Ending Suicide – The Return of an Angel?

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Pre-Show Stalwart
Is it time for his return? Curry Man was (thankfully) fired over four months ago in a segment that could have easily been used as a springboard to bring Daniels back but the transition was never made due to the injuries to Kazarian who was scheduled to fill the role of TNA's video game character (yes, video game character) "Suicide". As many of you know by now, Daniels has been filling the void behind the mask for a few weeks on screen while Kaz rehabs.

If you ask me Suicide's character was meaningless to begin with when you consider just how little success the video game itself had to begin with, and compounded with the fact the character is literally based off a video game, I don't think it's hard to put one and one together and to understand TNA should probably be moving on from this as painlessly as possible.

Now, that said, here's my offer on how to transition:

Since a run-in save when Frontline was being dismantled week-after-week is no longer possible, run the Suicide character into the spotlight. Yes, push him. I want him on iMPACT! at least twice a month, and promos in the coming weeks.

Continue his feud with Sabin and Shelly regularly (as a means to tie the character attacking MMG so often), and build the story line around ambiguity. No one knows who the guy is, but his move set is awfully familiar to Daniels'. Cut promos with him about angels (and demons), and have him square off at "Sacrifice" with both of them for the X-Division title. TNA loves gimmicks, so if you want to add a stipulation to the match that requires Daniels to unmask if he loses you've given him a out for the character – otherwise, I suggest he simply do so himself mid-ring to reveal who he really is to both Sabin and Shelly after retaining the belt.

Simple, safe, and voila – the return of Christopher Daniels.

Supposedy Kaz is on his way back from injury. So they will probably have him take over soon and Daniels will come back that way. I don't see Sucide leaving TNA anytime soon.

I like your idea but what would have to be done is if he unmasked on his own they would have to strip him of the X-Division title due to the fact that Suicide was the Champion not Daniels. Like they did when Kaz and Super Eric won the Tag Titles when it was suppoused to be Eric Young and I don't really want to see another title stripped like that. It was stupid the first time and would be stupid now seeing how we know that it's Daniels just like we knew it was Eric Young.
Simple solution:

Have Suicide continue as is, but suddenly not only he is taking out heels, he starts taking out faces as well. Make it seem almost chaotic as to what he does next. One segment he acts like a face, the next a heel.

Have it all play on for a fair bit, until we encounter 2 Suicides in the ring. Have them battle for a while, the whole time you are never sure which Suicide you have. Have it culminate at a PPV, where the face Suicide pulls out the non decisive win (rollup or something) and then gets completely beaten down and destroyed by the heel Suicide, who plucks off the mask to reveal that he is the Fallen Angel. You could easily build up this feud and keep it going over several months.
Have MMG accuse suicide of being Daniels, and when Kaz is ready have daniels interfer in a match between suicide and MMG.
Why not just kill off the character and bring back Kaz and Christopher Daniels? They are worth far more to TNA right now than Suicide. With Suicide you're promoting a flopped video game with a guy in Spiderman pyjamas. With Kaz and Daniels you're offering something different to the fans that are trying out TNA. They offer such innovative wrestling that with Kaz and Daniels you'll say "I won't get that in WWE this is something different" with Suicide you'll say "What the hell? is that a power ranger?".
Why not just kill off the character and bring back Kaz and Christopher Daniels? They are worth far more to TNA right now than Suicide. With Suicide you're promoting a flopped video game with a guy in Spiderman pyjamas. With Kaz and Daniels you're offering something different to the fans that are trying out TNA. They offer such innovative wrestling that with Kaz and Daniels you'll say "I won't get that in WWE this is something different" with Suicide you'll say "What the hell? is that a power ranger?".

I dunno... Is Suicide really any different than NWO era Sting?

I do agree to an extent regarding Christopher Daniels. He is a legitimate commodity that has been with the company for a while.

Kaz, on the other hand... That dude just can't get over. They give him a string of main event spots and big wins... and nothing. The crowd just doesn't seem to respond to him at all. While Suicide isn't really the best gimmick going, it still gets more of a reaction than Kaz ever did.
Kaz's issue is his ring attire. I've said that day one. If he found a simpler gimmick and lost that stupid fuckin' Metallica logo he'd have a shot at getting over. Book him as he used to be booked to an extent – as "the future". Everything about his look is counter productive to his entrance and his in-ring style.

