car". That annoys me to no end. No offense.
English people 'tend to think this is correct:

"I really like youre car". That annoys me to no end. No offense.

If you mean people who speak English, then that's pretty broad. If you mean people who come from England, then don't bother starting that one, because there's a hell of a lot of English people on this board (myself included) who do actually know how to use punctuation correctly. Just check out this post itself, I'm using punctuation, capital letters and spelling. 3 things at least half of the members on this board can't do. And I'm English. Full English. Like the breakfast.

Colamania running wild, brother.
Okay, I admit: typos are typos, and I am not trying to bring that fact down at all, but in all honesty, it is a little thing called editing. Simply proofreading what you read can make a world of difference. Typing correctly, with proper grammar, punctuation, spelling, capitalization, and the works can really help you out in the long run because nowadays, more and more people are accepting jobs in which typing skills are very valuable. But I digress... I don't pretend to be perfect, and even MY typing sometimes commits errors such as typos and such.
Seriously, I absolutely HATE what "text speak" has done to the english language.
I'll admit when I text I use some shortenings of words, and I do tend to use "tho" instead of "though" when online, but other than that, I tend to be a grammar nazi.
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