As for a Suicide vs. Suicide schtick – no thank you. It's bad enough with one, the last thing we need is people being confused with two of them. Half the smarks are already confused as to who is in the costume week-to-week. At one point it was Kazarian, Daniels and even rumored to be Low Ki.
Kaz's issue is his ring attire. I've said that day one. If he found a simpler gimmick and lost that stupid fuckin' Metallica logo he'd have a shot at getting over. Book him as he used to be booked to an extent – as "the future". Everything about his look is counter productive to his entrance and his in-ring style.

As for a Suicide vs. Suicide schtick – no thank you. It's bad enough with one, the last thing we need is people being confused with two of them. Half the smarks are already confused as to who is in the costume week-to-week. At one point it was Kazarian, Daniels and even rumored to be Low Ki.

For me, Kaz has just been "bland". He has good ring work, but there's little to really make him stick out. I agree that his ring attire blows, but I think it runs deeper than that. The fans have very little to invest in with him. He has no real gimmick to hook people, has truly horrible promos, and simply isn't remarkable.

I agree that Suicide vs Suicide isn't exactly stellar, but I do think it would be better than whatever TNA does decide to do with the angle. Also, I am firmly against the idea of booking towards Smarks. Smarks are going to complain regardless of what you do. The everyday fan, making up a much larger share of the audience, is happy just to be along for the ride.
Kaz to me is a lot like Rhodes or DiBiase. Good body, great worker, but nothing really there to book with. That's why I was hoping Kaz could be pushed as something – given a gimmick outside of that god-awful Metallica outfit. He used that back to the future gimmick previously in WWE – it's the reason his finishers are titled the way they are. Why not push that again? It's not as though it fell flat – he was just never really given that push in WWE. When you're debuting on "Velocity" something is to be said of the faith in you the company actually has. Hell, Matt Sydal (Evan Bourne) was given a bigger push right off the bat and all because he could do a shooting star press. You can't tell me there's more to "Evan Bourne" than that...

I'm not advocating booking for or even toward smarks. I know they'll never be happy because they aren't universally in agreement for anything, ever.

I just think when you consider how long Daniels' track record is with TNA that you could get a huge pop in bringing him back, especially if it's through something like Suicide. He's got a very recent history with Sabin through the X-Division so the tie is there.
I agree with you 100% regarding Kaz. He's... generic. There just isn't anything setting him apart. A lot of it does have to do with a lack of focus and quality camera time. A win here and a main event there won't make the fans care. Give Kaz a gimmick (doesn't even have to be anything particularly fancy or unique) and some focus on the show, and it would take him farther than he's been given. (Don't get me started on Evan Bourne...)

I would like to think that Daniels would get a good pop and respect upon returning, but considering they did a ridiculous firing angle on him, brought him in as frickin Curry Man of all things, did the same damn firing angle again, and then bought him in somebody else's gimmick as a loaner, I have no doubt that TNA booking will royally screw it up.
Well having faith in TNA's booking is one thing – the idea itself is another. I certainly wouldn't write off the idea that at some point Jarrett, Mantel or Carter would mess with it trying to make it something WWE-like and destroy it. Dixie's got a thing with wanting to compete with WWE so it's not far fetched at all.

I really think something simple with Kaz would be perfect. Look at AJ. His gimmick? "Phenomenal". It's nothing more than a push on his own in-ring ability. That's why I keep harping on the idea of rehashing "The Future" gimmick. He would have to change so little about himself outside of his attire – and even there it'd be minimal. Just losing that lousy Metallica gag and replacing it with something simple. Look what it did for Matty Morgan – all he did was get new tights with a blueprint graphic.
In complete honesty, be it Christopher Daniels or Kaz, this storyline and character (Suicide) is honestly destroying both of them. They literally can't use their own movesets as to not give anything away. And Daniels honestly SUCKS as Suicide. Kaz, at least had the moves down better.

The best way to end this storyline is to have Daniels (or Kaz) unmask then cut a promo about why.

For Daniels: It would basically be him discovering a loop-hole back into the Company, under a mask. Then he'd have some type of match in which he'd have to win, to regain the ability to re-work for the Company under his original name and gimmick.

For Kaz: Simply put.. heel turn. He needs to unmask, then turn on the fans saying he did it for them because they all booed him, despite how he went out and gave it his all. So he tricked them all, into playing a character that was "popular" from a video game. (Sam constantly says he sucks and is too bland, maybe this could help him find a personality)

Either way, the Suicide storyline is just plain stupid. A.) It's based off a character from a game. What's next, W.W.E's gonna debut "Tony"?
I have to be honest i think the whole Suicide characters gone on for too long like it would of been decent to use him more when the TNA impact game had been released
then have him unmask when the games not really being promoted as much as it was

But i have a question when they do unmask Suicide who do you think it will be Kaz or Fallen Angel?
A little off topic, but did anyone notice the two or three rows of front row Suicide t-shirts at the last set of iMPACT! tapings? I think it's glaringly obvious all those people did not pay for those shirts. TNA is trying way too hard to get this clown over.
Wow. TNA gets another 5'8, 185 lb douche-bag with no charisma. I hated Daniels. At least as Curryman he was entertaining. Now he is just a boring, bald, little dude who thinks he is tough.
Wow. TNA gets another 5'8, 185 lb douche-bag with no charisma. I hated Daniels. At least as Curryman he was entertaining. Now he is just a boring, bald, little dude who thinks he is tough.

So instead of having Christopher Daniels, the Fallen Angel, you would rather have him act Japanese, dance around in a power ranger costume, with a plate of food on his head?????

You were crammed into your locker alot in high school wern't you????
I gotta start this by giving TheOneBigWill respect for his rib of "Tony". Suicide is a waste of Christopher Daniels talent, TNA is a waste of his talent, i'd much rather see him go to ROH and the indys where he could actually do some good. Suicide is a pointless marketing opportunity, what little amount of people purchased the TNA game traded it back for something good after a couple of days because the storyline based around Suicide was terrible, I unfortunately bought the game myself (granted I only paid $28 for it and I got 2 free TNA dvds out of it) but I still feel less of a man for ever having owned it. In conclusion he's a terrible character with an ugly outfit and I hope they scrap it as soon as possible.

Sidenote: It was great to hear Jarrett call someone a Slapnut again!
Suicide is a bad joke, and one of the reasons I stopped watching TNA temporarily. I am in the camp that feels Kaz can be way over, if given the proper push. They began that push last year, but as Rome stated, his ring attire was just too atrocious. I enjoyed him when he and Borash interviewed the new Knockouts on youtube, and he should just be that guy. I think the Goldust stuff really buried him.

Christopher Daniels is also someone who should be running with Styles and Joe right now. Which he probabley will.

I think they should just hire some high flyer a la Amazing Red, someone of that ilk, to play Suicide.
So instead of having Christopher Daniels, the Fallen Angel, you would rather have him act Japanese, dance around in a power ranger costume, with a plate of food on his head?????

You were crammed into your locker alot in high school wern't you????

Actually, Curry Man was way more over than Chris Daniels ever was as the Fallen Angel, and I'm sure he sold more merchandise as well.

To most people The Fallen Angel gimmick is just "meh". There was never anything that great about him. Sure hes a good wrestler, but there are alot more of those in TNA. He can cut a good promo, but there are way better ones already in TNA. He's obviously gonna get a huge pop at the Impact Zone when he returns, but that doesn't mean much. The Impact Zone is full of marks.

He'll be wrestling at the LockDown PPV. Let's see what kind of reaction he gets in Philly. I hope it's a good one.
This is a completely random idea but I kinda liked it. How about making them into a tag team. Somehow reveal that it was both of them under the mask at different times, I don't really know how they could work that out (that's what creative is for I guess). They could go by the name Suicidal.
Daniels is coming back this week as the Fallen Angel, folks. The real question is how to push Kaz again.
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